S-0981-0003-01 -00001 Expanded Number S-0981 -0003-01-00001 Title Items-!in-General files - miscellaneous publications Date Created 01104/1945 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0981-0003: United Nations Conference on International Organization (UNCIO) subject files Print Name of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit -iI I \ \ M MAA'SMir- 8 CAT f 0, J, U, ILTUmflý_ f 4J OFFICIAL BIWEEKLY - U. S. OFFICE OF EDUCATION, FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY Vol. 3, No. 19 Washington, D. C. April 3, 1945 ROUTE TO: I / I 2 :3 I 4 5 The above blank may be helpful in routing this copy of EDUCATION 9 FOR VICTORY to various staff-mem- bers and perhaps finally to the library. Seep a file of the issues of EDu- CATION FOR VICTORY for future reference. F, f9n &tt4 iddie International Organization Proposed at Durmbarton Oaks Page MOST MOMENTOUS ISSUE------ BUILDING THE PEACE............- Most Momentous Issue of Our Times EDUCATOR'S BULLETIN BOARD.--- 12 War can be prevented! Peace can be built I The stakes are high. The battle- field is in the hearts and minds of men and women. There, stand arrayed the DISPOSAL oF SURPLUS PROPERTY TO ancient evils of ignorance and prejudice, injustice, and selfishness against the new EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS.--- 13 hopes and ideals of a better, a freer, and a more humane world. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION ----- 17 The prevention of war and the building of peace must be an organized, a continu- ing effort. Plans to that end, developed in tentative form at Dunmbarton Oaks, will COOPERATIVE STUDY -------------- 18 be submitted to the conference of peace-loving nations of the world at San Francisco 20 in April. The issue there to be deliberated concerns the appropriateness of the EDUCATION RELATED TO WAVES..--- 20 particular means proposed effectively to prevent future world wars and to assure 'I LIBRARIES AND THE WAR__ý--- 22 a just and enduring peace. K It is of the gravest importance that we, the people, have a clear understanding EDUCATING TEACHERS AND ADMINIS- of plans proposed and of the momentous issue involved. To assist in the develop- TRATORS FOR HEALTH AND FIT- ment of this understanding, the U. S. Office of Education wishes to do all it can. NESS............................. 23 To that end, we are publishing in this issue Of EDUCATION FOR VICTORY a series of four foreign affairs outlines on the subject, Building the Peace. The outlines were pre- SELECTED REFERENCES ON KOREA-- 24 pared by the Department of State. Selected references prepared by the National Council for the Social Studies in collaboration with the American Library Association PaSSER VICE EDUCATION OF ARMY 25are appended.- ENLISTED MEN -------- 26 These outlines may help assembly program committees to plan significant assem- THE CHILD AND THE CURRICULUM blies on Building the Peace for April 25,-the opening day of the United Nations Con- IN TODAY'S WORLD............... 27 ference in San Francisco. It is hoped that every school will hold such an assembly .4. that day or during the week to help focus attention on the opening of these vital ARMY RECONDITIONING PROGRAM.._ 31 deliberations. 32 It is sincerely hoped. that both the outlines and the selected ref erences will prove U. S. GOVERNmENT ANNouNcEs-... 32 helpful to schools and colleges as they seek to stimulate and to guide the study and - discussion of the most momentous issue of our times. Copies o/ the chqrt on this page may be JOHNq W. STUDSSAHKER, procured from the Department of St ate U. S. Commissioner of Education. as a wall -chart (20" x 27") in collor. 5 2 EDUCATION roR Victory VOL. 3, NM 19 2 EDUCATION FOR Victory VOL. 3, NO. 19 EDICAT ION for VICTORY AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK-1945 Published biweekly on the 3d and 20th General Theme of the month. Its printing is approved 'by the Bureau of the Budget, as required Education to Promote the General Weltfare by Rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Daily Topics Printing. Sunday, November 11-Emphasizing Spiritual Values. Monday, November 12-Finishing the War. Tuesday, November. 13-Securing the Peace. Publication Office Wednesday, November 14-mImproving Economic Well-being. U. S. Office of Education, Federal Security - Thursday, November 15-Strengthening Home Life. Agency, Washington 25, D. C. Friday, November 16-Developing Good Citizens. Saturday, November 17-Building Sound Health. American Education Week is sponsored by the National Education Associa- Federal Security Administrator tion, the American Legion, the 'U. S. Office of Education, and the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, in cooperation with other national, State, PAUL V. McNrrrr and local groups. U. S. Commissioner of Education JOHN W. SruozaAscza Editor in Chief, QLGAA. JocErs American Exhibit Association for EDUCATION FRo VICTORY is indexed in at Tate Gallery Childhood Education Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature, At the invitation of the Tate Galleiy, Branch Meetings and. Education Index. London, the trustees and Director of the National Gallery of Art located in Wash- In place of its annual meeting cus- How to Subscribe ington, D. C., will organize an exhibition tomarily attended by some 2,000 mem.