NOTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CLOWNE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY 5TH JANUARY 2015 IN THE MEETING ROOM, CLOWNE COMMUNITY CENTRE, VILLA PARK, CLOWNE COMMENCING 6.45PM PRESENT: Cllr Reid, Chair. Cllrs Bailey, Buxton, Connerton, Page, Smith & Stanton APOLOGIES: Cllrs Dobson, Haywood, Hendry, Patrick & Patterson IN ATTENDANCE: 12 members of the public, PCSO Galley & D.Cameron (Clerk) POLICE REPORT The Chairman welcomed PCSO Galley to the meeting. The police representative presented the monthly crime figures for December 2014. DECEMBER 2014 Bilking 01 Violence 08 (07 suspects) Burglary 05 (3 empty properties) Shoplifting 05 Criminal Damage 04 Theft in a dwelling 01 Fraud 01 Drugs 01 Theft from M V 01 Theft from person 01 TOTAL 28 Parishioners asked the police to address issues raised regarding numerous reports of inconsiderate parking on Portland Street/Bentinck Drive, Clowne. Parked vehicles are also causing obstruction along Church Street (parking on the extra wide pavements to the front of new development). PCSO Galley would look into the issues raised. PCSO Galley explained that following previous report of problem parking (CPC 3/11/14), police are unable to enforce parking restrictions as the area is privately owned. COUNTY COUNCIL REPORT Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Cty Cllr Western. DECLARATION OF INTEREST 165/14 It was confirmed that the Declaration of Interest Book had been signed. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 166/14 Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Cllrs Hendry, Haywood, Dobson, Patterson & Patrick MINUTES – 01/12/14 167/14 Resolved that the Minutes of the Clowne Parish Council meeting held on Monday 1st December 2014 be approved and adopted and are signed as a true record. 44/14 JANUARY15 Page 1 ACTION FROM THE PUBLIC FORUM 168/14 The Chairman reported on the various items of business relating to the BDC, DCC and the police which had been discussed and would be forwarded on to the relevant Departments. 169/14 Following the discussion in the Parish Forum, it was recommended that Cty Cllr Western be asked for an update on the pre-cautionary gritting service provided by DCC. This follows the recent adverse weather conditions and the lack of gritting service in the area. CHAIRMANS REPORT 170/14 The Chairman reported on the successful events held at The Centre over the festive period: Sunday 13/12/14 Christmas Singalong Sunday 21/12/14 1.30pm Cinderella Pantomine SOLD OUT “ “ 6.30pm Cinderella Pantomine Xmas Eve Quiz Nite Friday 26/12/14 Boxing Day Family Disco Wednesday 31/12/14 New Years Eve Family Party Nite with games & buffet SOLD OUT FORTHCOMING EVENTS: Saturday 14th February Childrens Valentines Disco Friday 3rd April Wind in the Willows (panto) The Chairman shared comments he had received on the success of the events/activities held over the December period. He felt that it was a positive way to end a successful year and a promising way forward for 2015. Many parishioners praised the Council and The Centre for encouraging and providing family friendly events & activities. 171/14 The Chairman gave a brief progress report on the proposed Garden of Remembrance and added that a meeting would be held on Monday 12th January 2015 to finalize the planning application which would be submitted to BDC early January. He added that he envisaged the project timeframe to be 6 months (on receipt of planning approval). 172/14 It was resolved to defer to Agenda Item 11 (Exempt) discussion re: Minute 227/13 – risk limitation. CORRESPONDENCE / ITEMS OF BUSINESS 173/14 Read & Noted. From DALC Circulars 23,24,25 & 26 Resolved that the National Salary Award NALC 2014/16 for Clerk & Assistant Clerk be discussed in Agenda Item 11: Exempt. 174/14 Read & Noted. A reply had been received from BDC regarding the Parish Council support in the consultation exercise for the provision of enhanced leisure facilities in the District. 45/14 JANUARY15 Page 2 175/14 Noted. Request from DCC: application from Children’s Centre for financial assistance towards Christmas Party. 176/14 Resolved that the following 2 x items of business be deferred to Agenda Item 11 – Exempt – for further discussion : 1) Grounds Maintenance 2015/16 2) Re-cycling @ The Centre. 177/14 Information from DAST circulated to Members re: Asbestos the Hidden Killer Project 25/02/15 (circulated). 178/14 Information and guidance had been received from BDC re: Parish Precept & Localization of Council Tax Benefit (notification to be received by BDC of Parish Precept requirements by 01/02/15). Resolved that further information regarding Localization of Council Tax benefit would be sought to enable further discussion at Precept Meeting. It was noted that Precept Meeting would be held on Monday 19th January 2015. 