I TRADE NOTES AND POINTERS OF INTEREST IN THE MOTOR CAR WORLD! « + 1912 POPE-HARTFORD TRUCK I-H mi—lpBV,™r »•- SATURDAY EVENING SPECIAL ATTRACTION Miss Sarah Vrubel and Nic 5MII ASKED Samaschko's Orchestra FOB STAR'S BIG HOLD BIG SOCIAL 1 = EKGURWE RACE Marmon I Six, Model Price f A Mechanical Masterpiece ! Big 36, $2,600, Including Top Every make of automobile has some one feature which it from all others—and the value of this ■ Will Be Held Under A. A. A. Members of New Jersey Auto jjv distinguishes comparative feature is one of the most important things which you, as a prospective owner, should weigh carefully. Rules and Auspices of New* and Motor Club Will Have JS ra In the case of the McFarlan car it is a six-cylinder at from five to nine hundred dollars iower than any other well-known V ark Motor Club. Run to Apshawa. Machine Co. Rickey M six-cylinder make on the market. g 164 Main Street Of course, the question very naturally arises, how about four-cylinders? X contest that the The contest committee of the New The great endurance East m The reason is not far to seek. m October and of Orange STAR proposes to give during Jersey Automobile Motor Club, which For the five years more attention has been to \nrs to sell at a than to cars for the benefit of the automobile indus- Clarence C. Fisher Is chairman, past given building price making mechanically X : and which was an- met at the club-house yesterday and jP try In New Jersey, week, has inet with a arranged the preliminary details of a last f-N af It goes without saying that the four-cylinder car, all other can be built than the Six. V of all monster club run of the club members CHAMPION' HILT. CLIMBER things being equal, cheaper hearty response from the dealers to Lake Apshawa on October 21 next, i M True, the makers of America’s cars who manufacture without the makes of cars In the local territory, high-grade emphasized price consideration, recognizing M An entire assured afternoon will be spent the as an ultimate have and a very large entry list Is | Six car, gone ahead six-cylinder cars. V socially at the Country Club, and at, developing when the gun Is lired, and It starting *» o’clock the club members and their \ But these Sixes, of which we now speak, are almost prohibitive in price, as far as the average buyer is concerned. V make of Is positive that nearly every friends will sit down to an October j m It has been no small undertaking to develop a thoroughly high-class, high-powered six-cylinder car that can meet the X (nouncedg cur will be represented in the effort feast prepared by Steward Schweitzer. | a score and capture The to of the is what we have done to secure perfect return Newark will be made in ; jjg price competition popular four-cylinder cars—but that precisely with the McFarlan Six. m one of the handsome prizes to be offered the early evening. STAR for the Competition. Hunahout.$1,4 50 by the ra The McFarlan Six will be on Exhibition at our Salesrooms after Oct. I. Call and see the most wonderful modern automobile made v The contest will be held under the Coupe. 1,750 ( nr.. As- Touring: 1,050 rules of the American Automobile MOVEMENT FOR GOOD Limousine.. 2,300 soaiatlon’s contest board, and a sanc- fl-Cyllnder Roadster... 1,050 event has been ROADS IS UNIVERSAL tion for holding the j asked for. The contest will be held GORREJA MOTOR GAR CO. OF N. J. Nicol-Wincklhofer Newark, N. J. under the auspices of the Newark There is one movement that is now 14 Branford Placo, Newark Company Motor Club, the local representatives, engrossing the thinking portion of tlie Sa, .. —i J\ of the A. A. A. that has universal It | country support. Next week In these columns the date, is without political reference or party ^ route and other Information will b-> creed. It numbers its supporters in published. every party. The of the — importance XOhtte good roads movement is conceded: POPE-HARTFORD MODELS IN. everywhere, from the highest financier- to the most humble laborer, and all ap- | Fope-Hartford agency, at Bran- parently are willing to do their share. Motor MAIS ford place and Halsey street, lias re- toward obtaining better highways. ceived the new line of pleasure cars The longest and most important highway proposed is the ocean-to- I for 1812 as well as the three-ton truck. | ocean road, from the Atlantic to, the I The new cars show many refinements Trucks Pacific Coast. That such a MOTOR (The highway i over tbe 1911 models, especially as the is a possibility has just been