UH Uralica 14 Helsingiensia14 Multilingual Finnic This volume gathers together articles dealing with Finnic mi- nority languages and language contacts. The first part presents topics focusing on phonology, morphology, morphosyntax, Multilingual Finnic syntax as well as lexical relations. The second part of the book Language contact and change consists of non-peer-reviewed reports on archived and digital Finnic minority language materials as well as two field trip re- ports to Finnic-speaking or formerly Finnic-speaking areas. This collection is based on the work carried out during the project “Language change in multilingual Finnic”, funded by the Kone Foundation. Most articles are based on presentations given at a symposium organized at the XII International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies in Oulu in August 2015. Language contact and change ISBN 978-952-7262-16-0 (print) EDITED BY ISBN 978-952-7262-17-7 (online) SOFIA BJÖRKLÖF & ISSN 1797-3945 SANTRA JANTUNEN UH Uralica 14 Helsingiensia14 Multilingual Finnic This volume gathers together articles dealing with Finnic mi- nority languages and language contacts. The first part presents topics focusing on phonology, morphology, morphosyntax, Multilingual Finnic syntax as well as lexical relations. The second part of the book Language contact and change consists of non-peer-reviewed reports on archived and digital MULTI LINGUAL FINNIC Finnic minority language materials as well as two field trip re- ports to Finnic-speaking or formerly Finnic-speaking areas. This collection is based on the work carried out during the project “Language change in multilingual Finnic”, funded by the Kone Foundation. Most articles are based on presentations given at a symposium organized at the XII International Congress for Finno-Ugric Studies in Oulu in August 2015. Language contact and change ISBN 978-952-7262-16-0 (print) EDITED BY ISBN 978-952-7262-17-7 (online) SOFIA BJÖRKLÖF & ISSN 1797-3945 SANTRA JANTUNEN Uralica Helsingiensia14 Multi lingual Finnic Language contact and change EDITED BY SOFIA BJÖRKLÖF & SANTRA JANTUNEN HELSINKI 2019 Sofia Björklöf & Santra Jantunen (eds): Multi lingual Finnic. Language contact and change. Uralica Helsingiensia 14. Contents Most of the peer-reviewd articles in this publication are based on presentations given at the symposium “Change of Finnic languages in a multilinguistic environ- ment”, held at Congressus Duodecimus Inter nationalis Fenno-Ugristarum at the University of Oulu in August, Sofia Björklöf & Santra Jantunen 2015. Orders • Tilaukset Introduction 7 Cover picture Sofia Björklöf The tadpoles on the cover were photographed in Tiedekirja Mäggär'v village, Lake Jürgjär'v in 2014 when visiting Snellmaninkatu 13 I the Veps. They symbolize the development of the Finnic FI-00170 Helsinki Peer-reviewed scientific articles languages – the subject matter of this article collection. ‹www.tiedekirja.fi› Language editor Uldis Balodis Santra Jantunen ISBN 978-952-7262-16-0 (print) Syntactic and aspectual functions of ISBN 978-952-7262-17-7 (online) Latvian verbal prefixes in Livonian 15 ISSN 1797-3945 Heini Karjalainen Printon AS Borrowing morphology: The influence of Russian Tallinn 2019 on the Veps system of indefinite pronouns 55 Sofia Björklöf Uralica Helsingiensia Mutual contacts and lexical relations among the Finnic varieties of western Ingria and northeastern Estonia 89 The series Uralica Helsingiensia is founded in 2008. It features thematic volumes and mono- graphs on the history, typology and sociology of Uralic languages. Studies focusing on Es- Liina Lindström, Maarja-Liisa Pilvik, Mirjam Ruutma & Kristel Uiboaed tonian language and culture, Hungarian language and culture, as well as Saamic studies are equally welcome in the series. The series also seeks to support university studies on its focus On the use of perfect and pluperfect in Estonian dialects: areas. Uralica Helsingiensia is rated at level 1 by the Publication Forum of the Federation of Frequency and language contacts 155 Finnish Learned Societies. All submitted manuscripts are peer-reviewed. Torbjörn Söder Uralica Helsingiensia on perustettu 2008. Sarjassa julkaistaan temaattisia artikkeli kokoelmia tai monografioita erityisesti uralilaisten kielten historian, typologian ja kielisosiologian The Finnish of Rautalampi and Värmland – A comparison 195 alalta. Aihepiiriin kuuluvat myös Unkarin kielen ja kulttuurin, Viron kielen ja kulttuurin ja saamentutkimuksen yliopisto-opintoja tukevat julkaisut. Sarja kuuluu TSV:n julkaisufoorumin Irina Novak luokituksessa kategoriaan 1, ja siinä noudatetaan vertaisarviointikäytäntöä. Venäjän kielen vaikutus tverinkarjalan murteiden Publisher • Julkaisija äännejärjestelmään 227 Finno-Ugrian Society • Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura Vesa Koivisto Editors • Päätoimittajat Ulla-Maija Forsberg, Riho Grünthal Rajakarjalaismurteiden refleksiiviverbeistä 249 Editorial board • Toimitusneuvosto Márta Csepregi, Cornelius Hasselblatt, Magdolna Kovács, Johanna Laakso, Helle Mets- lang, Matti Miestamo, Irma Mullonen, Karl Paju salu, Janne Saari kivi, Anneli Sarhimaa, Elena Skribnik https://journal.fi/uralicahelsingiensia, https://www.sgr.fi/uh The publications are indexed in ARTO data base with the index Urbis. Julkaisut luetteloidaan ja indeksoidaan ARTO-tietokantaan tunnuksella Urbis. II SOFIA BJÖRKLÖF & SANTRA JANTUNEN Reports University of Helsinki Fedor Rozhanskiy & Elena Markus A new resource for Finnic languages: The outcomes of the Ingrian documentation project 303 Introduction Liina Lindström, Pärtel Lippus & Tuuli Tuisk The online database of the University of Tartu Archives of Estonian Dialects and Kindred Languages and the Corpus of Estonian Dialects 327 Background Liis Ermus, Mari-Liis Kalvik & Tiina Laansalu The Archive of Estonian Dialects and Finno-Ugric Languages at the Institute of the Estonian Language 351 This publication is an outcome of the project “Language change in multilingual Finnic”, or Itämerensuomalaisten kielten muutos moni- Anneli Sarhimaa kielisessä ympäristössä, funded by The Language Programme of the Finnic data sets in the ELDIAdata databank 367 Kone Foundation. Nina Zaiceva The aim of our project was to investigate the effects of multi­ Veps language heritage in Karelia 379 lingualism and language contact on language change. The focus Toni Suutari & Ulriikka Puura was on minority languages, such as Livonian and Veps, as well as Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen itämerensuomalaiset aineistot 401 on the historical language contact situation in northeastern Estonia and western Ingria. Additionally, the aim of the project was to pro­ Marjatta Palander, Helka Riionheimo, mote research data management and the availability of digitized ma­ Hannu Kemppanen & Jukka Mäkisalo Kielikorpuksia Suomen itärajalta 425 terials in en dangered Finnic languages. The project was led by Riho Grün thal, Professor of Finnic languages at the University of Helsinki. Uldis Balodis Santra Jantunen was involved throughout the project concentrating Expeditions among the Lutsi Estonians and on verbal derivation in Livonian. Ulriikka Puura contributed eight the design of Language Learning Materials 439 months by carrying out research on contemporary Veps communi­ Sofia Björklöf ties. After her departure, Sofia Björklöf joined the project focusing Vepsän mailla Herran vuonna 2014 479 on the lexical traces of mutual contacts between the Finnic languages in Ingria and northeastern Estonia. We all have been working on our doctoral theses during the course of this project. In addition, Santra List of contributors 494 Jantunen transcribed old unpublished recordings in Livonian and used them in her research. In 2014, a field trip was organized to Veps vil­ lages located in Vologda and Leningrad oblasts. Multi lingual Finnic. Language 6 contact and change. 7–12. Uralica Helsingiensia 14. Helsinki 2019. ‹https://doi.org/10.33341/uh.85048› SOFIA BJÖRKLÖF & SANTRA JANTUNEN INTRODUCTION Along with investigating the impact of language contacts on lan­ Lindström et al., Söder, Koivisto) with some combining both types guage change, the project paid special attention to sociolinguistic fea­ of data (Karjalainen). In this volume, the strong Russian influence on tures as well as examined different manifestations of multilingualism. individual Finnic languages is covered in several articles (Karjalainen, One of the milestones of the project, the Twelfth International Koivisto, Novak). Parallel with it, Latvian has influenced Livonian Congress for Fenno­Ugric Studies, CIFU XII, was held in Oulu, Fin­ (Jantunen), whereas Swedish has influenced the Finnish dialect in land, on August 17–21 in 2015. The project organized a symposium Värmland (Söder). Furthermore, the historical influence of German on dealing with Finnic minority languages. Most of the articles in this Estonian dialects illustrates a different type of language contact situ­ volume are based on the presentations held at the symposium. ation. The influence of Swedish, Latvian, Russian, and other Finnic languages can also be detected on a local or regional level. (Lind­ ström et al.) Given the diversity of language contact situations, mutual This publication contacts among various Finnic varieties spoken in the same area are discussed as well, namely the languages of Ingria and adjacent areas This volume includes articles on almost every Finnic minority lan­ including Vote, Ingrian, Estonian, and Ingrian Finnish (Björklöf), as guage: Livonian, already extinct as a first language in the traditional well as so­called Border Karelian
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