«4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurwiay. 8«pt. 17. IW7 IHHUMS U W N M n MRS New HQ: Perns back 8th accord, bonds / page 3 | O n stage; Teen IMLE FORMLE I 2 BEDROOM townhouM CHRYSANTHEMUMS condo. SMO inontli. No dig your ow n. 550 Bush DODGE ChorgtFhif^ 60 MUSTANG Factory gets UtllltiM. NO pots. 646- Hill Rd., Monchostar. bock 03. 4 evlindgr, 33W-AI. After 5:30 647- 4 rastorad. 6 cylindar, spggd, pin otrlpg Inta- 40,000 mllas on angina. •000-Pot. Top M l Equals: MHS, Windham in scoreiess tie / page 9 1 musical / page 13 rlor, sunroof om/fm Excallant condition. Any emounl dsOvorsd. AIs a m, cossotfg sforoo. 643- 84500. 649-5945 oftar HOMES 5641 ovonlngs. PVOKIIQV • POwOVf fMfNM. FORREHT HONDA Civic 19^0.54,000. MVN CMtlMICltaN Naw brokas, rallobla. COVENTRY-4 room Du­ 872-14OO/660-B65S if f . F f a a Body naads work. S7W plex, 2 bedroom, wall- or bast offar, 647-1543. to-wall carpet, ap­ CLYDE pliances, no pets. M7S F U a 0H./G0M7 CHEVROLRT-BUICK. INC. monthly. 747-6736. FMEWQOD ROUTE S3, VERNON COUNTlIlY llvlnp. Small 70 Cougar XR7 house on 3.7 acres In FIREW OOD freel Polled 01 OMsOmegs Coventry. 1475 per 3 months, trunk pieces, OZRegoissaw PH O EN IX pop-up sloops month plus heat and opproximotely 2 cord. 02 0enh«ys«os 0. Sfova, rofrlgarotor, utilities. Ideal for sln- 12"-1I" diameter by I I OSOelsbttlyssr. hootar, good condition. ole or couple. 646-2253. " lenerth. Must be split. aC|RI!lll|| OSPOldPISOXLTSM Aftar 4 646-1003. 8500. Avolloble October 1st. Take all. 642-0232. HrralJi ‘ C t in ifs o •■rnsnifiEt OS Cevoller MSHi ManchBStor A City o! Villaije Charm >\ND6v ER Loke. 5 room OS BonnswSle 4 *. ■MOTORCYCLES/ house on lake front. OS QM C JHmtyssns wi •TOO per month. Coll Alumlnumiildifio OS Hegel 4 *. 649-2«71 or 643-7605. l « l l « 04Clers44r., Y A M A H A 1900 250 Excl- Friday. Sept. 16,1987 30 Cents FLUTE. Bundy. Great for - S i f w i n s ' 04 Regel aaw* far. Runs good. Naads 04 Oelsbrity 44r. minor rapoirs. Asking INDUSTRIM. bofllnner. Excellent « » ‘d » • • • BICM PROPERTY condition. 1105. 643- 04 Camera sMss 8250.6464704. 64M. ___________ 00. S8 Chevy 8-10 pMa* 5000 sauare feet commer­ ALTO-Soxaphone. By- CMP S cial space. Available conn with carry cose. nrS.«8»'SQtTON 8 7 2 - 9 1 1 1 ns MU Treaty to ban Accord Immediately. Many Asking S250 negotiable. possible uses. Warren 646-5206. < 4 « ^ 2 8 i 4 E. Howland Inc. 643- < llOt. PET8 ARD aLool backers 8ARME8 SUPPLIES medium, short B' AROSTORASE FR EE to good home. 4 » 4 9 8 7 organize HORSE Barn - 3 stalls, yeorold Lob Cross dog. a< Trainned and loveable. E bi pasture and ring avail­ 647-9305. able to rent. Provide nuke missiies By Alex GIrelll Ft AKC Lahsa Apsa. 3 MEROIRTS own core or shore with Associate Editor to 3 persons. Coll 646-1M7. males, 3 females. in Ready 10/4/07. 0250. 647-9065.____________ Eighth District backers of a n i Merchondlse PO M ERA N IAN puppies. TW CASS CARS Reagan and Gorbachev proposed agreement between the CARS district and the town over fire and wi Black. 2 female, 2 SALES o n FOR.SALE m FDR SALE FOR SALE male. 413-267-3770, or E. to hold summit this year sewer jurisdiction have formed a S/ 413-267-5121. S E P T E M B E R 10th ,19th, vw Bug 1967. Racondltl- political action committee called FORD Granada 1977.8625 FORD Escort wagon 1984. "Y E S ” for “ Yes, End Strife. P 9-5. Porfobla sawing enSLES onOd,ope.vwg staraoVIvrVO cossatte.COVWTTey or bast offer. 6434877 5 speed, rust proofed, I mochlna, dropas, cor- MISCELLAREOUS haotar, 40k. Aftar 6pm. ’after 3pm. stereo. Excellent con­ Its officers, named at a meeting 4 RADIOS, wall mirror, 30 FOR SALE patlng, Victorian pa- 643-6135. Morv.______ WASHINGTON (AP) - The televised announcement, noted that dastol sink, hair loom PONTIAC Hatchback dition. Original owner. United States and Soviet Union Thursday night. Include two former X 46 with flowers VW 1974 Bug. Rool claon, 643-8745 evenings. he and Shultz had met hours beyond ground edge. 646-0233. dinnar sat. Much mora. 1980. Worth saolng. 649- nmiMlng have reached an “ agreement in officers of STEAL, a group that last TEE Shirt transfers. Ap­ rabullt angina, Mag 4791. their original plan and said. "The proximately 3000, also 140 Kannady Rood, *»INto 1977. Excellent principle" to ban medium- and road to an agreeement... turned out year successfully fought against Monchastar. whaals. 81200.649-8407 SO to 100k numerals and CLASSIC 77 VW converti­ condition Inside and O VERi^LER .INVOICE Ohorter-range nuclear missiles and to be more difficult than anyone had adoption of a town Charter provi­ RENAULT LaCar l5ao. 4 ble. All white. Low sion that would have paved the way CL0THIR6 letters for shirts, cops, FRIDAY « 'Saturday. out. Low mileage. 