proven i lower I new cars are hung considerably a ! $ by partji of forty men, women and 554 Broad Street than last year. children in twelve Premier touring Two distinct types are made, Model cars. This party made the trip from i JVetvark TRUCKS 27, a 4-cyllnder chassis, rated at 50- Atlantic City to Eos Angeles, more than an horsepower, and Model 28, a 6-cylinder I 4,700 miles, in thirty days, j chassis, rated at 60-horsepower. The j average of 1H3% miles a day. Every j 4-cyllnder car is in its seventh season, car was driven by its owner and there a while the 6-cyllnder is offered for the | was practically no mechanical trouble, i ! Let us reler you to second year. Only three springs were broken and j | several of the tires finished the trans- owners o! the MAIS A wide range Is offered the prospec- j j SELDEN tlve purchaser In the matter of body continental journey with the same air.; | j Made the INTERNAL GEAR S3 styles. The phaeton and the Berlin in them with which they started. Con- ! \ By of of des- I type of limousine and landaulet are sidering the hundreds miles of Them DRIVEN TRUCKS distinctly new types for 1912, but eacli ert and mountainous country traversed j style of body heretofore used has been this showing is remarkable. It fur- ! 1 modified to secure the very highest de- nishes conclusive proof that a trans- j continental is already a gree of style, comfort and refinement, j highway j THEO. T. MAXFIELD Notable among the body Improvements reality and that all that is needed is | are the removable front doors (opening i Improvement. j on cars the On 10 Senator Cullom, of 111 i- 261 Franklin Sf. on either side) all except ; August j AMERICAN in tlie United States : roadsters. Tills has been acomplished , nois. introduced a for the eon-- I In an Ingenious way, so that no sign of ; Senate bill providing j BLOOMFIELD, N. J, the hinges is visible when the doors struction of tile most extensive system , ■ =: ! of national highways ever proposed in are not used The five and seven- CARS s the of the world. His is passenger bodies are wider than Iasi ! history plan S3 the national the hub of year at the point wh< re the change gear to make capitol hand lever Is located. a great wheel from which radiates For the Few to AUTO BARGAINS I Discriminating The club roadster In follows i seven national highways. They are general ss terminate, ho proposes, in Portland, the lines of the handsome car of lhe| SLIGHTLY USED CARS as Me.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Seattle, Wash.; previous season. The front-door road-1 i San Francisco, Cal.; San Diego. Cal.; Runabouts, Touring Cars, Limousines, ster is of similar dimensions, but as l S Miami. are Landaulettes, Delivery Wagons a front but Austin, Tex., and Fla., and = the name Implies, has door, I and Roadsters to be as not of the removable type, which is called, respectively. Washington Roosevelt National rr not demanded In this style of car. National highway, $1£££5 up to $1,000 Motor Car Co. highway, Eineoln National highway, Jersey Model 28, the 6-cylinder 60-horse Never mind what car wan: J. fferson National highway, Monroe you power car, has a 134-lnch wheel buS‘ or how much have to invest, 228-230 St. National highway and Eee National you Halsey I 0 and 38-incli wheels with 4%-ineh front. ; we can till the bill. highway. surely 39x5-ineh rear, tires; otherwise In the | It Is estimated that these seven high- N. general mechanical and structural AUTO EXCHANGE, Newark, J. ways will cost about S148.000.000, and 1 as S3 make-up it Is substantially the same j j == Cullom's is to raise the i Renting--Open and closed cars. Tel. 615 Model 27, and all the Improvements Senator plan by issuing bonds to cover the made In the 4-eyllnder car nre also in- money | cost of actual construction. After the | corporated in the 1912 6-cylinder. The roads are built the plan is to maintain body has the some graceful contour j them by collecting tolls. and low-set straight-line effect as the I s elnn- I Model 27. The enlargement and == n gatlon of the body, however, tend to \ RACES AT GUTTENBERG. ALCO emphasize all these characteristic fea- F OR DI tures so that the car as a whole pre- Pleasure and Commercial Cars of events carded sents a most attractive appearance. In The program racing shows brief Model 28 is a large, powerful and ! for the Guttenberg track today i s luxurious car, with all the advantages that some excellent racing will be seen.
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