9ROXPH,VVXH 1HZVIRUWKH-DPDLFDQOHVELDQDOOVH[XDODQGJD\FRPPXQLW\ 7KH-DPDLFD2XW3RVW (VWDEOLVKHGLQ-XQH,661;.LQJVWRQ-DPDLFD -$18$5< *OREDO+HDGOLQHV GAY RIGHTS DEBATE IN JAMAICA: A call for balance %\7RQ\+URQ7KH-DPDLFD2XW3RVW&RQWULEXWRU New Zealand gay club fire- bombed allegedly by anti-gay per- It is unfortunate that Ian Boyne petrators. (Columnist of The Jamaica Canadian teenager committed Gleaner) continues to reduce suicide following ongoing taunts by this debate entirely to the realm schoolmates that he was gay. of sexual gratification – “Gays just want to have sex and lots of Israeli scientists developed new it…” (“Time for serious gay de- medication that strengthens im- bate,” The Jamaica Gleaner, mune system of HIV patients. December 5, 2004) Framing the discussion of homosexuality Toronto Police to undergo GLBT solely in those terms is not only sensitivity training after raiding misleading but also deeply of- lesbian bathhouse in 2000. fensive. If someone accused him of marrying his wife only for 7KH-DPDLFD2XW3RVW sexual fulfilment, I’m sure he ¡£¢ ¤ ¥ ¤§¦ ¨ © ¢ £ §£ ¥ ¡£¤ ¥ would be deeply offended, and 32.LQJVWRQ-DPDLFD +XPDQULJKWVDFWLYLVWVDWWKH+5:3UHVV&RQIHUHQFH rightly so. Everyone has an in- 7HO nate desire to love and be (PDLOMDPDLFDRXWSRVW#KRWPDLOFRP another’s humanity. dangerous. This continued pairing loved, but sexual expression is Comparing this love not only serves to reinforce the only one aspect of this desire. -DVRQ6LPPRQGV with paedophilia, as Mr. Boyne did myth that gay men are paedo- The ability of one person to love in his article and as Gleaner Edi- philes but also puts our children at 3XEOLFDWLRQ&RRUGLQDWRU another distinguishes us from all tor Byron Buckley did in his recent greater risk of becoming victims other animals; it is this divine article (“Beware of Reprieve to since it encourages parents and 7RQ\+URQ emotion that makes us truly Homosexuals,” The Jamaica caretakers to overlook the most 3XEOLFDWLRQ$VVLVWDQW human. Anyone who decrees Gleaner, December 8, 2004), is common perpetrators of this this innate desire to be mere also unfortunate and potentially (See DEBATE on page 2) .HLWK+ROODU libido is guilty of stripping away (GLWLQJ$VVLVWDQW $PRQWKO\SXEOLFDWLRQE\*/3XEOLVKLQJ WHO KNOWS IT, FEELS IT %\/DUU\&KDQJ&RPPHQWDU\ &20081 ,7 <%2$5' The chorus of response from appreciate the metaphysics of also let down by the Tourism church, state and constabulary to Wordsworth and Blake at York Minister and her demand for accusations of state-facilitated Castle High School; but if any- proof that Jamaica’s gay men are violence and abuse of Jamaican thing is “unacceptably insensi- being slaughtered. Aloun Wood GLBTs has been “give us proof.” t i v e” (Whiteman’s dismissive used to tramp through the hills of I am particularly disappointed in response to the report), it is his rural St. Andrew evangelizing as the Information Minister’s re- lack of intellectual curiosity. If he Catholic Charismatics with her sponse to the HRW (Human is ignorant of systematic homo- close friend, Brian Williamson, 7RDOORXUUHDGHUVDQG Rights Watch) report (accusing phobic abuse or, worse, if he who later helped found J-FLAG IULHQGV the Jamaican government of sys- does have some inkling, his lack and was murdered last summer. tematic abuse of gay people in of compassion for the oppres- If she can no longer include him 9LVLWXVRQOLQHDW Jamaica and how it links to the sion and suffering of the GLBT in the ambit of her Christian char- growing HIV/AIDS epidemic). community is appalling. I am (See WHO KNOWS on page 3) ZZZMDPDLFDRXWSRVWFRP Burchell Whiteman taught me to 7KH-DPDLFD2XW3RVW -DQXDU\9ROXPH,VVXH.LQJVWRQ-DPDLFD 3DJH (DEBATE...Continued from page 1) the aid of people who were at risk because of their perceived sex- crime – close friends or relatives who may be married and have chil- ual orientation. If advocates of any particular persuasion focus on dren of their own. If anyone still wants to consider paedophilia as negativity, then negativity will be the lens through which they see equivalent to homosexuality in any way, let me make the distinction as every situation, and this negativity will propagate itself throughout unequivocal as possible. With the former, there is a clear victim, the the community, leading to greater paranoia and fear and their un- child who cannot say “no” or who does not understand the conse- fortunate consequences. quences of saying “yes”. With the latter, there are no victims, any Highlighting abuses in an effort to compel legal reform more so than there would be with opposite-gender relationships. If can be a valid strategy, but it cannot be the only strategy, and it is there is no victim, then how can there be a crime? likely to fail if the GLBT community doesn’t establish greater dia- Human rights advocates must draw attention to the current logue with the average citizen. Nothing nurtures prejudice as much state of affairs and the potential benefits of change. The grievances as