Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Spring 5-13-1994 Volume 29 - Issue 26 - Friday, May 13, 1994 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 29 - Issue 26 - Friday, May 13, 1994" (1994). The Rose Thorn Archive. 886. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn/886 THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. ANYONE HAVING ACCESS TO THE MATERIAL SHOULD NOT REPRODUCE OR DISTRIBUTE BY ANY MEANS COPIES OF ANY OF THE MATERIAL OR USE THE MATERIAL FOR DIRECT OR INDIRECT COMMERCIAL ADVANTAGE WITHOUT DETERMINING THAT SUCH ACT OR ACTS WILL NOT INFRINGE THE COPYRIGHT RIGHTS OF ANY PERSON OR ENTITY. ANY REPRODUCTION OR DISTRIBUTION OF ANY MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY IS AT THE SOLE RISK OF THE PARTY THAT DOES SO. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspaper at Rose-Hulman Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rose Thorn Archive by an authorized administrator of Rose-Hulman Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE ROSE11)11:IN Vol. 29, No. 26 Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Friday, May 13, 1994 Campus News Briefs Oscar C.Smith lecturer emphasizesjob -hunting skills Campus construction update. by Troye Welch by 21% around 1980, and said that News Editor 5 million jobs were cut in the last Detailed plans have been decade. Recently, GM cut 70,000 developed for the new student life On Wednesday, May 11 in the jobs, Sears cut 50,000, IBM cut facilities on campus. At present, auditorium, Rose had its 42nd 39,000 (in addition to 100,000 in they call for: annual Oscar C. Smith Lecture. the last few years) and "AT&T will Dining Hall: located on the Started in 1953, the lecture has fea- reach out and touch 34,000 of their present site of the Templeton tured prominent, executive figures employes with pink slips." Building. from the business and political Athletic Complex: A new 200' world. This year, our guest was Insisting that the recession and/ by 300' building would be added Robert A. Compton from clip or military cuts are not the causes to the north of Shook Fieldhouse Equity Partners. He serves on the for the shift, Mr. Compton instead and would encompass a portion Board cited international competition and of Phil Blown football field. This of Directors for six compa- new technologies. As companies new building would house an nies and as President Hulbert stated indoor track, basketball and in his introduction, while some peo- are forced to become more efficient, volleyball courts, and baseball ple may dream dreams, Robert "process re-engineering" continues practice. Shook Fieldhouse would Compton "stays awake and makes to sweep through large corpora- be extensively renovated, with a those dreams happen." tions. "As we go from an economy new electrical system, wooden In his address, Compton stated, of scale to an economy of speed, floor, and permanent bleachers. process re-engineering perma- The E.E. Black Center would be "I'm willing to bet that most of you nently eliminates thousands of renovated to include a new have never heard of CID Equity weight room and physical fitness before. You're probably wondering jobs... these are jobs that aren't going center and offices for all athletic why someone from as small a com- to come back, unlike jobs lost personnel. pany as mine is here today instead because of a fluctuating economy." of someone from the Fortune 500. He explained that in an econ- (It's because) I believe that there is a omy of speed, the company that Did you know? fundamental shift taking place in gets a product to the market first is the economy today and that job going to have the advantage. Many • The Development Office Mr. Compton explains one of the economic projection slides to the audience opportunities are shifting toward large firms have too many commit- reports $3,562,659 in gifts and Photo by James Mann donations have been received smaller entrepreneurial businesses." tees and levels to get through, stability, for the current fiscal year. The In his lecture entitled "If IBM's Fir- which takes time and puts them at a job and of being proactive the placement process, and fostering institute needs to raise an addi- ing, Who's hiring?" Mr. Compton big disadvantage. "Jobs are shifting and having initiative. According to new company creation can help. tional $800,000 to cover this discussed the major ongoing struc- from the Fortune 500 to what I call Compton, 20% of Harvard's class of Compton points out that just as the year's budget. '58 is tural changes in our economy, why the thriving 300,000- the small but unemployed. The