Publications - print summary 26 Feb 2014 1 *Abdo, A.A.; Ajello, M.; Allafort, A.; Baldini, L.; Ballet, J.; Barbiellini, G.; Baring, M.G.; Bastieri, D.; Belfiore, A.; Bellazzini, R.; and 201 coauthors "The second Fermi Large Area Telescope catalog of gamma-ray pulsars". (P) ApJS, 208, A17 (2013) 2 *Abeywickrema, S.; Allen, G.; Ardern, K.; Schinckel, A.; Leitch, A.; Wilson, C.; Beresford, R. "Practical solutions for realising an RFI compliant building for the Australian SKA Pathfinder telescope". In: (A) Asia-Pacific International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 368-371 Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 May, 2013, (2013) 3 *Abramowski, A.; Acero, F.; Aharonian, F.; Akhperjanian, A. G.; Angüner, E.; Anton, G.; Balenderan, S.; Balzer, A.; Barnacka, A.; Stevens, J.; Edwards, P.G. and 205 coauthors "HESS and Fermi-LAT discovery of gamma-rays from the blazar 1ES 1312-423". (C) MNRAS, 434, 1889-1901 (2013) 4 *Acero, F.; Donato, D.; Ojha, R.; Stevens, J.; Edwards, P.G.; Ferrara, E.; Blanchard, J.; Lovell, J.E.J.; Thompson, D.J "Hunting for treasures among the fermi unassociated sources: A multiwavelength approach". (C) ApJ, 779, A133 (2013) 5 Allison, J.R.; Curran, S.J.; Sadler, E.M.; Reeves, S.N. "Broad, weak 21 cm absorption in an early-type galaxy: spectral line finding and parametrization for future surveys". (C) MNRAS, 430, 157-162 (2013) 6 Allison, J.R.; Sadler, E.M.; Curran, S.J.; Reeves, S.N. "Probing the cool ISM in galaxies via 21 cm H i absorption". In: (C) IAUS 292: Molecular Gas, Dust, and Star Formation in Galaxies, Beijing, China, August 8, 188 2012, (eds. T. Wong, J. Ott) (2013) 7 Aravena, M.; Murphy, E.J.; Aguirre, J.E.; Ashby, M.L.N.; Benson, B.A.; Bothwell, M.; Brodwin, M.; Carlstrom, J.E.; Chapman, S.C.; Crawford, T.M.; and 19 coauthors "Large gas reservoirs and free-free emission in two lensed star-forming galaxies at z = 2.7". (C) MNRAS, 433, 498-505 (2013) 1 Publications - print summary 26 Feb 2014 8 *Asgekar, A.; Oonk, J.B.R.; Yatawatta, S.; van Weeren, R.J.; McKean, J.P.; White, G.; Jackson, N.; Anderson, J.; Avruch, I. M.; Batejat, F.; Braun, R. and 81 coauthors "LOFAR detections of low-frequency radio recombination lines towards Cassiopeia A". (O) A&A, 551, L11 (2013) 9 Ashby, M.L.N.; Stanford, S.A.; Brodwin, M.; Gonzalez, A.H.; Martinez-Manso, J.; Bartlett, J.G.; Benson, B.A.; Bleem, L.E.; Crawford, T.M.; Dey, A.; and 11 coauthors "The Spitzer South Pole Telescope deep field: Survey design and infrared array camera catalogs". (C) ApJS, 209, A22 (2013) 10 *Assaf, K.A.; Diamond, P.J.; Richards, A M.S.; Gray, M.D. "Polarization morphology of SiO masers in the circumstellar envelope of the asymptotic giant branch star R Cassiopeiae". (O) MNRAS, 431, 1077-1089 (2013) 11 *Banerji, M.; Glazebrook, K.; Blake, C.; Brough, S.; Colless, M.; Contreras, C.; Couch, W.; Croton, D.J.; Croom, S.; Davis, T.M.; Jurek, R.J. and 16 coauthors "The stellar masses of ˜ 40 000 UV selected Galaxies from the WiggleZ survey at 0.3<z<1.0: analogues of Lyman break galaxies?".