Fa q b r o u BTBm r ^ THURSDAY, M AY 7 ,198S,’ AVHRAin DAILT OBODLATION for the Meath of April, IMS The Park department yesterday Henry street property owned by The Lutnla choir of St John's and today recognised the coming of Alexander and Scmhle Mtkolowskl PoUah National church on Gtolway spring and neamesg 6f summer, was attawbed today by Deputy street wiU give a Balloon Dance In 5,846 ays ABOUTTOWN GOOD. Accident Tht E l A l * COB* Merabor^f the Audit 101 W voZ‘a*L M e Hew mowing the grass In the various Sheriff Leo Grenslnaki of Now Bri­ Pulaski hall on North street, Satur­ A MaeoaSTW eoa» parks and around municipally owned tain in favor of M. Krawsxyk and day night at 8 o'clock. Mlea Stella Bureau of OUeololloaa.' with Johns-Manvilic Building Materials Mancheater friends bave received property for the first time this sea­ Sons of New Britstn who are claim­ Rubacha and Mias Helen Ferrence Insurance F R ID A Y letters and cards from William J. son. ing $600 and coats o f suit. Martin who are In charge bave engaged the MANCHESTER — A Q TY OP VILLAGE CHARM Davis of Orchard street. Mr. Davis F. Stempten of New Britain is at­ Is Necessary 3 TO 6 SPECIALS Merry Cavaliers of New Britain to VOL. L V - NO. 188. (OaeeUtod Advartlaias oa Page is.) accompanied bis mother, who has torney for plalntlffe. play, and are planning for other The regular meeting of St. Mary's These Days Dtamond Brand MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1936. r'- 'T been making an extended visit with special features. The Lu'inla choir Woman's auxiliary will be held to­ him In this country, to her home In Clifford Sault of 30 Foster street will hold a rehearsal tomorrow morrow night at 8 o'clock in the Cardiff, South Wales. They arrived began work for the Veeder Root night at 7:80 at the church, and its there last week after a rough voy­ parish house. There will be work company of Hartford Monday. WALNUT MEAT monthly business meeting. JOHN L. JENNEY (H alves) age on the S. S. Bercngaiia. Mr. for the Memorial hospital, and all 10 Depot Square Phone 6830 Germany’s Sky Colossus Routed Over those having dish cloths should Davis Is proprietor of the Davis We SpeolaUze In Accident tneuramw SEE A SPEEDY TRIAL LANDON TALKS make their retumc tomorrow night. Seaboard Cities On First U. S. Visit Home Bakery at the Center and a i lb. veteran of the W orld War. in which Insure In he enlisted when a boy of 17. This T H E T R A V E L E R S , Hartford, Conn. HGHTATENDOF GERMAN ZEP NEARING is his second visit to his old home MaxweU Houae since coming here several years aft­ FOR MOTHER’S DAY FOR WILLIAM MAHAN er the conflict. He expects to re­ Waller N. Leclerc' turn to Manchester about the middle GOFFBB A LON^SILENCE of June. END OF OCEAN FLIGHT Funeral Director “SOUTH TO Kidnaper of Weyerhaeuser 289 No. Main St. Phone 8269 New Ray lb. X S * EXPECT IL DUCE Indicates Campaign Will Be MEXICO” Boy Canght by G H en m Hbdenbnrg Expected tn A Sensationally Better CENTER CHURCH Two Lb. Pkgs. Confectionery TOAVOWINTENT ''No Pink Tea Affair''; De­ Ethiopia*s'Second City PARISH HALL San Francisco, Is Brought Reach Lakehnitt/N: J; WINDSHIELD Lomest Contract F R ID A Y ; MA Y 8, 7:30 P. M. SUGAR clares for Social Security PERMANENT Preeeaitod by 80 o< the to Tacoma. TO COOPERATE Falls Before Italians Early Tomorrow Momim Prices On Oentor Church School Junlora. and Federal Action. WIPERS No Machines — No Electricity! Admission: Adnlte, 26c. cailldren, lOo. Rome, May 8.— (A P)—The oap-A{>opulace walcomed toe Italtaa You wRI want thb nini Tacoma, Wash., May 8.— (AP) Bid fo r Lifting o f Sanctions — Makhig UnnsaaQy Fait If your windshield wiper Krem el IWlUlam Mahan came back to the tore by Italian troops of Horar, sec­ oops. Koppers Coke Topeka, Kaa., M ay 8.— (A P ) — Along toe road from JiJIga to Jehna>ManvNI« Book Phone ’ scene of the George Weyerhaeuser, The nation had a broad hint from ond city of Ethiopia, was reported works very slowly or not at call Us For Information Looked fo r A fter Grand Hara, remnants of Ras Nasibu's Hme Orer die Atlantic. wholhor planning to build or romodol Relax In Cool Comfort 3058 DBSSBRT Jr., kidnaping today with the gov­ Gov. Alf M. London today that the today by toe Mogadiscio correspon­ army surrendered toetr a. ms. all, we can repair it. We Flowera and Plants ernment ready to place him on trial coming presidential campaign will dent of toe newspaper D TeverA Tba dlspatcb added that toe