if. and Fanwood Independent r. •"•: voi SCOTCH PLAINS-FANWOOD, N.J., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1965 10 CENTS A COPY pi «.i j* • - .-: '•'.•*.•:v;,i>jt-Av.-j (Photo by Doris jean Rau) J. C. C. Nominates Three for School Board. .Page 2 Township Committee Meeting. .Page 2 Annual Presentation of "Messiah" Dec. 5th. Page 3 IN THIS ISSUE: TARS Urge GOP Unity Page 3 Christmas Music Program at Woman's Club .Page 6 Raiders Complete 6-2-1 Season Page 15 "Shopping Spree" Feature by Ruth Gilbert. Page 18 "Fantasyland" Planned by All Saints Church Page 24 2...SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES, December 2, 1965 Civic Committee Picks Three For Board Posts Ramsden,Chamberlin, Soffer Endorsed The joint Civic Committee of years for the Dupont Co, in 17 years. He is a member of the ed as a plant technical chemist Elaine 7, in the second grade Scotch Plains and Fan wood has Parlln, N.j, and for 5 years as AH Saints Episcopal Church and by the American Cyanafflid Co, at Brunner School. announced the names of the three abstractor for "Chemical Ab- is a strong supporter of the local in Bound Brook, N.j. He received The joint Civic Committee is candidates it will endorse for the stracts", schools. Their daughter, Karen, his B.S, Degree in Chemistry composed o f representatives February 1 election to the Board Mrs, Ramsden is a member is a. junior in the local High from Brooklyn College, his M.S. from civic and service organ- of Education, of the Joint PTA Council and is School and their son, Martin, is and Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry izations in the two communities. Those endorsed are Dr, Muriel serving her fourth year on the in the 9th grade at the junior from Purdue University, Lafay- Names of potential candidates Ramsden, Dr, Earl Chamberlin, executive board of the Shacka- School. Geoffrey, Ann, Jennifer ette, Indiana. Dr, Soffer is a are suggested by residents for and Dr. Herbert Soffer, according maxon PTA. She is Chairman of and Phillip all attend Shacka- Fellow of the American Institute consideration by the j.C.C. ac- the Scholarship Committee of the of Chemists, member of Pro- Fanwood College Women's Club pylea honor society, Phi Lamb- and a past member of Citizens da Upsilon, Sigma Xi, American Advisory Committee to the Board Chemical Society, and American of Education. For five years Mrs, Association for the Advancement Ramsden served as a Sunday of Science, School teacher in the First Park A charter member of Temple Baptist Church, Plainfield. Israel of Scotch Plains and Fan- Dr, EarlM, Chamberlin, mem- wood, Dr, Soffer served on the ber of the Executive Board of the original steering committee High School PTA lives at 2028 which organized the Temple, Hilltop Rd,, Scotch Plains and is Shortly after permanent officers Manager af Process Research for were elected he became first the Merck, Sharp, and Dohme president of the Temple and ser- Research Laboratories. He re- ved for a period of one and a ceived his B.S, Degree at the half years. He was chairman of Philadelphia College of Pharm- the education committee and is acy and Science and is now on currently a member. At various their Alumni Awards Committee, times he has chaired the Temple's Dr, Chamberlin received an A.M. ritual and membership commit- Degree at Boston University and tees and teaches a class in eth- an A.M. Degree and his Ph.D. MR. EARL CHAMBERLIN ics and history at Temple Sho- MR. HERBERT SOFFER MRS. MURIEL RAMSDEN at Harvard, He is a member of lom in Plainfield, the American and British Che- maxon School. Their seventh cording to Mrs, Benjamin Had- to William Mlnkema, Chairman. mical Societies, Dr, Soffer is married to the dock, Vice-Chairman. Chamberlin was endorsed by child, Penelope, Is of pre-school former Norma Wasehler of Phi- The organization is in its sixth the j.C.C. last year to serve a Born in Coatsville, Pennsyl- vania, Dr, Chamberlin and his age. ladelphia and they reside at 235 year of selecting and encourag-. one year unexpired term. All Dr, Herbert Soffer, a native of Westfield Rd,, Fanwood with their three are now candidates for a wife, Dr, Mary Coener Cham- ing well qualified persons to berlin of Madison, Wisconsin New York City, has resided in two children Robert 11, in the seek election to the Board of full three year term, Richard Fanwood 10 years and is employ- sixth grade at Muir School and Bechtolt and Edward Bell, whose have lived in Scotch Plains for Education. terms expire in February are not seeking re-election, Mrs, Ramsden, the former Muriel T, Holden from Holyoke, Massachusetts moved to Scotch Plains Township Committee Approves Plains In 1956 from Metu^hen, N.J. She resides with her husband Hugh E, Ramsden and their three children Geoffrey, 12, Douglass, Three Board Of Adjustment Recommendations 9 and Keith, 6 at 2080 Wood Rd,, Three unopposed Board of Ad- Street to erect an addition to their Purchase of two