- Subscription: $1 per year in advance; to of American painting to be held at th'e bers and interested visitors, the Asso- foreign countries in which the-mailing frank ciation for Childhood Education has of the United States is not recognized, $1.50. Tate Gallery as soon after the war as Club Rates: For orders of 100 copies or more circumstances permit, David E. Finley, planned for each of its 433 local branch to be sent in bulk to one address within Director of the National Gallery, has an- organizations to hold indlividual confer- the United7 States, the Superintendent of Documents allows a discount of 25 percent. nounced. ences oni A pril 7th. The following Subscriptions may also be entered through The exhibition will comprise 150 pic- month, from the 3d to the 5th of May, mfagasine dealers. Subscription orders with remittances should be sent to the Superin- tures and will be the first comprehensive the Executive Board will meet with chair- tendent of Documents, Government Printing show of American painting to be held men of national committees and State Office, Washington 25, D. C. in Great Britain. It will introduce for representatives at the international the first time to the British public some headquarters in Washington. This de- of the masterpieces of American art, cision, developed in compliance with the ATTENTION SUBSCRIBERS ranging from the eighteenth century to ruling of the Office of Defense Trans- EDUCATION FRo VICTRoY replaced School the present day. portation,, provides continuity for the Life, which with the February 1942 issue The paintings are to be selected by a Association's policy of local branch par- ,was temporarily discontinued for the committee composed of directors and ticipation in determining the national 'duration of the war. EDUCATION FRo other officers 'of some of thle -most im- program. VICTRoY started March 3, 1942, with portant public collections in the United At each branch conference, the Asso- Volume. 1, No. 1. States. A small proportion of the ex- ciation members will vote on the slate hibition, however, will be available Frequent requests are received by the from of new national officers and on the 1945- English sources, principally from 'the U. S. Office of Education for permission 47 resolutions for which they have sub- Tate and National Galleries, London. to reprint material from EDUCATION mitted material. Conference programs King George has consented to lend Pic- FRo VICTRoY. Such material may be will include detailed discussion of ways reprinted without special permission, tures from the Royal Collections by Ben- jamin West (1738-1820), the Pennsyl- in which the resolutions can effectively When excerpts are reprinted it is re- be put into practice. quested that they be used so that their vania-born President of the Royal Aca- Based upon program. proposals re- original meaning is clear. demy. A particular endeavor will be ceived from the branches, the expanded I The periodical is issued to enable the made to represent the contemporary Executive Board meeting will formulate ,U. S. Office of Education to serve all American school as fully as the scope of ,educational fields as widely as po ssible the exhibition permits. a national Plan of Action. Other mat- ters during. these wartimes. It brings to The display of the best British-owned of policy relating to the interna- ,educational leaders important official American paintings, side by side with the tional program and to the conduct of announcemients; current reports on finest works from collections in the Childhood Education, the Association's emergency programs; statements and United States, will give the exhibition a journal, will be considered with due at- plans of various Federal Government unique character and provide a survey tention to the many problems concerned / agencies vital to education, and other of the achievements of American art of with school and community services for material. unprecedented importance. children in the war and post-war periods. A '5. 4') !A '\ APRIL 3,1945 - EDUCATION FOR Victory -3 3 APRIL 3, 1945 - EDUCATION FOR Victory BUILDING THE PEACE, 17Peace is Every- Foreign Affairs Outlines body's Business Following are the four Foreign Affairs and the Soviet Union, China, and France In the coming months the Outlines prepared by the.Department of would hold permanent seats. foundations of peace will be State. Additional copies of these out-. -3."To prevent and suppress wars is not laid. We want to make the best lines will be available upon request to the enough ... If we are to have lasting possible start. This means that U. S. Office of Education, Federal Se- peace, we have to build peace.
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