Dr. BegrFJtrar General, India. RATNACIR\ DISTRICT b _L.=.,..-d " 110 ZC HJLE.S CONTENTS. A. General Population Tables. A-I Area, Houses and Population A-III T(l',vns and Villages classified by Population A-Y Tuwns aHanged territori:111y \\'ith pO)llhtion by livelihood c::lSSCc:. 10--11 B. Economic Tables. B--I Livelihood Clas';('s and Sub-Classes 12-,1:1 R-U Secondary Means or Livelihood 20-25 B--III Employers, Employees and [ndepeIldent Workers in Tnrlustries and Services by Divisions and Sub-Divisions. 26-n Index ofnon-agricultllral occupations in the rlistrict. 14-Rt C. Hou5ehoLl and Age (Sample) Tables. C-I Household (Size and Compositio!1) ::;2-85 C-Il Livelihood classes by Age Groups 86-89 C-III Age and Civil condition 00-99 C-IV Age and Literacy 100-107 C-Y Single Yeat- A.ge Returns 108-111 D. Social and Cultural Tables. Language, : (i) M O! r er Tongue 11::--1 j,,, (ii) Bilmgualism ll\i-l~l D-J I Rthgioll D III Schtdu:ed Castes and Scheduled Trihes j)._\' (i) Displaced Persons bv Year of Arrival in India 12~-12;j (i i) lbpJaced PersoJls hy Livelihood Classes 1~li-l~7 D-VI ::-.lon-Indian Nationals 12C~~127 D-VI! Livelihood Classes liy Educational Stalldards D-VI [I Unemployment by Eclucational Standards E. Summary Figures by Talukas and Petas. 1HC--141 Primary Census Abstracts. J 4·2-397 Small Scale Industries Census - Employment in Establishments. .. 398-403 1951 DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK DISTRICT RATNAGIRI R~tna~iri district, consi~ted, at the time of the 1951 Cf'nSl1S, of the arf'a of the former RatnagiJi di~trict of Bombay Prllvince (excf'pt for 2 villagE's tr:mqfE'rrpd to Kolaba distri··t), with the addi inn of t.hE' forlllE'r Sawalltwadi State and 2 villagps of "he former K .. lhllpnr State. ThE' district had a 19.'')1 population of 1.711.~64 lind an Rrpa of 5,020.9 sqnare mUes according to the area figure furnished by the Survpyor G.-neral of In tia. This Handbook contains tahles for Ratnagiri district, c()Dlpiled aftE'r the 1951 Census of India. The mllin rf'sults of the 1951 Census are emhodipd in tll{' State Tahles puhlished for the StatE'S of Pomhay, Saurashtra and Kutch. In this Handhook, the data are exhIbited in grpater det~il. Thf' numbers given to tables in this puhlication correspond to tho>le givE'n in the State Cpnsns Rf'port. The following tables for the district have, however, not been inclnrled in thIS Handbook. :- A-II Variation in population dUring fifty years. A - IV Tllwns classified by population with variations since 1901. D-IV Migrants. In the E-Summary tahle, in this Handbnok. some columns havp been omitted. In the case of t.he C-sAries of tahlps, eXCf'pt C-I the data were extracted on the basis of a sample count of approximately 10% of the census slips, instead of a filII Connt of all the plips. Tbe C-I tahle was prepared from a four percent samole of the honsf'holds recorded in the National Re6 ister of Citizens relating to each ~ wn or village. 1'1 1941, the population figures were exhihited according to communities in the "Villal!e Handbooks" pubhsh.. d by th" G.)vemment of Bombay. In 1951, the baRis of clas~ification at the Census was changed frqm a social to an economic one, anrl thA fignrps for villafles given in tht> P"imary Oensns Ahstracts and in tables A-V. B-1. B-lI,' C-II and E, are according to the following eIght livelihood cJasses:- Agricultural Classes I Cultivators of land, wholly or mainly owned; and their dependants. 1l Cultivatl', s of land, wholly Or mainly nnowned: ann their rtt'pendants. III ClllthRting hbourers; and their deppndants. IV N on-culti vating OWller'S of land; agl'ienltnral rent recei vel'S; anrl I hdr llepend.lIlt~. Non-Agricultural Classes Persons (including dependants) who derive their principal means of liveli­ hood from:- . V Production other than cultivation. VI Commerce. VI I Transport. VIII Other servicei and miscellaneous sources, Dependants whether earning or non_earnin~, were classified at the cen~us accor4in15 to the principal means of livelihood of the persons on whom they were dependent. The Primary Census Abstf1.cts, which contain basic information in resp~ct of every villag'! and town. have been arranged accorcling to talukas and petas, units into which every di-trict is divided for administrative purposes. The taluka was, however, too small a unit to arlopt for preparing the main census ta bIes. Therefore, in the B, C and D-series of tables figures have been I!'iven for tract~ and not for