Ital­ The W. G. Glenney While You Get It I for all oocaalons. be "no pink tea affair” If he receives h e picture above aboira Juat you how to finance an three things Now Immediately for the $200,000 abduc­ CooncQ Meet and Annex­ The correspondent said toe forces ians were continuing northward to­ BU LU D TlN t also have a very complete Deli vered anywhere I toe Republican nomination. on* of the “ 101” thing, pic­ at the loweat terma in the hiatory Co. p b g . tion of the ntne-year-old lumber for. o f Gen. Rodolfo Grazlanl moved In­ ward the Wadara-AUata sector New York, Mny » —(AP) — Mixing In criticism of toe Roose­ Ttured and dcKrlbed la thi, book to Coal, Lumber, Maeons’ SuppUea, An Exclusive I^eeeptation of . tune heir. to Harar yesterday, occupying the north of Neghelll. The OeniHUi Zeppelin m n d ir ; of home-improvement financing. stock of new wipers and can ation o f Ethiopia. velt administration, toe goveioor Faint Brought here by airplane last final military objective of Italy’s bttrg, on ber maiden North At- “ fix up" your home gave his own Ideas on issues o f toe Rain and mud were the principal give you an allowance on us No. Main St. TeL 4149 night after his bloodleae capture by campaign In Ess. ..-lea. lontlo flight, was aanriag tiie , It ahow* bow to turn your, baae- SIND M R mn BOOK contest In a radio Interview at toe obstacles toe Italians encountered F^erol agents at Son Francisco, (Ftom Djibouti, French Somali­ on their way irom JiJlgA thores of Amerlen today with ment into a recrcatioa room erith t am eonaiderlna remodcliag. gend FftK B your old one. the 3S-year-old ex-convict was bus­ Rome, May 8.— (AP) — A bid by executive residence lost night with land, came reports that a large Other press dispatches said toe a speed which ladleated she J-M Inaulating Board; bow to bave J-U “ 101 Book” □ . FRENCH BEAUTY SHOPPE tled off to a ceU acorcely a doxen H. V. Kaltenbom, political commen­ Premier Museollnt for a lifting of part of Harar was destroyed by fire ndght be ever territorial waters J- a modem bathroom o f colorful, I am cooWferina bulldlnc. Bend FREE 43 Pearl Street tator. It was broadcast nationally. Italians found 4,000 boxes of J-M ”40 Polata" bome-lmlldiiis □. Cars Washed, Clean­ sanctions, to liquidate finally the and looting oa toe Italian troops munition, 12 machine gims, 14 field shortly a fter snaset. - “ tilelike" J-M Aabeetoe Wainacot- r ? |i What too nation needs most, Lon­ With her goal Lakeharst, N. ' A n d Ethiopian crisis and permit Italy to approached the city). pieces, and many rifles, with food don said, is a revival o f confidence. ing; how to inaulate your houae Name. ed and Simonized, $4. II Tevere's dIspat said toe and a ormaing time et fiflU NORTON Just Around The tmc f l o r is t return to Its old place In the fam ily He assailed the New Deal aa be­ and gasoline, In a cavern near JIJI- agadnat bat and cold weather with 17 Oak street chieftains and leading priests of toe 8:a. hoars a poasIbUlto, the Bladen, J-M Rock Wool, etc. Even tella Addroaa. B. Janicki of nations, was predicted today In traying "our high national tdeala” burg was raportod a t noon. e. a. t Comer with "wasteful, slipshod. Incompe­ ELECTRICAL highly reliable quarters. t , MM only flSO miles east-aertb* Phone 6579 tent, happy-go-lucky administra­ east of Nantucket lightship by ^ Instrument Co. The Perfect These sources said an avowal of tion,” and said "progressive govern­ Weetorn tlnloa. ' Motor Fuel n Duce’s Intention to take a full ment deserves something better than THE W. G. GLENNEY CO. PHONE 4060 Large Assortment of Plants part again In International affairs__ casual experiments.” PRESIDENT SEEKS DATA Aboard the Zeppelin Hladcnbuig, after the League of Nations sanc­ Coal, Lumber, Mosona’ SuppUea, Paint Hilliard Street Manchester A blend of gasoline and The “pink tea" remark came en route to America— ^Uoy 8—Oflt* U e No. Main St. TH. 4I4D Maiirheater tions campaign ended— would be one when Kaltenborn asked toe governor cere of toe Htndenburg Indicated to?: benzol. The greatest FOR MOTHER’S DAY of toe results of tomorrow's Fascist whether he would make a "real Htadq$urters fo r Johns-ManvilU Building Materials combination that Grand Council and cabinet meetings. fighting campaign” If he were nom­ ON LOW COST HOUSING day they hoped to reach Loksbunil^: .science has yet devel­ Also Hardy Perennials and pu g\ doz.
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