Published Weekly by the Students of the Georgia Institute of Technology Number 50 X-111—Vol. XXXI ATLANTA, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1948 Co-op Plan Enrollment Tech To Send Four Students On Increase Since War To National Congress of NSA The co-operative courses of Georgia Tech, which are known and familiar not only to the students on the campus but also to most students of other Barnes, Boissy, Nalesnik and Newton colleges over the country and particularly to various industries throughout Army to Defer the nation, were instituted in 1912. The Department at that time comprised To Join College Discussion Group only a handful of registrants, but the program proved so successful that Men in ROTC By Dave Crane prior to World War II it had grown to an enrollment of close to eight west as Houston, Texas is found for Roy Barnes, president of the Student Council, announced that Georgia hundred men. Due to the accelerated the co-op students. Some of the out­ For 4 Years Tech will be represented by four council members at the Congress of the standing companies in the various program all institutions adopted dur­ National Student Association to be held at the University of Wisconsin in ing the war years, the co-operative fields of engineering and industry (The following information was con­ Madison, August 23 through 28. enrollment decreased to a very small are participating in the Georgia Tech tained in a press release received by Co-operative Plan. Among those most Accompanying Barnes to the con­ number. Since the termination of the ROTC Unit here.) hostilities the number of co-operative recently added to the list of approxi­ Ellis To Retire gress will be Al Boissy, George students is now again increasing. It mately one hundred and fifteen con­ The number of college students tak­ Nalesnik, and former council member cerns, to mention a few, are American is believed that within two years the ing ROTC training who will be eligible Al Newton. These men were selected From U.S. Army enrollment will again be approaching Can Company, Chicago and North for deferment under the new draft by the Student Council as being repre­ the previous number of approximate­ Western Railway, Carbide and Car­ After 37 years of active service, act during the coming school year bon Chemicals, Radio Corporation of sentative of the student body. It is ly eight hundred men. Master Sergeant Herbert L. Ellis has America, Atlantic Refining Company, was fixed at 126,400. anticipated that the Tech delegation One half of the co-op students are retired from the Army. At a special and Hyatt Bearings Division of This deferment, announced by Sec­ will take active part in four of the registered in the first section which General Motors. ceremony held Thursday morning at begins class work in June; the other retary of Defense Forrestal, applies six "work-shops" through which the Rose Bowl Field the ROTC units of half in the second section begins class Co-op students supplement their to ROTC students who were freshmen NSA studies problems of campus training in the class room with prac­ tive and to all incoming freshmen, Tech paid their tribute to Sergeant work with the September session of activities. The four areas of activity regular students. The same curricu­ tical, down-to-earth training in the or sophomores when it became effec- Ellis and his 28 years of faithful ser­ to which the Tech delegates will con­ lum is offered co-op students in five field. Their industrial experience tends ROTC students who were juniors vice at Tech with the Coast Artillery to promote greater interest in their tribute are problems in education, years as is offered regular students in when the act became effective June 24 Corps. four years. The two sections of co-ops' class room studies. It is natural that student government structure, student and continue their courses as seniors •Sergeant Ellis will officially retire alternate with each other as they pro­ a student engaged in the repair of a government functions, and student are deferred under other provisions. from service today, July 31st. He en­ gress through school—one half being broken locomotive frame while on the cultural welfare. Of the 126,400 quota, a total of in school while the other half is in job will be quite interested in his listed in the Coast Artillery Corps at Seven hundred delegates from 300 77,800 will be allowed the Army, ap­ industry. At the end of the five years, Strength of Materials course when he Columbus Barracks, Ohio on January colleges and universities participated returns to school. Student engineers portioned as follows: Freshmen 38, those men successfully completing 5, 1911. During World War I he in the organizational convention at 500; sophomores 23,900; juniors 15,- their work are awarded the Bachelor's who work in hydro-electric