Digital Archive digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org International History Declassified 1970 Eldridge Cleaver Notebooks, 1970 Citation: “Eldridge Cleaver Notebooks, 1970,” 1970, History and Public Policy Program Digital Archive, University of California, Berkeley, The Bancroft Library, BANC MSS 91/213 c, The Eldridge Cleaver Papers, 1963-1988, Carton 5, Folder 8. Obtained by Charles Kraus. http://digitalarchive.wilsoncenter.org/document/114579 Summary: Eldridge Cleaver's handwritten notes from his travels to North Korea in 1970 for the "U.S. People's Anti-Imperialist Delegation." Credits: This document was made possible with support from the Leon Levy Foundation. Original Language: English Contents: English Transcription Scan of Original Document [NOTE: Page numbers given in brackets do not correspond to the page numbers in the scanned PDF of Eldridge Cleaver's 1970 diary. Each notebook page (right and left), even the blank ones, are considered a page for transcription purposes. Thus pages 4 and 5 here in brackets correspond only to page 4 of the PDF.] [1] U.S. PEOPLE’S ANTI-IMPERIALIST DELEGATION Organized by Eldridge Cleaver in Algiers and Bob Scheer in Berkeley, visited: Moscow, then Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, People’s Republic of China, and Democratic Republic of Vietnam, and return to the U.S. via Algiers between May 1970-September 1970 Members: Robert Scheer, RAMPARTS Magazine Editor, writer, lecturer Ann Froines, Peace Movement Andy Truskier, Peace Movement Elaine Browne, Black Panther Party Pat Sumi, Movement for a Democratic Military Alex Hing, Chinese Radical organization Randy Rappaport, NEWSREEL (radical film collective) Janet Kransberg, NEWSREEL Gina Blumfeld Jon Austen, RAMPARTS, Peace and Freedom Party, Peace Movement Eldridge Cleaver, International Section of the B.P.P. [2] [begin handwritten diary] How do you cut off the tentacle of a hydrogen bomb? Insult: to Ho and to us, for his will to have been read by one of his executioners. Ho could have realized his dream if he had not been stabbed in the back by the cowardly revisionists. [3] All of you Cultural Nationalists who have been studying Swahili for all these years, Afro-America has some business to take care of in Africa with black men who speak Swahili. We need some ambassadors. You should establish. The only requirements [4] are that you speak Swahili (or any foreign languages, really) passingly, that you are revolutionary, Marxist-Leninist, disciplined, and dedicated to making the Revolution. If you are interested, get in touch with us and refer to this request. All power to the People! E.C. MOI [sic] BPP [5] Korea Society for cultural Relation with foreign countries Pyongyang D.P.R. of KOREA Kang Song Ha The DPRK is beautiful, clean, honest, free, and totally revolutionary. It is a new civilization called socialism. The Scarves of the Eight Faries [sic] [6] [Blank] [7] 1. The possibility of a return trip with other members of the black Panther Party. [8] [Blank] [9] We have to take a look at history in order to understand the present situation. If I just say that Kim Il Sung has risen up out of the people and has stepped forward to conquer imperialists, many wrong impression and much confusion would be the result so we must take a correct approach [10] by explaining. The world revolution is necessary in order to destroy oppression. To this we must transcend ethno- centrism. This is what Kim Il Sung has done. This is what all revolutionaries must do. [11] Imperialism doesn’t just exist in thin air. It manifests itself through control of our land, our lives, our resources, us. It is necessary to destroy the manifestations of imperialism in ones own country. In this way we can destroy it. [12] The key facts is that the U.S. imperialism is organized for genocide globally but not internally and we are not going to give them time to get ready. [13] 1. Target Practice 2. Clothes made 3. Cloth for Kathleen 4. Copies of tapes & articles 5. Arrangement of clear relationship and its limitations. 6. Will the DPRK help us find a country in the UN that is willing to stand up in the United States and make a motion request, in the name of the Black Panther Party, the UN Troops and Observer Teams be stationed inside the United States to halt the oppression against black people [14] and other oppressed people. We have no illusions that this will be granted, but the mere act of injecting this issue into the public arena of international diplomacy will be a powerful stimulant to the rapid development and spread of the American Revolution. This act will also put the U.S. imperialist aggressors in a crossfire of contradiction. On the one hand they will continue defending the presence of the UN in areas where they [15] want them; and on the other hand, they will argue against the U.N. entering their own territory. This contradiction