Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Progress in Natural Science 19 (2009) 1427–1431 www.elsevier.com/locate/pnsc Short communication New fossil caddisfly from Middle Jurassic of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae) Meixia Wang, Yunyun Zhao *, Dong Ren * College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037, China Received 13 October 2008; received in revised form 25 December 2008; accepted 4 January 2009 Abstract A new genus and new species, Juraphilopotamus lubricus gen. et sp. nov., from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of Daohugou, Inner Mongolia, China, is described and illustrated. It may be the first record of the family Philopotamidae in China, extending the geographic distribution of this family. A detailed description and illustration of the specimen along with a brief review of the fossil Philopotamidae are given. A proposal on dispersion and migration of Philopotamidae and problems of the paleoenvironment of the Daohugou beds are discussed. Ó 2009 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved. Keywords: Insecta; Juraphilopotamus; Philopotamidae; Middle Jurassic; Biogeography 1. Introduction Since Botosaneanu summarized fossil species of Philo- potamidae [6], six more new species have been reported Trichopterans or caddisflies are small to moderate-size (not including the species described in this paper). They insects, with a near worldwide distribution except for Ant- were Dolophilodes (sortosella) shurabica Sukatsheva, 2004 arctica. To date, the order contains more than 12,627 [7]; Wormaldia pheromonia Melnitsky et Ivanov, 2005 [8], extant species and 500 fossil species [1]. Research on fossil Wormaldia vlipla Ivanov et Melnitsky, 2005 and Wormal- caddisflies has a history of more than 100 years. The oldest dia Sukatsheva Melnitsky et Ivanov, 2005 [8]; Wormaldia trichopteran emerged in the permian [2], but the earliest myanmar Wichard & Poinar, 2005 [9]; Chimarra palaenova genuine fossil trichopteran is Liadotaulius maior from the Wichard, 2007 [10]. To date, 11 genera and 30 fossil species lower Toarcian of Dobbertin (NE Germany). It has a ple- of this family were described [6–10], and they are summa- siomorphic set of venation characters which hinder familial rized in Table 1. placement [3]. Basal Trichoptera began to diverge from A new and unique imago specimen from the Middle necrotauliid ancestors during the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation of the Daohugou beds Jurassic [4]. Some basal families appeared in the Jurassic allows us to carry out a detailed study because of its excel- period, such as Dysoneuridae, Rhyacophilidae, Baissoferi- lent preservation. Based on some particular characters, we dae and Vitimotauliidae [5], while Philopotamidae is established Juraphilopotamus lubricus gen. et sp. nov. another family of putative Jurassic age [4]. 2. Materials and methods * Corresponding authors. Tel.: +86 10 68901757; fax: +86 10 68980851. The fossil described herein was collected from the Mid- E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Zhao), rendong@ dle Jurassic of Daohugou Village, Wuhua Township, Ning- mail.cnu.edu.cn (D. Ren). cheng County, Inner Mongolia, China. It was examined 1002-0071/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.pnsc.2009.01.012 1428 M. Wang et al. / Progress in Natural Science 19 (2009) 1427–1431 Table 1 The type specimen described here is housed in the Key Fossil records of family Philopotamidae. Laboratory of Insect Evolution and Environmental Species Location Age Change, College of Life Science, Capital Normal Univer- Prophilopotamus asiaticus Kyrgyzstan Lower Triassic sity, Beijing, China. Sukatsheva, 1973 The body length was measured from the apex of the Dolophilodes (sortosella) shurabica Kyrgyzstan Lower Jurassic to head to the apex of the abdomen. The wing length was Sukatsheva, 2004 Middle Jurassic measured from the basal to the apex of the wing. Baga bakharica Sukatsheva, 1992 Mongolia Middle Jurassic Baga pumila Sukatsheva, 1992 Mongolia Middle Jurassic Morphological terms used here are explained by Hol- Juraphilopotamus lubricus gen. et sp. China Middle Jurassic zenthal et al. [11]. nov. Archiphilopotamus luxus Siberia Middle Jurassic 3. Systematic paleontology Sukatsheva, 1985 Archiphilopotamus maneus Siberia Middle Jurassic Sukatsheva, 1985 Order Trichoptera Kirby, 1815 Dajella tenera Sukatsheva, 1988 Southeastern Lower Cretaceous Suborder Annulipalpia Martynov, 1924 Siberia Superfamily Philopotamoidae Stephens, 1829 An unnamed speciesa Kazakhstan Upper Cretaceous a Family Philopotamidae Stephens, 1829 An unnamed species Taimyer Upper Cretaceous Genus Juraphilopotamus gen. nov. peninsula Arkharia oblimata Sukatsheva, 1982 Far eastern Upper Cretaceous Type species: J. lubricus sp. nov. Russia Etymology: Generic name derived from ‘‘Jurassic” and Wormaldia praecursor Botosaneanu, New Jersey Upper Cretaceous ‘‘philopotamus” (a genus of Philopotamidae). 