Khrushchoy Favours· Summit· Early in 1965, Lord Thomson

Khrushchoy Favours· Summit· Early in 1965, Lord Thomson

University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 8-16-1964 Kabul Times (August 16, 1964, vol. 3, no. 140) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (August 16, 1964, vol. 3, no. 140)" (1964). Kabul Times. 686. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. < -".- . - . ~- : ~ - "'-- '" ::-, , ....- ;'.;. ~ ~ - . ~". " -- --- . .' : . - .::.- - - -'..-.... '. " "".: -, '. '. ] -.." . , ,,'. ·PAGE 14 ~ '. KARVL TIMES AU9UST 15,' 1964 : . '- '. -, .~ ..' THE WEA'I'Hi;a .~ Pres.ident 'Segni#s' Home'News In Brief yesterdaY's 'femperatures Ka';tiI TImei' aT·all.... at:· . '" '.Khjbft.. BeldaIUdl; SpDDi Au~ MaX. +35°C. MinImum +15°C. -. - KAj3UL. 1'5 -MI. Idekl Sun p.m. ., "Hotel; JUbal B.l;· SJaU.e-. .. : . COndition W·Qrsens. sets tOday at uo ~ ~ar ~ :lla ·ak·l. th.e 11e\':' Ambassador of Sun rises tomorrow at 5,19 a.m. -' .Naw. ParS Cinema;KabUl '. _.. --....:: '.'.--:' . - . ~ International ·Airpe'n.·_ . RO:,r¢, Aug .15, lDPAf-The Japan at the COurt of!d Tomorrow's Outlook: Clear -._-. - l. nd!!lOn of. ItalIan Presiuent An- d COUlle<\' caIl on HI:' Roy,ll High· -Forecast by Ait Authority ~ ~-.,--~-'- ~.,,-'- __,_~-'-,---.....:~~..-'-'-:....-.:-.,.:.......:'-:-'-',-o---"'--'--~. --:----'-:'-:-.......;...:....:..~-,.--'--'-. to, 10 5egTIl, who sufrered~a stroke nes." :"",'}'d1 Shah \\'al1 Khan _ I = >, ...,1 \\·~ek. took a' sud:den' tU,rn Ghaz!. th,,' \'I~lOr of Kauul .'1 l KABUL, pUNDAY, AUGUST 16, t964. (ASAlY25, 1343....S.H:) ~~'--',.:. --'-~-~-::---:-:--...:...:.._~..c....,,..--~~~ :c! the I \\'.01 se last ri-uz;ht accorn- _ Pdehrrlctn on ThDl srl~!y rn0 J:ln~ I . _. __ __ .. VOL. m, NO. 140 ; . :n" . to 'a' I" te bul elln J:sued bv··. ... ~.~---',- . , ----,---- : .' --. !;.~ ·d.octors. .' t .KNBL'L .~u~· 15 -illn; '1"01'(: ~ " Tne ~e,\·s of Lhe ,3 year~ld \\ HO AdvbOI (,jJ Rq:donal PDol . I '. "uic;;m!m'S condnwn followed ai. Cll~ c•.1led O!l Pi ore-cor Dr ;.;.b· Khrushchoy Favours· Summit· lel' rcpa.ns e"rlter 'this week had t,auI Kan~um ,Ra,ool on Thursday, .!1d!c~.te~ d c nciln~ lneasure of nlODllnl. to Ol:-.CGS~ JH.-a!1h edt;ca- ; ,mp:ovcment . non an,d publicit~' In ~dioons. e.<;-' Early In 1965, Lord Thomson .,. Tj,£, ~ullE'l1n of Se;::m 5 three ~:~I;,1J:< in 1;"H'\:e:-lI.,'mng 'n-­ dt"c:n:,s lsald hIS temperi-tture \vas 1.llltlnn~ InterviewsSoviet'Premier· . LONDON, August, 16, (Reuter).- 39,5 'degrees~\as centigrade Tne pre- ~Ui: : -iden\ dozlllg 'and mtensive KABUL, 15-1\11 See:,,', 'BRUSIICBOV would lavour.a summit conference'early next l~'e.!lment \\'"s' being C<lrned o.ut AsS.t,;!·I11t Denn' of ttl' Colle~c' of .,< calletle1' by hIs condltJOn Theolo.