will greatly expose their aggressive hypocrisy and further weaken their position, politically it will undermine their own presence at Panmunjom under the U.N. Flag. Tactics for white women It is necessary to split the block of White Supremacy. I think that this problem is a tactical problem that is easily [16] solved by the strict and consistent application of revolutionary principles. The correct solution to this kind of problem always lies in the hands of the most revolutionary elements within a given social unit. Within the White community in the U.S.A., white women constitute the most revolutionary element. The tactical solution to the problem posed above is for white women, who simultaneously [illegible word scratched out] are waging both a class struggle and a struggle for women’s liberation from oppression by men, to resort to the only solution to the [17] problem: revolutionary violence. White women must pick up the gun and the bomb and go into action against the hated system. they must be implacable in their resolve to destroy the system that is oppressing them and not waver in their firm resolve to carry the struggle forward to its bitter sweet end. The conscious resort to revolutionary violence by white women will through the ruling class into an unprecedented crisis. it would speed up the [18] disintegration of the repressive forces in the hands and at the service of the ruling class--Army, National guard, state & local police. there will be extreme differences of opinion amongst the troops over the question of murdering white women. this goes to the heart of America. Many of the troops would turn their guns against their superior officers before carrying out orders to kill white women. Black troops will not be allowed to [19] do it. A very interesting situation will be the result. [line drawn across the page] Can anyone seriously take RIchard Nixon to be a master strategist, an international tactician. The only thing he knows is how to win an election. [20] [blank page] [21] Walls-- And After the Aftermath of Walls The development of community patrols -- clear perception of problem -- seeking the solution -- Malcolm’s message -- Fanon -- Huey P. Newton -- expansion/engagement of Revolutionary Vision -- Ideology of class struggle becomes key, ideology of race struggle for dealing with ethnic struggle has to be shifted to its proper place -- Snick’s [sic] Hangings [22] K 229 844 Raymond Hewitt [23] 60-35-25 [24] [text written upside down] RIC RICARD (horro) [sic] RORLAGGARV 50II 16146 ROMA SWELEN [25] LUKE MUNYAWARARA Z.A.PU P.O. Box 1657 LUSAKA - ZAMBIA WINSTON ORRILLO CANETE #569 LIMA- PERÚ Revista “OIGA” [line drawn across page] For Korea Conquest Of Mexico Conquest Of Peru The Long Death Atlas Of U.S.A. [26] [blank page] [27] 20-- 25,000,000 30-- 35,000,000 [28] We must change the names of the languages that we speak if we speak the language of our former slavemasters. Otherwise, every time we mention the names of the very languages that we speak, we will speak the names of our historic enemies, which, to say the least, is unpleasant. The Korean people get up early in the morning. [text written upside down] BAD [29] [blank page] [30] The contradiction between the Soviet Revisionism position and the Chinese position has resulted in a stalemate of [illegible word scratched out] stultifying confusion in the international Proletarian World Revolution. But a new, potent force is beginning to emerge in the Third World--the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea under the leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung. Comrade Kim Il Sung is organizing the small revolutionary [31] [blank page] [32] units of the world and refocusing the perspective of the revolutionary peoples of the whole world who are not already liberated, powerful, and secure. This is a historic development and the revolutionary peoples of the whole world must take heed of it. Our price is the total eradication of U.S. fascism and imperialism. [33] [blank page] [34] The Role Of Revolutionary Vanguard Action In Education The People On The Need And Efficacy Of Revolutionary Violence And Spurring Them On To Action. General Dean put on soldiers uniform and deserted his men, left them to die [35] General Walker & his staff were wiped out Height 1211 -- Heartbreak Ridge Valley of Travail [line drawn across the page] Neutralize Enemy Vehicles By Patrolling on foot -- first man on the ground [line drawn across the page] Acquire weapons, and ability to make same, swiftly. [36] [drawing] [37] [entire page upside-down; all text crossed out] In my opinion the three most important categories for Urban Guerilla Warfare are Communications, Mobility, Intelligence because of the ease with which it can be done, encirclement of hiding places in urban terrain becomes the key tactic of the enemy.
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