DOCUMENT RESUME ED 028 879 RC 003 382 A Program for Five-Year-Old Migrant Children. Texas Education Agency, Austin.; Texas Univ., Austin. Pub Date 68 Note- 216p. EDRS Price MF-S1.00 HC-S10.90 Descriptors-Art Activities, Bibliographies, *Cultural Enrichment, Enrichment Programs, *Kindergarten Children; *Language Development, *Learning Theories, Mexican Americans, *Migrant Child Education, Music Activities, Teacher Aides, Teacher Education The program designed during the Institute for Kindergarten Teachers and Aides of Migrant Children is presented. Emphasis is placed on the concept that in order to learn anything, young children must have direct sensory experience related to the idea to be learned. It is pointed out that basic to all activities is an understanding of child development and child behavior. Various ideas are given as to learning experiences in which the child can acquire meanings and use the language necessary to express these meanings. Among these experiences for 5-year-olds are a mathematics program, art and music activities, and study topics from the physical environment and cultural world (for example, cocoons, the vineyard, and good grooming). Several suggestions are given concerning sources of content for chilidren's programs through movies and field trips. Included are descriptions of 6 videos made of 22 Mexican American children in classroom situations, and a summary of characteristics of effective teacher aides. Numerous bibliographies are listed throughout the document. (CM) U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY ASRECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICEOF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. A PROGRAM FOR FIVE-YEAR-OLD MIGRANT CHILDREN Developed by Staff and Participants of the INSTITUTE FOR KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS AND AIDES OF MIGRANT CHILDREN Texas Education Agency in cooperation with The University of Texas at Austin Summer 1968 'TEA-752 CONTENT Staff - Consultants The Purpose of the Institute ii Weekly Programs 1 Ideas Concerning Child Development and Child Behavior Phyllis Richards, Ph.D. 9 A Suggested Daily Program for Five-Year-Olds 19 A Mathematics Program for the Kindergarten Alberta M. Castaneda, Ph.D. 21 Suggestions for Art Alice Richards 27 Music for the Kindergarten Virginia Cadwell 3A Tune Ukulele 39 Things Children See Along the Migrant Routes 49 Study Topics From the Physical and Cultural World Developed By Institute Participants and Staff 53 Physical Study Topics 55 Cocoons, Snakes, Ducks, Cats, Lice, Turtles, Crows, Chickens, Dogs, Rocks, Water, Seeds, Thorns, Roses, The Vineyard, Oranges, Vines Cultural Study Topics 115 Tortillas, Cows, Shoes, Hats, Good Grooming, Homes, Missions, Schools, Animal Hospital, Light, Flags, Indians, Airplanes, Safety Sources of Content for Children's Programs Through Movies and Field Trips 167 Beginnings: Fundamental Ideas Which Undergird Programs for Kindergarten Children Dr. Clyde I. Martin 171 An Effective Aide Gene Nelson 205 CONTENT Professional Bibliography 209 Participants in the Institute for Kindergarten Teachers and Aides of Migrant Children 221 Sampling of Evaluations by Institute Participants 227 STAFF Clyde Martin, Ph.D. Coordinator Gene Nelson, M.A. Director Dorothy Frost, M.A. Full-time Teacher CONSULTANTS Virginia Cadwell, M.A. Music Alberta Castaneda, Ph.D. Mathematics Alice Richards, M.A. Art Phyllis Richards, Ph.D. Child Development Mike Rheudasil, Consultant Migrant and Preschool Programs Texas Education Agency Sylvia Stern, Consultant Migrant and Preschool Programs Texas Education Agency THE PURPOSE OF THE INSTITUTE The purpose of the Institute was to demonstrate thatchildren of four or five years of age caneasily master a language if placed in a setting in which there are numerous opportunities to acquiremeanings and to use the language necessary to express them.From research findings we believe that in order to learn anything young children musthave direct sensory experience related to the idea to be learned aswell as opportunities "to operate upon it." Therefore, the designing of learning experiences related tosignificant concepts in social studies and scienceand direct participation by teachers and aides in art and music for children comprisedthe work of the Institute. Topics from social studies and science wereselected, demonstrated in ways they should be taught to children and written intoplans for teaching by each person. Because children organize, classify and express ideas in music and art, half of each day for three weeks wasdevoted to direct experiences in music and art.Six videos of thirty minutes each were made of a group of twenty-two five-year-old Mexican-Americanchildren as they were taught lessons in theselected