![Catholics Hear Brunt of Castro's Reprisals](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
T-Catholics hear brunt of Castro'sreprisals ist rttle t'csulted in ncrv lutl llrge scalc losses of lillertr,, rvith thc (latholic Olrulclr bclling the hlunl of tlut Castlo tcgimc's Lcctirrrin:rtor'1, r'aitls. I'olicc and vigilarrte cournrit' lccs ot'ganizt'rl llv tlrt' g()\'r!t'ntrroltt. ninllc 1fil1,1's rlf arrt,sts llrrouglr- ottt lltc (iounlft,, l,jstirnalr:s oI the tttttttltcts prrl irr plison I'iln!l('(l in llrrt trrtrs o[ (lrotrslnrls. Arnonl', tlrr:nt rr,ls a[ least onc bi.sho1l. Ilitvana latlio stations stcppctl up "('as- thcir iuvcctivc urlaiust sockctl tltttgs." anrl trnc bloatlcast saitl 100 lrtit'sls tvelc alrcstt,rl. f)nc tl.S.-lrolrr Arr(trsliniirn arrrl trvo (lnnnrlian plicsts ol thc lror'. cigtt l\lissioil Sociotl' tl[ ()ucllcc wct'c kttou,tr to havtr bcerr st.iz,ctl, l'\rttt' ollrtr pricsts rr'o'e sirirl to havr: bccrt talicn <:aptit'c irlonA n,,'1,T5',51t"iL?,il: "' i;:i,ll;:.1,',:',:t lvc w ( ;, (!II" I cIA I' !^oywoooaRr Exlr!rr-s.r...r Fr.... or md.r. rlrrrr.u. w.rr,. d.n. !y srsr.r"".'ffi"frlliFiT;;ffi il"'il.1l."llil,iLl'i,j'i,:lt:llll r ::::*:$*$d6.Strfiilli'#,l'3''*'ryyt1'ry----: ilq;ff:ffi;iri AsKs uatholrc rmPetus """''' *-^ urrYv ''-","'iif''ll1-iiili'';"il:l'in globalunity drive T)f - , /1 ,I ^.Tl .-- $fi*$llffiruD^"- flantohonorL:ard.rffer$''I;jj*.:1,iT,'jhl."$j{-l;iliIll'lilJ,.,-l;l]l:]lililli*j'l:{l*,ii':lii.llT:}'.';:]'[;:'' iil",','.r]iird::.'-:':!!]i:jnul:l"l...llll;l.,-"i'J"?'$lxil,::ti::..i|i".ill.J'.:$ rrondxl.'r'hotirsi Ilu,sit'r-Li'",1'nli;ili- Itrish. Sr. 1l![ s (lilrch, Nr$, { I n'. HEwAs.oRNn||3lsl:rslhltrn.d|d\.\'\lhrn]h.$t{i(t{i||P|csnk'' Iispnr.nb,ItI.fndilrs,N.l{}'u"yrr"*,ii".l.',..;'l:..i.'*i;. ";:";,;,;:;:;-r,,;",:::;:;,""-. no$ttior,r,'ICTAL * $\i"ii,lniiilTiiiii*l'.Iilfilri}it..[f uril'.ljl,lii!!i,',,;,',q] .lf1-:|:..'"iliJ"jil^l*iJ;"',,.,.,"lilii,j'l.i,'ijii'I:ll.li".lili:i: bees t-,ounctl opcnirtg 'ii,]jt1:i'jj]t*li"ir,ri]:,::j','fii${"liiir;; $1fi;ri;ffig'yfu ii;;,","x",[]il,,,ii;,iillmth';;*q;p*itl;..;l...',lj:-i:i*,i']j, I f r A./ i-r DYautumn0IIYol-.;l-]"ii.ii:i"lll.i,li,'':]'.,',,*:'iix]l]]li;:.,lli].,ii'f:ll.',i];l;l;;,'ll| fot'sttt,t'csso[Cotrrrt.i|lIf,,il^ljIli,fii'llli:'$l*[ljll,:-:]:::-ili:ijiu;..l-:',l;;lll;fi#|l|] tho l,.,tt-rls, tut.r't'ics [.t'e'et' arrtl tla.,. )1.r. ,. rlr(, f,,,",iiil'",,iiili |t,r.s.*ailr.,,,,\..(.,.ar(, ,,*,,,,,i,'.i ',i',\',,r,',hrhr. '"r. rti"r. :i)l,,lilll'iir;ii]liiiJ\i::-ilil;i:ii i',,, ", r:e{.N liiiilll,]]fti,jii,,jl:1''"''*" ,, nii; iili;,.,;r;.i|l, r roD'rifrn{ -rr' ',...:jlLl'll:. ll.i:'..i'lllll':ll','l'j'Il h 'hc \Li{k or ilil*,il,r'n r"r $\'or ruif. 'il ;lii;;;.;"i.i;i;iii;"ii;."iiiilfii:$j;"'i*;.'d"i::;:#..l.ii.jlil:l.li=.lll.'*iii.