DOCUMENT RESUME ED 072 346 AC 01* 188' TITLE To Ward a National Policy on Aging: .Volume Background, Organization, Program.Volume II. Conference Findings- and ReCorMaendatiOns frOm- the Sections and SpecialConcerns -Sessions. Final Report. INSTITUTION White _Hail Se C_ onferenCe- on Aging, Washington,D.C. PUB DATE 2' Dec, 7-1 NOTE 462p.; ,Proceedings of the White House Conferenceon Aging, *Washington; -D.C.,,, November 28-Dedember2, 1971 AVAILABLE FROMSuperintendent of boCuMents, U.. S. Government Printing Off ice, Washington,D'.C. 20402 (S/N 1762 -0069, ;6.75' set Oftwo volumes) vEpits- :PRICE MF$0.65 THC-116.4 DESCRIPTORS. Adult ,DeVelOpMent; *Adult -Education-ProgramS; *donterence 'Reports; *Federal_ Legislation-'Health' Minority Groups; *National -ProgramSt.*Older Adults ; .Psychological NeedS;SocioecoriOMic Influences-- IDENTIFIERS *White. Hciuse= Conference ori Aging 1971 ABSTRACT TheSe two volUMes coMpriSe the officitalproceedings of the second White House Conferenceon AgiOq,. held-NOyenibek 28=December _2, 1971. Volume includes an overview of the Conference plan--its' concepts, organization, and prOgraniming: It 'presents the cOntributiOnS made bySpeakers at the` General Sessions and-COnference Delegate inncheons.Volume II is devoted to reports.-of the work of tbe 14 SubjectArea sections= and the_ .17 Special 'COncernS SeSsionS, which resulted. in the ,formtilation: ofthe COnferende reboriithendatiOris. -TheSe recoMMenda'tiOnS-concern- the follOwing: EddCation;. EMO.oyMent and Retirement;- Physical and meotai Health;- Housing; Income; Nutrition; Retirement Rolesand Activities; Spiritual -Well- Being; Transportation; Facilities,Programs,- and S-eri.rices; Government and NOngoverriritentotqatazatitin; Planning; Research and .Demonstration; Training;iiealtb daie Strategies;= Disability, and Rehabilitation;The Rural and the :Poor Elderly; The Elderly' Among the MinoritieS; -ProtectiVe-andand Social SUpport; and Roles: -for Old and Young.(DB) U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATION i1 WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS 6FE \ REPRO DUI.ED ExACTt, RELEtED FRom WE PERSON OR ORY. On OR} iNA TING IT PoiNTS ei OR OPiN IONS STATED 00 NU REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFtcF OI TOO CATION PUSI-,ON OR POLICY OFFICERS AND STAFF DIRECTORS Chairman: Director: ARTHUR S. FLEMMING JOHN B. MARTIN Vice Chairman: Executive Director: BERTHA S. ADKINS WEBSTER B. "row, JR. Co-Directors of Technical Activities: WiLma DONAH6E, CLARK Timurrs Director of Regional and State Relations: RAY SCHWARTZ Director of National Organiiations: DOROTHY MCLEOD Director of Public Information and Public Affairs: JoHN EowARDs Administrative Officer: FLORENCE JONES Director of Logistics: JOHN CHRISTMAN Special Assistant to the Chairman: JULIE. ERICKSON Special- Assistant to the Executive Director: TINA FORRESTER NATIONAL PLANNING BOARD ARTHUR S. FLEMMING, Chairman BERTHA S. ADKINS, EARL G. WARREN, -INABEL B. LINDSAY Vice Chairmen t TARP ADAMS JOHN W. EDELMAN ALFRED IL LAWTON SEBASTIAN RODRIGUEZ DAVID L. ALVARADO CARL EISDORFER MELINDA ANN LEE E.BONNY RUSSELL DECKER AN STROM EDWARD K. (DUKE) MARCELLE C. LEVY WILLIAM L. RUTHERFORD ELOISE HARDISON BANKS ELLINGTON ELIZABTH K. LiNc.co.x MARGARET C. ROBERT W. BARON FRANCES FAIRBANKS EDWARD J. LORENZE SCHWEINHAUT MARGARET BARTOSEK *THOMAS E. FIELDER RUBYE. STUTTS LYELLS *HESS T. SEARS ROSEMARY BAXTER RABBI Louts FINKELSTEIN JOHN W. MCCONNELL. DAVID C. SINGLER MARIETTA RUMBERG BENCE * WILLIAM C. FITCH LAURA.B. MCCOY ELEANOR-F. SLATER' JAMES S. BENNETT MYRTLE C. FONTENO WALTER C. MCKAIN WILLIAM E. Sxuccs *ROBERT D. BLUE JULIAN P. Fox, JR. JOHN B. MCPHERSON ARTHUR L. SPARKS FRANCES P. BOLTON DANNY FRANK *GEORGE MEANY MARY E. SWITZER WALTER L. BOND S. ROSS GREENWOOD *CARSON MEYER *CHARLES P. TAFT MAR J ORIE T. BORCHARDT *ALFRED M. GRUENTHER DAVID MII.I.ER ROBERT H. TAKEUCHI KATHLEEN MERRY A. WEBB HALE A. LUTHER MOI.BERG BRADLEY L. TAYLOR BRODERICK *CECIL M. HARDEN THOMAS C. MORRILL PETER E. TERZICK RICHARD P. BUTRICK A. BAIRD HASTIN :5 ROGER F. MURRAY J. FRANK TROY HERBERT R. CAIN, JR. *ROBERT J. HAVIGHURST NOVERRE MUSSON MARY ELLEN TuLLY BLUE A. CARSTEN SON AII.EE HENRY *BERNARDE. NASH *BERNARD S. VAN *CHARLES H. CHASKES ADELAIDE C. HILL MELVIN N. NEWQUIST RENSSELAER MARGUERITE STITT TIBOR HORANYI JAMES C. O'BRIEN CHURCH *THOMAS G. WALTERS *LUCIUS DUB. CLAY GRACE HOWARD CARTER C. OSTF.RBIND JESSE P. WARDERS W. FRED COTTRELI. *HOBERT C. JACKSON FRELL M. OWL DONALD M. WATKIN *NELSON H. CRUIKSHANK JoHN A. JACKSON OLLIE A. RANDALL PAUL DUDLEY WHITE CONSUELO CASTILLO DE RONALD L. JENSEN GEORGE G. READER GEORGE K. WYMAN BONZO CERNORIA D. JOHNSON PATRICIA ROBERTS CLARA YANEZ LOUEI.LA C. DIRK SEN VICTOR KASSEI. ROBERT B. ROBINSON STEVE ZUMBACH Executive Committee: The Chairman, the Vice Chairmen, and members whosenames arc