areas. Each video was analyzed by participants in the Institute. Detailed plans for each day's work may be seen in the Weekly Plansfor the Institute which are included in thisbook. We have reasons to believe that each day of theInstitute was a challenging experience for teachers, aides, andstaff. Clyde Martin, Coordinator Gene Nelson, Director Dorothy Frost, Full-time teacher ii WEEKLY PROGRAMS .0a KINDERGARTENJuly(First 1-5, Week) INSTITUTE1968 Time8:30 Mon.TEALee greetingsFrasierJuly 1 NelsonTues.of Tues. -- and planJuly_211 Wed.Wed.DevelopmentDr. Richards-ChilcJuly 3 J Thurs. July 4 Fri. July 5 DirectedTEAOvierviewAreas Learning Nelsonof Course - Overview Dr. Richards VideoNelsonand Lang. - &Science Frost Arts H 0 ATheUniv.Child Kind. K. Dev. PlantProgramDay (movie) 10:30 Dr.ProgramThe ClydeKindergarten Martin, Stern,Frost,groupsDiscussion Rheudasil,Nelson,-Richards 5 Univ.Discussioneffortsgroups of Assembly &Texas checks- 3 1:00 DevelopmentRichardsDr. Phyllis - Child VisitGroupDiscussionTheir Casis2Lives"1 "Time & of GroupsReverse Tues. KINDERGARTENJuly 8-12, INSTITUTE 1968 Time I Mon. July 8 Tues. July 9 Wed. July(Second 10Thurs. Week) July 11 Fri. July 12 DirectedAreas Learnin 8:30 RichardsDr. Phyllis Devel.,Reading,NelsonLiterature -Math., Prof.Child MartinMovie.Dr.intro. Martin's willmovie.Dr. Feel?"Father"How Do Underwood Migrants NelsonVideoDr.Program Castenada -- MathThroughThe Kind.ChildSociologicalreading DayDevel. Prof.guided Aand .0:30 Richardssummarize DeanDocumentGreetingsready Holtzmanfor - Fri. fromget Dr.Group Castaneda react. Dr. Castaneda Dr.andSlidessummarize GovalleCastaneda - Casis HowComparePsychological towithbackground use andchildren movies con- CastanedaSchool - Dr. Math Roleprogram,equipment;trast of twoTeacher etc._school, 1:00 Grow"HeadFilm"A Long Start"-'"OperationDiscussion Time andto continueDr. Castaneda Dr.Lecture)(Discussion Castaneda or Family"HowFilm: Big," "How Discussio4"Dog "CatLittle, Math.ReadingDiscussionProfessional and - 1 . I 77-v KINDERGARTENJuly 15-19, INSTITUTE 1968 8:30 Dr.Mon. Clyde MartinJuly Social 15 Dr.Tues. Martin (continu4)July 16 Wed.Dr.(Third Martin Week) developJuly 17 Dr.Thurs. Martin continueJuly 18 MissFri. Richards-MetzJuly 19 Studies -- Science Develop a study of , vegetable unit to write study of List and discuss topics a vine Students bring vines vegetablesing with language and work- RheudasilbreadusedTopics a tostudyturned demonstrateand of Sternin 10:30 FrostBigsix grouptopics & Nelson discussionand selecttell why Field--Texas trip Museum for idea$ DiscussList topic field ideas trip Video of Dr. Castane a FrostlanguageMiss Richards-Art& Nelson patterns 1:00 Missline,--Communication Alice color Richardstexture, through Art LabMissand for aidesRichards students Art MissTempraLab Richards Art TextureMissLab Richards Art / DairyFilms:Foodchecking forFarm Citytopics Produce withmusic.andCompareof modernthe Film: childrenlswork art Adventuresof masters art Tissue paper Topics Approved 7=777 KINDERGARTENJuly(Fourth 22-26, INSTITUTEWeek) 1968 Time8:30 Film:Mon. Four ArtistsJuly 22 HaveTues. studentJuly to 23 Wed.Dr. Martin takeJuly a 24 GeneThurs. Nelson atJuly Metz- 25 GeneFri. show slidesJuly of26 ArtPaint a Tree Summary- writeingandactivities processesperhaps content onthink- andboard Reactdevelopedlook at& students'assist topic LandFilms:ofDorothyScience another & People""Indonesia- Frost-Study culture - DorothyStudieschildrenanother work culturein Socialwith 10:30 Researchin Aud. andand Librarywriting Writinganticipated(supervised) and languagelreading SeeFilm: the "If Earth" You Could"The HarvestShow(Gene) Science Showin Japan" ArtVideo VideoandSupervised professional writing 1:00 ResearchFrostassist and and Nelson writing. to Reading and writing GlobeprofessionalResearch, and Ourwriting, readingEarth" professionalResearch,(Richards) writing, reading Turnreading(Gene in and rough Dorothy drafts assist recordsStudentsProfessionalreviewliterature studies) of to children's play reading -^ JulyKINDERGARTEN 29-August(Fifth Week)INSTITUTE 2, 1968 Time8:30 VirginiaMon.overview Cadwellof fieldJuly Music- 29 CadwellTues. at JulMetz 30VideoWed.Virginia CadwellJul Music31 TurnThurs.studies in completedAu ust 1 CapitolLocalFri. field Tour tripsAu ust 2 WhoMutual"Frost-Literature"The Took Pleasure "TheA Walk" Camel is Music-CaldwellConference-NelsonLiterature-Frost ReaganStateLandOldGov. Bakery OfficeMansion ArchivesBldg. Museum 10:30 Cadwell - Music Video(Music)(Inside of &CadwellFrost Outside) Music-CadwellConference-NelsonLiterature-Frost Cadwell-Music TomTexasElizabethLaguna Miller Memorial Gloria NeyDam Museum&Museum FrenchZilkerStateLCRALow WaterBldg. CemeteryGardensLegation Bridge 1:00
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