FOREWORD of The Hsndbook on Philatelg is primarilg a compilation in India' issued by the instrucf ions and procedures relating to philately is an useful guide containing Department of Posts, t'rom time to ilme and to serue os o us;er manual f or tlte f undamental con'cepfs on the subiects This olso serues os o thrz purpose of running philatelic bvtreauK'counter-s' rejerencebookt'ortheadministrcttiueandoperotior.talsetupoJ.the the boctks/regisfers fo Department. This also contains thet prot'ormae of olso the ot' the be maintainecl in the philatielic: L'ureaux ond t'ormat ucrious periodical retllrns to be Jurrrished AllHeadsofCircles'RegiortalPostmastersGene'ral'Directors' copies oJ' this postntasters concerned are aduisr.zd to read and retain hondlt'ng os it is time Handbook' Plrilatelg needs promprl ond sensif iue sertsitiueandinuo|uesdelicatemattersrelatingtoprotclcol,withclose skilled mate:rials cct<trdination and monitoring' lt also demands attitudes at all fftanagement. inuentory control crnd cusforn er"Jriinlt-. Ieuels. I -.rt' .,^,'i'i v ' IIIrd edition while reuising the'Handboo,i,<" sonte ol thel:ules of the hauebeenanlended,Somenewru|eshauebeertaddecltothereuised There are likely edition. The number of rules hos o/so undergone change' and Counters' quofos to be chctnges in some details (e11 No of Bureaux to time' C)hanges due to for the Bureaun'Counters etc') t'rom time of philatelic items introduction of IT or in sccountitrg procedure' cost Circles are oduised to or mode of sale/payment etc' troy olso accur' confirm. on the subiect The eft'ort has been to incorporate the instructions uelcome issued till date' Philately Branch of the Directorate would suggestions t'or additions/alterations to the Hqndbook' Devika Kumar Deputy Direrctor General (Philately) DePzrrtment of Posts, Government o{ India New Delhi L)ated : 31.12.2010) ---.t'-\'^ €:t*-:-ro Contents Page Subiect 1 Def inition of F'hilatelic Terms 10 Philatelic Bure'aux & Counter 14 Stomps 19 First Day Couers & Inf ormation Sheets 22 & Collectors Procedure t'or Supply to Philatelists 26 Concellation 36 Deposit l\ccottnt SYstem A' '-r-'^ 42 Miscellaneous \: 53 The. Lows of the Land 55 Annex I: Distribution of Comm' lStomps " B li't 57 Annex ll!'Resist& o,f Comm' Storrips '1 -- ^-'ta-- ,' 'frt r"l.l'l ,.4 ro a^l:-<..' .al : JO Annex III: List oJ HOs/6POs lor TransJer 59 Annex lV: PD fi/<: APPlication 61 Annex V: List of Philatelic Bureaux 62 AnnexVI A: PD A/c System Ord'zr Register 63 AnnexVI B: PD Nc SYstem LePwJ. i-'- lii''- t-l"-' 64 Annex Vll: Start of Nc Philect-irBureau r'.,. rJ-d( Application 65 AnnexVLII: PD Nc ('&4s'eas) \.' 't' 67 Annex lX: Request/or issue ol a Comm' Stomp'$ Annex X: Monthlg Report on PLLilately 6B Promotion & DeueloPment Annex XI: MonthlY Statement in r o 71 'Philqtlit'Sales t'or thet month I rr - - i' i '.i - .n/ CHAPTER-I DEFINITIONS OF PHILATELIC TERMS 1- Postage Stamp: A postage stamp is a leceipt with a specific value to prepay postage. A symbol of a nation s sovereignty' it is also a tool to celebrate antl ytromote a nation's h&itage. lts value as a collectible item often er<ceeds its actual postal value' 2. Types of Postage Stamps:: a) Definitive stamps: These are stamps specifically issued for day to day postal needs and placed on sale for an unlimited period. They are distinct from commemorative issues and are available in several denominations. The definitlves are printed in huge numbers. By and largrz it can be said that the definitives are normall5' so designed as to cause the minimum expenditure in their manufacture. storerge and sale' A number of de{initive series on tfremes relevant to the country's heritage and progress in various fields have been brought out. Generaily the definitive series ar{z changed after 5 years' b) Commemorative Stamps: Stamps, covers or postal stationery issued to commemorate an event. an institution. a theme. flora or fauna and personages, are called commemorative starnprs. These are usually printed in limited numbers and are solcl for a limited period from philatelic bureaux,/counters,/authorized offices. These are printed only once, unlike definitive postage stamp's. so as to ensure their value as collectibles in accordance rvith universal practice. They are, however, rrot intended to supersede the current definitive stamps, and are generally purchased by the philaielists for their collections. These can be used for payment of postage also apart from being collectible items' c) Special Stamps: l'hese are thematic like flora' fauna, architecture, art, etc. urhich are issued without commemorating any speci{ic event. llA Handboc,k on Philotelu d) Joint lssue of Stanrps i) This is the sirrrultoneous or agreed issue of stamps (two or more) by India ar:,d any other country in consultation with each