plants of the University of Wisconsin last sum­ 400. served with the 166th Company, CAC, degree, Co-operative Plan, in the T.V.A. are keenly alert in their mer. In addition to representatives when it was assigned to guard duty courses pursued. The Aeronautical, studies on the generation and trans­ To the Air Force, a total of 40,800 of member colleges, there will be at at the White House in 1917 and 1918. Chemical, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, mission of electrical power. This pro­ as follows: Freshmen 24,000; sopho­ the congress this summer a number Prior to assignment to the unit at Mechanical, and Textile Engineering cess is accumulative, and the students mores 9,800; juniors 7,060. of observer delegates from those Tech, he served as an instructor at courses are offered under the Co-op­ find that, as they progress in their To the Navy, a total of 7,800 as schools which have not ratified the Officers' Training Camps at Fort erative Plan. studies, they are able to relate even follows: Freshmen 7,000; sophomores NSA constitution. Colleges are award­ more closely their industrial exper­ Oglethorpe and Plattsburg Bar­ Employment as far north as Chica­ 500; juniors 300. ed delegates, each having the power racks, followed by six months attend­ go, as far south as Miami, as far east ience to the work offered them while Students deferred in officer training to vote, according to the size of their ing school at Fort Monroe, Virginia, as Hartford, Connecticut, and as far (Continued on page 2) student bodies. President Barnes courses are not exempt from register­ which was designed to train future pointed out the fact that measures ing. Each will sign an agreement to ROTC instructors. passed by the Congress of NSA are accept a commission, if tendered, at On the 21st of November 1919, he not compulsory; but, he added, "We Are You A Misfit, Veteran? the completion or termination of his was assigned to ROTC duty at Tech. can derive, in my opinion, a number reserve training course, and to serve He has served in the capacity of in­ of benefits from the NSA—ideas which at least two years on active duty. Find Out at VA Center Here structor, sergeant major, assistant ordinarily would not occur to us. Per­ The deferment will continue only so military property custodian, and sup­ haps we can contribute something our­ By Tom Ghormley long as the student is satisfactory ply sergeant. And during his last ten selves: Our new constitution, for in­ in his training course. years of service he has been a re­ It's free, vets! Uncle Sam is footing the bill, and all you have to do is stance, is, we think, something out of Notice of the allocations to indi­ serve officer greatly contributing to say, "Gimme." The Veterans' Guidance Administration calls it an aptitude the ordinary as student body constitu­ vidual colleges and universities will the success of Officers' Reserve Corps tions go." test. It happens to be just one of the many services rendered by the Admin­ be sent them as soon as determined, training. istration but one that is of utmost importance to each and every Tech vet. President Barnes stated that the probably late in August. In a Letter of Merit to Master Are you a double A student? Do observations of Tech's delegation at the tests are multiple choice and are At the close of school this June Sergeant Ellis, Colonel Jeffords, Com­ you enjoy mech quizzes? Do you the congress will be presented in a taken on a time basis in which ac­ there were 559 Army, Air Force and manding Officer of the Tech ROTC solve physics problems in your report to the Student Council in the curacy and speed are the tell-tale fac­ Navy ROTC units at 183 colleges and unit, said, "... Few men have ever dreams? Can you integrate in your fall quarter. He emphasized that the tors of your ability. One particular universities and the total ROTC en retired from the United States Army head? Do feminine figures impress student body would be brought into test records your memory faculty. rollment was 100,586 of whom 72,946 with as many sincere and true friends you as much as high-powered algebra touch with the ideas and aims of the This is done with a set of printed were Army ROTC; 21,941 Air and as you have. You are revered and equations? If your answer to all of NSA. Barnes expressed a hope that cards. Each card is held before you 5,699 Navy. beloved by those many members of these questions is "yes", then there is the student body would take an inter­ the student body, the faculty, and the for a few seconds during which time Divided into classes the strength a 50-50 chance that you're really cut est in making the most workable gov­ alumni who have had the fortune you correlate the two names on the was: Army ROTC, 5,082 seniors; ernment possible.
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