ROCHESTER BROAD'lMAY THEATRE LEAGUE • THE DICKENS FEATURING OUR SATURDAY NITE SPECIAL Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus Baked Potato with Sour Cream & Chives Vegetable - Salad - Coffee $3.50 ALSO MANY OTHER DELICIOUS ITEMS Stop in for dinner before the show or after the show for a late evening snack SERVING 7 DAYS & NilES FROM 11 A.M. till 2 A.M. 1501 UNIVERSITY AVE. EXTENSION PLENTY OF FREE PARKING For Reservations Call: 271-9635 or 271-9494 PARTY AND BANQUET ACCOMMODATIONS Consult Us For Your Banquets And Parties ... we will be glad to have you. PRODUCING MANAGERS' COMPANY presents PHYLLIS KIRK tn WAIT UNTIL DARK A Play by FREDERICK KNOTT with JAMES TOLKAN JOSEPH MASCOLO GEMMA RICHARD DENNIS BRANDA o.nd WILLIAM TRAYLOR Directed by WINDSOR LEWIS Scenery by FRED VOEJ.PEL Production Stage Manager SEAN CUNNINGHAM CAST (In order of a]!J!l'Orance) Mike Talman WILLIAM TRAYLOR Sgt. Carlino . ... ....... ... ... .. .... ...... ... JOSEPH MASCOLO Harry Roat, Jr. .. ... .. JAMES TOLKAN Susy Hendrix ... .... ... .. .. ..... .... .... ..... PHYLLIS KIRK Sam Hendrix .. ...... .. ... ................ RICHARD BRANDA Gloria ............... .....•..................... GEMMA DENNIS Policemen .. ... ....... .. .. ... BARRY HOFFMAN, HUBERT ENGLAND UNDERSTUDIES Standbys never substitute for listed players unless a specific announce­ ment for the appearance is made at the time of the performance. For Miss Kirk - Alice Mulvihill. For Miss Dennis - Maura Mulvihill. For Messrs. Tolkan , Traylor and Mascolo - Richard Branda. For Mr. Branda - Barry Hoffman. THE "A" RATING! CHICAGO DAILy NEWS HARKNESS BALLET Wednesday, November 29 At 8:15 TICKETS NOW! $4.50, $4.00, $3.50, $3.25, $2.75, $2.50 EASTMAN THEATRE A Civ!c Music Association Presentot.lon GEORGE M. CLA·NCY·CARTING CO. INC. Moving Packing Crating Storage -AGENT- Geo. M. Clenc:y Jr. President NORTH AMERICAN VAN LINES SYNOPSIS OF SCENES The action takes place in a basement apartment in Greenwich Village ACT I. Scene 1. Friday Evening Scene 2. Saturday Afternoon Scene 3. Twenty minutes later ACT II. Scene 1. About an hour later Scene 2. A few minutes later Scene 3. A minute later The co:npany ac knowledges tne courtesy and cuooerati on of The Li ghthouse (New York Association for the Bli nd). CHRISTMAS CARDSFROM ORIGINAlS COMPLETE SELECTION OF Beautiful & Unusual H o L 1 o A v r v o 1 N G s ' , • In the comfort of our CARD SALON, let our competent, professional staff assist vou in choosing JUST THE RIGHT CARD for you and your family • Bring this ad for additional savin2s (10% Dis:count thru November 15.) OOriginal (l;rrrtings1Jnr. 204 EAST HIGHLAND DRIVE PHONE 244-5880 EXPLORE EUROPE Care of AMERICAN EXPRESS It's here!!! The AMERICAN EXPRESS listing of its 1968 Europ­ ean Tours. The most colorful and complete tour folder e'o!er list­ ed. Choose from 32 Different tours. Call, or write us today for your copy . VAN ZILE TRAVEL SERVICE 1786 MONROE AVENUE 244-8300 Wax with Vincent Price, The City Is Dark with Sterling Hayden and Johnny Who's Who Concho with Frank Sinatra. She has made fre4ucnt returns to the - in the Cast stage from time to time. and most re­ cently she toured with Harry Nelson in Mary , Mary. On television Miss Kirk has been PHYLLIS KIRK, Su.1y Hendrix, hcgan starred in many major dramatic pro­ her career as a fashion model. with her grams. including 1'/avlwul·e 90. Cli111ax . picture on the covers of Junior Bazaar, !'hi/co Playlwu.l'l'. U.S. Steel Hour, 'J'Ire­ Mademoiselle and other magazines, and atre (;uild Hour. 'lht• Lorel/a Youn~: she made her stage debut in a Philip Sholl'. G ./-.'. Tlll'atrt•. Schlitz Playlwu.l'l', Barry play, My Na111e Is Aquilion, with Ford Fhcatrt•, /.a111' (;rcy Theatre, Twi­ Lilly Palmer and Jean Pierre Aumont. light /.one and Uohert ,'vfontgo/1/en· A ftcr some other impressive stage ap­ Pre.\·t•nts. pearances, she was recruited to Holly­ She has also guest-starred on such va­ wood hy Sarnucl (ioldwyn to appear with riety programs as the original Sid Caesar Ann Blyth and Farley Granger in Our Progm111 . '/he Red /Jul/on .