marked with an asterisk(*) 1971 Wirt 'HOUSE CONF.,ERENCE.ON AGING November 28 Dicenibee 2 Washington, V. Background Organization Program CONTENTS In VolumeI. Page Letter of Transmittal--Elliot- Richardson ForewordArthur S. Flemming vii PrefaceJohn B. Martin ix PART 13ackgrOund, Concepts, Planning The Need .for a Second White House Conference,on Aging 3 Legislative History 4 Appropriations 6 The -President's Proclamation, 6 The Conference Plan The Three. Year CotiferetiPlan---._. ,.. PlanAn Overview 6 TPrincipal Task of the Conference-7-Policies for Aging 7 Subject Matter Content 8 The Conference -Planners- 11 The Conference Materials 14 PART 2 Actionat Community and State .Levels The State Agencyon Aging 21 Survey of the State's Older People Training for Community Forums andOnferences 22 Older American White House ,Forums 22 Community White House Conferences on Aging 25 State White House Conferenceson Aging 26 Activities of National Organizations 27 Regional White House Conference Hearings 28 PART 3 The National Conference in Preparation Establishing a National- Climate of Action 33 Consolidation of Recommendations 34 Categories of Conference Participants 35 Conference Format General Sessions 38 Subject Area Sections and Subsections 38 Special Concerns Sessions 41 Selection and Training of Conference Leadership 41 Assignment and Preparation of Conference Participants 42 `it PART 4The National"Confcrence in Action . The °inference Setting - 45. Characterisiics of the Delegates 46 The- Conference- Program 51 The Opening General Session 53 The Open Forum 59 The Conference Luncheon Programs 83 The Closing General 'Session, 135 PART 5 In Summary A-Delegate's View of the Conference -147 PART 6 Appendices A.White House Confereikeon Aging Act 155 B.Officials and Staff 157 C.National Planning Board 158 D.State Planning Officials 159 E.Conference Participants State Delegates 160 National Organization Delegates 171 Invited Observers 181 F.Special, Committees : National Assn. of State Units On Aging LiaisonCommittee 183 Committee to Assist Disabled Delegates 183 Advisory Committee 'for the Multi-mediaPresentation_________ 183 G.Government Agencies Providing Assistanceto the Conference 183 H.Rules of Order 184 I. Titles and Authors of "Background andIssues" Papers 185 J. OutstEnding Older Americans 186 K. Senior Portrait Contest 186 Recommendations of-the Sections and Special Concerns Sessions follow in Volume II iv THE SECRETARY OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE WASHINGTON, D.C. 20201 Dear Mr. President: It is my privilege to transmit to you this official' report of the Second White House Conferenceon Aging, held November 23 December 2, 1971, in Washington, D.C. The Conference included a number of unique features of special interest. First, it was conceived` not -asa single event, but as a process extending over A three-year -period during which important activities would take place-at local; State and .national levels in both the-Public and: private sectors. Second was a .strong focus, throughout the Conference, on a major 'involvement of a relatively large proportion.,of the- nation's older people. Third the inClusion,of ,youth in planning and decision-niaking roles, and as delegates `to- the Conferehce. A fourth innovation was the initiation of. national policyrecom- mendations at the community- level, whichwere refined in State conferences and; after-'fur her Consideration and sharp= ening, offichlly adopted by the delegates at the National Conference. I have examined these recommendations and find them remarkably practical, and concerned withmany of the .same issues and objectives to which your Administrationis ad- dressing itself. The Conference findings will bea continuing source of guidance in the immediate future, not only to the Federal goVernment but to States, local communities, and national organizations concerned with older people. In my .judgement, the Second White House Conferenceon Aging has made an outstanding contribution toour Nation's efforts to bring more security and greater meaningto the later years of every Older American. Respectfully, Elliot L. Richardson Secretary .1w e- s ty 411 4 FOREWORD Old age has no fixed ,term, and one may fitly live in it so long as he can observe and discharge the duties of his station... DE SENECTtTE CICERO (106-42 B.C.) he1971 White House Conference on Aging sought to crystalize in national policy the dimen- sions ,of a society in which older Americansmay "fitly live" while completing the adventure of life with fulfillment and serenity. By bringing together nearly 4,000 of America's citizens to explore the. circumstances of the nation's older population and to recommend.po!icies needed to improve those circumstances, the White House Conference on Aging has initiated a
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