8625. SSKW have agreed that President Reagan thought.” etc. Best offer. 649-3642 Saptombar 18, 19. 70 spaed. Running condl- mileage. Must see. 644- 643-7265. for consolidation of the district with tlon, only 8200.649-7057. 3120._________ *~/MORIA^Y BROTHERS/ and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorba­ He said that over the last few BROWN Russian Seal and offer 5:30pm.o______ Jarvis Rood. Multi PLYM O U TH 73 Valiant. chev will hold a summit before the days "we have experienced a the town without the consent of fomlly, 9-3. BUICK Century 1981. 4 VW Quantom sedan 87. leather locket. Size 18. CHILDREN'S Clothing. Excellent condition. HBwe: w end of the year, Reagan announced complex spectrum of emotions, district voters. m U l TI family corner ot door, automatic. Full Fully loaded. Super stereo. Mounted STSTXH”* KMitaNiMiTMiT Excellent condition. Most Items under SI. MANCMiTn.coNNrcncui 0 4 3 -5 1 3 5 today. from anxiety to a strong emotional The former STEAL officers are 8325. 649-5009. Private home. 644-1950. Stone and Edmund power with extras. 813,000/best offer. 646- snow tires. 8995. 646- Boby crib $65. Street. Rain or shine. Bast offer. 871-9430. 1232 days. 1830. > The treaty — Reagan’s first arms uplift The day before yesterday, I attorney Robert Bletchman, who Fridoy 8, Soturday. ^ORO Granada 1980. 4 accord with the Soviet Union — said to Secretary Shultz that it is was chairman of STEAL, and WALL unit. Chrome and would be the first to ever ban an time to bring in the harvest. And he William Sheriden, who was its FURRITURE glass. Storage space. Saptombar 18,19.10-3. door, air excellent con­ Looks good. 835. 646- BOLTON. Saptombar 18, dition. 82000 or best entire class of nuclear weapons. agreed.” treasurer. COFFEE table ond end 7041. 1-5. Saptambar 19, 9-3. offer. 6494487. Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard In the end, he said, “ for the first Shevardnadze called the agree­ time in the history of the existence Sheriden Is treasurer of YES ond table (together or se- 24' above ground pool, Multi family. Children Ca d i l l a c 1977 sedan Her»ld photo by Pinto Bletchman is its assistant treaurer. poroteKone Individual new liner, good condi­ and adults clothing, Devllle d'Elegance. ment “ a common success for all of nuclear weapons, ... it has been gloss topped coffee ta­ tion. You disassemble. household Items. Jol- Power windows, fhankind, for all civilization.” possible to agree on the elimination Joseph Mesquita works at a compu­ ity College. He is the college’s Bernard Niedzielski is chairman ble. Coll 742-5918 Best reasonable offer. ousla windows, brakes, seats, locks, . The president said Secretary of of two classes of nuclear weapons," of YES. Niedzielski Is captain of the evenIngs.D Coll 649-1299offer 6pm. wooden storms, ate. air. Am/fm stereo tape State George Shultz and Shevard- the shorter-and medium-rhnge ter terminal at Manchester Commun- director of minority programs. Eighth District volunteer fire Rain or shine. 384 Lake deck. Extra snow tires liadze, who settled major differen­ missiles. "This is a beginning.” department. WATERBED king size. BASSETT crib and Street. on rims. Excellent con­ Complete package ex­ changing table. Excel­ ces in a 9'A-hour negotiating session By year's end, he said, "both we James Sarles, a deputy chief in cluding headboard. dition. 83500. 6464333. lent condition. Bedding Thursday, will meet In Moscow and our American partners have the fire department, is vice chair­ Asking 8100. Coll 742- Included. 8175.646-5061. next month to work out the rest of confidence the treaty will be 5918 evenlnos.g FLEA MARKET man of the political action commit­ ROW ING machine. Ex- TAKE A LOOK the details and set the date and signed.” M CC minority students have M A P L E 42" round table Musical Fntlval tee. He was one of the four district cellent condition. 850. agenda for a summit in the United On Capitol Hill, Senate Majority negotiators who worked out the with 8" leaf, 4 captain Coll 649-9334. S s fl IB / IB-6 States, presumably in Washington. choirs. 875. 872-8974. 85 Ford T-BIrds Leader Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va., terms of the proposed town-district HALF Pricell Save Manchastar Band • 6 9 9 5 In a nationally televised, an­ welcomed "the apparent progress SOFA bed ton. Good con- friendly face in their corner agreement. 50% 11 Best, large flash­ Shall. MIsc. wares. eevw Jotiavor.. nouncement at the White House.
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