H528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 24, 2004 Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. Speaker, I object Miller, Gary Regula Smith (WA) OFFICE OF THE CLERK, to the vote on the ground that a Miller, George Rehberg Snyder HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Mollohan Renzi Solis Washington, DC, February 24, 2004. quorum is not present and make the Moore Reyes Souder Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT, point of order that a quorum is not Moran (KS) Reynolds Spratt The Speaker, House of Representatives, Moran (VA) Rodriguez Stearns present. Washington, DC. Murphy Rogers (AL) Stenholm The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- DEAR MR. SPEAKER: I have the honor to Musgrave Rogers (KY) Sullivan dently a quorum is not present. Myrick Rogers (MI) Sweeney transmit herewith a copy of the original Cer- Nadler Rohrabacher The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Tancredo tificate of Election received from the Honor- Napolitano Ros-Lehtinen sent Members. Tanner able Trey Grayson, Secretary of State, Com- Neal (MA) Ross Tauscher monwealth of Kentucky, indicating that, on The vote was taken by electronic de- Nethercutt Rothman examination of the Official Abstracts of vice, and there were—yeas 381, nays 32, Neugebauer Roybal-Allard Tauzin Taylor (NC) Votes on file in that office for the special not voting 19, as follows: Ney Royce Northup Ruppersberger Terry election held February 17, 2004, the Honor- [Roll No. 25] Norwood Ryan (OH) Thomas able A.B. ‘‘Ben’’ Chandler was duly elected YEAS—381 Nunes Ryan (WI) Thornberry Representative in Congress for the Sixth Nussle Ryun (KS) Tiahrt Congressional District, Commonwealth of Abercrombie Davis (CA) Hoyer Tiberi Obey Sabo Kentucky. Ackerman Davis (FL) Hunter ´ Tierney Osborne Sanchez, Linda With best wishes, I am, Akin Davis (IL) Hyde Otter T. Toomey Alexander Davis (TN) Inslee Owens Sanchez, Loretta Towns Sincerely, Allen Davis, Jo Ann Isakson Oxley Sanders Turner (OH) JEFF TRANDAHL, Andrews Davis, Tom Israel Pallone Sandlin Turner (TX) Clerk. Baca Deal (GA) Issa Pascrell Saxton Udall (CO) Bachus DeGette Istook f Pastor Schakowsky Upton Baird Delahunt Jackson (IL) Paul Schiff Van Hollen SWEARING IN OF THE HONORABLE Baker DeLauro Jackson-Lee Payne Schrock Vela´ zquez BEN CHANDLER, OF KENTUCKY, Ballance DeLay (TX) Pearce Scott (GA) Ballenger DeMint Jefferson Vitter AS A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE Pelosi Scott (VA) Walden (OR) Barrett (SC) Deutsch Jenkins Pence Sensenbrenner Bartlett (MD) Diaz-Balart, L. John Walsh The SPEAKER. Will the Representa- Peterson (PA) Serrano Wamp Barton (TX) Diaz-Balart, M. Johnson (CT) Petri Sessions tive-elect and the members of the Ken- Watson Bass Dicks Johnson (IL) Pickering Shadegg tucky delegation present themselves in Watt Beauprez Dingell Johnson, E. B. Pitts Shaw Becerra Dooley (CA) Johnson, Sam Waxman the well. Platts Shays Mr. CHANDLER appeared at the bar Bell Doolittle Jones (NC) Pombo Sherman Weiner Bereuter Doyle Kanjorski Pomeroy Sherwood Weldon (FL) of the House and took the oath of of- Berkley Dreier Kaptur Porter Shimkus Weldon (PA) fice, as follows: Berman Duncan Keller Portman Shuster Whitfield Do you solemnly swear that you will Berry Dunn Kelly Wicker Price (NC) Simmons support and defend the Constitution of Biggert Edwards Kennedy (RI) Pryce (OH) Simpson Wilson (NM) Bilirakis Ehlers Kildee Putnam Skelton Wilson (SC) the United States against all enemies, Bishop (GA) Emanuel Kind Quinn Slaughter Wolf foreign and domestic; that you will Bishop (NY) Emerson King (IA) Radanovich Smith (MI) Woolsey bear true faith and allegiance to the Bishop (UT) Eshoo King (NY) Rahall Smith (NJ) Wynn Blackburn