BULLETIN Serving Immokalee, Ave Maria and Eastern Collier County Vol. 51 No. 24 Thursday, June 14, 2018 TIF students receive expert support at event NAPLES - A recent networking recep- ing; at the networking event, he connect- tion introduced students in The Immokalee ed with representatives from Arthrex, who Foundation’s programs to more than 20 talked with him about educational require- Southwest Florida professionals from a va- ments and showed him various prostheses riety of career fields. The event, held in the manufactured by the company. offices of the Community Foundation of “They demonstrated how the prostheses Collier County, also gave students practical work, described them and how they were Courtesy photo/Fred N Thomas, Jr experience in meeting, greeting and con- useful to people of various ages,” Vasquez A large number of the community sponsors and parents in attendance at the versing in a business environment. said. “It interested me knowing that’s one event. See more photos on page 4. Thirty Immokalee High School students way to help a person.” participated, along with professionals from Meeting successful local adults helps The Collier ACI Worldwide, Arthrex, Barron Immokalee Foundation students learn how Collier Cos., BMO Private Wealth Bank, to interact among professionals, such as Dr. iTech holds Unified Collier County Medical Society, FineMark Massoud Eghrari, a local surgeon who sup- Bank, Florida Gulf Coast University, Florida ports the foundation. Eghrari believes that, Highway Patrol, Patrick Neale & Associates, quite often, students’ exposure to profes- Paychex, PK Studios, Poz-Art, Pulte Homes, sionals is mainly limited to their teachers. Score Naples and Smart Marketing. Audra DiNanno, The Immokalee Foun- Champions Banquet Luis Vasquez, an Immokalee High School dation’s development coordinator, said, sophomore and a Take Stock in Children “These business receptions not only help By Fred N Thomas, Jr pics Bowling 2017 - Rigo Martinez, Lheiha student, attended the reception. “The foun- our students learn etiquette, networking Special to the Immokalee Bulletin Plantin, Jackie Sanchez, Jenny Francois, Mi- dation gathered respected people in their and socializing skills, but it’s also a way to On May 29, iTech hosted the Immoka- chael Temaji, Albert Bonilla, Andres Domin- professions, and we were able to talk with meet working professionals in their poten- lee High School FHSAA Unified Champions go-Pedro and Lovinsky Cantava. them one-on-one for several minutes,” he tial fields of interest.” 2018 Awards Banquet, under the leadership • Immokalee High School State Bowling said. Vasquez also attended a career panel Brett VanderHeyden of the Pulte Group of David McKenzie , Director of Collier Coun- Champions - Marisol Garcia Erica Obregon, the foundation previously organized, which ty Olympics, Ms. Kelly Stevenson and Ron Fabian Calixto, Sam Fuller, Albert Hernan- piqued his interest in biomedical engineer- See Event — Page 2 Mosher. dez, Juana Gaspar, Marisol Garcia, Alejandro The opening statement was given by Ron Ramirez, Hiram Delgado, Marisela Chaparro Mosher of the Immokalee Kiwanis Cluband and Sam Gonzalez. the invocation by Pastor Terry Mallory of the • Immokalee High School State Track First Baptist Church of Immokalee & Field Champions 2018 - Nery Cifuentes,- Kelly Stevenson was the presenter of Johnathon Vinton, Johnny Garza and Jenny medals and awards. Jean Francois. • Immokalee High School Tennis Cham- Awards, Medals and Trophies pion 2018 - Katrina Jackson and Marisol were given To: Garci • Most Inspirational Athlete 2017-18 - Ka- • Immokalee High School FHSAA trina Jackson and Fabian Calixto. Awards - Michael Temaj, Alberto Bonilla, • Most Improved Athlete 2017-18 - Thel- Thelson Smith, Lovinksy Cantave, Andres son Smith. Domingo-Pedro, Alejandro Hernandez, Sam Gonzalez, Fabian Calixto, Albert Ramirez, • Most Valuable- Lovinsky Cantave Billy Jules and Katrina Jackson. Kelly Stevenson was voted as “North • Immokalee High School State Pentha- America Championship Instructor” of the lon Champion 2018 - Thelson Smith, Lovin- year! sky Cantave, Alberto Bonilla, Karina Jack- Kelly would like to thank the following son, Billy Jules, Nery Cifuentes, Kiko Diego, sponsors for their support of the Special Julio Loya and Johnathon Vinton. Olympics. Lipman’s Family Farms - Cham- • Immokalee High School Unified Flag pionship rings for the teams. One by One Football State Champions 2017 - Alberto Bo- Leadership - Trophy Awards and Medals. nilla, Lovinsky Cantave, Michael Temaj, An- The Immokalee Kiwanis Club under the dres Domingo- Pedro, Fabian Calixto, Sam leadership of Ron Mosher. Courtesy photo Gonzalez and Thelson Smith. Let’s give the Immokalee High School Lieutenant Gregory S. Bueno (Florida Highway Patrol) with Jacqueline Perez • Immokalee High School Special Olym- Special Olympics a Big Hooray! and Leann Campbell. 