Jdaffa^ sL‘nTi'i!ktF^K iTinfr-N pw s p n p vr iVOL. 68 NO. 88 T W IN FALLS, IP A H Q , THURSDAY, JULY 2 ^ J 9 7 1 _ _cT.ENXENr,S________ Buckley Vie tnam- ute NKWYOnK(UPn-william inont docmncnts" which were deaths - y. BmiUtfY-Jr.- Bfllti WtfUntiaiiuy,- rBald;:,tflakad. docutncntii oti Uio Victnntii Wui> who wanted to show the other official of the b^nvironmcntal In Uio NuUonjil Rovluw were n nUIo of the Pcntai^on papora Protecllon Agency told • the " hoax printed to ahow Iho public piibllKhed In thq press. Timos-Ncwa today; Ulnt Dr. —would— accupt~-us— cliuuiilicd- Btiokloy, tneetiriH -wlUj-nows^ Kt'nost J.' iStornglass. In men.oil his relurn cfaiminR ; tliat----- higher'^ Mciiiud rca^onablu. Wa.Hli., Kald Ufe articlci) wore radioactivity is causitiii Infant Biickloy, editor of tlie weekly printed In the National Rovlow .deaths in Idaho Is u.nln^; “ fal.<u> muRnzino, Jiaid the nrtlclea to prove “ that forRcd do- flgiirpft,”.;.___ —woro-u'rittAn-hitit'Wfiok-^in'Uiti- curnents-"wmild— be - widely Dr. Edythalena Tompkins, an Nntiofiat Hovicw officcs and accepted iiH ([enulnc provldod epidemiologist with the .BPA's wore coiii;>0 !{ed "ex nlhllo"— Uieir cdntent was inherently. rct(lonal oiflce in Seattle, said out of nothltij'. ausiblc.” t^ y -U ia t '*He is usintf fnl^ flKures'Mn claiming tJie doadliy " Uio ma^'nzine's current edition jncant to «how tliat "tho country, but nol’ito the cffccts of radioactivity In Idaho, an “ hiKhly claiwified I'ovcrn- ’Pcntimon and Ujo CIA (Central extent -Uie Pentaf'on pnijcr.-} OroKon an4 Montana. were reported. • Dr. Tompkin<i.said StfimelBBS quoted, fallout flt>uru.s -fof-the Tlrsl quarter of 107(>-7l," whlcH Strike Irreak; applied to the previous year, and that statistics he reviewed , have not been published. "Ho Is not uslnii the figures he MaiUmalkcmt-settlejrtent Is stating ho Is using,” Dr. CUDDLED UP cbM to mother U thlf t w ttm iu »( Tompkins said. the PorUind, Ore.t xoo. which utUlzei water tn the hlppoi’ pool Both SternRlaiss and Dr. hopes rise with niew pact Bi u mean! of keepinG cool oa a warm day. WeighinG 10 (o 100 Tompkins addressed a sym> poimds, the Infant If the offiprtng of mother. Salome, and father, poslum on mathematical WASHINGTON-'(UPI) -^ lie Western lUjllway because of this fjictor it Freddy. Zoo attendant! don't know yet U it It male or female. It statistics and probability on the first break ip a (ll«pute lliat has ■n>e CI(NW »iii(i It would would not be known until late C o o l c h i l d WBi bom Joly 19. WhOe hlppof can luhmerge to fight tern- Borkoloy campus ■of'-, the- .>ihi>t down two railroads and reveaL,detailH of the proposed wHether the negotiated peraturef b the 90 deGree ranGe, humani have to rely on ah* University of Callfomla. Uireatciis to clo.se elijht more contract — covering wa({cs, agreement wps likely to set a coodltlonhiK and iwhnmbG pooU to keep cool. (UPI) According-to-Dr. Tompkins, • -TnajTTiaVe With the* fringe btsne/luTand^vorkl'ulcfl— rUwirnhMtryr- __Bmaniiniste^'TireTrot- anjjounceinent. today of an at a news'conference at noon " Feiiernl' mediators cnllcd ’ . ' ’ " . ' eveirtho states