taluKas and petas. Before sorting the census slips and tabulating the results, tracts were formed by combining the rural and urban areas of two or more talukas or petas. The tracts into which I{atnagiri district was divided for this purpose are shown helow:- Rural Tracts (l) Rural areas of Chiplun and Khed talukas. (2) Rural areas of Dapoli, Guhagar and Mandangad talukas. (3) Rural areas of Ratnagiri and Sangameshwar talukas. (4) Rural areas of Rajapur taluka and Lanja peta. (5) Rural areas of Deogad and Malvan talukas. (6) Rural areas of Sawant wadi taluka and Vengurla peta. (7) Rural areas of Kankavli and Kudal petas. Urban Tracts (1) Urban areas of Ratnagiri, Sangameshwar and Rajapur talukas. (2) Urban areas of Sawaptwadi and Malvan talukas and Veng-tula and Kudal petas. :. (3) Urban areas of Chiplun and Khed talukas. Urban areas comprise the towns shown in table A-V. ShortlY before the 19.')1 population census, a census of Small Industries was taken, and the results of this census are given in the table called "Small Scale Iud,:!strie:s Census-Employment in Establishments", included in this Handbook. The intention was to find out something about Cottage and Home Industries and small workshops. The larger establishments, that is, power_using t'stablishments with 10 or more workers and non-power using establishments with :,]0 or more work~rs, were excluded from the sc-ope of the enquiry as they now submit ret.urns under the Factory Act. The enquiry did not concern itself also with workers functioning on their own and not employing other people, except when looms were uSl'd. If even one loom was used a return was required. Otherwise the concept Was of an enquiry which embraced all forms of associate activity where articles were produced, repaired or otherwise treated for sale, use or disposal. 4 A-I-Area, Houses DISTRIOT -----_ .... _--- Occupied !Luses .~ ~-l-----"-' Area i i Taluh or Pet1 square Villages 1 Towns milo, Rural Urban 3 5 6 7 Total 4982.8 1.5iS 13 307,366 281,261 26,105 1 Chiplun 4~4.4 131 2 ::8,307 :'5,40~ :!,90f) 1 Dapoli :\26.9 151 ~5,09S 3 Deogad ~K3.7 17,8(17 17,807 4 Guhagar 242.2 78 Ii,un 17,673 5 KanJravli 299.2 17,743 17,74:1 6 Khed 385.8 14fi 23,020 ~UH9 1,101 7 KudaI :n6.~ 75 2 16, 1fl2 14,153 2,000 8 Lanja 283.0 84 13,279 13,279 9 Malvan 256.1 57 :4,102 18,169 ii,933 10 Mandangad 160.3 91 9,920 fl,920 .) 11 Rajapur 495.7 144 " :24,691 22,085 2,606 12 Ratnagiri 357.5 121 1 26,721 23.flfl7 13 Sangmpshwar 499.1 l(Hl 2 :'5,17:3 ::4.199 ] 4 HaWf!J1twadi iJI5.!1 ] ~() I;'} VengllI'la 17 14.:iHI !J,9hl NQte:-J. The r.rea fig1ll'c of the district of Ratnagiri supplied by the Surveyor General of India is 5,O~0.9 sq. miles. The araa figures shown in cotumn two W('1'e obtained from rile District Inspector of Land Records or from local l'C(·nrdH. The number of villages shown in column 3 is the number of revenuo "illagoN, excluding uninhabited yillages and villages which form part of municipl1i areas. 3. The number of tOwns given ]Jl column 4 is the number of towns shown in tubJe A-V. In general, a town means a municipal area, Cl1ntorunent area or a place which hus a popUlation of ii,OOO fJr more persons ann. exhihit~ urban eharae· teriRti('s. and Population. :, RATNAGIRI ~ "---- .. ------- - -- -----.--------~~-.--- Population ---~--.-----~. i Persons I Males Female~ .-_. --__. -_---- -.1I ___. _____ . __._---- __ Tl)tal Rural Urban Tolal Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 , ------- --_- -- ~~-----~- 1,711,964 1,553,858 158.106 769,635 694,113 75,522 942,329 859,745 82,584 153,10Z 137,255 15,Q47 69,208 61,424 7,784 83,894 75,831 8,063 129,l05 129,103 5i,000 1'7.000 72,105 72,105 97,918 97,918 43,599 43,599 54,319 54,319 87,886 87,88G 37,301 37,301 50,585 50,585 103,101 103,101 '10,438 46,438 56,663 56,663 124,861 11;;,:i84 6.477 56,915 53,605 3,310 67,946 04,779 3,167 101,545 88,551 ) 2,99! 46,669 40,6i:! 5,997 54,876 47,879 6,997 77,\)21 77,921 35,121 35,121 42,800 42,800 l:?!.J,Sa ~9,963 29,851 57,467 43,73<1 13,733 72,347 56,229 16,nS 48,956 48,9;36 21,799 21,799 27,157 27,157 H6,541 128,089 18,452 65,005 56,570 8,435 81,536 71,519 10,017 159,377 )3:?,295 27,082 71,680 57,710 13,970 87,697 74,585 13,112 ., 14S,3:n , 141,861 6,470 66,677 63,508 3,169 81,651 78,353 3,301 I ~ ., 1 124,;(11 106,l36 -]11,15::; 58.452 49,875 8,577 65,839 56,261 9,578 7G,~ i:; 56,437 22,77S 36,304 ,,- 25,757 10,547 42,911 30,680 12,231 .--~.-- 4.
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