Census ·~f ItJulia, 1931 ·'PLUMt XII CENTR·AL .PflOVI~CES & BERAR P.AiiT I . :REPORT I DYI W. H. SHOOBERT . .. f }Of THB INDIAN CJYIL SERVICB Superintendent of Cetlils Oper~tions, 'Pentra! Provinces and Berar NAGP{)R GoVlillNMENT hNnNG, C. P. 19J3 AGENTS FOR TilE SALE OF >UBLIC.ATIONS ISSUED BY THE CENTRAL PROVI CES GO\'ERNMENT. ... fNOTE.-Appointments of aU Jfficial 'Age~s in the. U~ted Kingdom and on the Continent for the sale ~ Government Publications have been terminated with effect from the Jst A ml 1925. ~ All publications in future are Jbtairiable ei~her direct from the Hig& CommissiOJiet for India, India , e... Aidwyl\~. Luadoo, W. ·C• . 2, {)r through ~my bookieller.] \ 'DIA 1l . • \1 AKOLA: JUBBoL~tE: The Proprietor, Shri Ramdas Stores, . The Man: · r, General Book Depot. Tajnapeth. .KA.R.ACLI:l • ALLAHABAD: · I . 'The-8tan rd Bookstall. Mr. Ram Natain La!, Publisher, etc., LAHORE:' I, Bank Road. The Punjab Sanskrit Book Depot. The Superintendent, Nazair Kanun Rai Sahib M. Gulab Singh &: Sons. HiDd Press. LUCKNOW: AMIL\OTI: The Proprietor; Newtil Kishore Press. · Thakur & Co., Booksellers. The Upper India Publishing House, BARODA. , · Ltd., l! I, Aminabad Park. Mr. M. C. Kothari, Bookseller and . j MADRAS : , Publisher, Raopura Road. ' Higginbot~rn & Co. BILASPUR: r S. Murthy & Co., ·P111tlBox No. 152. Mr. M. A. Subhllll, Bookseller and · Thet'roP,cieU>r,.T.he.City Book Co., Post Publisher. Box Nq; 283. BOMBAY: NAGPURf " D. B. Taraporevala, Sons & Co., 190. Aidan Binzlllli, Proprietors, Karmavir Hornby Road, Fort. Book Dep(lf, Maltal. Radhobai Atmaram Sagoon. G. G. Khot ~ Sons, Walker R:nd. Sunder l'andurang, 25, Kalbadevi Road. Mr. G. A. Slllitri, Bookseller and Pub­ Thacker &: Co., Ltd, lisher•. Hisl~p College :Road. CALCUTTA: The Manager~ General Book Depot. The Book Company, 4/4-A, College j The Manager,;" The Hitavada ". Street. The Pr11prietor. Bhisey Brothers, Book.- Butterworth &: Co. (India), Ltd., 8-2, . eellem anr;l :>ublishers. Hastings Street. r Mr. D. M. D:...nlal,' Manage,:. .Errperi- · The Indian School Supply Depot. mental Book Binding Depot. · M. C. Sircar & Sons, 75, Harrison I PATNA: f Road. The Patna La'ii Press Co. Newman &: Co. POONA: R.Carnbray & Co. The Proprietor New Kitabkbans. S. K. Lahiri & Co. RANGOON:' Thacker, Spink &: Co. The Superinten ent, American Baptist GOOCH BEHAR : Mission Press Babu S. C. Taluqdar, Proprietor, 511\U..A: •' Students & Co. Thacker, Spink Co. DELHI: YEOTMAL: t The Oli.fllrd Bllok and SMionery Co V. N. Saraswal:. ------- --- ------------·--- S2. Litc!"J.I.:.: in I·:;'l'!\i~h rl.'r milk in \"~1riuqs J'f\\\'111\l.'S {l)r P\'ruLtion aged liv~ Yl':U:io :1:1d t'Vl'f 8.3. c~n.:nl ciistribution of eastcr'l ;~nd WColern H inJi :tnJ R~jasthani '>4. Distributic·n cl population accordint: to rc'i~ion 85. Variation of proportional distribution by religion 86. Number of Ch~istians per mille of tot:1l P>pul:~tion 87. Rough pl:1n of Gond house showing Penkl oli S8. Map of the Central Provinces and Bcrlr sh<>win!! the distri· bution of Br:~hmins per mille of the popu:ation in 1931 ... 