SAN RAMON VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Board of Directors Regular Board Meeting Members of the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District Board of Directors who cannot attend this meeting in person will participate in the regular board meeting through teleconferencing pursuant to Government Code Section 54953 Wednesday, May 24, 2017 – 7:00 p.m. Donald Parker ~ Board President ~ Chris Campbell, Board Vice President ~ H. Jay Kerr, Director ~ Matthew J. Stamey, Director ~ Shawn Stark, Director ~MISSION STATEMENT~ In the spirit of our tradition, we strive for excellence, respectfully serving all with pride, honor and compassion. Standing Committees: Personnel/HR: Chair, Director Stamey and Director Stark; Finance: Chair, Director Kerr and Director Stamey; Facilities: Chair, Director Stamey and Director *Campbell (*Parker for Station 32 discussions); EMS: Director Stark and Director Campbell; CERT/PAC: Director Kerr Meeting location: S.R.V.F.P.D. Administrative Offices - Boardroom 1500 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA 94583 AMENDED AGENDA ** 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. DETERMINATION OF QUORUM AND CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 4. PUBLIC COMMENT Any person may address the District Board on any subject pertaining to District business, which is not listed on the agenda. This comment is provided by the Ralph M. Brown Open Meeting Act (Government Code § 54950 et seq.) and may be limited to three (3) minutes for any person addressing the Board. Please complete a “Request to Speak” form and submit it to the District Clerk. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR Consent calendar items are considered routine and are acted upon by the Board with a single action. Members of the audience wishing to provide public input may request that the Board remove the item from the Consent Calendar. Comments may be limited to three (3) minutes. 5.1 Approve the salaries, payroll taxes and retirement contributions for the month of April 2017 in the amount of $4,078,946.64. 5.2 Approve the demand register for the period of April 17, 2017 through May 15, 2017 in the amount of $1,460,382.90. 5.3 Approve the Board minutes from the April 26, 2017 Regular Board meeting. Board Agenda May 24, 2017 Page 2 of 4 5.4 Authorization to purchase two (2) Power-Load Gurney systems and retrofit two currently owned gurneys to work in conjunction with these units, in an amount not to exceed $73,000. 5.5 Approve the contract for services with Ken Campo for continued administrative support to the Finance and Human Resources Divisions. 5.6 Personnel actions: 1. Approve staff's recommendation to award a merit salary increase to Human Resources Director Korthamar Wong to Step 5, effective May 1, 2017. 2. Approve staff’s recommendation to promote Code Compliance Officer Evitt to Plans Examiner effective May 1, 2017. 3. Approve staff’s recommendation to promote Code Compliance Officer Wendel to Plans Examiner effective May 1, 2017. 6. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS/PRESENTATIONS/GENERAL BUSINESS 6.1 Introduction of Cardiac Save Patient and Recognition of District Personnel. 6.2 Retirement recognition of Public Safety Dispatcher Mary Nelson. **At this time in the meeting, the Board will take a short recess then Adjourn to Closed Session** **CLOSED SESSION Possible exposure to litigation (2 matters) pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). Facts and circumstances that might result in litigation need not be disclosed. CONTINUATION OF OPEN SESSION 7. OLD BUSINESS 7.1 Update on Fire Station No. 32 presented by Chief Meyer. 7.2 Open Public Hearing as set forth in the annual exterior hazard abatement program notices mailed on April 7, 2017, stipulating May 24, 2017 at 7:00 p.m., 1500 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon, CA as the date time and place provided for the purpose of receiving public comment to show cause why exterior abatement standards are not applicable to the appellant’s property. 7.3 Discussion and possible approval of Resolution 2017-03, increasing the First Responder Assessment without Transport Fee and the Ambulance Transport fees and charges contained within Ordinance No. 30; requires a majority roll call vote. 7.4 Discussion and possible approval of Resolution No. 2017-04, adopting an increase in an existing schedule of fees contained in Ordinance No. 28; requires a majority roll call vote. Board Agenda May 24, 2017 Page 3 of 4 8. NEW BUSINESS 8.1 Authorization to enter into an agreement with Hunt & Sons for Bulk Fuel Services. 8.2 Authorization to replace FLSD Office Assistant 1 position with a Permit Technician position. 8.3 Discussion and possible approval of Resolution No. 2017-05 regarding hiring retiree Mary Nelson. 