~~' ga\'e a dmner K Ii .told Lord Thomson of Fleet, oWJler of Thomson f ~ I• b honour" of the .; PI ofes~ors of year, e Limited in an interview published in t~day's SUD- ,n ::.egm s a sence the dUlles' of Ptl'-!CCfn IS' being' dlsch· Iged by 'AI-Az~al Unj':er-i:y at Kahill' Newspapers ' , . : day Times. l'.!>a Ie :,!erz';lgora,' PTe:iJd2tU of 'HoteJ an 1'hur,d~y evenmg I. 1-, Sen<.te, The g,res:" lll~!lldc'd i.h -P~e' - , LoJ;d Thomson had. \l three­ hour talk with the SOV1et leader , Ident and officl;;l:, of Kabul 'n', '. while visiting the Virgin lands of IBaluch, Nati~ntlfists J . \·ersi:·. Deans.of 1:'nl\·eblt\· Col· ' .. CYj':prus f vei1t~ . iie2es ~1l1a Theolo:.!lc"l InS!I; t 10,,-. .. ",'. Kazakhs: 'j oillcIals .o[ thc :'I11nIstry of Edu· Fight Pak-Forces (tontd from page 1). c-atlOn and the Ch"rge d Aff3:n- -' {)n dfsar:mament, Khrushchov .~. - • : :i oioody i1 u Isance.~ . > of I hE' CAR.10.,!!·t11er \':: u: officlal- said: "if we make a disarmament ~.' .' . ~ emh;,,-~' ~rAR .,.t._ 'i agreement and a start is actually From· Mountain .' Al;oo General E.L;\1 Bums of' of t..e d",d the. C JI­ . .'. C,nada.Jhas. ~~id hE:re . hal ,S'ak-:rI tural' Centre . made on disarmament then Vie will allow free inspection as part KABlTI.,. Aug. 16.-A I'ep<'rt : TUHmIOjd. l;mted ·NatlOns·medla· < Tire foUl Profto~"or".()f AI.Azhar :0; on C.yprus. \I:as "more Optl- .University h(t\-p ,u..l..rn~ 10 ~~!h~l of the specific' programme, and from Southern occupied Pakhtun­ , close inspection too, so no one lstan s.ays that Mr. Abdul BaqL ,ilS ,C dow than he. \\as a \yeek under tlw p~o'Cl-<iGhs of lhe CLl]' -- cheats" I Baluch Il1 recent statements cri- ,,'!c.' abOUt finding a SO]UtIOt:l to· tll1a! Exclr'!D:.!(, 'Pm"rrtmme bet· ..I ·.\een Afghad~t;in and the Cr.,H) : hcised the PoliCY and attitude· of' · .e CY!'lru~ cnsls·.. He agreed that east-west rela- \ the government of Pak;s~aJ1 to General Burns, ,Canadian dele- I Ar,dj Repu;)tIC .j tions were better than a year ago. ward the people of Pakhtum~tan "ate V· cPoe 17.runion dIsarmament] . ---.- , and said USSR would like 1;tlj Mr. Baluch has also pubhsh:d. .":. <:onSerence' in Geneva and lepIe- j GHA.{:NI. Auk', }~ -\'1': ,\lu!'1 .. m· p~mphlet "W~at Prln;e ~ister' ~~.. Muhammad Yousuf is pictUred ~bile:.·~ receivini, provincial 're~ue .' ~ ~el\' withdraw from her commitments a titled IS Hap- commissione~ tb'~ Sa~?t ~ ser.tatn of the country prOVIding mud S!}anf. the gover.n;;; 01 .r • 'it yesteroay., - ..... ' : '- - -: .' .' . - . - - .. : in Laos and Southeast Asia pemng In BaluchIstan . .. '- , It. • d ' b'rr .est contingent in Gnaznl ProvInce al" !