89. Pnncipal c:tst.:s of districts as pcn·cnt:tgcs oi the r••rul:~tion '10. Ncrbudda Valley Division-Distribution of ·rihco h\' tahsil• i 11 thousands · 91. ~latea•l Division-Distribution of tribes hy tahsil& ir, thousands 92. Mar:uh~ Pl:!in Division-Distribution of Hbcs h)· t:1hsils in thousands 93. Chhnttisprl> !'lain Division-Distribution of tribes hy t:1hsils in thousands 9~. Chhota Naj!pur Di,·ision-Distrihution of t1ihcs by St:tt<'> in thousands 1)5, Distribution of Euwpcans and Anglu-lndi•n• in C,·ntral Provinces and Bcrar 96. Marias of Ch:~nda district DchHt Korwa women A Bisc.n H.:ad Maria (Bastar State), To fare p.t~<' 97. Pandos (Udaipur), Korwas (Jashpurl Pahari Korwas, tempor:try huts of l'ahari Korwa To fan· J':lt!<' 98. A Bis•Jn Hc:td !llaria D:mcc, a flison 1-lcaJ !l!.tri:t wom:tn, a Bi,an llcad Maria \\'edJin~. Marias of Ba;t:tr ~l:tl~ To fact• pa~<· 99. Tattooing on an Oraon woman ... To bt•c J':tl!l' ·I If \ABLE OF CONTENTS PAGJ Introduction ..• xi to xvil'- CHAPTER 1-DIST IUTION AND MOVEMF.ST OF THB POPULATION Scope of the Report-chan~' in area-Political Diviaion-Naturaf · Di,·isions-Referen~e to st . tistics-8ummary of stati&tica of area and population-Distribution G '\ the population-Mo\'ement ol the popu­ l~tton-Variations in denst y-The median of population-The con· , dirions of ~he decade-If 'rice:- .and wages-Statjstica of principnl crops-Matertal e..~fansion~. 'V:matJOns of populatiOn betwL"CCl 1921· and 1931-Effeet o agricu •raJ seasons upon the poj:>ulntion-Further discussion of factors affec. ng population statistic-Vital atatistic­ hf:mt mortality-Births ar' de~.ths in each year-The ('Opulation of the smaller administrative! unats-Nerbudda .Valley-Saugor nnd Dameh-Jubbulpore-Nars~ ghpur- .Hoshangabad- Nimnr- Makrni State-Plateau Divi~ion-~ tui-Chhmdwara-8eoni- Mandla- Tho Maralha Plain-Amraoti-~ Akola-Buldana- Yeotmnl- Wardh- ' Nagpur-Chanda-Bhanda~ and Balaghat-The Chh:ttti~llarh Pl:.in­ Ra;pur-Bilas~ur-Drug- nker and Bastar States-The Western . Chhattisgarh State..-The 1 astern Chhanisgarh State-The Chhota • 1 Nagpur States-The Hous~l Ucfinition of a hou~e--Pcrsons per hou•• i Pre&&ure of population- ; ( < Post-C.ensus figures of area ani iensity 6S State!llent of highest maximuoi• md lowest minimum temperature• durina t.,c decade at certain &tatid'· ~ 66 Subsidiary Tables 1 68 CHAPTER II-THE POPUt riON OP CITIES, TOWNS AND VIUAGP.S ,, I Reference to statistica-Defini~ / of city-Definition of town-Definition of village-Distribution (,j the_ population-Progre81 of urbanization -Distribution of popular ' in Natural Divi&ion&-characrer of the population-Communicrta~fl' between urban and rural area-The growth of the urban po, ~ · :1tion-Growth of c:itiL.. and big town- causes of fluctuation-Pre, rtion of the &exes. in town-R~Ihtion in towns-Fluctuations by N• rat Divis!ontt-:-~~rbudda Vn!lcy Diviti'!n -The Pfate.m Division~r lral•l:t Plam OtVtSton-Chharttsgarh Platn and Chhota Nagpur Divisi~ .<-The village.- •.• 74 1 Subsidiary Tables 1 ~: · ss. ..J 'I CHAnI ': III-BJRTH·PUCI! I Reference to statistica-V" 11 · 'he statistica-TypL'I of mlgration-8um- r.;ary of the sta•i '" ' 1 • · ·ion between the Central Provincea and orher parr.a-• ·. :, ·''· ' J ' . nd from. placet beyond ~ndi~-Mil!rntion between~· , f·• .. '· , the adJ~C£nt tract_M,grallon hetwcen the Pr r' ... - " • '' ·· l , cis-Analysis of the chan~e• tincc 1'121- ):'ro~ortic:m of immig, • ~·di~tri~tat-lnter-d!