5 Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! crainian Weekl V Vol. LIX No. 5 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 3,1991 50 cents Democratic congress in Kharkiv Coordinating Committee to Aid Ukraine unites republics' opposition consolidates US. support organizations by Marta Kolomayets continue to centralize power in Mos­ by Chrystyna N. Lapychak tions, and elected a board of directors, KIEV — Representatives of demo­ cow. executive board and other leadership cratic parties, organizations and move­ They suggested that a referendum ELIZABETH, N.J. - In the "spirit organs for the new coordinating body. ments from 10 Soviet republics gathered take place in each republic, asking: "Do of consolidation," called for by Ukrai­ "the birth of anything new is never in Kharkiv to form a coalition of you consider it necessary to transform nian People's Deputy Mykhailo Horyn, easy," stated Mr. Horyn, chairman of democratic forces during the weekend the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics some 90 delegates from all over the Rukh's Political Council, whose key­ of January 26-27, reported Dmytro into a commonwealth of sovereign United States gathered at the Holiday note address on Saturday, January 26, Ponamarchuk, senior editor at Kiev states in which the rights of citizens will Inn Jetport here on January 26-27 to detailing the needs of Ukraine's demo­ State Radio. be fully guaranteed through the mutual found the U.S. Coordinating Commit­ cratic movement was one of the high­ The meeting, which carried the offi­ obligations of states?" tee to Aid Ukraine. lights of the conference program. cial name "Inter-Republic Founding Ukraine was represented at the con­ The new committee will serve as an "I am honored to be here to greet you Conference of the Democratic Con­ gress by 12 organizations, including the umbrella organization uniting and on behalf of the leadership of the gress," issued a number of statements, Popular Movement of Ukraine, the coordinating the work of Ukrainian Popular Movement of Ukraine," said documents and appeals, perhaps the Green Party, and the Party of Democra­ American member-organizations, funds Mr. Horyn, "as you have gathered here most important of which called for the tic Rebirth. Russia sent representatives and committees supporting the Popular to create a consolidating coordinating "peaceful liquidation of totalitarian from eight groups, including Democra- Movement of Ukraine (Rukh), Chor- organization which would, together regime," and asked for "cooperation ticheskaya Rossiya (Democratic Rus­ nobyl victims and other causes in with Ukraine, work toward the forma­ among sovereign democratic states." sia). Lithuania's delegation represented Ukraine. tion of a Ukrainian independent state - Delegations from Armenia, Azer- six organizations, including Sajudis, During two days of deliberations, toward the realization of the ages-old b'aidzhan, Russia, Kazakhstan, Geor the Popular Front. delegates adopted by-laws and resolu­ (Continued on page 4) gia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Byelo­ Of the 46 various groups present at russia, and Ukraine spoke out not only this congress, two-thirds were active against the wording of the Kremlin participants, while the rest took on proposed referendum scheduled for observer status. Among these observers March 17, but strongly opposed the was a delegation from the Ukrainian idea of the union treaty which would (Continued on page 2) Helsinki Commission hearing focuses on crackdown in the Baltic states by Eugene M. Iwanciw Wallop (R-Wyo.) and John Heinz (R- Pa.). WASHINGTON - The Commis­ Sen. Don Riegle (D-Mich.) and sion on Security and Cooperation in Reps. Patsy Mink (D-Hawaii) and Europe (CSCE) on January 22, heard Craig Thomas (R-Wyo.), though not testimony from the vice-president of members of the commission, attended. Latvia and Lithuania concerning the In his testimony, Vice-President Soviet crackdown in the Baltic States. Kuzmickas stated that "the introduc­ Joining Dainis Ivans of Latvia and tion of such rule (diktat) in Lithuania, Bronius Kuzmickas of Lithuania was and also in Latvia and Estonia, would William Hough of the Lawyer's Com­ have very negative consequences not mittee on Human Rights and a legal only for the Baltic states but for Russia advisor to the government of Lithuania. as well." He went on to state: "The blow The hearing was opened by Rep. Mykhailo Horyn, chairman of Rukh's Political Council, with the newly elected directed against Lithuania is also a blow' president of the U.S. Coordinating Committee to Aid Ukraine. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) who stated that directed against the entire democratic "" " - ' ' -^^,U-... "mindful of the way a similar move­ movement in the Soviet Union. Though ment to democracy and freedom was Lithuania is a small country, its fate can brutally suppressed in Hungary when have a decisive influence on the future Parliament Vice-Chairman Pliushch world attention was diverted by a crisis of Russia and the entire world." in the Suez, the members of this com­ mission and the Congress of the United He concluded his testimony by ap­ expects intense, demanding session States are determined that this must not pealing to the U.S. Congress to send a by Marta Kolomayets Leonid M. Kravchuk, stressed that a happen again." delegation to observe the situation in long list of laws will be examined during The commission's co-chairman, Sen. Lithuania, to demand the withdrawal of KIEV — Intense, demanding work this session, scheduled for February і Dennis DeConcini (D-Ariz.) added that all additional Soviet forces and to lies ahead for the deputies during the through June 28, the longest session to "civil society and rule of law seem to return all buildings which were seized in third session of the 12th convocation of date of this Parliament. have been crushed under the tread of Lithuania. He also requested "that the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian He criticized his government for its Soviet tanks." American humanitarian aid and credits SSR, Ivan S. Pliushch told journalists sluggish pace in looking over laws Another commission member, Bill designated for the Soviet Union and the during a press conference on Wednes­ concerning private property and bank­ Richardson (D-N.M.), stated that Baltic states be sentdirectly to republics day afternoon, January 30, just two ing. He also spoke about the need for "before this last weekend I was a and cities, and not be channeled days prior to the start of the Parlia­ the Chornobyl Committee in the Su­ hopeless optimist." He went on to say through the central Soviet govern­ ment's work. preme Soviet, headed by Volodymyr that the "systematic degradation of ment." Mr. Pliushch, who is the first vice- Yavorivsky, to present its recommen­ human rights makes us seriously pause." Vice-President Ivans pointed out that chairman of the presidium of the Ukrai­ dations and conclusions in order for the Other commissioners present were Rep. the Baltic states are under military nian SSR, Supreme Soviet, second in government to act in this, the fifth year Don Ritter (R-Pa.) and Malcolm (Continued on page 15) command to Ukrainian SSR President (Continued on page 4) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKtY SUND/W, FEBRUARY 3,1991 No. 5 A GLIMPSE OF sovier REALITY Asylum seekers on increase JERSEY CITY, N.J. - The number important to grant political asylum to of Soviet citizens seeking political Soviet citizens. Such action, he said, Toward the fifth anniversary asylum in the United States quadrupled announces "to all the world that that in 1990. As of September 30, 1,043 government is an evil empire." Soviets applied for asylum as opposed The growing number of Soviet citi­ of the Chomobyl accident to the 243 who applied in 1989. Of the zens seeking asylum can be explained in 1,043 applications, 239 were approved, by Dr. David Marples in his case four months — even when the part by the fact that, under glasnost, 51 were denied, and 753 are pending. many Soviets are free to travel. their geiger counters recorded higher Many of the applicants cited fears that MUNICH - Over the past two levels.3 Mr. Kniarkov, who supervised the years, the Chornobyl tragedy has been the KGB and the Soviet military, foreign news desk at TASS and who After the clean-up workers, most reacting to growing chaos, demands by transformed from a sensitive Soviet attention has been focused on children. disappeared in October while partici­ accident to a topic of international many republics for independence and pating in an exchange program in Initially, no longterm dangers were calls for democracy, would reverse the concern that has elicited offers of aid foreseen by Soviet "experts" led by Lawrence, Kan., explains: "I was in from various countries of the world, freedom of the past years, reported the government service. I would have had Leonid Ilyin, vice-president of the Associated Press. and from organizations that have USSR Academy of Medical Sciences to support what could be a very bloody expertise in health or nuclear energy. Maxim Kniarkov, a senior official of thing, to write propaganda about it. Last year, however, during a visit to the the Soviet government-run TASS news To date, each new anniversary has United States for the World Summit of You have to take sides." While the 250- brought forth revelations about the agency, defected three months ago. "I member Soviet delegation prepared to Children, then Chairman of the Ukrai­ could foresee a crackdown coming scope and aftereffects of the accident, nian Council of Ministers Vitaliy Masol, return to the Soviet Union, Mr. Kniar­ and 1991 is likely to be no exception in against liberals, against nationalists," kov called the local police, who notified stated that about 60,000 children who said Mr. Kniarkov in an interview with this regard.
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