Etheridge Kingston Rangel Smith (TX) Young (AK) same; that you take this obligation Blumenauer Evans Kirk freely, without any mental reservation Blunt Everett Kleczka NAYS—32 Boehlert Farr Kline or purpose of evasion, and that you will Boehner Fattah Knollenberg Aderholt Hefley Strickland well and faithfully discharge the duties Bonilla Feeney Kolbe Baldwin Jones (OH) Stupak of the office on which you are about to Bonner Ferguson LaHood Brady (PA) Kennedy (MN) Taylor (MS) enter. So help you God. Bono Flake Lampson Capuano Larsen (WA) Thompson (CA) The SPEAKER. Congratulations. You Boozman Foley Langevin Costello LoBiondo Thompson (MS) Boswell Ford Larson (CT) Crane McDermott Udall (NM) are now a Member of the 108th Con- Boucher Frank (MA) Latham DeFazio Oberstar Visclosky gress. Boyd Franks (AZ) LaTourette English Olver Waters Bradley (NH) Frelinghuysen Leach Filner Peterson (MN) f Weller Brown (OH) Frost Lee Fossella Ramstad Wu WELCOMING THE HONORABLE BEN Brown (SC) Gallegly Levin Gutknecht Rush Brown, Corrine Garrett (NJ) Lewis (CA) CHANDLER TO THE HOUSE OF Brown-Waite, Gerlach Lewis (GA) NOT VOTING—19 REPRESENTATIVES Ginny Gibbons Lewis (KY) Burgess Gilchrest Linder Brady (TX) Honda Ortiz (Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky asked and Burns Gillmor Lipinski Collins Hulshof Ose was given permission to address the Burr Gingrey Lofgren Doggett Kilpatrick Stark Engel Kucinich House for 1 minute.) Burton (IN) Goode Lucas (KY) Wexler Mr. ROGERS of Kentucky. Mr. Buyer Goodlatte Lucas (OK) Forbes Lantos Young (FL) Calvert Gordon Lynch Gephardt Lowey Speaker, in the same bipartisan spirit Camp Goss Majette Gonzalez Murtha of cooperation that has characterized Cannon Granger Maloney Kentucky delegations to this great Cantor Graves Manzullo ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Capito Green (TX) Markey body, it is my privilege tonight, as Capps Green (WI) Marshall The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. dean of our delegation, to present to Cardin Greenwood Matheson BASS) (during the vote). Members are you our newest Member and America’s Cardoza Grijalva Matsui advised that 2 minutes remain in this newest Congressman, BEN CHANDLER. Carson (IN) Gutierrez McCarthy (MO) Carson (OK) Hall McCarthy (NY) vote. BEN won the special election a week Carter Harman McCollum ago tonight to fill the unexpired term Case Harris McCotter of our colleague and now Governor, b 1902 Castle Hart McCrery Ernie Fletcher. Chabot Hastings (FL) McGovern Chocola Hastings (WA) McHugh So the Journal was approved. The Chandler name in Kentucky is Clay Hayes McInnis legendary. BEN’s grandfather, the late Clyburn Hayworth McIntyre The result of the vote was announced Albert ‘‘Happy’’ Chandler, was a twice- Coble Hensarling McKeon as above recorded. elected Governor; U.S. Senator; and Cole Herger McNulty Conyers Hill Meehan baseball commissioner, who, by the Cooper Hinchey Meek (FL) f way, presided over the integration of Cox Hinojosa Meeks (NY) Major League Baseball. Cramer Hobson Menendez Crenshaw Hoeffel Mica COMMUNICATION FROM THE But young BEN has earned his own Crowley Hoekstra Michaud CLERK OF THE HOUSE stripes. He has just completed two Cubin Holden Millender- terms as Kentucky attorney general, Culberson Holt McDonald The SPEAKER laid before the House and before that the elected State audi- Cummings Hooley (OR) Miller (FL) Cunningham Hostettler Miller (MI) the following communication from the tor, and was nominated by his party for Davis (AL) Houghton Miller (NC) Clerk of the House of Representatives: Governor last year. VerDate jul 14 2003 02:09 Feb 25, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K24FE7.026 H24PT1.
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