•trict migration-Border ' '"'!nng:o~tton-I:nmigrauo!:lj. ' clt~tncts fr'?m dt.slan~ placet-Streama of m•grauon-Emrgration-l'• · us•onat-Datfy mtgrauon ... 90' Subsidiary Tables l · ... lOS . ' I I CH"! 1( ER IV-AGE 1 Reference to statistic.-The na! { ' of the return of age-Utual inaccura­ cies-Value of the sti· 1 Ur-Thc mean age- Pn'lentage distribution in the Pr· ~ce-Contrn1t with age distribution in western countrie....j ' •ndburs(• theory-A_ge distribution of. p~evi';lus ':enaus.;s compl ! -Diatri~ution ~Y reftg.io!l and catte- Otstnbutton m vartou' R'a · ,-Analys11 of VItal ttatllltn-Death' ar varioua ag~Fiuctuation ol' , ral alatiatica during the decade-<Amclu­ gions from vital statistid fonthly ttatillie»-Natural fecundity- Longevi ty-Centenarian• 1 , , 110 Subsidiary Tablea J23; iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendix A-Note on the registration and compil,ati n of vital statistics • i-1 the Central Provinces ancl Berar by Ma1or C. M. Ganapathy, ~.c., M.B., o.P.H., !.M.S., Director of Public Hea~ 138 Appendix B-Staternent showing the average number, f births by sexes . in Briti•h Centra! Provinces and Berar for each ml th in the decade- 140 Appenrdix c-Malaria in forest tracts ·143 ·CHAPTER V-8EX Relc:rence to stat!atics-V.alue of the stati.stics-!h proportion of r~e •excs-Compamon w1th othc; c!luntnes;-D1~t. bution of. sexes 1n Natural Divisions-Sex proportion ID certam tn~· s~Mortahty among male infants-Analysis of the \'ita! statistics:. Comparison of age · (liotribution with ligures of JJrev:ous decade-Stal,fi ics of separate years . A11.1lysis by age for casres-{;onclusion j 1 - 145 Suhaidiary ·Tables ;1 154 Appendix-Size and sex constitution of families... , ' 160 CHAPTER VI-CIVIL CONDJTiq~ I .Hefen;nce to statistics-Meaning of the statistic-: ·-Marriage reforms­ Legislation aiiecting marriage-The universalityln [.marriage-Analysis by religion-Analysis by age and sex-child maoe ~e-Age of marriage --Polygamy or polygyny-Absence of polyandry~ :Jidows-Proportions of effective marriages ~ I ... 174 :Sub•iliiary Tables ~ 190 Appcndix-.:.Readjusted age groups rl 202 CHAPTER VII-INFIRMITIE~ '• . • Reference to statistics-Utility of the statistics-It > se in infirmities­ lbanity-The figures-Distribution by age an'j>n' fx-Distribution by ' ·' .ccalitr,-Deaf-mutism-The figures-Distribut J' ) by locality-Blind- nes•-;-fh!' figures-Dis~ibution by locality-) (osy-The ligu.res- . Distnbutton by locahty-:-Leper Asyl';lms-~. 1 eprosy campa1gn- lnf1rm!ry. ~Y ca~te or v11lag~ther mfirm1I·A 1., \:-conditions among the prmutlve tr1bea I ;\ \ · ·' .. 204 SubsiJiary Tables ... 1,. .,,:' .. 219 . · CHAPTER VIII-OccuPATION\ • . ·. I • Reference to statistics-Instructions to · en urn erato\ ,...The value of the record-System of classification-General prop0111' ~n ot workers and · dcpcndcnts-;-9!!neral distribu!ion of occupati . 1s-Distribution b)O . Natural DtVISIOns-Non-workmg dependents- . cupation of work­ ing dependents-Distribution of working dt ·~ndents by sex­ 1 -Oistribution of working dependents by ( .
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