..;---- I i.JNIVERSITY 0~ HAWAII LIBRAR'( arianas %riet.r;~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 ~ i8 Bank deposits reach $522M DPH targets alleged; in 4th quarter By Aldwin R. Fajardo Variety News Staff DESPITE the economic down­ turn, local and foreign banks in the CNMI registered an increas­ dog-, cat-meat trade i,I J :j ing trend in total deposits with By Haldee V. Eugenio rently under surveillance and in­ some, safe to eat and produced under sanitary conditions. 1 last year's fourth quarter figures Variety News Staff vestigation for allegedly selling 1 exceeding the $500 million mark. A NUMB ER of establishments these prohibited meat products. In the CNMI, as well as in :I '.J Government figures indicated other places, dog meat and cat i on Sa1pan have reportedly been Health Sec. Joseph Kevin that during the fourth quarter of selling and distributing dog Villagomez said that while other meat are considered unsafe to I I 1998, local and foreign banks eat, and therefore, their com­ ~. meat and cat meat, despite pro- stores mislabel their meat prod­ operating in the CNMI posted an hibitions on the commercial­ ucts, some actually sell them as mercial distribution is prohib­ aggregated $522.8 million. ization of these meat products. they are. ited. The figure is more than $40 Worse, certain stores label "It looks like real pork, but we "We 're inspecting some meat products in certain stores ... million higher than the $481 mil­ their meat products as "pork" can't tell readily until we inspect lion cumulative government and We need to educate the com­ or "beef'' while they are actu­ it," Villagomez said, adding that private deposits recorded during munity out there that under the ally dog meat, thereby mislead­ these meat kinds could cause the same period in 1997 for all ing co11sumers and becoming health problems. Some stores, Pure Food, Drug, Cosmetic and Device Act, dog meat and cat financial institutions in the CNMI. threats to public health, the moreover, are allegedly selling At present, there are some I 0 cat meat. meat cannot be sold for con­ Department of Public Health Joseph Kevin Villagomez banks in the Northern Marianas; warned. The health department declined sumption," Villagomez said over the weekend. nine are in operation with physi­ The Department disclosed to reveal the names of these stores. otherwise known as Public Law cal facilities and locations while that certain commercial estab­ Villagomez said the Pure Food, DPH, however, recognizes 11-40, aims to ensure that foods two were licensed and are operat- lishments in Saipan are cur- Drug, Cosmetic and Device Act, being sold locally are pure, whole- Continued on page 23 Continued on page 23 Cabrera, Sablan -win CNMI beauty titles Cherlyn Cabrera Michelle Sablan By Ferdie de la Torre title. Variety News Staff ··1 feel fabulous. I am so ex­ CHERLYN Brei Cabrera was cited. I am thrilled to death. I am crowned Miss CNMI Universe so happy," Cabrera told the Vari­ during the 25th Annual Northern ety after the pageant. She is the Marianas Beauty Pageant held at daughterof Edwardo Cabrera and Nikko Hotel's Theater Hall last Maggie Cabrera. night. The 24-year-old Cabrera, a sta­ ALL TOGETHER NOW! Students from Oleai Elementary School struggle to pull the rope in a game of tug­ Michelle Marie Boyer Sablan tion manager at the Pacific Island of-war during the school's field day held at the Ada Gymnasium grounds last Friday. Photo by Louie c. Alonso won the Miss CNMI International Continued on page 26 :. -,, ·. ·.-- . ~·r -~... .. -~ - ·- ,_ ·. - . - ·.· ...... •:_ .. ~ -' ·: ·.. -·.......,·1] t! CPA told to prepare fj • Guam eyes Chinese visitors with the freeze on Guam's H-2 l..'_J,. VarietyNewsStaff for garment pullout " · HAGATNA-- LT. GOV. visa applications while in Beijing By Aldwin R. Fajardo f Madeleine Z. Bordallo said she and addressed groups of gov­ Variety News Staff jJ would instruct the Guam Visi- ernment officials and Chinese ii COMMONWEALTH Ports Authority has been advised to start ~ tors Bureau to target affluent businessmen. (J preparing for yet another blow to its finances when the multi- , Chinese travelers in the On each occasion, Bordallo n million dollar garment industry "pulls out of Saipan in seven government's tourism market- said she used her time to invite f11 years." ing campaigns. visitors to Guam. '.! Rex Palacios, CPA financial consultant, said the agency's mari- Bordallomade known her plan "China and the Chinese people ;; time division is expected to suffer further decline in revenues as an ;: upon mTival over the weekend are rapidly becoming very mod­ :·• eventual result of the garment sector's pullout since it accounts for ~ from a five-day visit to various em and westernized. The pace ::' more th~m half of container traffic at the .s~aport. t~ cities in Mainland China .. and