which aro ll^ed aj’recmont fjetweeii tlie United KDT today in Qiicaf'o. representatives of the UTU and •w^t « i In our official report as having lYansportatiun Union (UTU) A court order restricted tho tho Industry Into ' War’s any fallout." and the :“€iiicaKO & North union from striking the CitNW, meeting today In ■ .anoUicr Exiles. Filibuster set I>r. t'rompkins also wrote a attempt to solve Uie lonK* report on Stcrngluss for the stiindinK work rules dispute., to ll Department of Health, llie rule.'! trljuiered the HtrikeI grabTbed Education and Welfare, which Friday aRalnst the Southern . aGainst bailout siio served as an epidemiologist T F c e n t e r s and Union Pacific railroads. ' . * „ m lo w e r -tn 1flfiftrbefore;betny-4rai>aferre<l Tiie ifnn^aSr sSVcd notice i f xnrTerr_____ _______ . SAIGON (UPI)--Tlie'. U.S. " WASIimOTON ‘ (UPI)-WIU> l>^5?lnKT^~blll~KWiir« tfie ib tKo EiM. she teclaredlhar' will strike the Soutliern Pacific eommund said today 11 Amcri- Mtschulrinon keeping tabs from government authority to gua- tho official poslUon of HEWWas JiUtiiliC-NorfQlMnd-Wciitcnuit- •can.y^efe...... ..............4(ine<rinUmA'toUian>—»-<^»pltflUMlcaway,-JUckhccd............ ..... runtofl-repayment-of-up-to-tt-AJvat-^we-eaiuwit-aupport-tha-. , ................ ____ .......... • D a.m. Saturday. Tlio union Is „ War Inst week. It was tho Aircraft Corp. has won Impres- billion worth of loans to ailing position of Dr. Stcmglass flRhtlna work rules the roll- flRures In the recent Sndanc.ie slve House and Senate victories corporations such as Lockheed,r^r sbun-lim ils ronda wnnl to nearly s{x yoars. Anothw III tld (of thrROVUnuiuillI- Ihb nation's 33ril l«r|jc«l llrm. News toaav that ground Shonnlnu GU wcro wounded. (jiuirantced »26i million loan It Uickhedd would probably gel radlaUon <«vel« In Idaho have TWIN FALKS - The tw«i Tyson'H Coinor * .. .. aro needed to cut wuslo and Kliar^uin-bomid airliner to^y 5,x,kosmon iiaUl 19 needs to forestall bankruptcy. the tlrst loan H the bill passes Increased aboutien limes (rom •ihopplnn renJerfi In Twin F.nll«. Center In the t orthern suburbs oxponse.H but t,,. union claim., a^ncv n.oro u L dlJd from nonhostllo But Sen.; Wjlllana Proxmlre but 11 say. It must have the S T o ^ r l y T w r Lynwood and Blue l,uke.s,^ oMlionallolrra^ A!P*jtJllgJ?JL^L**i^Jt-MH15^n[ii^piiit->iiirh.ah-ngcldfiiiLs..and_DiWi8.^Lockheo<l.g. fQrgmpat_mon6v-bi.thfl-neit-weflk-Qf_M__ Hfl-iald—groiind-radtBt(»n- apparently will not come under larj'e department stores lo ■ ................. A(tor Uic strike beiian'last W1‘I. n , , I l l n e s s . - foe In Conw«M. threatmed to avert bankruptcy.. levels Jumped from one to about the scrutiny of Jiie fl4'<!eral appfov’e ' gr . dlaopprove week tho remaininB rnllroad.i ■" Khaitoum. Sudanino commands said today to mastermind a flllbus- ; 10 nanocurSoer aauare meler . Traile Coinmi.s;ilon, which has prOs[>ectlve tenants, thus In Instituted Uio now rules, 1“™ .' lacked by or- ter abned at preventing a (Inal A second crucial victory for one l»otoorcra?um 1J7 He filed n price-fixini;- complaint effect cohlrolllng prices for tho reaUltln« In widespread Inyoffs. '“S .S 'ii'w as at IL, lowest ebb-In sUc Sente vote before CongreM Uleaeros^ce giant came In the „ |d radlaUon ievelil of cesium a({aiast an IvJist Coast .shiipj)lni; entire complex. 