11 6ral Answers [RAJYA SABHA] to Questions 12 (c) what steps Government propose to take chairmanship of Shri Ishwerbhai Patel. That to tackle the problem in the coming academic Committee has submitted its report, which is session commencing in May, 1978 for the under our consideration. We will soon take a promotees to the 12th elass? decision in the matter. THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE SHRI KHURSHED ALAM KHAN; May I MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, SOCIAL know from the hon. Minister whether it is a WELFARE AND CULTURE (SHRIMATI fact that under this 10+2 system of education, RENUKA DEVI BAR-KATAKI): (a) No, Urdu medium books are not yet available, Sir. and by the time perhaps they would be available you may have changed or shifted to (b) Does not arise. some other system? Will you ensure that (e) XII class under the 10+2 pattern will Urdu medium books are also available? be added in Delhi Schools for the first time SHRIMATI RENUKA DEVI BAR- from the academic session starting in May, KATAKI: At this moment I do not have the 1978. Requisite arrangements for starting the information about Urdu medium books. The new class have been made by Delhi hon. Minister has just drawn my attention to Administration. this. The matter may be looked into. SHRI SAWAISINGH SISODIA: Sir, the SHRl KHURSHED ALAM KHAN: It is question of 10+2 and 12+1 has created known all over the country. confusion throughout the country and there are no arrangements for suitable teachers to SHRI NARSINGHA PRASAD NANDA: teach students. Therefore,. I would like to We are informed that a Committee has been know from the hon. Minister whether a constituted to look into this 10+2 system. definite decision has been taken in this May I know, what are the recommendations connection. If so, what is the decision? Let of this Committee? us know it. SHRIMATI RENUKA DEVI BAR- SHRIMATI RENUKA DEVI BAR- KATAKI: The whole Report is under consideration. At this moment it is not KATAKI: Sir, the whole matter is under the consideration of the Government. So far as advisable to say what the recommendations the question relates to XII class, requisite are. arrangements have been made by Delhi Ad- MR. CHAIRMAN: Next question. ministration. SHRI SAWAISINGH SISODIA: Sir, this New Master Plan for the National is playing with the future of students. This is Capital Region a serious problem which has caused *454. SHRI PIARE LALL KUREEL urf considerable confusion throughout the PIARE LALL TALIB: SHRI country. You say that the question is still KHURSHED ALAM pending and it is still under consideration. KHAN:f SHRI JAGDISH How many years will it take to come to a JOSHL SHRi GUN AN AND definite decision in this regard and for how THAKUR: SHRI IBRAHIM many more years will the students have to KALANIYA; suffer? Will the Minister of WORKS AND SHRIMATI RENUKA DEVI BAR- HOUSING AND SUPPLY AND RE- KATAKI: The whole question of 10+2 is HABILITATION be pleased to state: under consideration. This idea was envisaged by the previous Government. After we took tThe question was actually asked on the over, we constituted a Committee under floor of the House by Shri Khurshed Alam the Khan. 13 Oral Answers [ 15 MAR. 1978 ] to Questions 14 (a) whether il is a fact that Government have pr-pared a new Master Plan for the Nat like, you may call it National Capital ona 1 Capital Region; and Regional Plan. It was rawn dup in 1973. Now, I will just relate what has been the history of (b) if so, wh it are the details thereof? this. The National Capital Region concept was recommended by the Master Plan of Delhi for the formation of a statutory National Capital Planning Board. Going through different phases there was a high-powered Advisory Board. There wera certain members, etc. etc. The Board met in May 1967 and discussed subjects of common interest. A draft legislation in accordance with the original recommendation was prepared in t'[THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE 1969 which was accepted by some State MINISTRV OF WORKS AND HOUSING partners in the National Capital Region Plan. AND SUPPLY AND REHABILITATION But it was not accepted by Haryana and there (SHRI RAM KINKARI (a) No Sir. was a sudden gap. Since the concept of statutory board as contemplated originally (to) Does not arise.] was frustrated by the refusal of Haryana to accept it, things should have stopped there. SHRI KHURSHED ALAM KHAN: Sir,, it Unfortunately that did not happen. The Town is a great disappointment to get this sort of and Country Planning Organisation in repl. from the hon. Minister—particularly a collaboration with the Town Planning Minister