THE NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 1980 MI ITARY: Gra mount English tinted view titled "The Recruit." Fellow says goodbye +to glr whi7 e officer smoking clay pipe looks on. VG $4.50 PHONE: (413)-527-5619 ROBERT G. DUNCAN -CIVIL YAR - Pickets on the Alert. Lewisville, Va. By Bierstadt Brothers. pub. by P.O. BOX 382 S.F. Adams. VG, scarce $25 HOLYOKE. MASS. 01041 --View from Fort Smter. April 14. '65. Overview of fortifications and cannon. Anthony Yar for the Union 13135. VG $17.50 --Breast works on left wing. Battle of Gettysburg. 4nthony Mar Views 12307. Exc. $15 --Bombproof quarters of Maj. Strong at Dutch Gap. 16th N.Y. Artillery. 2 Black soldiers Dosed near shelter. Anthonv Yar View 12551. VG 329.50 65 -CIVIL WAR RELATED - General L&'S House. Close view on flat yellow mount. VG $4.50 66 --2 views of paintings of battles, Chattanooga and Gettysburg. B. W. Kilburn 17708. Ad 111: TERMS OF SALE: Ten day return on all items. Pament with order, plus 50t 8859. G-VG the pair $4 postage for one view, 7% for 2-3, $1 for 4-5, etc. Massachusetts residents must 67 -SPANISH-MIERICAN WAR. 1898 - Funeral procession of Maine victims by B.U. Kilburn. add Sales tax. 817677. vc." .-.--t7 5n Ads of photographica including stereo also appear in the magazine THE PHOTOGRAPHIC 68 --Soldiers at graves of Maine victims in Cuba. Keystone 19995. 1900. Excellent. $3.50 COLLECTOR. See back cover July-August STEREO WORLD for subscription infonnation. 69 --Admiral Dewey. the Hero of Manila. Portrait in flowers. U6U XI941 Pht. Mint. $4.50 .**.*.* 70 --Last Home drill - 71st N.Y. Volunteers day of sailing for Santiago. Good. 33 71 --Rough Riders filling cartridge be1 ts. U6U. Good. $3.50 1 ANIMALS: CATS "Ilove bof of em." Girl sits in chair with two cats on her lap. 72 --Hills South from Santiago showing encampnent of Anerican Army. ULU. VG $2.50 - 73 --Embarkation of Spanish troops, Santiago. Cuba. Keystone 19413. Plus 19412 11111---. "LVI: .- *-.-"t? 9n 2 -CATS - The unwelcome guest who came just at tea time. Cat drinks from crying Embarkation of U.S. Artillery after Peace was Porclaimed. VG-Exc. The Pair 36.50 child's dish on dinner table! U6U 1902. G-VG $3.50 74 --South Dakota troops entrenched at Pasay. awaiting order to fire. Philippines. 3 --Tired of play. Girl and cat ~hown'sleepin~,very close up. ULU, 1898. 6-VG $3.50 ULU. VG A great view! $4.50 4 -WGS - The Puooies' Sinqina- - School. Girl directs line of puppies. U6U. 1897. 75 --Battleship Iowa. just before starting to Hawaii and Manila. ULU. Abt. Mint. $5 G-VG $3.50" 76 -RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR. 1904 - Russian barrier and wire entanglements closing road against Japanese advance to Port Arthur. ULU 17717. Plus #I578 Japan's dauntless 5 -WG AN0 CAT Household pets. Girl holding cat and dog. with cat resting under - soldiersat Itzushan hill during advance on Port Arthur. Both Excellent. $7.50 dog's paw! ULU. 1897. 6-VG $4 6 BLACKS: Cabinet size view of Black field hands picking cotton. 1224 in neg. A. Gd. $3.50 77 MISCELLANEOUS: Unusual close view of tvo men digging out huge snowdrift. Flat green 7 ?~KUT€AN STEREOSCOPIC cO. (Langenheim successors): Gray mount vim of interior of mount c. 1870s. Excellent. $4.50 lnmaculate Conception Church in Boston. 175. Abt. Good $2.50 78 -COWBOY - The classic "Real Live Cowboy." on horseback with lariat and holstercd B AUTOMOBILES: Experts Testing Engines in Automobile Plant, Detroit. Mich. Keystone sixgun. Color lithoprint by T.W. Ingersoll. 1898. G-VG $4.50 79 -PARADE Civic Parade. Peace Jubilee. Philadelphia. 1898. Keystone 19430. Exc. $3.50 TmExcellent. $7.50 - 80 -MASONIC Posed group of Masons in full relgalia. taken outdoors at Masonic 9 - The Autwbile Somnambulist: "keep quiet, 1'11 have it going in a minute." Man - vorks under bed with tools while distressed wife looks on. ULU, 1906. VG $5 Encampnent at Centre Harbor, N.H. in August. 1869, by H.A. Kimball of Concord. 10 AVIATION: Six biplanes flying over Chicago skyline, plenty of auto traffic also seen. G-VG $4.50 Keystone $32785. Excellent. $15 81 OCCUPATIONAL: Fine overvjew of Palmer Falls Paper Mills, very likely by 0. Barnm. showing winch. buildings and workmen posed. Excellent. $12.50 11 CELEBRITIES: HORACE GREELEY - What appears to be a doll of Greeley in skeleton leaves. I.L. Rogers. 1872. VG $! 