'Ilio PrC luid Tlmt situation trlMcred ■' S qulU Aug. 8 for a month’s Hoiue Banldng Committee/ j j , ^ - complex. claimed the practlcc was walkout aKalnst the Cl.Icaco, , “ ‘1 ? Lpped to the lowest point ta vacaUon. ^ which outvoted Its chairman, 32 picocurles per W r to about M ■ ' - -~-fipokeHnH.n-for-lhW-two--widu.proad,-limlting^oom._;;“;ns,»m irP«ci;iVR;ilS-Kluirtom ^^ ‘ - l«“ l l a"'l“ «Pt»-'>v«l-a-blll--^,c-5^ji5-*'au-rliig^lhe” JiaHis _shopplni{shoppuii' centers said their pctUlon atul raising prices. - ,-ln -llie _ Cn««rin c o rlfl.^ III,,in nrnunr«,. IraaiIraqi newsnowa aiiencyaiicncy said.aalil. ™ P ^ Rjtjin v„,„vaJa Wodnosday Inin hlnhi« Idcntlcol to tho Scnnto moa- “ dcvclopcrflrwho^uTT'ihe- land“ J«c«luldoon, opw«lor of Wodno.«lay. UTU ~ T « « e no n .m « l ate North v . ^ J period. ' Wedne.wlay. ...v v>.w . , . „ the fewest In nearly six monUis. Thd 1071' figures were • und rent llie property, have no Penny*Wise Drug In Lynwood, 85 members left their jobs to explanation, but he action restrlction.i on the nature of the said the merchants all l^dong to __^.S. HiM»kesmcn uald Uiat of recorded In January and protest the new work rules and occujTcd soon after nows Uie 11 GIs listed a^ killed last February of this year. businesses ijoing into either n loosely knit “ merchants’ Uieir picket lines halted traffic reached Kluirtoiim lluil two Df complex. - .-4JHsocijitlon,” which Is con- week, four .soldiers previously He said the readings were in Uie area, Including U)c line's Uio new regime's leaders luul were sliowii -as missing in John liihhop, owner o f. ceniMl iHainly wlUi advertising. been taken off a i^ritish131IVIAII . I Buhl collision published In the U.S. En> C.' once-a-<lay passenf'er train be­ fifUi died of viroranontal Protection Agency Lynwood Hcnlty^.silld .tlie only - MerdmnLt roLato cluilrnianihip tween Clilcago and Peoria. overseas Airways iHOACl „ „ „ e r criterion for stores In the of Uie association everv few plane In Bengluizl, Ubya. April issue o f ' Health Lynwood Shopping Center Is months, with Sallie Turner now fighting. Radiological Data and Reports. "Htorefi wlio can do busine.ss and holding the chairmanship, Libya, Egypt and Syria arc Tiie deaUt toll was Uio lowest cuts off power Ho said another Important pay the rent,” Merchants Muldoon sold. K e t c h u m Uio tliroe meml)(?r states of a fllnco'Aug..... 2a. I0C5, Uicy said, measurement of radiation was. presently leasing property have projected federation of'Arab when six Americans • were BUHL — Residents soutli of illd not see the car. When she in tho air, as measured In Bolae. Tlie Blue Uikes Shopping states wiiich Sudan's toppled killed, and wo» 18 bolow tlie y,j,.o wltliout power for hoard tho other vehicle, driven He said similar increases, no autliority to queiition new Center on Blue Lakes businesses, Hisiiop said.
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