who is from Delhi, veiy much of Departments of the concerned State Delhi and for Delhi. Therefore, may I know Governments prepared a draft regional plan from the hon. Hinister whether it is not a fact for the National Capital Region in spite of the tha the purpose of this Master Plan wis to fact tht Haryana had not ccepted it and they reduce the pressure on Delhi, particularly continued to go ahead with it. From 1974 when the population of Delhi is increasing by onwards, they spent 518 lakhs of rupees about 300,000 ] eople every year and the basically with a view to promoting the idea of basic civic ervices for them have been National Capital Region. It never happened. outstrippe 1? Are they going to change this There are reasons for this. Firstly, the original Plan or are they going to modify this Plan? If concept was not carried out and in spite of the so, how are they going to meet the present refusal of Haryana Government to fall in situation of pressure on D> Thi by an line,, they continued with the recommenda- increase in its population? tory thing which should not have happened. Secondly, unless the entire N.C.R. is placed under one unified administration, the States SHRI SIKANDAR BAKHT: The concern will go on pulling things in their own of the hon. Member is absolutely right a id I interests. The most conspicuous example is share it equally. The fact that t belong to the step taken by the Government of Uttar Delhi does not make mui h difference. But Pradesh in contradiction of the concept of the fact is that the National Capital Region National Capital Region. They established Plan cane into existence to reduce the NOIDA at the doorstep of Delhi. The States population pressure of Delhi. But primarily it will naturally look to their own interests is not the result of the Master Plan as you call more. Therefore, the whole N.C.R. has to be it. If you under one unified administration so that the original purpose of the N.C.R. t [ ] Ehglish translation. 15 Oral Answers [ RAJYA SABHA ] to Questions 16 can be translated into practice. The > third Act of Parliament so that this scheme thing is that the development of small may be completed in the interest of the towns which are not within commutable capital? distance from bigger cities has to be undertaken. It happens to be the case with SHRI SIKANDAR BAKHT: I do not Ghaziabad and Faridabad which are the agree with the original concept. I agree most conspicuous examples. Those towns with the concern, but not with the are developing. People are working there concept. We cannot reduce population and living in Delhi. We do not have any pressure on Delhi through this sort of more water. We are already short of concept. That is what I "aid. water. This sort of thing should be stopped. The N.C.R. concept has not been able to stop it. This is the third reason. The fourth reason is that 518 lakhs of rupees have been spent piecemeal. They have not concentrated on one town and developed it in any complete fashion so that the population pressure could reduce. That has not happened. Therefore, we have not yet decided about it. We are seriously considering it. At least, I am of the firm opinion that National Capital Region is not the answer to the problem of population pressure. We have got about 400 smaller towns in our country which have a population of 100,000 to 200,000 persons. We should try to identify those towns which hav * a potential for growth and which are not within commutable distance of bigger cities. If these towns are developed, then there is a possibility that population pressure on bigger cities may be reduced. The same is true of the N.C.R. concept. SHRI KHURSHED ALAM KHAN: The hon. Minister has found many holes in the scheme. I suppose he agrees to the National Capital Region concept. If he is agreabk with the original concept, then whatever defects are there can be removed by legislation. I entirely agree that there should be a central agency for imple- mentation of the whole scheme of the National Capital Region. May I know from the hon. Minister whether, in view of the fact that he agrees to the original concept, he would initiate action and take necessary steps for creating a central agency by mrant of special legislation or an J PROP. D. P. CHATTOPADHYAVA: Sir, arising out of the very explana- 17 Oral Answers [15 MAR. 1978J to Questions 18 tory answer given by the hon. Minister, may I the flood-gates of supplementaries on my have two clarifications rather clarification to answer to a question which does not relate to two parts of a question? One is ihe population the original question.
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