University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 8-16-1964 Kabul Times (August 16, 1964, vol. 3, no. 140) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (August 16, 1964, vol. 3, no. 140)" (1964). Kabul Times. 686. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/686 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. < -".- . - . ~- : ~ - "'-- '" ::-, , ....- ;'.;. ~ ~ - . ~". " -- --- . .' : . - .::.- - - -'..-.... '. " "".: -, '. '. ] -.." . , ,,'. ·PAGE 14 ~ '. KARVL TIMES AU9UST 15,' 1964 : . '- '. -, .~ ..' THE WEA'I'Hi;a .~ Pres.ident 'Segni#s' Home'News In Brief yesterdaY's 'femperatures Ka';tiI TImei' aT·all.... at:· . '" '.Khjbft.. BeldaIUdl; SpDDi Au~ MaX. +35°C. MinImum +15°C. -. - KAj3UL. 1'5 -MI. Idekl Sun p.m. ., "Hotel; JUbal B.l;· SJaU.e-. .. : . COndition W·Qrsens. sets tOday at uo ~ ~ar ~ :lla ·ak·l. th.e 11e\':' Ambassador of Sun rises tomorrow at 5,19 a.m. -' .Naw. ParS Cinema;KabUl '. _.. --....:: '.'.--:' . - . ~ International ·Airpe'n.·_ . RO:,r¢, Aug .15, lDPAf-The Japan at the COurt of Kaoul.pa!d Tomorrow's Outlook: Clear -._-. - l. nd!!lOn of. ItalIan Presiuent An- d COUlle<\' caIl on HI:' Roy,ll High· -Forecast by Ait Authority ~ ~-.,--~-'- ~.,,-'- __,_~-'-,---.....:~~..-'-'-:....-.:-.,.:.......:'-:-'-',-o---"'--'--~. --:----'-:'-:-.......;...:....:..~-,.--'--'-. to, 10 5egTIl, who sufrered~a stroke nes." :"",'}'d1 Shah \\'al1 Khan _ I = >, ...,1 \\·~ek. took a' sud:den' tU,rn Ghaz!. th,,' \'I~lOr of Kauul .'1 l KABUL, pUNDAY, AUGUST 16, t964. (ASAlY25, 1343....S.H:) ~~'--',.:. --'-~-~-::---:-:--...:...:.._~..c....,,..--~~~ :c! the I \\'.01 se last ri-uz;ht accorn- _ Pdehrrlctn on ThDl srl~!y rn0 J:ln~ I . _. __ __ .. VOL. m, NO. 140 ; . :n" . to 'a' I" te bul elln J:sued bv··. ... ~.~---',- . , ----,---- : .' --. !;.~ ·d.octors. .' t .KNBL'L .~u~· 15 -illn; '1"01'(: ~ " Tne ~e,\·s of Lhe ,3 year~ld \\ HO AdvbOI (,jJ Rq:donal PDol . I '. "uic;;m!m'S condnwn followed ai. Cll~ c•.1led O!l Pi ore-cor Dr ;.;.b· Khrushchoy Favours· Summit· lel' rcpa.ns e"rlter 'this week had t,auI Kan~um ,Ra,ool on Thursday, .!1d!c~.te~ d c nciln~ lneasure of nlODllnl. to Ol:-.CGS~ JH.-a!1h edt;ca- ; ,mp:ovcment . non an,d publicit~' In ~dioons. e.<;-' Early In 1965, Lord Thomson .,. Tj,£, ~ullE'l1n of Se;::m 5 three ~:~I;,1J:< in 1;"H'\:e:-lI.,'mng 'n-­ dt"c:n:,s lsald hIS temperi-tture \vas 1.llltlnn~ InterviewsSoviet'Premier· . LONDON, August, 16, (Reuter).- 39,5 'degrees~\as centigrade Tne pre- ~Ui: : -iden\ dozlllg 'and mtensive KABUL, 15-1\11 See:,,', 'BRUSIICBOV would lavour.a summit conference'early next l~'e.!lment \\'"s' being C<lrned o.ut AsS.t,;!·I11t Denn' of ttl' Colle~c' of .,< calletle1' by hIs condltJOn Theolo.~~' ga\'e a dmner K Ii .told Lord Thomson of Fleet, oWJler of Thomson f ~ I• b honour" of the .; PI ofes~ors of year, e Limited in an interview published in t~day's SUD- ,n ::.egm s a sence the dUlles' of Ptl'-!CCfn IS' being' dlsch· Iged by 'AI-Az~al Unj':er-i:y at Kahill' Newspapers ' , . : day Times. l'.!