1995 amber Species included: Type species J. lubricus gen. et sp. nov. Wormaldia praemissa Cockerell, Tennessee Upper Cretaceous Diagnosis: The apex of the forewing is located in the ter- 1916 amber Wormaldia myanmari Wichard & Burmese Upper Cretaceous minal of R5. Sc is long with a humeral cross-vein and an Poinar, 2005 amber oblique crossvein leading to costal margin. R1 forks at An unnamed speciesa Baltic amber Oligocene the apex. MC and DC are closed, the stem of Rs is nearly Electracanthinus klebsi Ulmer, 1912 Baltic amber Oligocene two times that of DC. Rs and M are four-branched, respec- Ulmerodina impar Ulmer, 1912 Baltic amber Oligocene tively. Rs forks before 1/2 of the forewing length, M forks a Wormaldia pheromonia Melnitsky & Baltic amber Oligocene Ivanov, 2005 little earlier than Rs, and Cu1 deeply forks at the same level Wormaldia vlipla Ivanov & Baltic amber Oligocene of Rs. F1–F5 are complete, and F3 is a petiolate. Cu2 is Melnitsky, 2005 bent terminally. Cu2 and 1A reach posterior wing margin Wormaldia sukatchevae Melnitsky & Baltic amber Oligocene at the same point. An oblique crossvein appears basally Ivanov, 2005 between 1A and 2A. Hindwing, crossveins r and m-cu are Wormaldia aequalis Hagen, 1956 Baltic amber Oligocene Wormaldia congenera Ulmer, 1912 Baltic amber Oligocene present, F4 is absent, and DC is closed. Wormaldia media Ulmer, 1912 Baltic amber Oligocene Comparison: This new genus differs from the genus Pro- Wormaldia angularia Mey, 1986 Saxonian Miocene philopotamus Sukatsheva, 1973 [12], by terminally forked amber R1, petiolate F3, location of forewing apex and shorter Wormaldia contigua Mey, 1986 Saxonian Miocene 3A; differs from the genus Arkharia Sukatsheva, 1982 amber Chimarra weitschati Wichard,1983 Dominican Miocene [13], by forked R1, the gap between the terminal of Cu2 amber and 1A, location of forewing apex; differs from the genus Chimarra resinae Wichard, 1983 Dominican Miocene Archiphilopotamus Sukatsheva, 1985 [14], by distally forked amber R1 and petiolate F3. Chimarra palaeodominicana Dominican Miocene Remarks: The forked Sc and R of the new genus resem- Wichard, 1983 amber 1 Chimarra dommeli Wichard, 1983 Dominican Miocene ble Rhyacophila of family Rhyacophilidae, but the D cell amber and M cell are different, they are closed in the new genus Chimarra succini Wichard, 1983 Dominican Miocene but open in Rhyacophila [15]. The forked R1 of the fore- amber wing is similar to some genera of the extant family Ecnom- Chimarra palaenova Wichard, 2007 Dominican Miocene idae [16]. However, no setal warts are present in the amber a mesoscutum of the new species, whereas the family Ecnom- From Botosaneanu L., 1995 [6], without names of species and genus, idae have a pair of setal warts in the mesoscutum [16].A only location and age. mesoscutum without setal warts, closed D cell and M cell, wing shape and small hyaline areas are all important char- acteristics of the family Philopotamoidae [16], though the using a Leica MZ12.5 dissecting microscope and illus- forked R1 is seldom present in the family. The forked R1 trated with the aid of a drawing tube attachment. Line is present in the fossil Wormaldia praecursor Botosaneanu, drawings were made with CorelDRAW 12 graphic soft- 1995 [6], it was referred to as the species of Philopotamoi- ware. Photographs were taken by Nikon Digital Camera dae according to the characteristics of genitalia, maxillary DXM 1200C. palpus and formula of spurs [6]. Therefore, we tentatively M. Wang et al. / Progress in Natural Science 19 (2009) 1427–1431 1429 Fig. 1. Photograph of the whole body of Juraphilopotamus lubricus gen. et sp. nov. Holotype, No. CNU-T-NN-2007001. Scale bar represents 1 mm. place the specimen in a new genus of the family Philopota- moidae rather than of Ecnomidae or Rhyacophilidae. Juraphilopotamus lubricus sp. nov. (Fig. 1). Fig. 3. Forewing of Juraphilopotamus lubricus gen. et sp. nov. Holotype, Entomology: From Latin ‘‘lubricus”, highlighting that No. CNU-T-NN-2007001. Scale bar represents 1 mm. (a) Photograph and most venations are smooth and without waves. (b) linedrawing. Materials: Holotype, male. CNU-T-NN-2007001, a well-preserved specimen with wings and part of the body. antenna is stout but shorter than the head. A pair of sym- Description: Body (Fig. 2)—length 8 mm; antenna slen- metrical setal
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