(O) MNRAS, 431, 2209-2229 (2013) 12 *Bannister, K.W.; Chomiuk, L.; Rupen, M.; Sokoloski, J. "ATCA detection of Nova Centauri 2013". (C) Astronomer's Telegram, 5685, (2013) 13 *Bannister, K.W.; Cornwell, T.J. "Memory-efficient w-projection with the fast Gauss transform". (O) MNRAS, 430, 2390-2400 (2013) 14 Barnes, P.J.; Ryder, S.D.; O'Dougherty, S.N.; Alvarez, L.E.; Delgado-Navarro, A.S.; Hopkins, A.M.; Tan, J.C. "Millimetre-wave and near-infrared signposts of massive molecular clump evolution and star cluster formation". (M) MNRAS, 432, 2231-2246 (2013) 15 *Barr, E.D.; Guillemot, L.; Champion, D.J.; Kramer, M.; Eatough, R.P.; Lee, K.J.; Verbiest, J.P. W.; Bassa, C.G.; Camilo, F.; Johnston, S.; Keith, M.J.; and 12 coauthors "Pulsar searches of Fermi unassociated sources with the Effelsberg telescope". (O) MNRAS, 429, 1633-1642 (2013) 2 Publications - print summary 26 Feb 2014 16 *Beardsley, A. P.; Hazelton, B. J.; Morales, M. F.; Arcus, W.; Barnes, D.; Bernardi, G.; Bowman, J. D.; Briggs, F. H.; Bunton, J. D.; Cappallo, R. J.; Stevens, J.and 40 coauthors "The EoR sensitivity of the Murchison Widefield Array". (O) MNRAS, 429, L5-L9 (2013) 17 *Benaglia, P.; Koribalski, B.; Peri, C.S.; Martí, J.; Sánchez-Sutil, J.R.; Dougherty, S.M.; Noriega-Crespo, A. "High-resolution radio emission from RCW 49/Westerlund 2". (C) A&A, 559, A31 (2013) 18 *Benaglia, P.; Koribalski, B.; Peri, S.C.; Marti, J.; Sanchez-Sutil, R.J.; Dougherty, M.S. "First results from 3D-arcsec resolution cm-images of RCW 49/Westerlund 2". In: (C) Massive Stars: From alpha to omega, Rhodes, Greece, 10-14 June 2013, id 2 (2013) 19 *Beresford, R.; Bunton, J. "Shielding requirements for ADE receivers". In: (A) Asia-Pacific International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 300-303 Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 May 2013, (2013) 20 *Beresford, R.; Li, Li. "Pre-compliance EMC measurements for MRO equipment". In: (A) Asia-Pacific International Symposium and Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 296-299 Melbourne, Australia, 20-23 May, 2013, (2013) 21 *Bernardi, G.; Greenhill, L.J.; Mitchell, D.A.; Ord, S.M.; Hazelton, B. J.; Gaensler, B.M.; de Oliveira-Costa, A.; Morales, M.F.; Udaya Shankar, N.; Bunton, J.; and 43 coauthors "A 189 MHz, 2400 deg2 polarization survey with the Murchison Widefield Array 32-element prototype". (O) ApJ, 771, A105 (2013) 22 *Bhattacharyya, B.; Roy, J.; Ray, P.S.; Gupta, Y.; Bhattacharya, D.; Romani, R.W.; Ransom, S.M.; Ferrara, E.C.; Wolff, M.T.; Camilo, F.; and 10 coauthors "GMRT discovery of PSR J1544+4937: An eclipsing black-widow pulsar identified with a Fermi-LAT source". (O) ApJ, 773, L12 (2013) 3 Publications - print summary 26 Feb 2014 23 *Bignall, H.E.; Koay, J.Y.; Lovell, J.E.J.; Jauncey, D.L.; Macquart, J-P.; Pursimo, T.; Ojha, R.; Rickett, B.; Kedziora-Chudczer, L.; Reynolds, C.; Khoo, S. "An Update on MASIV: How intrinsic properties influence interstellar scintillation of AGN. (C,V) Resolving the Sky - Radio Interferometry: Past, Present and Future, Manchester, United 134 Kingdom, 17-20 April, 2012 (eds. M.A. Garrett, C. Greenwood) (2013) 24 Blanchard, J. "Linking the radio and gamma-ray properties of blazars". (C) PhD Thesis, University of Tasmania, May (2013) 25 *Blasi, M.G.; Lico, R.; Giroletti, M.; Orienti, M.; Giovannini, G.; Cotton, W.; Edwards, P.G.; Fuhrmann, L.; Krichbaum, T.P.; Kovalev, Y.Y.; and 7 coauthors "The TeV blazar Markarian 421 at the highest spatial resolution". (O) A&A 559, A75 (2013) 26 *Bock, D.C.