belief that farm was phased out as the main •Twenty-one deposits from these changes are taking place, and rapidly growing group of entrepre- the mere name of Harvard would high school girls have been source of employment through the the implications for Rose graduates. neurial ventures." carry them through to the end of received for this summer's Fast reforming process of the Industrial Forward program. He began with the chief source Two examples are firms out of their careers had failed them. One Revolution, so too is the current job • Ninety-six young women of employment for early America- Indianapolis: Software Artistry and must sell one's self, knowledge, and market changing. "Engineers should will participate in the Opera- the farm. At one time, about 60% of SCICOR. With their number of enthusiasm to be successful. tion Catapult program. Most Americans were employed on the employees growing from four to not be intimidated (because)... they are No.1 or No. 2 in their grad- The implications for higher edu- farm. That figure, as a result of new 200 and 300, and revenue growing are the driving forces behind all uating classes. cation are numerous; Shifting technology and enhanced modem from $0 to $30 million in a little these new creations," he concluded. • Rose-Hulrnan's famed toward non-linear degree programs, Moench Pin productivity has pushed that figure over a year, these small "entrepre- Oak has been practical business skills, revamping crowned the Big Tree Cham- all the way down to the current 2%. neurial innovations" typically grow pion in Vigo County by Trees The result of the Industrial Revolu- at a rate of about 19% per year, Inc. The tree is 80.6 feet tall, tion was more productivity, and spend more money on R&D per has a circumference of 225.6 "Rose consequently fewer jobs. He feels employee than Fortune 500 compa- Bureaucrat" author inches and a crown spread of that, "We are in a new revolution, nies, and come up with 95% 24.4 feet. The award was made of all during recent Arbor Day festiv- one that is based upon a knowledge radical commercializations. receives SGA honors ities. based economy." In order to be prepared, Robert Mr. Compton said that the For- Compton emphasizes the impor- By David Hile What's Inside... tune 500 workforce (or rather, as he tance of life-long skill building, of Thorn reporter put it, the Misfortune 500) declined opportunity instead of maintaining Campus Calendar 2 James Hicks was recently Rose Bush 2 ', honored as Rose-Hulman Stu- Opinions: dent Leader of the Month of William Raspberry .... April. James received the Letters award for his responsibility of Features: authoring the Rose Bureau- Caption contest 4' crat. James stresses his role as Sports: author of the Bureaucrat Track heads to ICAC net 5 as Organizations 7 "providing a neutral and fact- Hicks based" account of SGA busi- Top Ten a Photo by James Mann Outland 8 ness to the student body. ics Honor Fraternity. He also — James is a senior Computer works as an operator for Waters WEEKEND WEATHER: Science major from Branden- Computing Center and as News Today Mosty high — sunny, in the burg Kentucky. This year has and Mail Administrator in the mid 70's. Later,panly cicody,• been the first year for James Computer Science Department. notas cool,low in the inid5O's. as a SGA senator. His resume James will leave Rose-Hulman Satniday --Partly surlily with a 40% fills up with his participation and enter -the real world" as an chance ofthunderstoinis. Hi in Shawn Brainard, senior pitcher for the Engineers, will lead the 20-11 base- in the local chapter of internal software developer for the mid 70's. ball team against ACM, Depauw, Friday, May 13 in the ICAC post-season tourna- Qualcomm in San Diego, Cali- Sunday—A chance ofthundestorms, Upsilon Pi Upsilon Computer ment (See related story on page 5). fornia. lows- high 50's,highs -high 70's. Science Honor Fraternity, Photo by James Mann and Pi Mu Epsilon Mathemat- Page 2 The Rose Thorn • News • May 13, 1994 Campus Calendar The Rose Bush FRIDAY, MAY 13 Baseball, at ICAC Tournament, Anderson * Anderson vs. Hanover, 11 a.m.# Campus News and Information * Rose-Hulman vs. DePauw, 11 a.m.## LEARNING CENTER ALPHA PHI OMEGA LOST * First Round Winners, 3 p.m.# REVIEW SESSIONS AND FOUND AUCTION * First Round Losers, 3 p.m.## The Learning Center will offer the at Raven Field, Anderson University On Sunday, May 15, at 2:30 p.m., # - following review sessions for all students Anderson the brothers of Alpha Phi Omega will be ## - at Memorial Field, interested in additional studying.
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