) 4 1 4 ,1' / « L O A Weekly Sickle. tl N O . 17, tl V O L . II. MAZOMANIK, WISCONSIN, SATURDAY, JU N E 215, 187.'). tl riM 'I ht* I nited States Treasury. that old bill immortal as the beacon light i p p m i i<* Wooklv Sick Panic in tl Tbe retirement of F. K. Spinner, Treas of liberty Tbe immense throng of on hIJ HU thusiaslie citizens proved that the Am eri­ tiler of the I'nited Stales, nil the TMtth id Have all they ean attend to, but tl i> m i:i> i \ i i:\ s i l l im )v v . the present month, after a service of four can people Were ready to reward He* BOOTS! teen years, will make the statement ot u bravi and patriot ie ill tin- future a- well The Sickle Company, as ill Ihe past t u «,t l lew facts relating to the treasury purlieu A.. 1*. l’E O K ) ED. PRATT PROPRIETORS. Inf ly appropriate at this timo. The old Homans knew that il they dis­ For Ihe next thirty days, will sell a first i li.so is atilt Looking tor Work, and so he opens tha tinguished themselves in Asia that ill bo.it cheaper than the cheapest. C am p aign o f 1875 us A g e n t fo r th e fo l­ a p . t l S. 1C. RRONSON, IC d i t o k . tien Splutter has managed the affairs >1 In the .ole of eaeh will be lound the words low ing tirst claas premium Home a grateful people would cu t elier the treasury with wonderful success Hi- of the venerable poet : R eapers Addro.* tilcoiiiiiiiiui-utiouH to tlio editor. i-li the memory of the dead, aud tImt li e tl administration began ut tiie breaking out “ lllest is the man that I see I hat .'Iiiiiis the* p lace w here oth ers b . ol llti‘ war, and the money over which lie return ol the living would he a triumphal 11 n l>lm i *« I Out* Dollur mid Fifty Cents |*t*r Year And conics and buys hia bools of me.’’ march, and that they would he met I ir out ; tl was apiminted guardian amounted durine C ’oinl)in«><L A. P. PECK. In A , I viuii'i*. on the Campus and escorted tu till city by i i i ’ m Ii the war to a fabulous sum, and as it tee > 1 i, t l a people bull w iIi) w itli cut biisiaslie praise. Mil/. - anie, 1 )eo. 5, 18,1 I l l l l ’ V V H t 4*1*, Kates for Ailii*rlisintr: al a time when the whole attention of the ft'hi.s gave them courage to clidilit* the nation was rivited on the movements <>| Sex* k. I V\ ; •* \\ 1 nil) Hindi Uio 1 y hardships ol war; it gave birth to Unit I Thomas W . Wilson, tl our armies, auil taken up witli matters M x r .o v i\ m k , W u . , 1 nquaru .... t 75*1 25 #2(N>|::i5o|i5(X>$8(N) secret of Koine’s power patrioti-m Audi ot great importance, no better opportim 2 Mjuurc.s.... i y> 2 0 0 xm » 5 0 0 m(ni 15du t l if it paid the Homan men bant to lock up • > squares.... 1 . * 2 75 4 un 7 (Ml P2<X>20i)u ity for the work of defaulters eould have (Nmtractor Ar Guilder, *4 i*< »I II111II . 2 ci.'» H25 tom <> no iti on 25 on Ins wares lor a day ol thanksgiving, then occurred. Rut, notwithstanding the im W ill furnish estimates of buildings com c o lu m n ... l i l t ' litlO 4 0 0 jl5 0 (l2 5 0 0 45(1(1 tl it will pay I rn- citizens o f this greater He- ; plete ami ready lor the tenant, or for work I column .... 7 im H im l \ no 25 00 450075m meiiHi* sums of money bandied, and the public. Sucli d its ol celebration arc til I iniui'liip alone, the parties furnishing ma splendid opportunity for embezzling, not b rill' lie also keeps constant ly ou hand (Him inch ill space con-titulcs a ftqliarc. ting lessons to tin* young, and impresses , liu^iucss ( ‘ it| '( l|vc 1111« o r Ic.is, $5 a year. one cent wus lost to tin* government dur a la rge q u a n tity f t Local Notices, 10 cenls per line for Hist upon tlieir minds the value ol patriotism, ing tho whole nerind. III 11,1)1 NU M ATERIALS, insertiisn, ami 5 cents l«u each subsequent a love for country, and an idea of its; 1 At (li* C'liiiinpion. in sertion . Up to the close of the fiscal year in WINI) MILLS A PI MPS greatness and power. J,et the old timed transient