INTEGRITY A lournøl of Christiøn Thought PLTBLISHED BY THE COMMISSION FOR THEOLOGICAL INTEGRITY OF THE NAIIONALASSOCIATION OF FREE WILLBAPTISTS Editor Paul V. Harrison Pastoq Cross Timbers Free Will Baptist Church Assistønt Editor Robert E. Picirilli Professor Emeritus, Free Will Baptist Bible College Editorøl Board Tim Eatoru Vice-President, Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College Daryl W Ellis, Pastor, Butterfield Free Wilt Baptist Church, Aurora, Illinois Keith Fletcheq Editor-in-Chief Randall House Publications F. Leroy Forlines, Professor Emeritus, Free Will Baptist Bible College Jeff Manning, Pastor, Unity Free Will Baptist Church, Greenville, North Carolina Garnett Reid, Professo¡, Free Will Baptist Bible College Integrity: A Journøl of Chrístian Thought is published in cooperation with Randall House Publications, Free Will Baptist Bible College, and Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College. It is partially funded by those institutions and a number of interested churches and individuals. Integrity exists to stimulate and provide a forum for Christian scholarship among Free Will Baptists and to fulfill the purposes of the Commission for Theological Integrity. The Commission for Theological Integrity consists of the following members: F. Leroy Forlines (chairman), Dãryl W. Ellis, Paul V. Harisory Jeff Manning, and J. Matthew Pinson. Manuscripts for publication and communications on editorial matters should be directed to the attention of the editor at the following address: 866 Highland Crest Drive, Nashville, Tennessee 37205. E-rnall inquiries should be addressed to: [email protected]. Additional copies of the journal can be requested for $6.00 (cost includes shipping). Typeset by Henrietta Brozon Printed by Randøll House Publications, Nashaille, Tennessee 37217 OCopyright 2003 by the Comrnission for Theological Integrity, National Association of Free Will Baptists Printed in the United States of America Contents Introduction .......7-9 PAULV. HARRISON The Matchless Christ ,...11-17 ROBERTJ, MORGAN Expository Preaching: In Need of Redemption? . .19-32 JEFF MANNING The Old Testament As the Christian s Book . 33-53 GARNETTH. REID Hell in the New Testament . .55-83 ROBERT E. PICIRILLI A Plea for Unabridged Christianity . 85-102 F. LEROY FORLINES Prolegomena to Christian Apologetics: Being, Knowing, and Doing 103-720 STEPHEN M. ASHBY Will the Real Arminius Please Stand Up? A Study of the Theology of Jacobus Arminius in Light of His Interpreters . .121-139 J. MATTHEWPINSON The Church Fathers and Baptism . .147-155 WILLIAMF. DAVIDSON 4 TNTEGRITY: A]OURNAL oF CHRISTIAN THoUGHT Book Reviews . ... ...1sr-1.8e Hard Sayings of the Bible. ByWalterC.Kaiser etal ... ....WendellWalley Orthodoxy. ByG. K. Chesterton ......BenFranklin The Story of Christiøn Theology: Ttaenty Centuries of kadition and Reþrm. ByRogerE.Olson ...... DavidOutlaw BioEngøgernent: Making ø Christian Dffirence through Bioethics Todøy. By Nigel M. de S. Cameron et ø1., eds. Paul J. Gentuso Bioethics: AChristian Approach in a Pluralistic Age. By Scott B. Rae and Paul M. Cox. Mark R. Paschall The Free WilI Baptists in History. By William F. Davidson . |ack Williams Four Views on EternøI Security. J. Matthew Pinsoru ed. A. B. Brown Grace, Faith, Free WiIl: Contrasting Viezas of Saktøtion: Caloinism ønd Arminianism.By Robert E. Picirilli . Ronald ]. Callaway The Quest for Truth: Ansv¡ering Life's Inescøpable Questions. By F. Leroy Forlines . Stephen M. Ashby Perspectives on the World Christiøn Moaement: A Reader. Ralph D. Winter and Steven C. Hawthorne, eds.., . PatsyVanhook Let the Nations Be Glad: The Supremacy of God in Missions. BylohnPiper. ......TomMcCullough The Reþrmed Pøstor. ByRichardBaxter. ......DennisWiggs Precious Remedíes øgainst Søtøn's Dez¡ices. By Thomas Brooks . Paul V. Harrison Contributors STEPHEN M. ASHBY Dean of the Faculty, Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College Moore, Oklahoma WILLIAMF. DAVIDSON Professor Emeritus of Church History, Columbia Biblical Seminary and School of Missions, A Division of Columbia International University Columbia, South Carolina F. LEROY FORLINES Professor Emeritus of Theology, Free Will Baptist Bible College Nashville, Tennessee JEFFMANNING Pasto4 Unity Free Will Baptist Church Greenville, North Carolina ROBERTJ. MORGAN Pastol Donelson Free Will Baptist Church Nashville, Tennessee ROBERT E. PICIRILLI Professor Emeritus of Greek and Philosophy, Free Will Baptist Bible College Nashville, Tennessee J. MATTHEWPINSON President, Free Will Baptist Bible College Nashville, Tennessee GARNETTH. REID Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Free Will Baptist Bible College Nashville, Tennessee Introduction We are pleased to send forth this second volume ol lntegrity. Our prayer is that the Lord will use it to glorify himself. When God created the universe, it became incumbent upon man to examine that creation carefully in an effort, among other things, to see the mind of the Creator, or, to use the words of Johann Keple4 "to think God's thoughts after him." Indeed, "the heavens declare the glory of God," and man is