~ Show. Fhe Vay Ull'n. Suhsc4uently she co-starred Lrnie Ford Show and File George Gohel in many important films. including Back Shmv. In addition she has hccn a guest on jro111 Lternity with Rohcrt Ryan. Fht• many major panel and game programs Sac/ Sack with Jerry I .ewis, House of such a' Missing Link . You Oon't Sav. HAL HOLBROOK IN "MARK TWAIN TONIGHT!" "THE NATION'S ONE TRUE COMIC GENIUS. AUDIENCE QUAKING WITH LAUGHTER." -N. Y. TIMES FRIDAY* NOV. 24 8:15 Reserved Seats $4.50, $4.00, $3.50, $2.50 EASTMAN THEATRE A Civic Music Association Presentation Snap Judl.?111ent, To Tell the Truth and entation. He made hi s Broadway debut Pa.uworcl, as well as having appeared in Noel Coward's Nude With Violin and often on Ti1e Oscar Lt•wmt Show and on toured in repertory in that comedy and many discussion programs. Present Ltlll~.?h t er. Mr. Traylor was born She is probably best remembered for and raised in Missouri, and received his her co-starring appearances through two A .B . from North-East Missouri State and a half years with Peter Lawford in College and worked toward his Master's the Thin Man series. and she was nomi­ at Northwestern before spending two nated for an Emmy Award for her por­ years in the Signal Corps. Off-Broadway trayal of Nora on that program. he appeared in New York in Lonnie Readily ad-Jibbing, Miss Kirk con­ Chapman's Cry of the Raindrop. In the ducted interviews for NBC's Monitor ra­ golden days of television he appeared on dio programs. and two years ago she Playhouse 90, StaRe Door, A rmstronR spent a whole season running a discus­ Circle Theatre, Kraft Theatre, Matinee sion program, ABC's The Younl.? Set, TIJeatre. The Defenders, The Nurses and writing it and moderating it daily for an Father Knows Best. In stock he has ap­ hour, five times a week. peared in Sweet Bird of Youth, with Joan Fontaine in Susan and God, with Orson Bean in Smd Me No Flowers. In New JAMES TOLKAN, Harry Roar, Jr., born York he acted in the recent revival of and raised in Tucson. was a football star The Glass MetwRerie. at Eastern Arizona College before join­ ing the Navy for the fracas in Korea. After that he took theatrical training at JOSEPH MASCOLO. SRt. Carlino, was the University of Iowa, and made his way seen on Broadway last season as the hot­ to New York for further study with Stella tempered chauffeur in Sir Tyrone Gu­ Adler and Lee Strasberg. He made his thrie's all-star revival of Dinner at EiRh t. professional debut with a resident theatre His first major stage role in New York in Memphis, and then had a series of was in The Threepenny Opaa, in which understudy assignments with Broadway he played Matt for a year. In the New plays. A major opportunity came to him York Shakespeare Festival production of to play the arrogant Captain Solyony in Macheth he played Ross and then Mac­ Chekhov's Three Sisters in the Actors' duff. Successively he acted the two ma­ Studio production in London. In New jor roles of Eddie and Marco in the long York he played the role of Judas in the run of A View from the BridRe, and he modern play about the Crucifixion, Be­ scored a great personal success in the off­ tween Two Thieves, the role of the tor­ Broadway version of Pirandello's To tured longshoreman in the long-run pro­ Clothe the Naked. He played Mangiaca­ duction of Arthur Miller's A View from vallo in The Rose Tattoo at Buffalo's Stu­ the Bridge, and a leading role in Live dio theatre and with Jose Ferrer in After Like Pigs, by the British avant-garde play­ the Fall in Miami. and he has been on a wright John Arden. On a long tour Mr. number of television programs. He is a Tolkan was seen in The Best Man in the talented musician as well as an actor and role of the ex-President that had been has played clarinet with the Metropot:tan originated by Lee Tracy. Opera orchestra. WILLIAM TRAYLOR, Mike Talman, GEMMA DENNIS, G/oriu, has been ap­ received critical acclaim last season for pearing in television commercials si nce his Broadway performance opposite In­ she was six, and she has played numer­ grid Thulin in Burgess Meredith's pro­ ous stage roles in the community theatre duction of Of Love R emembered. Prior near her parents' home at Manhasset, to that he appeared as Steve opposite Long Island. in the further suburbs of Constance Towers's Julie in the exciting New York. Dennis is her stage name, in r.evival of Show Boat at Lincoln Center honor of her father, Dennis Mulvihill, and he subsequently toured with this pres- and she is accompanied on this tour by PHON E 325 . 5958 THE BETLEM CORP. AI'S 2555 BAIRD ROAD UTUXEDO SHOP 381-7800 FO RMA.L 'IVEA.R . SPORTS'IVEA.R Serving Rochester for 25 Years in " Firs t in formal •/•g•nc• QUALITY lor o~•r 40 Y••rs ·· INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL Morv Sorkin - Gil Cresov AIR CONDITIONING AND 129 CLINTON AVE. SO. REFRIGERATION opposite Midtown Pine Go Xero• Square EASTMAN THEATRE Monday, November 13 at 8:15P.M. T ickets: $5.50, 5.00, 4.50, 4.00, 3 .50, 3 .00 A Roches ter Civic Music Association, Artist Series Presentation TOUR DIRECTION : THEATRE AMERICAN THEATRE PRODUCTIONS.
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