*.'i$ni[${'xflnil.itl,llil:'{*iuil'";$*i+*$;,4i,'ffitrronr.Gil an abtrndtr'n blcsshrg *ii;*ffi;T*1,:::,,',,,il,,W. d.3i. l;llimri*u** lrq,tti}ill*ffi :::iiJ.!':.i.:i!]:lii]ilifii;;i***:l*lii*].ij,.l.,i'jli,'',*i,*'i;ii..;;'-....*:,':.-.w ii{ii\iiHi[:$IlIi1il|i,."{""i}{'Il,iirri:|tIIl,f11ll|;1l;*i.;ill;ll;,,].]i.l]jli|,-::l.,::l,f',i1-d,,iliI;;,i,':;;;;;.;;, i;ll;r;l.';t,ill".l'ili:ii'''''n:jli:.:ilT"iillili:illlfiilil1i;jii..ll.'"il.:ll.ihii,'li:lllr*l .,**i;'*,*.**i'n*;f[ii",iii{'{ilfl\i'i":,$:$,*,iliii-il'[*iiili llltit-litt$iii]1{- g'f m'"'mirirr"ii*.iji; i*. *ii,*,:ll*l;jlifd i:::.,;li"i;^,tlil,;;*f$"!il,ji:illjil rnrrntl s College. \\'arc. llrtgland, r''r" rr"l< '" '""iiii,'fr'"i" r'<litor ol tlre t'lcrgl llcritrr', ttrg' etl clost'to 200 pliests al tltc \ ('lll l)rit) cfs anrl s*cr' l,'il,t\i'"tl] ol)tillnobl[rr grnc!gracc (]tttrncil." !nditntl lllt'-ssittgblcssll( ftrrrtrhln thc to tltc prcss rct)l'csonteltVts lllirt D0orrlt,ol Norr'\'.r'L.Srrir,-rtir.o. \Yhrt, silr xlad o\pcck(im, lve opwilril{: and aurrurilrr ro cltrr(hs itr$irdionr. nr orrecr rranr. ll;;" iji,,; i" ll THE CRtTERtON, APRTL ?8, t96l PAGE THREE Pope on uocations-Recialtyranny-Target of Reds = THE VATICAN nakulartr and Falhers Jacob nrdrrliilg thc holtling of a sccontl havc donc thcir tnost rcpre- poprrlation eortfcrencc in Kollrprrampil antl Jacob Velllan rlolld hcnsiblc besl kr besmirch thc fair I Pricsts thenrselIcs nrust crt- of lhc Dioccsr-' of KottflJ'alll. lJoth 100.t or 1$65. imagc of Anrcrica in the cyes of (rourage vocittions to Iltrr pt'icst- sccs iu'c in sottllrt'trt Intlia' lillcrty-loving hood in n rvollrl l'ltcrc the beauty nrcn cvcrylhere." 'I'he of thc idcnl o[ follos'ing Cltt'ist | Iloly !'ittht't' tolrl Eitslcrn ABROAD is ol scuterl, Pope John XXI | | Ilito sonrin:rrinns his rvish for "tha tolrl 300 scntittitt'y (lircctol's at- theln is for' tcntlcrness of tending thc fii'st ltlli:rn Congrcss ltrvid lntl thc rvisdom o{ Solo- on I'rlcations. lIe sititl thrt lron"-l rvislt cxptcsscd lot' hint "lrliests in clt:tt'gc of sortls ntttst )'rrrls &go by an Olthodox ntonk. strive lo plant in the sotrls tlf thtl Calling his oncountcr tvith tlte irithful, and particularlt' in thosr: Oltlrodox ttlr)nh onc hc had nevcr of ihc nrost scnsitive nnd gettrrt'- ftn'gottcn, tlre l)opc sttid it hap' An- ()us oltcs, a von' lrigh ronccpt of pcncrl rvltilc*-'ns i\r'clrbisltop gt'lo pct'sonitl tlre priestll, rlignity and tttissiotr." Iloncalli, r(!plesen- 'fhe rvas [)ontiff ltotod thilt t'otlatiotts litl ir t rrI I'opc I)itts lN-lte gt'eat by tllc on a hikitrg tlilr ovct' thc are tliscoulaAerl today "Wc "plL.ellrincnce o{ tcchnicnl nnd Rnlkiln rangc in Ilulgitt'ia. thosc scionlific factols" and a pt'css rnct it pool' tttottk, ottt' of :rntl cntcltninmcnl urctlil thnt sre nronks n'ho rvander ft'orn ntonas- "oftt'u clllDt)' tnd sultct'liciitl ttr.I' lo monastcr'.v. IIo canre gt't'at (:olrlposllr{'r, rvltr'n not trptnll' pet'ttit'iotts attd torvurd tls rvitlt " !1i cor.rupting. ;rnrl lcurning