pieces ot ber 7 meeting is a Public Hearing Scotch Plains, Mrs, Ramsdens' justment recommendations were building. equipment were adopted by the on an Ordinance to change the husband is employed with Enjay adopted by t h e Township Com- Two other Board of Adjustment Committee, Low bid for a Big name of New York Avenue to Chemical Laboratories, Linden. mittee at their November 23 recommendatiojis will be consid- Scotchman Salt Spreader for the Maple View Court, This effects Mrs. Ramsden received a B.A, meeting, Mrs. Anlela C, Pelc, ered at the next regular Township Department of Public Properties 1610 Front Street was given per- New York Avenue from Maple Degree from Mount Holyoke; and Committee meeting scheduled for came from The Gumming Co., View Court to Hetfield Avenue M.A, Degree from Wellesley and mission to operate a beauty shop December 7. One concerns the Inc., Garwood. George L, Simon, in her home, Also granted was a including that portion from Het- a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the construction of a Gulf service Plainfield, was awarded the bid field Avenue to South Avenue. Massachusetts Institute of Tech- request by J. and M. Robinson station at 2435 Route 22, the on a 1966 Harley-Davidson mo- nology, She is a member of Phi to enlarge a two family dwelling other an addition to Ray's Sport torcycle for the Police Depart- George Wood, Township At- Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi and the at 2394 Hamlette Place, and a Shop, Inc., 2434 Route 22, Both ment, Other bids approved were torney, was authorized to appeal American Chemical Society, She request by the Goodrich Air Con- proposals are contested by resi- for the pavement of Washington the decision of the Union County worked as a senior chemist 6 ditioning, Inc., 1632 East 2nd dents adjacent to each site. Street to D &. L Contracting Co., Board of Taxation to lower taxes Inc., Rahway, and for installation on five properties located on of sanitary sewers in Richmond Cooper, Rahway, Lamberts Mill Street and Tierney Avenue to Al Rd,, Raritan and Martine Avenue. Sanguiliano, Inc., Scotch Plains, The owners had sought reductions under the recently passed state The National Cash Register farm land assessment law. This Company was awarded $1,000 law provides for lower taxes on in settlement for a piece of equip- ment stolen from the Scotch Hills farm lands as opposed to resi- Country Club, dential properties. The Township contends that these properties Purchase offers were received are, in fact, residential and that for three pieces of property own- the substantial tax reductions won ed by the Township- a triangular by the owners should be reversed. plot to the rear of North Avenue and lots on Forest Road and Smith Mayor Russell Patterson an- Street, Public Sale svill be held nounced that one hour parking at the December 7 Township within Scotch Plains will not be meeting. enforced during the month of Also scheduled for the Decem- December, SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES and FANWOOD INDEPENDENT BOROUGH OF FANV/OOD" EDITOR-PUBLISHER CARL E ANDERS0N. GENERAL MANAGER • • • • • -ROBERT H. OLSON Art Director ...... •••••••.. Robert Lorow Art Editor • •_ • Sanford Robins Entertainment Editor. , ••••-.. Gordon Underwood Production Memager, . Staff Writers. , • • ' ' Helen Maguire Staff Photographer. Huth Gilbert and Joan Monahan •••••-... Jerry P. Donnlni Published weekly by the Scotch Plains Publishing Corporation 1608 East Second Street, Scotch Plains, New jersey The lights are turned on. Looking on as Committeeman Rudolph Anderson flips the switch 322-5266-67 are Norman Kerf, Mauro Checchio, James Brown and the Anderson children. "Second Class Postage Paid at Scotch Plains, New Jersey" Subscription* $2,00 per year payable in advance CIRCULATION AND SUBSCRIPTION: PHONE MU 7-O37o" December 2, 1965,. SCOTCH PLAINS TIMES...3 ,..„ Vt *. •# Plains Community Choir BUSINESS BRIEFS Chemists Society, American Two Plains Men Chemical Society and the Pet- roleum Institute, Annual "Messiah" Production Named To Posts Mr, Hinman, who joined the company in 1937 was named man- Thomas Barker and Richard ager of Eastern marketing in V, Hinman of Scotch Plains, have 1958 and became a vice president Scheduled For Sunday, Dec. 5th been named director and sales in 1963, He Is a member of the The 100-voice Scotch Plains manager respectively of solvents New York Paint, Varnish and sored by the Scotch Plains Rec- Oeorgyn Geetlein, soprano, all and chemical marketing at the Community Choir will present reation Commission, George F, of Scotch Plains, The contralto Lacquer Association and of the the Advent and Christmas por- Venezio, chairman. Other mem- soloist is Evelyn Troy of Fan- American Mineral Spirits Co,, salesmen's Association of Amer- tions of Handel's "Messiah" this bers on the commission are the wood, Murray Hill, N.J.
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