9. CORRESPONDENCE FOR POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION AND/OR REVIEW 10. MONTHLY ACTIVITY REPORTS: 10.1 Operations Division-Deputy Chief, Lon Phares Operations Report of monthly activities 10.2 EMS – Battalion Chief John Duggan EMS Report of monthly activities. 10.3 Logistics – Deputy Chief, Derek Krause Logistics Report of monthly activities. 10.4 Fire and Life Safety Division – Deputy Chief, Derek Krause Fire and Life Safety Report of monthly activities. 10.5 Communications Division – Director of Emergency Communications Denise Pangelinan Communications Report of monthly activities. 10.6 Human Resources Division – Human Resources Director Natalie Korthamar Wong Human Resources Report of monthly activities. 10.7 Finance Division – Financial Consultant, Ken Campo and Controller, Martin Koran Finance Report of monthly activities. 10.8 Fire Chief – Fire Chief, Paige Meyer Verbal report on monthly meetings, seminars, committee meetings, and other District related activities. 11. GOOD OF THE ORDER 11.1 Discuss meeting dates and times for Regular Board meetings for remainder of 2017; pursuant to recently adopted Board policy. 12. CLOSED SESSION 12.1 Possible exposure to litigation (3 matters) pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). Facts and circumstances that might result in litigation need not be disclosed. 12.2 Annual Fire Chief Evaluation and Discussion of mutual goals, pursuant to Government Code Section 54957. 13. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION 14. REPORT UPON RETURN FROM CLOSED SESSION (if applicable) Board Agenda May 24, 2017 Page 4 of 4 15. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL THE BOARD BUDGET WORKSHOP, SCHEDULED FOR MAY 30, 2017, AT 10:00 A.M., IN THE BOARDROOM. Prepared by: _________________________________ Natalie Korthamar Wong Human Resources Director/District Clerk Amended agenda posted on May 22, 2017 at the District’s Administration Building, Fire Stations 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39 and the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District’s website at www.firedepartment.org. The San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District (“District”), in complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”), requests individuals who require special accommodations to access, attend and/or participate in District board meetings due to a disability, including but not limited to American Sign Language interpreters, assistive listening devices, transportation to and from the meeting site or other accommodations, may be requested by calling (925) 838-6661 no later than 72 hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time. In compliance with Government Code Section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the Board in advance of a meeting, may be viewed at 1500 Bollinger Canyon Road, San Ramon, California or at the scheduled meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact the Human Resources Director/District Clerk at (925) 838-6625 CONSENT ITEMS San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District Salaries, Payroll Taxes & Retirement Contributions For the Month of: April 2017 Department # Reg Employees Gross Wages Payroll Taxes Retirement Total % of Total GL Acct Number (5110,5115,5120,5121) (5140) (5150,5151) Board of Directors 5 825.00 63.12 - 888.12 0.02% Fire Chief 2 30,945.87 442.46 20,545.60 51,933.93 1.27% Personnel 3 31,845.73 504.30 10,992.82 43,342.85 1.06% Finance 3 28,625.18 408.51 9,543.41 38,577.10 0.95% Fire Prevention 10 112,150.09 1,792.59 53,442.58 167,385.26 4.10% Technology 2 23,832.30 394.78 7,664.20 31,891.28 0.78% Facilities 1 9,106.65 302.54 2,363.47 11,772.66 0.29% Fire Suppression 123 2,170,608.97 30,503.57 1,157,193.47 3,358,306.01 82.33% Communication Center 12 184,303.74 2,698.44 44,964.25 231,966.43 5.69% Fleet 1 13,430.68 457.68 2,894.82 16,783.18 0.41% Training 1 5,380.00 77.16 1,944.33 7,401.49 0.18% EMS 2 32,905.07 585.43 25,083.40 58,573.90 1.44% Rescue 23,494.89 - 13,851.68 37,346.57 0.92% HazMat 14,806.53 - 7,971.33 22,777.86 0.56% TOTALS 165 2,682,260.70 38,230.58 1,358,455.36 4,078,946.64 100.00% Agenda Item 5.1 SAN RAMON VALLEY FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Check/Voucher Register From 4/17/2017 Through 5/15/2017 Check Number Check Date Payee Check Amount Transaction Description 217624 4/28/2017 ACC BUSINESS 1,185.00 Ethernet Access Cost 3/11/17-4/10/17 217681 5/12/2017 ACME SECURITY SYSTEMS INC 305.40 Repair Crash Bar At Double Doors-Boardroom Admin 217682 5/12/2017 AD CLUB 1,290.00 Recruitment Advertisements-Permit Technician 217683 5/12/2017 ADVANCED PLUMBING AND ROOTER 165.00 Cleared P-Trap In Admin Women's Restroom 217684 5/12/2017 AIR EXCHANGE INC 2,393.70 Replace Upper Hose Assembly/Safey Disconnect Handle Stn 38 217625 4/28/2017 AIRGAS NORTHERN CA AND NEVADA 410.40 Oxygen Tank Cylinders (12) 4/10/17 217626 4/28/2017 ALAMEDA COUNTY FIRE DEPARTME..
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