>a Ie :,!erz';lgora,' PTe:iJd2tU of 'HoteJ an 1'hur,d~y evenmg I. 1-, Sen<.te, The g,res:" lll~!lldc'd i.h -P~e' - , LoJ;d Thomson had. \l three­ hour talk with the SOV1et leader , Ident and officl;;l:, of Kabul 'n', '. while visiting the Virgin lands of IBaluch, Nati~ntlfists J . \·ersi:·. Deans.of 1:'nl\·eblt\· Col· ' .. CYj':prus f vei1t~ . iie2es ~1l1a Theolo:.!lc"l InS!I; t 10,,-. .. ",'. Kazakhs: 'j oillcIals .o[ thc :'I11nIstry of Edu· Fight Pak-Forces (tontd from page 1). c-atlOn and the Ch"rge d Aff3:n- -' {)n dfsar:mament, Khrushchov .~. - • : :i oioody i1 u Isance.~ . > of I hE' CAR.10.,!!·t11er \':: u: officlal- said: "if we make a disarmament ~.' .' . ~ emh;,,-~' ~rAR .,.t._ 'i agreement and a start is actually From· Mountain .' Al;oo General E.L;\1 Bums of' of t..e d",d the. C JI­ . .'. C,nada.Jhas. ~~id hE:re . hal ,S'ak-:rI tural' Centre . made on disarmament then Vie will allow free inspection as part KABlTI.,. Aug. 16.-A I'ep<'rt : TUHmIOjd. l;mted ·NatlOns·medla· < Tire foUl Profto~"or".()f AI.Azhar :0; on C.yprus. \I:as "more Optl- .University h(t\-p ,u..l..rn~ 10 ~~!h~l of the specific' programme, and from Southern occupied Pakhtun­ , close inspection too, so no one lstan s.ays that Mr. Abdul BaqL ,ilS ,C dow than he. \\as a \yeek under tlw p~o'Cl-<iGhs of lhe CLl]' -- cheats" I Baluch Il1 recent statements cri- ,,'!c.' abOUt finding a SO]UtIOt:l to· tll1a! Exclr'!D:.!(, 'Pm"rrtmme bet· ..I ·.\een Afghad~t;in and the Cr.,H) : hcised the PoliCY and attitude· of' · .e CY!'lru~ cnsls·.. He agreed that east-west rela- \ the government of Pak;s~aJ1 to General Burns, ,Canadian dele- I Ar,dj Repu;)tIC .j tions were better than a year ago. ward the people of Pakhtum~tan "ate V· cPoe 17.runion dIsarmament] . ---.- , and said USSR would like 1;tlj Mr. Baluch has also pubhsh:d. .":. <:onSerence' in Geneva and lepIe- j GHA.{:NI. Auk', }~ -\'1': ,\lu!'1 .. m· p~mphlet "W~at Prln;e ~ister' ~~.. Muhammad Yousuf is pictUred ~bile:.·~ receivini, provincial 're~ue .' ~ ~el\' withdraw from her commitments a titled IS Hap- commissione~ tb'~ Sa~?t ~ ser.tatn of the country prOVIding mud S!}anf. the gover.n;;; 01 .r • 'it yesteroay., - ..... ' : '- - -: .' .' . - . - - .. : in Laos and Southeast Asia pemng In BaluchIstan . .. '- , It. • d ' b'rr .est contingent in Gnaznl ProvInce al" !\ed In L>OJOC' , ' .. In the pamphlet, he has, des- ce~i~o . : ".e '<>;1; C: told this nt, tfle ,provincid1 t:"p:tal on Wed· r' ·SHA.R­ Sovi~ gov~rn­ '., ..pe ; OJ cle I~ y~ruSf 30 ,.nesday afteroon . The leader said the whole crioed the attitude Of the i.f~ J-epoq.ers ast nlg t a t~r --a - J ~·Ad.Qre"'Slng a n1~clt:n~ of ~oc<ll I basis under which the Soviet ment of Pakistan toward the peo.. Dr.Yd~·~~~j~~c~jves, .tiSSR.W~arp.s:it Willlli~lP?: ::.:,~ ~ m.l!1ute taJk WIth the Fmmsh me· officla'ls and ciuzel1s, he said t'l,·t ; I-N AIJ Union assumed co_chairmanship pIe of Pakhtunistan. : dlatrrr ! ! the governme.nt.;n conform.t' i PAR-I( with Britain of the 1954 Geneva It is learnt that. the document ' .. ~uomlr'a \\ as to Jeave Geneva, with. the deS-Ii e of H1S \laJe~t:, conference .whlch ended in what has caused deep concern t,) the P~?