-J.; Carrad, G. "The Australia Telescope National Facility - recent upgrades and future plans". In: (C,P) 2013 US National Committee of URSI National Radio Science Meeting, Boulder, USA, 9-12 1 17 January, 2013, (2013) 27 Bolatto, A.D.; Warren, S.R.; Leroy, A.K.; Walter, F.; Veilleux, S.; Ostriker, E.C.; Ott, J.; Zwaan, M.; Fisher, D.B.; Weiss, A.; and 2 coauthors "Suppression of star formation in the galaxy NGC 253 by a starburst-driven molecular wind". (M) Nature, 499, 450-453 (2013) 28 Bonaldi, A.; Bonavera, L.; Massardi, M.; De Zotti, G. "The Planck-ATCA Co-eval Observations project: the spectrally selected sample". (C) MNRAS, 428, 1845-1854 (2013) 29 *Bothwell, M. S.; Aguirre, J. E.; Chapman, S. C.; Marrone, D. P.; Vieira, J. D.; Ashby, M. L. N.; Aravena, M.; Benson, B. A.; Bock, J. J.; Bradford, C. M.; and 31 coauthors "SPT 0538–50: Physical conditions in the interstellar medium of a strongly lensed dusty star-forming galaxy at z = 2.8". (C) ApJ, 779 A67 (2013) 4 Publications - print summary 26 Feb 2014 30 *Bowman, J.D.; Cairns, I.; Kaplan, D.L.; Murphy, T.; Oberoi, D.; Staveley-Smith, L.; Arcus, W.; Barnes, D.G.; Bernardi, G. Briggs, F..; Brown, S.; Bunton, J.D.; and 49 coauthors "Science with the Murchison Widefield Array". (O) PASA, 30, e031 (2013) 31 Bozzetto, L.M.; Filipovic, M.D.; Crawford, E.J.; Sasaki, M.; Maggi, P.; Haberl, F.; Uroševic, D.; Payne, J. L.; De Horta, A.Y.; Stupar, M.; and 2 coauthors "Multifrequency study of SNR J0533-7202, a new supernova remnant in the LMC". (C) MNRAS, 432, 2177-2181 (2013) 32 *Braun, R. "Understanding synthesis imaging dynamic range". (O) A&A, 551, A91 (2013) 33 *Braun, R. "Galaxy formation: The cosmic web in focus". (O) Nature, 497, 191-192 (2013) 34 Bray, J. "Ultrahigh energy neutrinos and their detection with the lunar Cherenkov technique". (C) PhD thesis, University of Adelaide, April (2013) 35 *Bray, J.D.; Ekers, R.D.; Protheroe, R.J.; James, C.W.; Phillips, C.J.; Roberts, P.; Brown, A.; Reynolds, J.E.; McFadden, R.A.; Aartsen, M. "LUNASKA neutrino search with the Parkes and ATCA telescopes". In: (P,C) 5th International Workshop on Acoustic and radio EEV neutrino detection activities: 1535, 21-26 ARENA 2012, Erlangen, Germany, 19-22 June, 2012 (eds. R. Lahmann, T. Eberl, K. Graf et al.) (2013) 36 *Bray, J.D.; Ekers, R.D.; Roberts, P. "Noise statistics in a fast digital radio receiver: the Bedlam backend for the Parkes radio telescope". (P) ExA, 36, 155-174 (2013) 5 Publications - print summary 26 Feb 2014 37 *Breen, S.L.; Ellingsen, S.P. "An evolutionary sequence for high-mass star formation". In: (M) IAU 292: Molecular Gas, Dust, and Star Formation in Galaxies, Beijing, China, 20-24 292, 39 August, 2012, (eds. T. Wong & J. Ott) (2013) 38 *Breen, S.L.; Ellingsen, S.P.; Contreras, Y.; Green, J.A.; Caswell, J.L.; Stevens, J.B.; Dawson, J.R.; Voronkov, M.
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