.. .. ' . Friday~ Dece1oher·-17. , 1951 THE ISRAELITE PRESS Chanukab l!!dlUon-Page S • . .· REGISTER NOW • • • w· ; JEWISH YOUTH CENTRE IN.·1-ER-· · nA··v·.. _· ·.. ·_ .•, __ -- c·AMP_· · · By.the Way . •• . I . DECEMBER 26th lo DECEMBER· 30th (Inclusive). 4 s. m. SR.ldwr- A ~ program of ~rts Oce Skating and Hockey), Games, Arts and· Crafts, · Educational Programs, Danl!ing, Movies, Drama and Special Tours. Children ages 6-to 9. For information call: . A- News Man's Notes JEWISH.. YOUTH. CENTRE,. 123 . MATHESON. AYE., . PHONE·' . ' ' . 56-6585 HAVING VISITED NEW YORK RECENTLY, I MET WITH TH& Oon.Umaed from P&p I director of the Jewish Concert and Lecture Bureau, who flequently. ::U:t ~~~ :~i:o~ Reg······;i_na T. T. Slates · provides us with cultural enterprises. Our discuslsou centred accuracy and an admirable habit largely on the questlOll of arranging for the coming season a cul· OASIS. A TREAT tural series. program for the cultural committee of the Winnlpeg CRITICS ;:r =.~ the music to speak Chanukah Concert CDngress Council. · • • • for yourself and your This transpired on Thursday, Deeembei. the 2u~ the. .-ery family at W"mnlpeg's greatest and for his "exceptional •technical · ·. .•. , .~INA-The Regina Talmud . DELICATESSEN . Cimtorial Collcert. Get your equipment" and "artistic style.'.' day of the unfortunate Winnipeg presentation by the "Creative . rt ··Lu·. n·-Le···on· ' ..Torah annual Chauukah concert t!) ,., nw ~ 111unei,·1n_Town .t1ctets DOW while selection is He declared that Tree ."in . the Desse . Theatre Group," sent us by the very same bureau ·with the hlgll­ A. LANG . : .· .• ~ . will be held Sunday, Dc:cember 19, est recommendations by persons of authority. I expressed my con­ ., Hip ci.. ~ - best to hear and see the • , • course of the evening aceomplished Mrs. Lewis G. Femstem and her in conjunction with Young JudeL CUSTOM, TAJLOR lm,::oc led Pfad' _Cfl · much, but promised more" in the . ceru to the director that the group may not meet·the requirements ALWAYS PRUH daughter,' Mrs. Joseph ~ will The entire Jewish community is ol our Winnipeg audience. · · · Phone 92-6612 '.3. _. yems lying ahead of him. be hostesses at_ Mrs. Sector's home, expected to attend the varied pro- ic--c-· ..... ..-. , .. KOUSSEYITSKY . violinist .of uncommon talent and The director set my mind at rest, usurlng me that the group . IOI EDIIOl'ITON ST. ,,_, T-,C.......... Uver,Garllc 460. Campbell· ~t, at 8 Dessert_ gram, which will include the Ira­ . .......,_, Wleilen, OIIYH · · . CANTORS The New York Herald Tnl>Une would indeed meet with success in Winnipeg, as they did elsewhere. WIN!flPEO luncheon and ,musicale on behalf ditional candle-ligliting ceremony wherever they appellttd. His tone, to be sure, was not altogther said that Tree "made "probably the of the Women_s division, State of followed by a dramatic preseuta­ stu-._,efls&I. Tv1-,Laa -·- ICl-,s, Goldne,lhlMfh, CMC AUD. - JAN. 5 most brilliant young debut in the reassuring. Towards the end he conceded that he encountered Plckled - S- Herring, oa.11c, Tlcllets at r.Gple'a Book s­ Israel Bonds,. on Wednesday. tiou, a rhythm baud offering, folk• some difficulties in Winnipeg on previous occ:aslous. · Winulpeg, il 0111,. ..._,. · - ...-. • tc., . NOW ON SALi - P'H. 52-1"1 recent past." It added that the December 22, at 1.15 p.m. · dancing and choir singing• ''violinist evidenced not one lapse seems, has a discriminating sense of taste, and presentations which ORD•U MADI UP' FOR P'ARTl•S, Following the concert, the from the highest possible musical eouttuuea from Pase 1 usually succeed elsewhere, meet with dismal failure in Winui~g. ITAGS, OATH• RmGS, WEDDINGS and technical. standards-which is Ladies' auxiliary, will sponsor a Upon my return home I learned with dismmy the story of the • CountrT Dtden Shipped lmmedlltelf 13- . • to say, the i.tandards on.? would g:1la party with refreshments; sorrowful failure of the "Creative Theatre Group" in Winnipeg. •. Needless to say, I was greatly chagrined. The cultural committee 90I Main St. Phone 52-1356 !i •i e,:pect from a Milstein or a Heifetz." BONDS of the Cougres.; Council is exerting ii great deal of effort and Incurs IMr. & Mrs. Philip Sheps~ Alan Braulgau, of the Newark Greenberg. Others were ·Mel Nar• substantial expense to create a desire and taste for better forms : ' : vey, president of the Lodge; L of Jewish arL and to develop a favorable cultural climate among the I i cordially. invite their relatives= evening News, referred to the oou- .======::::=====: i and friends. to attend the Sokolow, Lawrence Kelef, Meye1 Jewish people. Nat1.1rally so complete a failure deals a serious blow . FOR RENT Rapkin, Allan Greenberg, J. Hot• SHARETT and a considerable setback to this noble efCorL c,,~~,, i BAR-MITZVAH . 