SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RAPID TRANSIT DISTRICT 300 Lakeside Drive, P. 0. Box 12688, Oakland, CA 94604-2688 AGENDAS FOR BOARD AND COMMITTEE MEETINGS January 25,2007 9:00 a.m. A regular meeting of the Board of Directors and regular meetings of the Standing Committees will be held on Thursday, January 25, 2007, commencing at 9:00 a.m. All meetings will be held in the BART Board Room, Kaiser Center 2oth Street Mall - Third Floor, 344 - 20'" Street, Oakland, California. Members of the public may address the Board of Directors and Standing Committees regarding any matter on these agendas. Please complete a "Request to Address the Board" form (available at the entrance to the Board Room) and hand it to the Secretary before the item is considered by the Board. If you wish to discuss a matter that is not on the agenda during a regular meeting, you may do so under General Discussion and Public Comment. Any action requiring more than a majority vote for passage will be so noted. Items placed under "consent calendar" and "consent calendar addenda" are considered routine and will be received, enacted, approved, or adopted by one motion unless a request for removal for discussion or explanation is received from a Director or from a member of the audience. Please refrain from wearing scented products (perfume, cologne, after-shave, etc.) to these meetings, as there may be people in attendance susceptible to environmental illnesses. BART provides serviceiaccommodations upon request to persons with disabilities who wish to address BART Board matters. A request must be made within one and five days in advance of BoardICommittee meetings, depending on the service requested. Please contact the Office of the District Secretary at (510) 464-6083 for information. Kenneth A. Duron District Secretary Regular Meeting of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS The purpose of the Board Meeting is to consider and take such action as the Board may desire in comlection with: 1. CALL TO ORDER A. Roll Call. B. Pledge of Allegiance. C. Introduction of Special Guests. 2. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes of the Meeting of January 11, 2007.* Board requested to authorize. B. Award of Contract No. 6M3044, Station Cleaning Various Locations.* Board requested to authorize. 3. BOARD MATTERS A. (CONTINUED from December 7,2006, Board Meeting) Authority to Execute Agreement No. 6M5006 for an Availability and Utilization Study for the Bay Area Public Transportation Agencies (BAPT).* Board requested to authorize. B. Ratification of 2007 Standing Committee ,and Special Appointments.* Board requested to ratify. C. Report of the District Security Advocacy Ad Hoc Committee. For information. D. Roll Call for Introductions. RECESS TO STANDING COMMITTEES Immediately following the Standing Committee Meetings, the Board Meeting will reconvene, at which time the Board may take action on any of the following committee agenda items. ALL COMMITTEES ARE ADVISORY ONLY ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Immediately following the Board Meeting recess Director Keller, Chairperson A-1. Employee Recruitment and Relocation for the Position of Chief Engineer and Relocation for the Position of Manager, Rail Security Programs.* Board requested to authorize. A-2. General Discussion and Public Comment ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE Immediately following the Administration Committee Meeting Director Fang, Chairperson B-1. State Investment Bond Strategy (Measure lB).* For information. B-2. General Discussion and Public Comment. PLANNING. PUBLIC AFFAIRS, ACCESS, AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE Director Radulovich, Chairperson NO REPORT. RECONVENE BOARD MEETING 4. CONSENT CALENDAR ADDENDA Board requested to authorize as recommended from committee meetings above. * Attachment available January 25,2007 5. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES A. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE A-1. Employee Recruitment and Relocation for the Position of Chief Engineer and Relocation for the Position of Manager, Rail Security Programs.* Board requested to authorize. B. ENGINEERING AND OPERATIONS COMMITTEE B-1. State Investment Bond Strategy (Measure 1B).* For information. C. PLANNING. PUBLIC AFFAIRS. ACCESS. AND LEGISLATION COMMITTEE NO REPORT. 6. GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT NO REPORT. 7. GENERAL DISCUSSION AND PUBLIC COMMENT 8. CLOSED SESSION (Room 303, Board Conference Room) A. CONTINUED from January 11,2007, Board Meeting CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS Property: Oakland Airport Connector District Negotiators: Teresa E. Murphy, Assistant General Manager - Administration; and Kathleen Mayo, Deputy Executive Manager - Transit System Development Negotiating Parties: Port of Oakland and San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District Under Negotiation: Price and Terms Government Code Section: 54956.8 B. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS - PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION: Agency Negotiators: Directors Keller, Sweet, and Ward Allen Titles: General Manager General Counsel Controller/Treasurer District Secretary Gov't. Code Sections: 54957 and 54957.6 9. OPEN SESSION A. Compensation of Board-Appointed Officers. B. Public Comment on Item 9-A only. * Attachment available January 25,2007 bii EXECUTIVE DECISION DOCUMENT NARRATIVE Award Contract No. 6M3044, Station Cleaning, Various Locations PURPOSE: To authorize the General Manager to award Contract No. 6M3044, Station Cleaning, Various Locations, to Clean lnnovation of Santa Clara. DISCUSSION: This Contract includes the performance of all operations necessary to detail clean Embarcadero, Montgomery, Powell St, Civic Center and 16th St Mission Stations; with 24th St Mission and Berkeley Stations being Additive Bid Items 1 and 2, respectively. The cleaning services will improve the overall appearance of each station's entrance, concourse and platform areas, including replacing burnt-out light bulbs. Advance Notice to Bidders was mailed on December 15, 2006 to eight prospective bidders. Contract Books were mailed to 20 plan rooms and Minority Assistance Organizations. The Contract was advertised on December 19, 2006. A Pre-Bid meeting was conducted on December 26, 2006, with four prospective bidders attending the meeting. The Site lns~ectionTour was conducted on December 28,2006 with five prospective bidders attending. The following two bids were received on January 9, 2007: Bidder Location Base Bid Base Bid Base Bid + Add 1 +Addl&2 1. Clean Innovation Santa Clara $253,996 $286,698 $330,920 2. Rodel Cleaning South S.F. $303,978 $360,389 $404,841 Services ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $346,000 $374,00 $394,000 District staff has determined that the bid submitted by Clean lnnovation is responsive to the solicitation, and the bidder's license, business experience, and financial capabilities indicate that the bidder is responsible. Staff has also determined that the bid of $330,920, representing the Base Bid plus Additives 1 and 2 (24th St Mission and Berkeley Stations, respectively), which is approximately 16% below the Engineer's EDD: Award Contract No. 6M3044 Estimate, is valid, fair and reasonable. BART staff has determined that there will be no significant effect on the environment by the cleaning operations at the various BART stations, and that this contract is categorically exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Facilities. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this $330,920 contract is included in Maintenance and Engineering's FY 07 Operating Budget for cleaning services. There is $394,019 available for commitment from this fund source for this project. This action will commit $330,920, leaving an uncommitted balance of $63,099. ALTERNATIVES: The alternative is to reject all bids which will result in deferral of station cleaning that could foster a negative public view of the District's operations, and could imply a disregard for its patrons' sense of comfort and well being. RECOMMENDATION: Adoption of the following motion: MOTION: The General Manager is authorized to award Contract No. 6M3044, Station Cleaning, Various Locations, to Clean Innovation for the bid price of $330,920 (Base Bid plus Additive Items 1 and 2), pursuant to notification to be issued by the General Manager and subject to the District's protest procedures. E EXECUTIVE DECISION DOCUMENT ' - qv- NARRATIVE Authority to Execute Agreement No. 6M5006 for an Availability and Utilization Study for the Bay Area Public Transportation Agencies (BAPT) PURPOSE: To obtain Board authorization for the General Manager to execute Agreement No. 6M5006 with CRA International, Inc. (CRA) to conduct an Availability and Utilization Study for the Bay Area Public Transportation Agencies. DISCUSSION: On August 10,2006, the Board authorized the General Manager to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Bay Area Public Transportation Agencies (BAPT) to retain a consultant to conduct a joint Availability and Utilization Study. The BAPT agencies are BART, San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans);Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board; Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA); Central Contra Costa Transit Authority(CCCTA); Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District; Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District; and Metropolitan Transportation Commission(MTC). Under the terms of the (MOU) BART is designated as the lead agency and agrees to be the awarding body for the Study and will administer the contract as the Proiect Manager on behalf of the BAPT. In addition, under the terms of the MOU, a selection committee is to evaluate the proposals and recommend
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