advertisements must be paid for tSl'd), the money transactions under Mr ( )l all Hws' rlptions, whirl) ho will b« 11 at the iu advance. L a’.ulai mlvei listuucuts payable customs prevail, and let llir national day - Spinner looted tip at a sum exceeding lowest possible price for Call on him and look at his Machines, q u a rte rly . lie observed forever When we neglect to *14,000,0(10,000, artd Mr. Spiuner in tin If he is uot in hisOtliceon Urod- report for tbat year felt proud, as w e ll honor the di ad, or for et the sufferings ol CASH 2 licud street, stand still on a * C f ( A i >«*it •( it * s . our ow n torefalhers, or tail to rejoice al i JTTN , R.—Repairso! all kinds }x>rtaining lie might, that not a farthing .had been i to tlio ulxne, done with dospateii, und at Corner and lac*‘will turn w as the birthday of liberty, om nation will lie reasonable Prieea. of I up in a minute. Ma/omanie Grange, P. of H. stolen, ltiit his unparalleled success muring its end. For, in a tune of daugcr, M e e t. ut Hill/.' II ,11 *i,| and 4lli Saturday not destined to continue long. On Satur­ I f you are in each month. day, the llth of June, 1809, an uncounted self and selfishness will ban disarmed tin ! Attention, Farmers! a stranger you package of two thousand new *10 notes w h o le p e o p le . will know idm lay his Crescent Lodge Nn. 97, A. F. & A. M. was stolen from the division of issues, A smile, his quick step, and his Mii/mii,nit*, W i.. A liritish iiieinlier ol Parliament inevitable anecdote. Ib* is dealing lady, an acquaintance of Mr. Hoot, the R e g u la r c iiiiiiiiu iiu aliu ii 1st and ltd T u e . has been prosecuted and lined for | in tho following Mowers; ilaya each niuiitli Superintendent, and party visited tins tie IS MONEY AN OBJECT, The undersigned is .Io n s FuKKKHT, W M. partment ou that day and were shown pollutiiio a stream witii Ids house; Cruwidrd, II. /,. M o u l t o n , S ec. through the rooms by Mr. Hoot. A finely s e w a g e . 1‘ U E E A U E D dressed gentleman joined the visiting party te pay the Lxtvlsit u Itiisiuoss ('iirds. at the door without invitation, and as lie The corporation o f Dublin petitions t t * i , c , , -y-» . talked so familiarly with Mr. Root the Parliament to prohibit the sale of in- H i g h e s t G f t S l l P r i C © Meadow King, /•. S T A IR , M. h . lady supposed him to hu a friend of that Physician and Snnjcnn. M.-*.ive* left at toxieating liquors on Sunday in Ire- f o r Meadow Lark. Scnicr’s Dim; Store, oi at the residence of gentleman, and Mr Hoot in turn supposed land. B U T T E R , KtJGS, T A L L O W , Dr. K. I). Bishop will receive prompt at him to be a friend of the lady’s and one te n tio n . ---------------------------------------------------------P O U L T R Y , &o., Ao. Machines to Railroad aud E x ­ of her party Tlm finely dressed gentle­ press Compauies ten per cent, sxtra. JOHN STA/iKi .,, man had un accomplice who strolled on MAJOR A. B. PLATT, L . C. OULMANN. m i Mazomauie. Win. Bro Machines to Granges und Lawyer and InsiirancM Agent, Ma/.omanie, behind, entered into conversation wit li a Having be< 11 appointed Agent for C ollect him; and conveyancing prompt I) Clubs at reduced rates for cash. lady clerk behind the wire fence, thus attuiuled lo. 2yl taking her attention from her duty ol j C . H . & L . J. M c C O R M I C K , F. W. GIESE, Culls the attention of the Farmers to the fol WM. VO W E L L , watching the money ; gentleman No I lowing Maeliities . Attorney and ( ouneeloi at Law, .Ma/omanie, directed Mr Hoot’s attention to thc door -------- THE-------- Collecting and ( tuiveyancing done with despatch. gyl while he reached through the fence, took the two thousand notes and quiet ly walked WM. TH O M PSO N , away, thanking Mr H for his kindness to I If J I I I w V l i l Proprietor of Ma/.omanie Mills, buys all himself and party.
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