My Hair on a Hat Shelf SATU HASSI My Hair on a Hat Shelf TO THE READER This book is based on my diaries between August 2000 and May 2002, when I was working as the Minister for Environment and De- velopment Co-operation in the Finnish coalition Government. During these two years the decision to build a new nuclear reac- tor in Finland was prepared. After the decision my Party, the Greens decided to leave the Government. During the same years the inter- national climate negotiations on the implementation rules of the Kyoto Protocol almost collapsed, but were finally successfully final- ized, which made the Kyoto Protocol ratifiable for industrialized countries. In the beginning of this time interval I was diagnosed with breast cancer which, of course, gave a special flavour to my life and to my work as a minister. I have supplemented my notes with memories supported by doc- © Satu Hassi umentation, such as press cuttings and appointment diaries kept by my secretaries. Original Finnish version Satu Hassi: Tukka hattuhyllylläby In my book, my personal life and work are intertwined, as is the Werner Söderström Osakeyhtiö, Helsinki, Finland 2002. case in real life. My opinions are one hundred percent subjective and partisan, but I’m sure that is clear to the reader without saying. I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to my doctors and other Cover photo: Kimmo Brandt medical staff for the good care they gave me. My warm thanks also Cover design: Sanna Skants to my advisers, secretaries and other close collaborators both at the Lay-out: Teemu Ojanne Ministry of the Environment and the Department of Development Cooperation of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for their multifari- ous help and support, as well as their patience and flexibility in fit- Published by Satu Hassi and The Greens/ ting in my ministerial duties with cancer treatments. Thank you also European Free Alliance in the European Parliament to the members of my family, my daughters, brother and father, and particularly my husband Jukka, for their support, without which I’m sure I couldn’t have coped with everything. Printed by Arkmedia 2009 www.satuhassi.net CONTENTS Year 2000 9 AUGUST. A BOLT FROM THE BLUE 11 SEPTEMbEr. THE famouS boob 33 oCTobEr. CHEMoTHErAPy starTS 46 NOVEMBER. THE HAGUE CLIMATE CONFERENCE wiTH A SCArF on My HEAd 63 dECEMbEr. AshtanGA yoga 80 Year 2001 91 JAnuAry. EArTHquAKES in Latin AMEriCA 93 FEbruAry. rAdioTHErAPy starTS 108 MARCH. STUBBLE 119 APriL. wE Find A nEw HoME 132 MAy. End oF My PArTy CHAirMAnSHip 142 JunE. My 50TH birTHdAy 150 JuLy. brEAKTHrouGH at bonn CLimate n EGoTiationS 163 AuGuST. MorE TrAvELLinG 182 SEPTEMbEr. MAny KindS oF SyMPToMS 192 oCTobEr. AnoTHEr oPEration 209 NOVEMBER. CLIMATE CONFERENCE IN MARRAKECH 217 DECEMBER. DECORATING THE HOUSE ON SICK LEAVE 223 Year 2002 231 JAnuAry. GovErnMEnT’S nuCLEAr PowEr ­proPosal 233 FEbruAry. MEdiA Mill 245 MArCH. ConFErEnCE oF woMEn MiniSTErS 259 APriL. KALEvi’S FunEral 268 MAy. LEAvinG THE GovErnMEnT 278 JunE. SuMMEr 295 Epilogue 297 Year 2000 AUGUST. A BOLT FROM THE BLUE. Wednesday 9 August 2000 I sat in a street café confused, twizzling my spoon around my cup of latte. Something had been found in my breast that the doctor want- ed to examine more closely. I didn’t know what to think. Fiddling with my spoon, I suddenly realized that I was happy to be alive. I decided to be thankful for every day of my life from now on. I had gone for my mammogram like for a hair cut. I had plenty of better things to do, but this was probably my duty as a citizen. A couple of weeks ago, my gynaecologist had referred me, as she had done many times before. I had never got round to going be- fore, there always seemed to be more important things to do. Now I thought: i do have a secretary, why worry about when to fit it in,i ’ll ask Kristina to make the appointment. It was this morning. At the Forum medical centre, they shook their heads when they heard that I had had the only mammogram of my life 13 years ago. Then, the reason for my visit was a pain in my breast, the cause of which turned out to be an inflamed muscle. Taking the X-rays hurt, just like last time. Then I was led into a room where they were to examine the breast using ultrasound. A jolly doctor, who recalled having looked at my Achilles tendons pre- viously, came into the room and said that there was nothing unto- ward showing on the X-rays. He said that I could collect the pictures at the cash desk and that I should keep them and bring them along next time. The nurse rubbed gel on my breasts and the doctor glided the ultrasound sensor over them. I was looking at the ceiling, miles away. Then I turned my eyes to the screen. The doctor was circling round and round a single spot like a shark around its prey. I thought i could feel a lump under the sensor, too, that felt somehow different. 