2 Immokalee Bulletin June 14, 2018 away at how advanced and extremely en- Southwest Florida,” he said. Event gaging the students were. Many had already The Immokalee Foundation provides a BULLETIN figured out their career paths. Many already range of education programs that focus on Serving Immokalee, Ave Maria and Eastern Collier County Continued From Page 1 had been accepted to a university or knew building pathways to success through sup- To Reach Us where they wanted to go. A lot of them were port, mentoring and tutoring, and life skills was one of the professionals who partici- Mailing Address: P.O. Box 518 in dual enrollment, going to college at the development leading to economic indepen- LaBelle, FL 33975 pated, along with his wife, Carla, a financial same time as high school.” dence. To learn more about The Immokalee Physical Address: 22 Ft. Thompson Ave. analyst for Collier ACI Worldwide. Van der Heyden handles the construction Foundation, volunteering as a mentor, mak- Phone: (239) 657-6000 “We thought it was fantastic,” Brett Van schedule for Pulte, a national home build- ing a donation, including The Immokalee Fax: (863) 675-1449 der Heyden said. “It was awesome to see er. “It was good that they learned you don’t Foundation in your estate plans, or for addi- Website: www.immokaleebulletin.com that an opportunity exists for these kids to have to swing a hammer or pour concrete to tional information, call 239-430-9122 or visit succeed. My wife and I both were blown be part of the construction business here in www.immokaleefoundation.org. To Submit News The Immokalee Bulletin welcomes submissions from its readers. Opinions, calendar items, story Lessons we are meant to learn seem to circle around ideas and photographs are welcome. Call (239) 657-6000 to reach our newsroom. The deadline “When we really desire a certain out- tain lesson to one aspect of ways seems to show up in for all news items is 11 a.m. on Monday prior to come, we cling to the idea of how we think our lives but we can’t quite your circumstances and in- the following Thursday’s publication. it should work out in our mind. We cling so use that same approach to an- stead of getting angry about it E-Mail: [email protected] tightly to the idea of what we want, that we other. or judging it ask yourself what leave no wiggle room for any other possible Maybe we are really good you can learn from it! outcome; and, when things don’t pan out at loosening our grip with To Place a Display Ad When those lessons come Phone: (239) 657-6000 exactly as we want them to, we can become our work but not in our rela- disappointed, depressed, dejected, or down tionships with our spouses or along, instead of clinging to The deadline for all advertising is 4 p.m. on Fri- the outcome of how you think day for the following Thursday’s right angry. When other people are added children. Or maybe vice-ver- publication to the mix, with their ideas and outcomes sa, life at home is easy breezy it should work itself out, stay E-mail: [email protected] that they are clinging to, just as passionately but maybe we have freak out open to creative possibilities as we are attached to our own outcomes, moments when things don’t for resolve that may not exist things can get pretty ugly really quickly!” go exactly as planned in our Billing Department in the scope of your control. That was an excerpt from one of my work. Surrender the outcome, take a E-mail: [email protected] Hunting Happiness articles last December, This week I encourage you and as I read it now it still rings true in cer- to ask yourself what is the deep breath, look for the les- To Place a Classified Ad tain aspects of my life. The lessons we are lesson that seems to present son, and exhale. Take it all one Call 1 -877 353-2424 to place it from home or meant to learn seem to circle back around itself to you time and time again, and then day at a time, and know (in the word’s of my go to www.newszap.com to us if we haven’t learned them, don’t they? contemplate how you can learn from it each dear teacher Gabrielle Bernstein) that “the Or, maybe, we have learned to apply a cer- and every time it comes up. What thing al- Universe has your back.” For Subscriptions Phone: 1-800-282-8586 Visit immokaleebulletin.com The Immokalee Foundation receives $10,000 or email [email protected]. Staff from Suncoast Credit Union Foundation grant Publisher: Katrina Elsken Group Advertising Manager: Jamie Limoges NAPLES – The Immokalee Foundation university, technical or vocational program, students discover careers in fields they may News and Ad Services: Dale Conyers has been awarded a $10,000 grant from the or an apprenticeship or internship. Critical not even know are available to them,” said Advertising Sales: Anakaren Salinas Suncoast Credit Union Foundation to pro- components of the Career Development Steven Kissinger, executive director of The Advertising Services: Barbara Calfee vide Career Development program scholar- workshops include ACT preparation, re- Immokalee Foundation.
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