Logia a journal of lutheran theology Robert D. Preus ‒ IN M Holy Trinity 1996 volume v, number 3 ei[ ti" lalei', FREQUENTLY USED ABBREVIATIONS wJ" lovgia Qeou' AC [CA] Augsburg Confession AE Luther’s Works, American Edition logia is a journal of Lutheran theology. As such it publishes Ap Apology of the Augsburg Confession articles on exegetical, historical, systematic, and liturgical theol- BSLK Die Bekenntnisschriften der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche ogy that promote the orthodox theology of the Evangelical Ep Epitome of the Formula of Concord Lutheran Church. We cling to God’s divinely instituted marks of FC Formula of Concord the church: the gospel, preached purely in all its articles, and the LC Large Catechism sacraments, administered according to Christ’s institution. This LW Lutheran Worship name expresses what this journal wants to be. In Greek, LOGIA SA Smalcald Articles functions either as an adjective meaning “eloquent,” “learned,” SBH Service Book and Hymnal or “cultured,” or as a plural noun meaning “divine revelations,” “words,” or “messages.” The word is found in Peter :, Acts SC Small Catechism :, and Romans :. Its compound forms include oJmologiva SD Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord (confession), ajpologiva (defense), and ajvnalogiva (right relation- Tappert The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical ship). Each of these concepts and all of them together express the Lutheran Church. Trans. and ed. Theodore G. Tappert TDNT Theological Dictionary of the New Testament purpose and method of this journal. LOGIA considers itself a free conference in print and is committed to providing an indepen- TLH The Lutheran Hymnal dent theological forum normed by the prophetic and apostolic Tr Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions. At the heart of our Triglotta Concordia Triglotta journal we want our readers to find a love for the sacred Scrip- WA Luthers Werke, Weimarer Ausgabe [Weimar Edition] tures as the very Word of God, not merely as rule and norm, but especially as Spirit, truth, and life which reveals Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life—Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore, we confess the church, without apology and without rancor, only with a sincere and fervent love for the precious Bride of Christ, the holy Christian church, “the mother that begets and bears every Christian through the Word of God,” as Martin Luther says in the Large Catechism (LC II, ). We are animated by the con- viction that the Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession represents the true expression of the church which we confess as one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. LOGIA (ISSN #‒) is published quarterly by the Luther Academy, Fifth Avenue North, Plymouth, MN . Non-profit postage paid (permit #4)) at Cresbard, SD and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to LOGIA, PO Box , Cresbard, SD . Editorial Department: Plum St., Mankato, MN . Unsolicited material is welcomed but cannot be returned unless accompanied by suffi- cient return postage. Book Review Department: University Avenue SE, Minneapolis, MN . All books received will be listed. Logia Forum and Correspondence Department: S. Hanna, Fort Wayne, IN –. Letters selected for publication are subject to edito- rial modification, must be typed or computer printed, and must contain the writer’s name and complete address. Subscription & Advertising Department: PO Box , Cresbard, SD . Advertising rates and specifications are available upon request. SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION: U.S.: for one year (four issues). Canada and Mexico: year surface, ; year air, . Overseas: year, air: ; surface: . All funds in U.S. currency only. Copyright © . The Luther Academy. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission. logia a journal of lutheran theology Holy trinity 1996 volume v, number 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................... A Sermon on Revelation :– By Dr. Robert D. Preus: .......................................................................................................................................................................................... In Memoriam: Robert David Preus By David P. Scaer .................................................................................................................................................................................................... Commemoration Sermon for Dr. Robert D. Preus By David P. Scaer .................................................................................................................................................................................................... Robert David Preus: In Memoriam By Wilhelm W. Petersen ........................................................................................................................................................................................ Robert Preus, Historian of Theology By John Stephenson .............................................................................................................................................................................................. The “Realist Principle” of Theology By Kurt Marquart .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Solus Christus By Daniel Preus .................................................................................................................................................................................................... Luther Battles the Fanatics By Arnold J. Koelpin.............................................................................................................................................................................................. Selective Fellowship By Hermann Sasse ................................................................................................................................................................................................ A Call for Manuscripts .......................................................................................................................................................................................... The Other Story of Lutherans at Worship? By Rick Stuckwicsh .............................................................................................................................................................................................. The Church in AC VII: An Exegetical Overview By Randy Asburry ................................................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................ William P. Grunow: Response to “Communion in Holy Things . .” Alan Ludwig: Author’s response .................................................................................................................................................................................................... R E: Testing the Boundaries: Windows to Lutheran Identity. By Charles P. Arand. Lutheranism and Pietism: Essays and Reports , Lutheran Historical Conference. Vol. Edited by Aug. R. Suelflow. The Other Story of Lutherans at Worship: Reclaiming Our Heritage of Diversity. By David S. Luecke. The Word Goes On: Sermons by Dr. Siegbert W. Becker. Compiled by James P. Becker. Studies in the Augsburg Confession. By John Meyer. Galatians: A Continental Commnentary. By Dieter Lührmann. Christian Existence Today: Essays on Church, World, and Living in Between. By Stanley Hauerwas. B N ...................................................................................................................................................................................... The Ministry in Genesis • Protestant Sacerdotalism • Confess Christ or Celebrate Schweitzer? A Sure Word • Not By Morals • Battle for the Gospel • The Power of the Keys • Silent Women Who for Us Men • On Being Put • Timely Communion Practice C j ■ To the Editors: useable in a positive sense the definition of LOGIA CORRESPONDENCE AND “Robert David Preus: In Memoriam” in the term should be something like this: “a COLLOQUIUM FRATRUM L (Epiphany ) began with a dis- God-pleasing scholar of outstanding skill We encourage our readers to respond to cussion of whether or not Dr. Preus was and knowledge.” This would of course the material they find in L — the greatest theologian of the twentieth eliminate all scholars who are not ortho- whether it be in the articles, book reviews, century. This is a response to that part of dox, confessional Lutherans, because there or letters of other readers. While we can- the article. The argument that Dr. Preus is nothing God-pleasing at all about not print everything that is sent, we hope himself would never have characterized teaching and preaching false doctrine. A that our Colloquium Fratrum section will himself as such proves only that he was a theologian who is not God-pleasing is cer- allow for longer response/counter- modest man who realized full well that he tainly not great in the positive sense of the response exchanges, whereas
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