~inc!a~' ~Reveh(re' CyPr·Q.s rf-I~lartd~Islrrvaded/-·. '-:" ,. ;na~.\· fm \'lSIl.S to " Athens. An· I the Kmg, were dNermIncd 1-0 1m· ' ~~. was then French Indo-Chma "has government and the Pakistan au­ :,a",1 an~ NJ{'osla to try)o ·lay the pIemen! developnlenl projects d,', I 'R ER0 f LO«'. crumbled away". thonties have banned tt and· arc Commissioners . ..", ,.... .", ... L~NDON, AUgust; 16; (~utet).-· grC'und\'f.llrk for an ag.reed ,solu. I .signed to imp'ro\'e !inng condl' confiscating all copies, '. ,.' TH.,E ,SOViet U~on:h~ warned sl1~. was ready" to~lielp ~s. ~ tIon Soprces clQse ·to him saId. he tICns 'jn the pronnce He dec· I OHlc,e Another report says that a large '~UL, A~g. forei~..:powen.mva~ed. I When Lord Thomson asked "what party of Pakistan gendarmes has 1'0.-The'. provin- _ if tnedsland, and-said,'she. was .' \' ould :' ~:e a "~oJlectlOn of Ideas"· lard· thai SOCial JustIce ,'.W be \\\.Q.v.u' is your plan for a solution of the cial revenue commiSsioners .were ready to begj.n.talkS.no:W on.~he question of·.aSsist3.nce. -:- ­ cut.~nd.:clrted been deputed to capture :'Ilr. ra"her ,han an\·. \ maintamed hZ' all Dosslble means Cyprus problem?" Mr. Khrush­ received by. Dr. Mohammad You- . A gElvermD.ent~statement jssued .sion~ to maKe. it acceptable: 'ne\~ prn~'mcH~i Ali Mohammad, a Baluch nat;on· t, «'" i,The governor ask· chov replied "Get the British ahst, who. to~ethe.r With nat!ona' s,:"f. .th-e ~rime Min;ster. yester':' 0:( the offi.cial" news agency T'1SS _ '. ., .' .. i ed the' people. to extend theIr fuJI I 1 troops out of the island:' the lists of hiS tribe. have been carry­ day mornIng.. _. Jast_.'.night said it was·a reply". to Th'e UN'.. _m, edi··aor;t" .-S-",:··-dAan_ .c Infmihed sources m Geneva cooperatlon to the Government ., Sunday Times reported. I:ec~nt • jPreSld~l11 ., lIng on an active and vigc.rous Mf Rishhra, th '.M" - t f a. apIJei!J by . the·. govern- Tuomioja, :leaveS' . qeneva today . '" · :binf; :\lakarios of for aUamlng 'thIS lofty ide,1i ed el I campaign against the government. "':1' de. urh,s er c'l !pent 'of. CyPrus and . President for Athens' -Ankara and NiCosia.. C. ru' has lost a great.deal oC . Khrushchov express I' . uct- The Baluch nationalists are, Fmance ex!-Uame to t e Prune M k . f il't "d - - '.' .. Minister the results obtained 'from [' D ar~os' qr_~f!l .1 ary:.ar: , ' .. It' was reliably Ie~ed.~ Geneva . h;- ,nfi~ence. Th-e.y think t~t· .·ltalian.Cemmunistt· ance .
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