PUBLICATIONS OF THE MATHEMATICS PdSEARCH CENTER JULY I, 1975 THRU FEBRUARY 28, 1987 CONTRACT NO,,-DAAG29-80-C-0041 February 1987 Sponsored by U. S. Army Research Office P. O. Box. 12211 Research Triangle Park North Carolina 27709 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE MRC TECHNICAL SLIMARY REPORTS NTROOUCT ON TECHNICAL SLIMARY REPORTS LIST AUTHOR INDEX L STING 119 SUBJECT INDEX LISTING 133 Ii. MRC BOOK PUBLICATIONS 188 MRC TECHNICAL SUMMARY REPORTS The prlnclpa means by which the Mathematics Research Center shares the resuts of its members research activities Is In the form of Technlca Summary Reports (TSRts)o These reports are aval abe on request as to&ows-- 1o Reports over one year o&d are no &onger aval&abe from MRC, but are aval&ab&e A, To non-defense activities from-- Natlona Technlca Information Service 5285 Port Roya Road Springfield, VA 22161 Phone 703-487-4650 Reports from NTIS must be purchased with prices varying depending on report size. There Is an addltlona charge for foreign orders. An exact price quotation Is avai[ab&e frcxn NTIS. B, To defense activities and contractors from-- Defense Technlcat Information Center (OTIC DOA) Cameron Statlon Aexandrla, VA 22314 2o Reports pub&lshed within the past year may be requested dlrectty from IC (avaiLab&e on microfiche), Indicate both the report number and author In your request, Indlvldua requestors with a continuing Interest In TSRts wl[ be furnished pertclic TSR accession Ists from which they can select those reports of particular Interest to them In certain cases it Is possible for tC to enter into an agreement for exchange of reports with other research organ zat Ions on an automat Ic bas So The SubJect Cbasslflcatlon Listing used In this document is ANS(MOS) 1980. it .T.ECH,N.I CAL. SUMMARy_ IEp,ORT.S,IS_TL PAGE 1546 Catalina& Interpo&atlon and Spain, Functions, VIII. The Budan-Fourter Theorem for Spathes and Applications, Car de Boor an0 I. J. Schoenberg, (Juy, 1975) 41A15. In "Spain. Funcl"lons, Karsruhe 1975", Lecture Notes in Math., 501, Springer Vertag (1976), 1-79. AD AO 17 996 1547 Co&Locatlon Methods for Slngutar BounOary VaCua Prob&ems, Frank R. de Hoog anO Richard Weiss, (Aug, 1975) 65L05, 65LI0, SIAM J. Numer. Ana. 15 (1978), 198-217. AD A017 997 1548 Neurodynamlcs (A Crltlcai.Survey), A[wyn Co Scott, (Oct, 1975) 92-02, J. Mathematlca Psycho&ogy 15 (1977), 1-45. AO AOI7 998 1549 A Node of Set Theory with Universat Set, Emerson Mltche[[, (Feb, 1976) 03E35, 03E70. AD A023 978 1550 App&lcatlon of the Theory of Sender Curved Rods to the Ana&ysls of Eastlc Yarns, No C. Huang, (Juy, 1975) 73Cxx, 73Exx, Trans. of the 21st Conf. of Army Mathematicians, May 14-16, 1975, E Peso, Texas, (1976), pp. 217-250. /3 A016 103 1551 The Non-Honotonicity of Soutions in Swirling Ftow, J. B. McLeod and S. V. Porter, (Oct,. 