Ottt' natrte nnd Ollr as l'clll'L'scntativc of the ,1t,1ry,i',r.;.ffi,t rnissiott f : -'ir:iir1.i:'i1':.1r'[email protected];:::tA i'opo look Ottr hands antl in . LONG pholo proof AT LAST-Thig ir visual that tha long'delayed Sl. Luke's parish in Meridian Hills lhc irct of kissing tltt'm <lctorttly, 'Oh, ir finally under conofrucllon. Ground wor broken for tho first building lasf week, Thal,r Falher paul hc rvlrispr:t'r.tl lltc rvislt, rcp- J. Courlney on the righl, Sl. Luka'r prtlor rnd arsociele edilor of The lcsentittiva ol' tlrc Popc, my lvish Crilorion, who assumeg lhe wor. parish is that yotr ltitve' th(: lL\n(lcrncss rier of a huge indeblednesr. Checking lhe blueprint is Leonrrd Brandt, construclion supervisor oI l)avirl anrl the rvistlottt oI Solo. for F. A. Wllhelm, general conlroclor. Tho cchool will be compleled in time to enroll ils first pupils ltonl" next Seplember. AT HOME siiy prolcssors. It is one of 2{ plivatc univcr.sitiesin lhe coun. tIy. a Clllt-i\(lO-'['lte' Nllionll Con- fclencc of Oatlrolic (lhalities has ulgcrl that childlctr o[ uncnr. "('.\'c I ll's llccn u liing.size ,I\CTIIV' 'l'hirl's OI'' RESfr:ARC oltr'nrl'." hol crlitor Jaime U Fonsecr atlrls up tlrc. accotuplish. nrt'nts of Noticias (-'allrolicas, Sgrtttislt lrttl I'ot'lrrgut'st' r.rliliorrs ol N(i Ncls Sclvicr', rvhich ryill tnnr'lr i{s :l0tll l)ifth(lil.v Nlal' :1. "'['lrc feast intclcst Philomena's in frosh, Why u,olltlrvitlc Crtt ltolic llrt\t's \\'ls pl'(!scn{ irr (,\'(\ry so('ti()n of l.:rtitr Arncrit:a." 'l\rrlirv l\lr'- l,'0nscc;r sl;rlcrl. Noli, cias (l;rllrolir';rs cvet)' rvrek wasdropped by Church It'!rchcs :it) luillion |ciltlt'r's lrnrl lislcttlrs irr l,ltirr Atllr'rl('il, lhlou{lr lirl orrllt.ls--(l;rtlrolit: arrrl By JAMES C. O'NEILL to tltc liftlt t:t'nttrt'1'. Nollting is lo lxr r.trshtittcd:ts t't'lics of tltc set'ttlilf rllrilir's :rnrl rvcr'lilics. irnrl 'l'lre knos'n oi this saint except ltcl t'tr'll' rtror't)'r's. So great rlitl tltc r';rrlio stalions. scllicc lrls - \i..\l'1c..\N ct'f\' I'hilo- narnc. llcr lrast is Julr' 5. ittvasion of tlrc t:alitt:tttttlrs lte- lrrtill rrp ;r sllirrg t)l :il-)(:ol'l.espotr([. rntrlt:t. r|lto has bLron vcu(.t'- As lbl tltc Ihilrtntcnr rvlrost: comr tlutt in thc liltlt cctttttry t'nts anrt :l{) Iioy c(}lltitcls antl con- (lrcgot')' lrtccl l'ol lhc p:rsl. 150 vclls ft'ast lras [rt'cn elttcclk'rl, slte I'opc lN ortlclt:rl tltt'tu srrltatrls. pllt't'tl ils lu carl.r' r'irgin rnalt.yl filst carnr to ligltt in 11i02 rvhcrt rrntlcr' :r spcciitl cottttttis. i ATi.Ai,lTA --. ,\ ,tcsriil plic.r{ lucl n'hosc fclrst u as lcccnt- il cl'l'1rt in tht-. cataconrbs of St. sirlrt atrtl rltrelectl tii.rt lhc l'rltg- Iurs t,lrlr'!i.rl S()utllcrn rncnts talten ftorn lltertt lrt'ltlitt't'tl politicll l1' stlickctt flonr thc litur'11ical I'r'i.scilla rvas tliscovt'r'crl.
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