82 --FIREMEN - about 50 firemen posed in full regalia in town square. by H. 0111s of Keene, N.H. Cabinet size. Good. $19.50 12 - Miss Pixley in "Pinafore. Copy view from St. Nicholas Bazaar Providence R.I. VG $3 13 DISASTERS: TRAIN WRECK - Two flne views of wrecked train cars at'the Tariffville (Ct.) 83 --Antrim Coal Uorks, Antrim. Pa. By Gates of Syracuse. N.Y. Excellent. $7.50 Bridge disaster in 1878. By O.S. Camp of Hartford. VG $29.50 84 --Coining Presses. Government Mint. Philadelphia. Keystone 122291. Excel lent. $7.50 Enqlish. c.1868. G-VG $3.50 14 -TRAIN WRECK S single view showing wrecked train cars, locomotive on its side. 85 --A Mountain shepherdess. Fine studio pose of young man. - Fine straight-on close pose. apples on table at winch and workers on tracks, and crowd watching photographer. The topper is two 86 --Old Apple Woman, Boston Conmon. bodies with anns neatly folded on ground!By R.B. Whittaker, Liberty, N.Y. One of the right. Pirate on quality mount. Abt. Good. $4 116 in his Cape Ann best content train wreck views I've ever seen. Good. $19.50 87 --View of winches in quarry. by John S.E. Rogers of Gloucester. 15 -BOSTON FIRE. 1872 - Six flne J.Y. 6 J.S. Moulton cabinet size views. 1362, 368, 372, Scenery series. Cabinet size. About Good. $3 373 (2 different). 375. Averaaino About VG The six $39.50 88 --Fine close view of men with tools posed near felled tree trunk and huge block of Stone. Cabinet size mount, Fair to A.G. Unusual! $3.50 16 --2 vi&s by Eharl;; Taber, #3 L-18: Good. $9.50 89 --State Normal School. Salem. Cabinet size view by G.K. Proctor. Good. $4.50 17 -MILL RIVER (Mass.) FLOOD, 1874 - 2 Cabinet size views by A.E. Alden of Springfield. 118 6 X24. Good. scarce $7.50 90 --Some of the 4000 employees in the De Beers Diamond Mines, Kimberly. S.A. Great I8 --3 Cabinet size views by Knowlton Bros. of Northampton. X6.72 6 101. AG-VG $9.50 close view of Black vorkmen posed at mouth of mine with haulers. U6U X11058. Fxr~llmt. $7.50 19 --View near stone bridge, workmen searching for bodies. Knowlton Bros. Good. $3 ..- - . - .. - .. 20 -UORCESTER (Mass.) FLWO. 1876 - 11 Gap in the Dam. By J.W. 6 J.S. MultOn. VG $5 91 --Two views in Dallas Cotton Mills. showing fmle employees working on machines. 21 -ST. LOUIS TORNAN. 1896 - $11306 Died at his post. Man seen in wreckage. B.W. Keystone 113785. 13787. Both Excellent. $6.50 Kilburn. Good .scarce. $4.50 92 -ARTIST - man paintinq three vanen in nightgowns. titled Faith. Hope and Charity. B.W. Kilburn ~12836. Excellent. $5 22 -HOUNT PELEE VOLCANIC ERUPTION. MARTINIQUE, WEST INDIES - Soufriere's steaming cauldron 48 hours prior to eruption. Keystone X14415, VG $3.50 93 PHOTOGRAPHIC: See Mother's Picture. Child shows us framed Cabinet photo. F.G. Ueller 23 --A terrible volcanic explosion - Mont Pelee in eruption June 1902. U6U. EXC. $4.50 X519. VG $5 24 --The smoking. desolate tomb of St. Pierre's 30.000 inhabitants - slain by a blast 94 -Photographer with huge camera in foreground of view of President McKinley speaking of Mont Pelee's poisonous breath. U6U. VG $4 to group of Spanish-American War vets in San Francisco. 1901. U6U. Exc. $15 25 --Mt. Pelee in eruption as seen from the sea. Keystone 114343. G-VG $3 95 POLITICAL: President McKinley and his Cabinet. ULU. 1900. VG $4.50 96 -President McKinley on the Steamer "St. Louis" at New Orleans. 26 -SAN FRANCISCO E4RTHQUAKE 6 FIRE. Fine closeup. 1906 - view of wreckage with Temple Emanuel in ULU, 1901. VG, a scarce one $6.50 background, and man with large leather (camera?) case in foreground. ULU 18204 UP (0 97 -President McKinley entering Santa Barbara in a carriage of Roses. California. ." +.2 U6U. 1901. Another unconmon view. VG $6.50 27 --3 BLY Iithoprints by Tan Phillips. 1593. 594 6 595. VG. scarce series. $5.50 98 -President (1) Roosevelt acknowledging the salute of the warships. on the Algonquin. 28 -MESSINA. ITALY EARTHQUAKE. 1909 - Four very scarce B.W. Kilburn views. 117299, Charleston Harbor. S.C. Fine closeup. ULU 1902. Excellent. $8.50 17305, 17306, 17307. VG to Excellent. The four $35 99 An unusual and scarce set of seven vi2s of twin ladies in ballet garns 29 EXPEDITIONS: HAYS GREENLAND EXPEOI~ION. 1860 - A very rare view of this very rare m: posing in various unconventional acrobatic positions, showing lots of leg. By subject, on heavy cream mount. Tomb of Sankay." apparently sharing crude grave B.W. Kilburn. 112823-9. 1899. the VG set 119.50 Of dead expedition member. VG $29.50 100 -Another Kilburn view. of five young vaen in a bedroom dressing. "Oh. won't 30 -POHELL SURVEY. 1873 - Sculptured Rocks on Vernillion Creek. 1114. About Good. $7.50 they stare when we all get there." Everyone in underwear and the fashionable 31 --U-In-Ta Utes.
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