1975) 34815, 34E15, 76-XX, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 76 (1977), 161-182. AD AOI 7 963 1552 Ratlona Mixed-Integer Minimization Mede,s, Ro R. Meyer and M. V. Thakkar, (Jan, 1976) 90C10 Revised form fRtlonat Mlxecl-lnteger end Potyh.edra Union Minimization Hodets' Computer Sciences Technical ReDort f529, University of Wisconsin-Madison, August 1978; Mathematics of Operations ReseercM 5 (1980), 135-146. AD A022 718 1553 Regularity end Stabtity for Convex M.utlvaued Functions, Stephen M. Robinson, (Jan, 1976) 15A39, 26A51, 47H99, 90C25, 9.0C50, Mathematics of Operations Research (1976i, 130-143. AD AO22 719 1554 Data Hodets for Secondary Storage Representations, Aen Relter, (Juty, 1975) 68H05, Proceedings, VLIB Conference, Sept. 22-24, 1975, (ACM). AD A016 47 1555 Linear Controt Theory and Rlccatl Eauatlon, L. Tartar (Feb, 1976) 34G10, 49A27, 49B27. AD A025 979 1556 Some Loca Existence Resu[ts on on Integra Equation In a Banach Space, S.-O. Londen, (Oct, 1975) 45D05, 45N05, 45G10, 35L60, 47H05, Published under tlt[e An Existence Resutt on a VoLterra Equation In a Benach Space , Trans. ^mar. Hath. Soc. 235 (1978), 285-304. AD A020 201 1557 A Comblnatorta Sum, Rlchard Askey and Mourad E.-H..Ismalt, (Juty, 1975) 33A0, 05Al9. AD A017 926 1558 Oe a Vo[terra Integrodlfferentla Equation Ina rBnach Space, S.-O. Londen, (Oct, 1975) 45005, 45(;10, 35L60, 47H05,.45J05. AD A017 999 TECHNICAL SUMMARY REPORTS L ST PAGE 2 1559 Withdrawn. 1560 On Raid's Characterization of the Ternary Matrotds, Robert E. Blxby, (.JuLy, 1975) 05B35. AD AOI6 353 1961 ModeLing of MuLtipLe Time Series by the Method of Successive OrthogonaLIzatlon, M. S. Phadke, (Jan, 1976) 62M10. AD A022 742 1562 The Decay of Genetic Vartabltlty In Geographlcatty Structured PopuLations. II, Thomas Nagytakl, (JuLy., 1975) 92A10, 35K15, 45A09, 60J70, Theater. PopuLation BioLogy I0 (1976), 70-82. AD A017 924 1563 The Landau ProbLem for Motions in a Ring and In Bounded Continua, I. J. Schoenberg, (Oct, 1979) 26DI0, 41A15, Amer. Math. Monthl, y 84 (1977), 1-12o AD AOI 8 000 1564 A Computational Study of Active Set Strategies In NonLinear Programming with .Linear Constraints, Metante L. Lenard, (Nov, 1975) 65K05, 90C25, Mth. Programming 16 (1979), 81-97. AD A020 202 1565 C.Vlscous FLuid Ftow Down an IncLined PLane and the DeveLopment of Raft waves, ALfred Carasso and Mel-Chang Shen, (Oct, 1975) 76-XX, 3R25, 65M30, SIAM J. ,l)pt. Math, 33 (1977), 399-426. AD A020 203 1566 A SinguLar Semitlnear Equation LI(R), Michael G. Crandati and Lawrence C. Evans, (Sept, 1975) 34B15, Trans. Amer. Math. Sac. 225 (1977), 145-153. AD A017 925 1567 Withdrawn. 1568 NonLinear Evotutlon Equations In Banach Spaces, Lawrence C. Evans, (Aug, 1975) w,GIO, Israel J. Math. 26 (1977), 1-41. AD AO 18 00 1569 A Free Boundary ProbLem, Lawrence C. Evans, (Aug, 1975) 35R99, Indiana Unlv. Math, Jo 26 (1977), 915-932. AD A017 923 1570 The Search for Good Lattice Points tn N Dimensions, G. Kedem, (Oct, 1975) IOK99. AD A018 002 1571 Varlatlona& Methods and Honotonlclty, L. Tartar, (OCt, 1975) 46N09, 47H09, 47H19. AD A018 003 1572 Factorial Expansions for Certain Bosse Functions, J. Barktey Rosser, (Nov, 1975) 33-04, 53A15, 33A40. AD A022 716 1573 k Slmutaneous Measurement Procedures: A Bayesian Approach, Norman Draper and Irwin Guttman, (Aug, 1975) 62F15, 62H99, J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 71 (1976), 605-607. AD AO 18 004 TECHNICAL SUMMARY REPORTS L ST PAGE 3 1574 