privileged and obligated to listen to and analyze that arnazing declaration of nature. Similarly, when God chose to speaþ it became incumbent uPon man to study words and specifically God's Word. This responsibility espe- cially rests upon ministers. Unfortunately, our fallen state makes this task of studying God's words laborious. We find the disciplines of theology, phitosophy, history and foreign languages difficult, to mention just a few of the subjects involved. Ultimately, since all truth is God's truth, only the broadest of parameters will encompass the Christian's field of inquiry. The breadth and difficulÇ of the task of seeking God's truth often lead to feelings that the effort is futile. Who is sufficient for these things? we ask. Surrender to such feelings often follows. Coupled with the enormi- ty of the task is our inborn laziness, which also drags many a would-be studen! including many ministers, into mental lethargy. Unfortunately, the result is that few men of God are in danger of facing the accusation Festus launched at the great Apostle Paul: "Much learning doth make thee mad." We live in a new and exciting information age, and it has bred a world of experts. Each field of endeavor contains a mass of facts. Doctors and lawyers have more medical and legal data at their disposal than ever before. While we do not expect them to know everything, we do hold them to the highest of standards, especially when they are diagnosing our illness or handling our case. We even expect our automobile mechanics to be masters of engine repair. Ministers are likewise expected to be pro- ficient in the fields of Bible and theology. We dare not insist on higher standards for those under the hood than we do for those behind the pul- pit. 8 INTEGRITY AJOURNAL oF CHRISTIAN THOUGHT This journal attempts to assist in the grand pursuit of the study of God. Its articles seek to help you to love the Lord your God with all your heart, strength, and mind. While providing instruction relevant to laity, it espe- cially aims at ministers, that group who must forever feel the tension Phillips Brooks wrote of inhis Lectures on Preaching: The two parts of a preacher's work [shepherding and preach- ing] are always in rivalry. When you find that you can never sit down to study and write without the faces of the people, who you know need your care, looking at you from the paper; and yet you never can go out among your people without hearing your forsaken study reproaching yotl and calling you home, you may easily come to believe that it would be good indeed if you could be one or other of two things, and not both; either a preacher or a pastox, but not the two together. But I assure you you are wrong. May this collection of articles and reviews help us all to fulfill our multi- faceted obligations. We begin this issue with a sermon by Robert Morgan. Most of Reverend Morgan's sermons are expository, but we include this topical sermon to illustrate that such an approach can be challenging and prof- itable. It is followedby a study of expository preaching by Jeff Manning. Next comes an article by Garnett Reid focused on the Old Testament and its usefulness to the Christian. Robert Piciritli then unfolds the New Testament teaching on hell. "A Plea for Unabridged Christianity" fol- lows, in which Leroy Forlines challenges believers to develop a full-orbed understanding of God's truth. Then Stephen Ashby offers insight into doing apologetics in today's world. Rounding out the articles are two studies in church history. Matt Pinson examines the theological outlook of James Arminius, and William Davidson analyzes the attitudes of the early church fathers on baptism. As in the first issue, we conclude with book reviews. Thirteen books are evaluated and recommended, their focus ranging from bioethics to missions, from Bible difficulties to devotional reading. Appreciation is expressed to all who have given of themselves to make this project possible. Special thanks go to the Executive Department of the National Association of Free Will Baptists, Free Will Baptist Bible College, Hillsdale Free Will Baptist College, and Randall House Publications. Also greatly appreciated are the efforts of the previous edi- tor Matt Pinson and the current assistant editor Robert Picirilli. IN,f ÉUC,fl@! I It is &e dtstinct ptívilege, of the Cqci¡nission for Theological hrtegrity to, serve:F,¡ce lf-.ill Bapde.t's and ,to preærrt thíe lsstie a$ ã flart ó¡f ur ongo- in6 May God etriploy it in his grand enterprise of worl mn ç;ent, PaulV, Hârrls-en Robert l. Morgøn The Matchless Christ The French mathematician Auguste Comte was talking about religion one day with the Scottish essayist Thomas Carlyle. Comte suggested they start a new religion to replace Christianity, based on positive thinking and mathematical principles. Carlyle thought about it a moment and replied, "Yery good, Mr. Comte, very good. All you will need to do will be to speak as never a man spake, and live as never a man lived, and be crucified, and rise again the third day, and get the world to believe that you are still alive.
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