other. ii) the proposalis taken up by the concerned country directly with India Post or through the Ministry of ExternalAffairs or through its Entbassy/High Commission in India. lndia POSI Can Similarlrr taLo rrn a nrnnng3l r.r,'ith anv Othef country. iii) The proposal is forwarded to the International Relation (tn)dGisD of tfre Department of Posts for consultation \ with MEA in ordezr to ascertain its clearance and viability. iv) A draft Joint agreement is drawn up ut,,th terms and conditions ogr,zeable to both countries snd thetr respectiue Posf o I Organisof ions. Once the Joint agreement is agreed upon. it is signed by the respectiue heads of the Philately Diuision and finalized. v,) The concepts t'<>r the designs are agreed upon. For example the concept may be'Endangered Nlarine Species' (lndo'Philippines 2009) but the species depicted in the design will be d{Jf erent Jor the two countries. The design itself will uary. vt) The printing of the sf omps ond ancillary p>roducts (such as Miniqture Shrzefs, First l)ay Couers, Brochures etc.) will be by reuspectiue countries with their own denominationhnd inscrlption protocol on the layout. uii) Exchange of philatelic^ material. if any, will be as per the Joint Agreement uiirJ The release function protocol in Indiaoif anyrfunction is held will be as u:;ual. but in consultation with the MEA/ the Embassy/Hillh Commission etc. IR Division will be kept informed. Hondbook on Phi/otelY lll ix) If an lndian delegation is invited to the country concerned, the case will be pr,tcessed on merits in accordance with extant rules at the time in consultation the concerned "vith Divisions/Departments/Ministries. Issue, Release & Presentation a) Issues : A stamp issue c:an consist of a single stamp' a setenant or a set of 2 or more stamPs. b) Issue date : This is the date on which a starnp begins to be sold across the counter in a Post Off ice/Philateiic Bureau,/ Counter. c) Release : This signifies the process oi releasing a stamp by a dignitary during a formal function organized by proponent(s)' There can be only one release{unction, not multiple functions' d) Presentation: This can be one or more at dif{erent locations r'n anr/ date on or after the date of release of a stamp. 4. First Day Cover (FDC): A cover with the stamp franked with special cancellation of the day of issue is brought out along with a commemorative,/special po:;tage stamp. This is put on sale on the day of release of the stampl) It .un either be sent through post on ihe first day of its release or can be retained ior philatelic collection. First Day covers can also be brought out on the issue or release of .P.',lw definitive stamps. 5. Brochure: Whenever any commemorative,/special stamp is issued, a publicity brochure is also brought out. It contains a brief write-up on the subject. designs and 'also the technical data of the stamp. In addition, the names of the designers of the stamp. first day cover and cancellation are also indicated therein- 6. Cancellation Cachet: It is a cancellatiorr device which is usually impressed with a hand stamp canceller on a cover to denote the date of the special event on which it was provided e.g. important occasions, personages. ina,lgural flights or expeditions etc. It can also be impressed with ther help of a mer:hanicai device for neat ,$..-,.'{ ll Hondbook c'n Philoteiy cancellation. The cachets iire'withdrawn f rom the philatelic bureau imrnediately four weeks after the occasion is over. cachet are prrocured the Heads of the Circles The Cancellation 9y and supplied to all the bureaux under(heifiurisdication before the date of release. The manufacruring specifications are as under:- 1. Metal to be used :;aluminurlr-. /,Q,.nli 'ttrr- 2. Process of preparation of blocks-photo chemicalll 3. Aluminum block to be fitted u,ith wooden boardal) 4. Size of the handle : length 11cms. excluding the portion to be put into the slot. Diameter - 1 inch 5. Wood to be used for handle :i.shisham-, -\''l4irc'r r"' ' 6. Handle should be fltted to the block with nails of glue in a strong manner so as not to come out while hanclling. tL,-Jr L._ Note: Changes in the cancellation. if anv[rrl!$ notified. 7. Mint Sheet: It is a full sheel of unused stamps without any post mark. 8. Issue Sheets: Stamps come in Issue Sheets comprisinE, generally, 20 to 50 slamps. depending Lrpon the size of the stamp. Anything below that number is a sheetLet in the strictest sense of the term. However, for the sake of specification. various names like Miniature Sheet, Souvenir Sheet. Stanrp Sheetlet and Stamp l]ooklet are attached to the products. i) Miniature Sheet: A Miniature Sheet is a sheetlet comprising of one or more postally valid stamps with which the issue concerns.
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