Permutat. ion Prob&en and Specla& Functions, Richard Askey and Mourad Eo-H. Ismait, (Oct, 1975) 05A05, 05A10, .33A30, 3.3A65, Canad. J. Math. 28 (1976), 853-874. D A018 005 1575 Asymptotic Stabltlty and Energy Decay Rates for So&utlons of Hyperbo&lc Equations with Boundary Oamplng, John P 0ulnn and David L. Russet&, [Nov, 1975) 93C20, 93D05, 9D15, 70-XX, 35B40, 35L05, J. Roy. Soc. Edlnburgh,Ser. A 77A (1977), 97-127. AD AO20 205 1576 The Mp&lcatlon of Linear Mu&tlstep Methods to Slngutar Inltla Va&ue Probtems. Frank R. de HKx3 and Richard Weiss, [Feb, 1976) 65L05, Math. Cp. 31 (1977), AD AO22 743 1577 Ladder Sets and Regenerative Phenomena: Further Renmrks end Some /op&lcatlons, N. U. Prabhu, (Dec, 1975) 6OJ30, 60J55, Sankhya Sero A 38 (1976), 143-152. AD A020 206 1578 Derivatives, Differences, Mu&tlp&e Fourier Kernets, D. B. Llu and L. C. Young, (Jan 1976] 40DlO, 42AO5, 46F99, 60H05, Internat. J. Iath. [1977). AD A022 744 1579 Minimum-Weight Design of Vibrating E&astlc Structures with Dynamic Def&ection Cnstralnt, N. C. Huang, (Oct, 1975) 73Cxx, 7.3Exx, 49899, J. App. Mech. 43 (1976), 178-180. AD A020 211 1580 Equations with Order Preserving Properties, L. Tarter, (Feb, 1976) 35B99, 5J20, 4A99. AD A024 027 1581 N-th Order Ordinary Olfferentlat Systems Under-Stle&tjes Boundary Conditions, A&tan M. Kra& and Richard C. Brown, (Dec, 1975) }4BI0, 47A05, Trans. Nner. Mth. Soc. 198 1974 ), 73-92. AD A022 745 2 1582 On Minimizing the Sum of Suares of L Norms of Dlffe.rentle Operators Under Constraints, Richard C, Brown and Attan M, Kra&l, (Feb, 1976)- 41A15, }4B10, 47A05, Czechoslovak th. J. 27 (1977), 132-143. A02 94 1583 Bayesian natysls of Re&labl&lty In Mu&tlcomponent Stress-Strength Mode&s, Norman Draper and Irwin Guttman, (Jan, 1976) 62A15, 62NO5, Co Statist. A7 (1978), 441-451. AD A022 746 1584 Non&lnear Partlat Dlfferentlat Equations using Compactness Methods, L. Tartar, (Feb, 1976) .35A15, }5L05, 35(;)10. AD A028 230 1585 Effect of Corre&aton on the Estimation of a Mean In the Presence of Spurious Observations, Irwin Guttmn and G. C. Tlao, (Nov, 1975) 62E25, 62FI0, 62MI0, Cnad. J. Statist. 6 (1978), 229-247. AD A020 212 1586 The Concept of a Best Approximation as an O1)t.lllty Criterion In Statlstlca Decision Theory, Bernard Harris and G<)rhard Helnd&, (Dec 1975) 62C05, 41A65, Optimizing Methods In Statist., J. S. Rustagl, ed,, Academic Press, NY (1979). AD A020 21.3 TECHNICAL SUNMARY REPORTS LIST PAGE 4 1587 An Extension of Caritzs Bipartition Identity, George E. Andrews, (Sept, 1975) 05A15, 05A17, 05A19, 10A45, Pro<::, Amero Math. SOCo 6:3 (1977), 180-184o AD A018 006 1588 Cancellation and Rounding Errors, J. Barktey Rosser and Jo Mlchae Yohe, (Apt, 19761 68-01, 68B05, 68C05. AD A028 2:31 1589 NI thdrawn. 1590 Bifurcation for Lipschl?z Operators with an Application to Elasticity, J. B. McLeod and Ro E. L Turner, (Apt, 19761 47H99, 5J60, 49G05, Arch. Ratlona Math. Ana. 63 (1977), 1-45. AD A028 280 159l AcceLerated ConJugate Direction Methods for Unconstrained Optimization, HeLanle L. Lenard, (War, 1976) 65K05, 90C25, J Optimization Theory 25 (19781, 11-31.
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