US 20030003212A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2003/0003212 A1 Chien et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 2, 2003 (54) TASTE MODIFIERS (22) Filed: Jun. 13, 2001 (75) Inventors: Mingjien Chien, West Chester, OH Publication Classification (US); Hans van Leersum, Cincinnati, OH (US); Alex Hausler, Cincinnati, (51) Int. Cl. ............................................. A23L 11236 OH (US) (52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 426/548 Correspondence Address: (57) ABSTRACT Beverly A. Lyman, Ph.D. Wood, Herron & Evans, L.L.P. The present invention discloses a method to modify the taste 2700 Carew Tower profile of consumables by adding esters of quinic acid and 441 Wine Street cinnamic acid derivatives. These esters, which belong to the Cincinnati, OH 45202-2917 (US) family of chlorogenic acids, may be Synthetic or may be extracted from a natural Source Such as a botanical. Chlo (73) Assignee: Givaudan SA, 5 Chemin De La Parfum- rogenic acid is added to consumables to mask bitter off erie, Vernier 1214 (CH) tastes or other displeasing tastes imparted by one or more natural, Synthetic or Semi-Synthetic components in the con (21) Appl. No.: 09/880,420 Sumable. Patent Application Publication Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 1 of 3 US 2003/0003212 A1 Quinic Acid R3 = R4 = R = H F.G. 1 Patent Application Publication Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 2 of 3 US 2003/0003212 A1 / & re-( )– 5 y s 2O2O CD-CDo 55nNSg-Sg 55 : 5M Patent Application Publication Jan. 2, 2003 Sheet 3 of 3 US 2003/0003212 A1 US 2003/0003212 A1 Jan. 2, 2003 TASTE MODIFIERS ables, or methods using Specific agents to mask unpleasant aftertastes in consumables containing artificial SweetenerS. FIELD OF THE INVENTION Additional compounds and methods to modify the many 0001. The invention relates to a process to modify the types of off-tastes and off-notes in the many varieties of taste profile of a consumable by adding esters of quinic and consumables are desired. cinnamic acid derivatives. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 0002 Various consumables, such as food products, bev 0008. The invention is directed to a method for modify erages, pharmaceuticals, etc. contain Substances which pro ing an off-taste of a consumable by adding chlorogenic acids vide bitter notes and adversely contribute to the overall to the consumable. The off-taste may be a metallic and/or flavor of the product. In many instances, the flavor quality of bitter taste, Such as occurs with consumption of products Such consumables would be improved by diminishing or containing artificial Sweeteners. The off-taste may be a removing the bitter notes, while at the same time preserving burning taste, Such as occurs with consumption of alcohols or enhancing the contribution made to the overall flavor by and carbonated products. The off-taste may be a beany, and/or aldehydic taste, Such as occurs with consumption of the non-bitter flavor components. products containing Soy. 0003) Non-nutritive Sweeteners, also called artificial Sweeteners, for example, Saccharine and aspartame, are only 0009 AS defined herein, chlorogenic acids are esters of one example of Substances that provide bitter notes. There trans-cinnamic acids and quinic acid, and may be mixtures fore consumables Such as beer, coffee, Soft drinks, desserts in this family. They may be extracted from natural Sources and pharmaceutical products that are Sweetened with non Such as botanicals, and/or may be Synthetic. nutritive SweetenerS may possess bitter flavors or after 0010. The amount of chlorogenic acids added to the flavors that are generally regarded as undesirable by many consumable is Sufficient to modify the off-taste, usually at a COSUCS. concentration from about 0.0001%YY to about 0.1%YY the 0004. Because of the prevalence and popularity of non consumable. nutritive Sweeteners in consumables, Several processes have been described for modifying the taste profile of consum 0011. In other embodiments, the invention is directed to ables that contain these non-nutritive Sweeteners. For a method for modifying a taste of a consumable containing example, U.S. Pat. No. 3,296,079 discloses the addition of an artificial Sweetener by adding chlorogenic acids, a 0.003% to 160% maltol to edible foodstuffs Sweetened with method for modifying a taste of a consumable containing an non-nutritive Sweetening agents to mask unpleasant after alcohol by adding chlorogenic acids, a method for modify tastes. U.S. Pat. No. 4,304,794 discloses the addition of ing a taste of a consumable containing a Soy product by aliphatic polyols to minimize the bitter aftertaste of 2,4,6, adding chlorogenic acids, and a method for modifying a 3'-tetrahydroxy4'-methoxydihydrochalcone. U.S. Pat. Nos. taste of a carbonated consumable by adding chlorogenic 4,758,438; 3,647,482; and 3,667,969 disclose that the bitter acids. aftertaste of saccharine is diminished by addition of the 0012. In yet another embodiment, the invention is proteins thaumatin and monellin, by addition of ribonucleo directed to a method for modifying Sweetness perception of