179/14 Correspondence had been received from Community Relations Manager, RegWindPower and Barlborough Parish Council regarding a joint consultation meeting to discuss neighbouring community liaison following the proposals for a single turbine Barlborough Wind Farm. It was noted that Members had been invited to attend a Joint Liaison Meeting on Monday 9th February 2015 @ Barlborough Parish Meeting commencing 6pm. 180/14 A request had been received from Paul Davies, Clowne Enterprise re: nomination for Elastic FM Community Awards. It was resolved that the Parish Council nominate Brandon Shaw for his continued support for community events & activities. Proposed KR Seconded JS ALL IN FAVOUR 181/14 Information had been received from DCC regarding the Consultation on the D2 Combined Authority Proposal from DCC re; Consultation of the D2 Combined Authority Proposal. The Chair gave a brief on the Derby & Derbyshire wide consultation on the proposal to create a Combined Authority. A Combined Authority is a statutory organization which enables authorities in a recognizable economic area to work together with a view to developing new and more efficient approaches to regeneration and economic development, transport and housing. The proposed Derby and Derbyshire Combined Authority will include Derbyshire County Council, Derby City Council, Amber Valley Borough Council, Bolsover District Council, Chesterfield Borough Council, Derbyshire Dales District Council, Erewash Borough Council, High Peak Borough Council, North East District Council and South Derbyshire District Council. He added that a Combined Authority offers new opportunities for region wide development, more cohesive planning and co-operation with neighbouring combined authorities in Sheffield and Manchester. The information about the proposal is on the Derbyshire County Council website- www.derbyshire.gov.uk/CA 46/14 JANUARY15 Page 3 Resolved that Members agree in principle with the ambitions of the D2 Combined Authority Proposal. Proposed JS Seconded NP ALL IN FAVOUR 182/14 Noted. Mission Statement from Clowne & District Community Transport. 183/14 Correspondence had been received from D.Skinner, MP re: Planning Policy response to the issues raised by parishioner concerning development pressure in Clowne and status of the Local Plan. It was resolved that a reply be forwarded to Mr. D.Skinner with reference to Minute No: 147/14 BDC would respond to the enquiry. PLANNING Cllr Connerton & Smith declared an interest and took no part in the discussion, and left the room. 184/14 APPLICATION No:14/000576/FUL Extension to the front porch and erection of attached garage to side. NO COMMENTS. FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT 185/14 Resolved that the following out of meeting cheques are endorsed and approved and that the cheques are presented for signature by Cllrs Smith & Buxton. PAYEE CHEQ NO DATE AMOUNT Smith Security Systems 107155 11/12/14 740.00 TWN Newsome 107156 “ 90.00 CS Security (T.Cockburn) 107157 “ 180.00 50 Plus 107158 “ 67.50 CPix Ltd 107159 “ 30.00 GBW / Magna td 107160 “ 132.85 Doorsteppa 107161 “ 75.00 Cancelled 107162 Cancelled Cancelled Unicom 107163 11/12/14 51.37 Aljacks DES Ltd 107164 “ 100.31 Staples Ltd 107165 “ 305.59 JRB Enterprise Ltd 107166 “ 153.50 Libra Drinks 107167 “ 59.34 Timothy Taylor & Co Ltd 107168 “ 438.90 Libra Drinks 107169 “ 446.44 PAYEE CHEQ NO DATE AMOUNT BDC (Grounds 14/15) 107170 “ 836.04 CPC Salaries 107171 22/12/14 58.23 Carlsberg UK Ltd 107172 “ 2992.59 Staff Salaries BACS 24/12/14 9932.46 AEGON BACS “ 269.82 47/14 JANUARY15 Page 4 PAYEE CHEQ NO DATE AMOUNT Inland Revenue 107173 05/01/15 3029.01 Thorpes Build Supps 107174 “ 19.07 Utility Warehouse 107175 “ 819.21 Derbyshire CC 107176 “ 91.49 Booker Ltd 107177 “ 260.28 Aljacks DES Ltd 107178 “ 151.64 EDF Energy 107179 “ 126.17 Unicom 107180 “ 204.94 St John Ambulance 107181 “ 132.00 T Newsome (stocktaker) 107182 “ 90.00 ST Water 107183 “ 555.12 IDT Ltd 107184 “ 153.00 Carlsberg UK Ltd 107185 “ 1557.44 Bebida Ltd 107186 “ 167.70 ST Water (S&R) 107187 “ 83.61 Talegate Theatre 107188 “ 550.00 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 186/14 Resolved to receipt the following items of information for Members: a. From BDC: BDC Sports Development News December 2014 b. From CVP: E Newsletter 11/12/14 December 2014 c. From Bolsover Partnership Newsletter Edition 77 d. From CVP: E Newsletter 19/12/14 DATE & TIME OF PRECEPT MEETING 187/14 It was resolved that the Clowne Parish Council Precept Committee meeting would be held on Monday 19th January 2015 in the Meeting Room, Clowne Community Centre, Villa Park, Clowne commencing 6.00pm DATE AND TIME OF NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING 188/14 Resolved that the next meeting of the Clowne Parish Council will be held on Monday 2nd February 2015 in the Meeting Room, Clowne Community Centre, Villa Park, Clowne commencing 6.45pm (Parish Forum: 6.15pm). ……………………………….. Chairman ……………………… Date 48/14 JANUARY15 Page 5 .
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