11 It was as if it didn’t belong to the breast, as if its sensory nerve struc- unpleasant of the annual events in politics. ture was different from the rest of the breast. The doctor moved the It doesn’t feel so much like a government negotiation, but a series sensor around it in silence. I broke the silence by asking if there was of dialogues between the Minister of Finance and other ministers, something there. The doctor said that there is a place that’s different watched by others in silence. In his customary way, Sauli Niinistö from its surroundings. In the monitor’s fuzzy picture, I could also blamed every other minister. The requests of the Ministry of the En- discern a roundish, slightly darker spot intermittently popping into vironment were the smallest of all, as the Ministry’s budget is the view. The doctor said that he wanted to take a sample. The nurse smallest, but I was told that I was asking the impossible and out of swabbed the place with disinfectant, and the doctor inserted a thin all proportion. needle in my breast. I watched on the screen as the needle penetrat- i was particularly miffed that the Ministry of Finance proposed ed the dark spot. It hurt a lot less than the X-ray. less money for development cooperation than we had agreed when The doctor explained as if to reassure me that a lot of samples the Government was formed. No one from the other parties in the are taken, rather too many than too few, to be on the safe side. OK, Coalition supported me when I demanded that we should stick to I thought. He also warned me that if the quantity of the representa- the minimum level of the Government programme, which is 0.34% tive sample was inadequate, a new sample might be required. Right, of the gross national product. The initial proposal of the Ministry of I said, wiped my breasts, dressed and went to the cash desk. There Finance was 0.33%. it was late at night, as always, by the time we got was an open door behind it, and I saw the same doctor and nurse to taxation. The others disapproved of my broaching environmental looking at something with great concentration, like they had just taxes ‘at this stage’. “it wasn’t down to me that this matter was not spotted something significant.i asked if i could take the X-rays with discussed until now,” i said. That was another matter left open. me. did they jump a little? They said that they would send the pic- ‘The posse’ or the core group of the negotiations, in which I was tures to the Parliament House occupational health department, to- the Greens’ representative, got to bed around four in the morning. I gether with the result of my fine needle biopsy. couldn’t sleep. To tell the truth, I was so mad that I bawled in bed for i had a little time, so i went to the street café on Stockmann’s cor- probably half an hour straight. I hope I didn’t disturb my daughter ner for a latte.i t wasn’t very warm, but the sun was shining and you who lives downstairs. could sit outside. I wondered if I should start orienting myself to However, my subconscious must have been working away as I the possibility that my life may end soon. The idea felt totally theo- lay in bed, since on getting up, i thought of two suggestions for a retical. yet, i was conscious of a new kind of appreciation of being compromise. In the morning, my proposal for the Ministry of the alive. I sent Jukka a text message and cycled to the Ministry of the Environment was approved. One of the members of ‘the posse’ Environment to chair a meeting of the ministerial group negotiating started whingeing that Niinistö rewards ‘bad behaviour’. To me, the Natura 2000 programme. this seemed unbelievable. A couple of months earlier, the same min- In the evening I called Jukka. I was in two minds whether to men- ister had demanded in the media that the Government should spend tion the ultrasound result. I did. I noticed that my voice sounded more time on discussion. This year, she had settled her own issues official. “i don’t think it can actually be dangerous, it’s only small in with Niinistö beforehand, although the previous year she had con- any case,” I said.
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