Sides, ribonucleotides and their deoxy analogs, and by a consumable by adding chlorogenic acids. addition of D-galactose, respectively. U.S. Pat. No. 5,336, 513 discloses that certain derivatives of cinnamic acid and 0013 The invention is also directed to a consumable their salts inhibited the bitterness of consumable materials, containing an ingredient or component that imparts an Such as pharmaceutical preparations, foodstuffs and bever off-taste to the consumable, and chlorogenic acids in an ages that were Sweetened with the artificial Sweeteners amount to modify the off-taste. The ingredient or component Saccharine and aceSulfame K. imparting an the off-taste may be a non-nutritive Sweetener, 0005 Processes have also been described for modifying Soy or a Soy product, alcohol, and/or a carbonated ingredi a foodstuff or beverage by enhancing its SweetneSS charac ent. teristics. For example, U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,867,557 and 3,908, 0014. The invention is additionally directed to a Sweet 026 disclose that mixing or co-dissolving paramethoxycin ening composition for consumables, where the Sweetening narnaldehyde (PMCA) with other known natural or composition contains a non-nutritive Sweetener and from Synthetic Sweetening agents results in a composition having about 0.0001%YY to about 0.1%YY chlorogenic acids. enhanced Sweetness characteristics. These patents also dis close that PMCA enhances the flavor characteristics of 0015 These and other advantages of the invention will be Vanillin and instant coffee, while Suppressing their associ apparent from the following drawings, description, and ated bitterneSS. examples. 0006 Processes disclosed in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,924.017 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS and 3,916,028 show that salts of chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, cynarine, and their isomers induce Sweetness, and 0016 FIG. 1 shows the structure of quinic acid. impart a very pleasant, Sweet character to non-Sweet food Stuffs or to foods with very low Sweetness, Such as water and 0017 FIG. 2 shows examples of acids belonging to the milk. cinnamic acid family. 0007. The above-described references either disclose 0018) FIG. 3 shows the structure of 5-caffeoylquinic methods for enhancing or inducing SweetneSS in consum acid. US 2003/0003212 A1 Jan. 2, 2003 DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE product is in the range from about 0.0001%YYwiv to about INVENTION 0.1%YY. In another embodiment, the concentration of chlo rogenic acids in a carbonated product is in the range from 0019. The invention discloses the use of chlorogenic about 0.0005%WY to about 0.005%WY. acid, defined herein as esters of quinic acid and cinnamic acid derivatives, to modify or mask an off-taste in a con 0024. Besides modifying an off-taste, the esters of quinic Sumable. In the method, the esters of quinic acid and acid and cinnamic acid may also mask an off-taste by cinnamic acid derivatives are added to consumables to reducing its perception and/or enhancing an overall Sweet modify or mask bitter off-tastes or other displeasing tastes neSS perception. imparted by one or more natural, Synthetic or Semi-Synthetic 0025 AS used herein, the term consumable broadly components in the consumable. includes all products that are ingested. These encompass 0020. An off-taste may be imparted by a non-nutritive foods and beverages whether or not they provide nutritive (artificial) Sweetener. Off-tastes produced by non-nutritive value and in all forms, including forms requiring reconsti Sweeteners have been described as being metallic and/or tution; condiments, Sweeteners, nutraceuticals, gelatins, bitter. Non-nutritive Sweeteners are present in vast catego pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical gums, tablets, loz ries of consumables including, but not limited to, Soft drinks, enges, drops, emulsions, elixirs, Syrups, etc. dairy products, dessert products, Savory products, Salad dressings, Sauces, condiments, alcoholic beverages, confec 0026 Specifically, a mixture of esters of quinic acid and tions, gums, and medicaments. Examples of non-nutritive various cinnamic acid derivatives encompassing members Sweeteners include L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methyl ester of the family of chlorogenic acids are added to various (aspartame), Saccharine and Salts thereof, acesulfame Salts consumables to improve the taste or taste perception of the (e.g., aceSulfame K), cyclohexylsulfamic acid, dihydrochal consumable and/or to decrease off-tastes. The quinic and cones, Xylitol, neotame, Sucralose, alitame cyclamates, Ste cinnamic acid esters may be naturally occurring, Synthetic, Viol derivatives, and the like. In the inventive composition, or a combination of natural and Synthetic. the consumable contains an amount of chlorogenic acids 0027. The structure of quinic acid (IR-(1C,3C, 4C, 5(3)-1, sufficient to modify or mask the off-taste imparted by the 3, 4, 5 tetrahydroxy-cyclohexane carboxylic acid) is shown artificial Sweetener.
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