\ed In L>OJOC' , ' .. In the pamphlet, he has, des- ce~i~o . : ".e '<>;1; C: told this nt, tfle ,provincid1 t:"p:tal on Wed· r' ·SHA.R­ Sovi~ gov~rn­ '., ; OJ cle I~ y~ruSf 30 ,.nesday afteroon . The leader said the whole crioed the attitude Of the i.f~ J-epoq.ers ast nlg t a t~r --a - J ~·Ad.Qre"'Slng a n1~clt:n~ of ~oc<ll I basis under which the Soviet ment of Pakistan toward the peo.. Dr.Yd~·~~~j~~c~jves, .tiSSR.W~arp.s:it Willlli~lP?: ::.:,~ ~ m.l!1ute taJk WIth the Fmmsh me· officla'ls and ciuzel1s, he said t'l,·t ; I-N AIJ Union assumed co_chairmanship pIe of Pakhtunistan. : dlatrrr ! ! the governme.nt.;n conform.t' i PAR-I( with Britain of the 1954 Geneva It is learnt that. the document ' .. ~uomlr'a \\ as to Jeave Geneva, with. the deS-Ii e of H1S \laJe~t:, conference .whlch ended in what has caused deep concern t,) the P~?~inc!a~' ~Reveh(re' CyPr·Q.s rf-I~lartd~Islrrvaded/-·. '-:" ,. ;na~.\· fm \'lSIl.S to " Athens. An· I the Kmg, were dNermIncd 1-0 1m· ' ~~. was then French Indo-Chma "has government and the Pakistan au­ :,a",1 an~ NJ{'osla to try)o ·lay the pIemen! developnlenl projects d,', I 'R ER0 f LO«'. crumbled away". thonties have banned tt and· arc Commissioners . ..", ,.... .", ... L~NDON, AUgust; 16; (~utet).-· grC'und\'f.llrk for an ag.reed ,solu. I .signed to imp'ro\'e !inng condl' confiscating all copies, '. ,.' TH.,E ,SOViet U~on:h~ warned sl1~. was ready" to~lielp ~s. ~ tIon Soprces clQse ·to him saId. he tICns 'jn the pronnce He dec· I OHlc,e Another report says that a large '~UL, A~g. forei~..:powen.mva~ed. I When Lord Thomson asked "what party of Pakistan gendarmes has 1'0.-The'. provin- _ if tnedsland, and-said,'she. was .' \' ould :' ~:e a "~oJlectlOn of Ideas"· lard· thai SOCial JustIce ,'.W be \\\.Q.v.u' is your plan for a solution of the cial revenue commiSsioners .were ready to on.~he question of·.aSsist3.nce. -:- ­ cut.~nd.:clrted been deputed to capture :'Ilr. ra"her ,han an\·. \ maintamed hZ' all Dosslble means Cyprus problem?" Mr. Khrush­ received by. Dr. Mohammad You- . A gElvermD.ent~statement jssued .sion~ to maKe. it acceptable: 'ne\~ prn~'mcH~i Ali Mohammad, a Baluch nat;on· t, «'" i,The governor ask· chov replied "Get the British ahst, who. to~ethe.r With nat!ona' s,:"f. .th-e ~rime Min;ster. yester':' 0:( the offi.cial" news agency T'1SS _ '. ., .' .. i ed the' people. to extend theIr fuJI I 1 troops out of the island:' the lists of hiS tribe. have been carry­ day mornIng.. _. Jast_.'.night said it was·a reply". to Th'e UN'.. _m, edi··aor;t" .-S-",:··-dAan_ .c Infmihed sources m Geneva cooperatlon to the Government ., Sunday Times reported. I:ec~nt • jPreSld~l11 ., lIng on an active and vigc.rous Mf Rishhra, th '.M" - t f a. apIJei!J by . the·. govern- Tuomioja, :leaveS' . qeneva today . '" · :binf; :\lakarios of for aUamlng 'thIS lofty ide,1i ed el I campaign against the government. "':1' de. urh,s er c'l !pent 'of. CyPrus and . President for Athens' -Ankara and NiCosia.. C. ru' has lost a oC . Khrushchov express I' . uct- The Baluch nationalists are, Fmance ex!-Uame to t e Prune M k . f il't "d - - '.' .. Minister the results obtained 'from [' D ar~os' qr_~f!l .1 , ' .. It' was reliably Ie~ed.~ Geneva . h;- ,nfi~ence. Th-e.y think t~t· .·ltalian.Cemmunistt· ance .

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