ignorance, and most Jamaicans are sadly misinformed when it they have voiced regarding the treatment of comes to understanding the true nature and sexual minorities in Jamaica are clearly positive implications of same-gender relation- grounded in truth. Sexual minorities, especially ships in their homes, congregations, commu- young, lower-income gay men, often face the nities and country. Sexual minorities have potential for violent “judgment” if their sexuality made, and will continue to make, tremendous becomes known. They are also likely to land on contributions to the advancement of the Ja- the receiving end of bias discrimination and maican society in every sector. For those of abuse by those sworn to uphold the civil rights us who know some of these individuals, there of all citizens. Many Jamaicans, even gay Ja- can be no doubt about the veracity of this maicans, may truly be ignorant as to the extent statement. But their contributions could be of this abuse. Therefore, it is essential that hu- even greater, and Jamaica an even more man rights advocates publicise cases whenever abundant country in many ways, if these indi- they occur. However, I believe that for the ma- viduals were not forced to live under the con- jority of Jamaica’s sexual minorities, violent stant burden of fear, secrecy, deception and reprisal is not their greatest threat. Their great- isolation. The average Jamaican needs to be est oppression comes from the constant fear of made aware of these contributions and the exposure and the consequent potential for a measurable benefits that can accrue if we all loss of social standing, income, friends, family, 3URWHVWLQJGDQFHKDOOFRQFHUWLQ1HZ<RUN6HS spend more time and energy on positive pur- home and community. suits rather than on attacking one another. Don’t misunderstand: The pervasive condemnation which Members of Jamaica’s gay community must initiate greater dia- elicits this fear is a serious form of oppression, and all Jamaicans logue with their families, friends, co-workers and even strangers if need to consider the overwhelmingly negative consequences that there is to be any progress toward an equitable resolution to the such a pernicious fear can wreak on the entire society. This kind of ongoing conflict. fear often manifests itself in the form of “down low” behaviour, where men who would never consider themselves to be sexual minorities pursue covert same-gender relationships while maintaining girlfriends, wives and families. I’m sure everyone can appreciate the potentially devastating effects that such a scenario could have on partners, spouses and children, not to mention the psychological toll that such a DO YOU double life can inflict on its adherents. While I applaud and encourage the efforts of human rights REALLY advocates to expose abuses, I would offer a few words of caution as well. There must be balance in the representation of life for gay Ja- KNOW THE maicans. Focusing solely on oppression, discrimination and violence, as real and widespread as they may be, could ultimately be self- FACTS? defeating because it will likely increase the level of fear in everyone, *(77(67('72'$< regardless of sexual orientation. A focus on any one aspect of reality tends to blind the viewer to other aspects that are equally true. For $FRPPXQLW\VHUYLFHPHVVDJHEURXJKWWR\RXE\7KH-DPDLFD instance, there have been reports to J-FLAG of the police coming to 2XW3RVWSURYLGLQJQHZVIRU-DPDLFD·V*/%7FRPPXQLW\ 287)2580 67$57,1*)(%58$5<21-$0$,&$2873267&20 -RLQXVHYHU\RWKHU7+856'$<IURP30WR30DVZHGLVFXVVWRSLFDOLVVXHVDIIHFWLQJRXUFRPPXQLW\0RUHLQIRRQOLQH 7KH-DPDLFD2XW3RVW -DQXDU\9ROXPH,VVXH.LQJVWRQ-DPDLFD 3DJH SEX, Loved to Death in Jamaica %\,QJULG5LOH\&RPPHQWDU\ Jamaica's sexual-identity pendu- roll of it. live.º It is about change, a recog- lum has swung. A full-blown sexual This other and surprisingly lengthy nition that the other side of revolution, toes tapping and biting round of the just-say-yes-or-no-to- ªnormal,º this word and state of its nails, sits waiting to finally gays-in-Ja debate is a waste of being, is not necessarily abnor- Dunn's River flow and flood above time, simply because most of the mal -- it can be this other word, ground. Having been Bible-beaten rabid Christian groups, faux Chris- called ªdifferent.º ual revolution has already begun, into guilt, fear and boredom in the tian-minded columnists, talk radio Further, Jamaica in essence has our cover having been blown; it©s bedroom, Jamaicans, high on Un- hosts, rum bar judges and patio already rebelliously accepted just being televised now, that©s all. cle Sam©s cable TV, European pundits will always want to make and tolerated, seen and sampled porn hidden in Christmas barrels being gay or lesbian a moral is- the many variations of human This is an excerpt from the full- from New York and repressed curi- sue, a problem for religion and its sexual identity and is living pre- length essay.
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