downsmail.co.uk Maidstone East Edition Maidstone & Malling’s No. 1 newspaper Maidstone NorthSouth Edition downsmail.co.uk FREEMaidstone & Malling’s No. 1 newspaper No. 246 October 2017 FREE News March 2019 No. 263 Panto ahoy! Kate, 107, dies THE cast of Cinderella, which is to be KATE Hart, a resident at an old staged at the Hazlitt Theatre in Maid- Npeople’sews home in Bearsted, stone, took to the River Medway to News has died aged 107, her son 3 launch this year's panto. School no longer ‘outstanding’ BDavideat hasing disclosed.loneliness MOn boardu Therd Kentishe rLady swereuspect up in court Beating loneliness MnationalAIDSTO NtreasureE Gram mRustiear Sch Leeool h(Fairyas Road grammar on January 15 and AGED nearly 96, we meet the sGodmother),Alip pLedO fNroDmO beN iformern gm ana n“ o EastEnderuhtsatsa ndbieneg nSte-” 1s6er. iTohues llays ti ninjsupreecdti oann dw ahsa isn s2i0n1c3e. harm. He appeared before mag- AwMP’sGidEoDwnwe Localahrolyb9e6a,t swPlane mee tbidthe charged with the murder of Wes been discharged from hospital. istrates at Medway on February widow who beats tfano a “Boothgood” (Princeschool a Charming),fter its most Eliza-re- Mr Tomkins, pictured, writes: “Gov- lHELENonelin eWhatelyss by wo askedrking .the 3 Adyinka (37), near his home in Detectives from the Kent and 12. 3 cbethent O fsBrightted ins pe(Cinderella),ction. Craigernors identified the very many pos- lgovernmentoneliness by tow ohaltrkin theg. Knightrider Street, Maidstone. Essex Serious Crime Directorate Four other men, a 37-year-old AndersonHeadmas t(Buttons)er Mark Tand,omki npictured,s has itive aspects (but) recognise that Cborough’slub ge housingts to pscheme. award4 wStephenriMttern A tdo yRichards ipnakrean dtsi e adandc caef ptAdametrin agn t ah Bor-le- iamrrperostveedm efinvtes apre onpeeled eidn inco rensnpeec-t from Croydon, a 27-year-old Club gets top award leged stabbing in the early hours tion with Mr Adyinka’s death. from Surrey, a 37-year-old from THE Pegasus gymnastics club “zonefair, a (Uglyccurat eSisters) and re a. listic” assess- of teaching and learning and sup- THE Pegasus gymnastics club of Sunday, February 10. The Crown Prosecution Serv- Maidstone and a 17-year-old has received a national award to meTheynt of twerehe sc hgreetedool’s p obysit ipupilson. fromport the work already underway.” hPlansas receiv eford a n Dratio nNigelal award to SouthA w oBoroughman in Primaryher 30s aSchoollso suf and- ice charged Kevin Roach (39), of from London have been released Now the school, which has nearly The Ofsted team noted that GCSE rreTHEeccoogg nwidowniissee iittss of aacc hGPhiiee vDrveem mNigeleennttss Minnet membersfered su sofpe ctheted media. stab wTheou npantods South Norwood, London, with on bail pending further en- 1,300 students, has invited families and A level results dipped in 2017, aawillss aa twalktrraaiinn iithenngg ccGrandrreennttrree.. 66 runsdurin fromg the December incident, b 1-31.ut w aFors n otick-t murder and grievous bodily quiries. Canyon for charity. 12 aetsnd gocar toers www.hazlitttheatre.co.uk. to a Q&A session on Feb- but school leaders instituted “rigor- ruary 26. ous accountability systems” to mon- Waattcchhccoonncceerrnnss Inspectors went to the Barton itor progress. TTJasonhheeNNeeiiggh hDonovanbboouurrhhooooddWWaa ttdatecchh ssTHEcchhee mformermeeiinn MMNeighboursaaiiddssttoonnee starccoouu lbringsldd ffhisoolldd showiiffiitt dtodoo etheessn nHazlittoottggeet t GP practice’s fears some fresh blood. 1888 CCTV call in a bid sTheatreome fr enextsh b May.lood. Murder suspect in Leaaddeerr qquuiittss TToorriieess A FFOORRMMEERR lleeaaddeerr ooff tthhee ccoouunncciill over quality of care hhaass qquuiitt tthhee TToorriieess ttoo jjooiinn tthhee iinnddeeppeennddeennttss.. 1199 ctoA MoAJOuR stopmredtical apracfticte i fly-tippinges cornsidesrintg tahe cblosubre ofiitsnpatigent list CALLSto new p forati theent installations amid grow ofi CCTVng con camerascerns ab toou preventt care q fly-tippinguality. on a Obbiittuuaarriieess 3344 AcountryThMe MAoNte roadMheadsic haveaal pPrpace beentiacereind madein co byurt thech localarged boroughwith tph councillor.ateienmt saufertyd, beurt WoefstWKenetsClleiny- Shepway has struggled to replace ical Commissioning Group contin- Parriisshh CCoouunncciillss 36 Aa dBurberrydocytoirnwkhao Lane,,rewtireh neardoyeia Leedssrsbageol. andievenearby,d to h moreave thanbee an yearsta afterbbe itd utunlicensedoes dtoealalotcha wasteteinpatMie carriers,natsitdo usst but.on be-e. 36 Broomfield,KNeovwiniRt toaakce hashs(a39m been),oonftPh targetedetaocseeCculorse byea, wasA dumpedspokesm andan f setor onKe fire.nt Police flievesla“tWs aet theaarroe costuncod tonmce smallidrnneigdh firmsta.bou oft t dis-he LLEEAAFFLLEETTSS tteelllliinngg rreessiiddeennttss aabboouutt waste dumpers for