Political Reviews The Region in Review: International Issues and Events, 2017 nic maclellan Melanesia in Review: Issues and Events, 2017 volker boege, mathias chauchat, alumita durutalo, joseph daniel foukona, budi hernawan, michael leach, james stiefvater The Contemporary Pacic, Volume 30, Number 2, 461–547 © 2018 by University of Hawai‘i Press 461 political reviews • melanesia 531 ville. 6 April. https://www.economist.com/ early in the year, revealing that the news/asia/21720327-first-pacific-island country was experiencing cash flow -may-choose-stay-part-france-second problems due to financial mismanage- -could-split-papua [accessed 6 Feb 2018] ment (Aatai 2017a). It was alleged by The National. 2017a. Micah Vows to former Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Cancel apec. 31 May. https://www Lilo that the government’s reserve .thenational.com.pg/micah-vows-cancel had been reduced within two years -apec/ [accessed 6 Feb 2018] from si$1.5 billion to si$150 million ———. 2017b Polye Pledges to Help (si$100 = us$12.63). As a result, the B’ville Gain Independence. 19 May. government had to borrow to pay its https://www.thenational.com.pg/polye bills and settle other financial com- -pledges-help-bville-gain-independence/ mitments (sibc 2017b). Minister of [accessed 6 Feb 2018] Finance Snyder Rini assured the gen- Tlozek, Erik. 2017. Papua New Guinea eral public that government finances Loses UN Vote over Unpaid Annual Con- were stable and under control. This tributions. abc News (Australia), 23 Feb. was contrary to the government’s http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-02-24/ actual financial performance through- papua-new-guinea-loses-un-vote-over out the year because the government -unpaid-contributions/8298486 continued to delay the payment of [accessed 13 Feb 2018] bills and meeting its financial com- Vari, Mathew. 2017. Australia Confident mitments. For example, the Solomon in PNG Economy. PNG Post-Courier, Islands Government (sig)–sponsored 28 March. https://postcourier.com.pg/ students studying inside the country at australia-confident-in-png-economy/ Solomon Islands National University [accessed 15 Jan 2018] and at regional tertiary institutions Winduo, Steven. 2017. Is the Notion of such as the University of the South Citizenry at Stake? The National, 7 July. Pacific continued to experience delays https://www.thenational.com.pg/notion in the payment of their allowances -citizenry-stake/ [accessed 6 Feb 2018] (sfb 2017c; Abana 2017). The Solo- Zarriga, Miriam. 2017. Despite Wet mon Islands Broadcasting Corporation Weather, Port Moresby Turns out to Fare- (sibc), the country’s national broad- well Sir Michael Somare. The National, caster, took drastic measures to ensure 13 April. http://www.pireport.org/articles/ that it continued to operate, despite 2017/04/12/despite-wet-weather-port the government’s cash flow problem -moresby-turns-out-farewell-sir-michael (Runa 2017). -somare [accessed Jan ] 4 2018 Apart from the country’s financial situation, the decisions of the Demo- cratic Coalition for Change Govern- ment (dccg) on a number of political Solomon Islands issues were questionable. One of the The year 2017 has been one of intense government’s decisions was to pur- political maneuvering in Solomon chase a fixed-term estate title held by Islands, which had impacts on the Levers Solomon Limited and acquire functionality of the state appara- 20 percent shares in Russell Islands tus. This started with media reports Plantation Estate Limited. The deci- 532 the contemporary pacific • 30:2 (2018) sion to purchase the land was for the consider an alternative strategy. There establishment of a bomb disposal was also an allegation that Huawei training facility, a World War II had given monetary political dona- memorial park, and a sporting facil- tions to the prime minister and his ity. The agreement to settle the land senior ministers, but this was denied purchase, signed in Brisbane between by the prime minister (sfb 2017b). government officers and a Levers Despite such denial, it was apparent Solomon Limited representative, was that Minister of Finance Snyder Rini questionable because there was no played a key role in shaping the com- justification as to why the govern- mercial arrangement. The creation of ment opted for an outright purchase siscc as a commercial arm of gov- of the land while under law it could ernment could be subject to political reassume possession of the land for a manipulation since its establishment public purpose (see section 142A, Land was through the Ministry of Finance. and Titles [Amendment] Act 2016). An important event in 2017 was There was also no evidence of any the exit of the Regional Assistance due diligence checks being undertaken Mission to Solomon Islands (ramsi) before the government signed the on 30 June. The purpose of the ramsi agreement to acquire the land and the intervention had been restoring law 20 percent shares (ss 2017a). and order as well as state rebuilding Another issue was the undersea through the strengthening of govern- fiber optic cable project to provide ment machinery. As pointed