3-room suite with all modem fer, Ed Shiudelmau and Jack Jewish blood upon their hands," · ON THE OTHER HAND ONE MUST BEAR IN l\UND THAT MENORAHS . couvenleuces, Machray, east of Shindelmau. IN MELFOR"r IT'S TUE of their son The meeting, held 1D the com• the Pi'ime Minister said. such failures are not new either on the Jewish scene or in the for i Main. Possession Dec. 1st. Rent NEW DIJt furnished, S55; furnished, $60 munal hall of .. the synagogue, . Earlier, au Israel Foreign Mini• wider sphere. After all, we must remember that lu making our Chanukah I ARTHUR NEAL ~ per mouth. Phone 52-6371 for heard L. E. Levitan, of B'uai B'rith stry spokesman declared that the arrangements we are largely compelled to rely upon someone else's Mu1lule appointment. · Wilshire Lodge, Los Angeles, who charges against the Egyptian Jews judgment and upon someone else's taste, while we find ourselves i to take place ' ~ were fabricated and calculated to OZARK·HOTEL Chrome & i : is the new Bond director here, placed in a position far from the source from which we· draw U1e ID AND JOI YICIICAR, YOUR HOSTS Hy justify dettntiou of the Bat Gallm, material ~or such presentations. Needless to say that more often . Brau i Saturday, Dec. ~5th, 1.954 ¥ deliver the keynote address. • Modem Roome with Balh - at 11 a.m. at the SEMI-MODERN 3-rciom suite 01 Schulman, president of the B'nai Israel vessel seized . in the Suez than not, .someone else's· judgment and taste may dlUer a great 11\owen i I 1 or 2 rooms for · rent, one block Canal. • P'lu1-l111 ,Or the Winter Months Chanukah B'rlth Central Cauadl3D Council; deal from ours. 1 Shaarey Zeciek Synagogue s from Hudson Bay Co. Immediate 0 POSSesllion. Phone 92-5897. Sid Silverman, chairman of the Is­ Even the · eeI11brity Serles" which has a far greater opportuulty • Modern anti Large Sam• • i I i rael ·Bond Committete, Central to make its selections, makP.s ·periodically serious errors in Its pie Rooms. I :=i ---- ;:= Canadian Council; and Wm. Gold· Special .Prayers choice of artists and upon occasion errs in its evaluation of the FOR RESERVATIONS berg, prominent B'uai B'rith and TEL AVIV (JTA)-The Chief taste· of the Wmuipeg public. · PHONE "JOI~" AT 2301 i NO CARDS i communal leader, attended. Rabbinate of Tel Aviv this week I have also been told that a couslderable contributing faetor Joe VJck•r Manager ! E MILFORT · IASIC. = ; JEWELLERY STORE instructed all synagogues to hold in th!! failure of the "Creative Theatre Group" was the noisy be­ - ; .. ~11u11....,.u•••u~, ............. ,, ..,,..,,_,,nu 11iJ Continued from Page l · 11 FOR SALE special prayers for thirteen Egyp­ haviour of the audience, which displayed au·-utter·lack of patience, tian Jews now on trial for. espion­ making it impossible to follow the spoken lines by the artists. FOR A COMPLETE ONE-STOP SPECIALIZING IN Modern, Good · Locat,on age in Cairo. The prayers will be The very same crowd behaves much differently at a non.Jewish SERVICE PEOPLE'S BOOK $TORE GLAMOUR included in the regular morning performance. People who Jose patience, generally walk out sile'utly, STEAKS - CHOPS Lipschitz and expect her to thrill Call at the 818 Main SL . Pboue 5Z-138J . FRIED CHICKEN . Pawn License If Desired services. ·· " but those who do remain stay quiet and orderly until the very end. the audience of Winnipeg Zionist However, Jews who attend a Jewish performance, seem to "feel NIAGARA SERVICE Orders put up to take out AUSTINS AGENCIES. men's club members. and their that they confer a favor upon someone and bring a great personal STATION •4 Good Place to Eat" ladies. Ou the American· circuit, Appeal To Vatican sacrifice for the sake of Jewish culture. They feel highly offended • FRANK EVANS 206 Blow Bldg_ Miss Lipschitz's stage name· is ROME (JTA)-All Italian Chief when the presentation is not suited to their taste and they react f()R RENT - HALL Freddi Lipton. in a very Impulsive mauuer. · • SHERBROOK GRILL Calgary, Alta. Rabbis appealed to the Vatican - ror- 63 SDERBROOK STREET Louis S. MaUlu, QC, is chairman and · other religious groups · this It must not now come to pass that because of fear, Jewish · of the series. e WEDDINGS PRONE 74-lW week against the trial of thirteen cultural preseutatious would cease to be undertaken In our city. ntsto,, Egyptian Jews and the methods Certainly there is always the risk of a failure in coDDection with An.AS TIRES...,:.,_~A'lTERIES . AND ACu:.. •,:;QRIES· e BAR-MITZV ABS used to • extort confessions from such UDdertaklugs. However, without cultural undertakings, our a NIAGARA and CORYDON and All Affairs Best Wishes for Joyous Chanukah to all our them. The rabbis appealed to all local Jewish life might be transformed into a cultural desert and PHONE 40-5687 Jewish Friends and Customers to join in denouncing this "offence gradually there are less and less people wllllug to venture into HEBREW SMART PEOPLE to humanity and justice" in au such UDdertakings.
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