years, but in re- The church car park has also seen posing of construction waste at a Obituaries 32 SrouthinNe oaprwpoiondt,maepnpte.ared at Med- said: “Officers were called to a re- quSahlietywoasf tcaakrenwtoe aarloecpalrohvoisdpiintagl ccoommmmuunniittyy ccooffffeeee mmoorrnniinnggss wcentaIyn aM months,laetgtiesrtrtoat theleoscaC problemlobuorrtoounghF hasceobur be-un-- pmanyort o instancesf a dis oftur illegalbance dumping.outside aftransferonrdt,reuantmt stationilewnte, bcua istnh provingfeirnidnjaurrie aps deter-lwaceere- were delivered to 90% of Loose come more acute. But it is a problem in many rural rent that is costing councils more. were delivered to 90% of Loose acrilylo1r2s,viDarviSdteeophliennk, Maceceucshedeoxf- Chaucer House in Knightrider mnoetnstefroirouDsraWndilfsohrde,waraescloantesriddeirs-- ppParishaarriisshh hho oCouncilsmmeess;; ccoommppllaaiinnt34-35tss wweerree prConstructionessed his co waste,ncern rubble,about hardthe areas including Langley, Otham Cllr Fort made her remarks as Mr Adyinka’s death in Knightrider Street on Sunday, February 10.” icnhgarfogremd.ally closing our list to new rrASHeecceei idiebackvveedd aabboo hasuutt a abeenlllloottmm discoveredeennttss lleefftt t toino core,“qual windowsity of care andwe a householdre providin fur-g”. and Kingswood. Water Lane in one of the borough’s closest trans- Street during an alleged distur- Police confirmed Mr Adyinka regCihstariartmioanns.ofTthhee fbiresntcshte, pCaisrltoos ggMonksrrooww ““ wwiilMeadowldd”” iinn Ba rminin g;;Detling ssppeeeedd-;- nitureHe w isro leftte: illegally“Followi –n ofteng the strewnretire- Bearsted and Pilgrims Way have fer stations at North Farm, Tun- Barming bance outside his home on Febru- suffered stab wounds, but the sFeoerkniyoeuxpr loapinineidontso.”the court that iiHollingbournenngg aalloonngg LLaannccevillageett LLaann eefete aannd d stall- AAnn-- inme thent o middlef Dr Wi oflfo therd t road.wo years ago, also been targeted recently. bridgeBorou Wells,gh co announceduncillor M ita willlcolm be gelsey Avenue in Loose was aryCllr10. Gill Fort said: “Every month cauLastse of year,death Maidstonewould not o Boroughfficially tclosedhe mat forter 10wa weeks.s above the powers of gholderelsey co-ordinator Avenue in Jean Lo Duffyose w hasas we have been unable to replace McKay (pictured) said: “We need rresigned;eported; yellowthe R olinestary areClu neededb indi- weMr areRoa havingch spok toilets,e only to sinksconfi andrm bCouncile establ clearedished un 911til a casespost of-m fly-tip-ortem mSheagist added:rates an “Ifd th youe ca gose w alongould thebe reported; the Rotary Club indi- him as a full time GP, and the re- more, not fewer facilities, given the cforat eBuffkynd it wou Way,ld lik eOtham to pla,n tot 1 allow,000 hconstructionis full name waste, natio dumpednality, da inte theof epingxami andnatio thisn on yearWed morenesd thanay, Fe 163b- slineent ofto increasingMaidstone fines,Crow theyn Co haveurt o ton cated it would like to plant 1,000 maining doctors are struggling... amount of new housing in the area. cbusesrocus through bulbs o Imperialn parish Park; land rub- in bvillage,irth and specificallyaddress. in Burberry rhaveuary been13, as recordedDowns M sinceail we April.nt to Fbeeb enforced.ruary 14, Aaft reductioner Downs inM theail crocus bulbs on parish land in This means doctors are attempting complain that it is difficult to ob- I worry that it is simply the thin Bbisharm binsing. in the sports field in Lane,He a whereppeare wed arein c nowourt, thinkingrepre- pTheress approaching. darker evenings wchargeent to orpr offeringess. it free may have . to care for 2,767 patients per full- tain an urgent appointment. end of the wedge.” BKingswoodarming are to be moved over to sofent installinged by Mar camerask Jones fr onom privateBlack- willMr promptRoach i as risealso inac illegalcused o tipping.f caus- theFo desiredur othe similarr men, effect.”a 37-year-old time equivalent GP, there is a wait “We stopped actively taking on West Kent CCG said: “We have Ctheri picnicme R areaep andort rears exit. 36 fland,ords toSo overseelicitors, thein problema light area.”grey ingCllrgri Fortevou welcomeds bodily ha arm jointwit initia-h in- froAm three-monthlyCroydon, a 27 litter-year pick-old onfro them of four weeks for a routine ap- patients (open but full with a main- received an application from Mote Crime Reports 36 ovAers recentized eventsweats inhi Burberryrt and g Lanerey ttiveent t byo A theman Environmentda Francis dur Agencying the Smile-longurrey, a 3 stretch7-year- ofold roadfrom throughMaid- pointment, and many patients tained list) two years ago to protect Medical Practice to close its patient ACrimeHOUSE Reportswas burg l e d i n Fa35nt tsawracks au caravanit
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