out by the faster and cheaper Internet connectiv- ramsi coordinator, Quinton Devlin, ity (Kafo 2017). Initially, the Asian ramsi’s purpose was not about creat- Development Bank approved a loan ing a perfect state but rather restoring for the project but later withdrew stability and assisting “in establishing it because of bidding irregularities institutions that the Solomon Islands (Solomon Times Online 2017b). can continue to develop themselves” However, in 2016, through the Min- (Wyeth 2017). Following ramsi’s istry of Finance, the dccg created a withdrawal, Solomon Islands Prime private company, the Solomon Islands Minister Manasseh Sogavare traveled Submarine Cable Company (siscc), to Canberra in August and signed to implement the project. In Janu- a bilateral security agreement with ary 2017, it announced that Huawei Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Marine would be contracted to carry Turnbull. The agreement provided for out the fiber optic cable project work the rapid deployment of Australian (Solomon Times Online 2017a). security forces in the event of a civil Huawei Marine signed a contract conflict. This could only happen based with siscc in July to do the project. on a request from Solomon Islands Australia raised security concerns Government and subject to Australia’s that Huawei might have links to the acceptance of it. While this was a posi- Chinese government and would not tive step, the immediate ratification of allow the company to run the cable this agreement in the Solomon Islands from Sydney to Honiara (abc News context by the National Parliament 2017). The dccg’s reaction was to was not possible because of the chal- political reviews • melanesia 533 lenge posed by the political instability David Tome, who was charged for that started to show during the month stealing money from his constituency of August. The political instability (Buchanan 2017). Members have was triggered following Prime Min- raised concerns in Parliament about ister Sogavare’s sacking of Minister Janus’s function and workings. Prime of Infrastructure and Development Minister Sogavare defended the work Jimmy Lusibaea and Minister of of Janus and reassured members Mines David Dei Pacha due to corrup- “that the role of Taskforce Janus was tion allegations and the reshuffling of simply to carry out investigations in other ministers (rnz 2017d). collaboration with the Director of Allegations of corruption against Public Prosecution” (rnz 2017c). government officers and members of Prime Minister Sogavare urged Parliament continued to be featured members of Parliament to consider in the news media and discussed on Solomon Islands’ poor rating on cor- social media in 2017. For example, ruption as a challenge to encourage Magistrate John Numapo highlighted them to be champions in the fight the fact that “corruption was not only against corruption (sibc 2017e). He spreading through Solomon Islands emphasized that “this is a commit- society but it was also slowly eating ment—a crusade—the dcc Govern- away once highly prized and respected ment had pledged to pursue and we societal values” (rnz 2017a). Accord- will deliver on it as we have promised ing to Transparency International’s in our manifesto” (sibc 2017a). Corruption Perception Index Report, While the dccg’s plan to fight against Solomon Islands was ranked 72 out corruption was an important policy, of 176 countries in 2016 in terms of it was a challenge getting members perceived levels of public corruption of Parliament to support proposed (Transparency Solomon Islands 2016); legal instruments such as the Anti- in 2017 it was ranked 85 out of 180 Corruption Bill (acb); the Integrity countries (Transparency International Whistle Blower Bill; the Ombudsman 2017). Such statistics indicate that (Special Provisions) Bill; the Leader- corruption is endemic and a huge ship Code (Further Provisions) Bill; problem that has negative impacts the National and Provincial Election on governance structures and service (Further Provisions) Bill; and the Free- delivery in all sectors. Operation Task dom of Information Bill (Transparency Force Janus was launched in 2016 as Solomon Islands, 11 Jan 2016). The a joint initiative between the Royal acb was withdrawn from Parliament Solomon Islands Police and the Minis- in May 2016 due to lack of support try of Finance and Treasury to address from members (rnz 2016). During the corruption within the government. It United Nations Convention against focused on investigating alleged cor- Corruption (uncac) Resumed 7th rupt practices relating to the govern- Session of the Implementation Review ment’s tendering and procurement Group (irg) in November 2016, the process. This has led to a number deputy secretary to the prime min- of arrests including, in June, that of ister, Derek Futaiasi, stated that the Minister for Provincial Government “Anti-Corruption Bill, Whistleblower 534 the contemporary pacific • 30:2 (2018) Protection Bill and Leadership Code liament due to continuing political dif- Bill [were] all ready to go for enact- ferences.
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