standard of living has dra­ Palacios stressed that CPA 's seaport d1v1s1on should start early ;.: According to Bordallo, she matically increased and more Cori-tff1uecf on-page26 ii,, discussed problems associated Madeleine Z. Borda/lo Continued on page 2~ MONDAY, MARCH I, 1999-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-MONDAY - MARCH I, 1999 -· ···------ China warns dissidents More banks seen coming By Aldwin R. Fajardo cations of the entry of other banks They are prodding the govern­ nication infrastructures to cater to world's largest commercial banks, ahead of Albright visit Variety News Staff to the Commonwealth although ment to initiate an intensified pro­ these types of establishments. have opened up a branch each in THE EXPECTED increase in in­ there has not been any formal motions to entice foreign finan­ "There is tremendous confidence Saipan. Officials said it may not BEIJL\G (AP)-llnJerpressure Center said. Albright 's visit and the opening of vestments in CNMI as a result of application yet. cial companies to set up FSCs in in the CNMI about investment be too soon that other leading from police. Chinese dissidents In Beijing. Zha said he could not the annual session of China's na­ the government's economic revi­ Variety sources said there had the Commonwealth while adding opportunities," they said. banks will follow. canc.:kJ a meeting on hum,m 1ights attend because police had been tional legislature Friday. talization and diversification pro­ been renewed discussions on is­ that fees should be lowered. With the presence of big for­ They said the entry of big for­ sd1<.'JuleJ to begin 1\lonJay. the watching his house ;u-ound the clock In another development. former gram will bring in more financial sues surrounding Foreign Sales Processing requirements should eign banks in the islands, officials eign financial institutions have policeman Guo Shaokun was first J,1y or a ,·isit to Beijing by t.:.s. since last week and following him institutions here. Corporations [FSC] and Offshore also be eased. They added that are upbeat that a healthy competi­ forced others to improve their ser­ Secret,1ry or State Madeleine when he went out. scheduled to stand trial in Xuzhou, Economists said more banks Banking Facilities in the CNMI. Asian companies should be lured tion is brewing up in the banking vices to either retain clients or to in eastern Jiangsu province, on .-\!bright. acti1 ists saiJ SunJay. In Changchun. in the northeast­ would be needed since the antici­ Economists said these finan­ to take advantage of the opportu­ industry which is expected to re­ stay competitive. ll1e meeting cou!J not he helJ ern province of Jilin. police de­ Thursday on a chru:ge of disturb­ pated infrastructure developments cial institutions could be encour­ nities of setting up Offshore Bank­ sult to lower interest rates. One thing that has to be consid­ because its organizers 1\we in de­ tained democracy campaigners ing social order, the Information would require more financing aged to mitigate some of the ad­ ing Facilities in the islands. Last year, the Hong Kong Bank ered in measuring a healthy bank­ tention anJ police were pre\'<:nting Tang Yuanjuan and Leng Wanbao Center said. He faces a three- to from private institutions. verse economic conditions con­ The CNMI, according to them. and Shanghai Bank Corp. and the ing industry is the prospective 10-year sentence, it said. others from ,mending. said Zha for two hours on Saturday and According to the commerce fronting CNMI's business com­ has the expertise and the commu- First Hawaiian Bank, two of the market outside. J ianguo. a member of the banned wm11ed them to stay home. Guo, 46, who retired with a department, there have beenindi- munity. China Democracy Pany in Beijing. Me,mwhile. police in the north­ physical disability in 1995, was \kml~rs of the b,umed opposi­ central city of Xi'an detained Fu arrested on Jan. 25 after he ex­ tion p,U1y planned to hold what Shen for a day and delivered the posed police who beat and de­ White House, U.S. governors they billed as a human rights study same warning. the lnf01mation tained villagers who were protest­ meeting in the central city ofWuhan CcnterofHuman Right, and Demo­ ing high taxes and official interfer­ on \lonJay through Wednesday. cratic Movement in China reported. cn~c i~ a village election. the rights discuss insular area concerns Albright was Jue to rmive in ll1e Free China Movement. a group said. Variety News Staff Beijing Sunday night fortalks with group of Chinese activists in exile Guo wrote to the Xuzhou gov­ nate policy concerning the terri­ officials Monday and Tuesday on that says it supports the China De­ cmment.CommunistParty authori­ HAGA TNA -- INTERIOR Sec­ tories." retary Bruce Babbitt and Presi­ Gov .
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