••••• MUIM mi. 10TI MB.. KtepYtmrUhdOm There Art Better Yimr Driving AU Buy* In Belmar THE COAST ADVERTISER Your Kft O* fit Otfi»UJimmV*r For Belmar, 3M* Idlwar, Wttt Tomukip, 3priwg Ukt flssjMs. Sixty-Ninth Year No. 6 — 8 Page* BELMAR, NEW J188HY, THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1962 Sevan Grata Cleanup In Wall Realtors'Week Settle Damage To Sherman Heads Heights YFW Post Probing $3,000 Army ManToBe Heights Grants Opening Sunday Bankers' Group WoH Burglary Belmar members of the Richard K. Sherman asala- Wall Township police are Taxes Facilities Monmouth County Board of Beach For $6,000 Unt cashier of Selmar-Wall Installs Officers continuing their Investigation Scout Executive Final Approval Realtors will participate In National Bank In obaige *t of the theft of 13,000 from the observance of Realtor the Manasquan arete Perkins Pancake House in Road Chairman Report Week, starting Sunday and Belmar Action Develop PI as a Branch, was *l*o- Kelly, State Legislative Route 88, early Monday mom Retiring Major Appoin- To Apartments continuing through May J« ed From Boat Col- ted president of Monmouth Officer, Becomes Ing. ted For Area From All Materials Will The week has been set aside Chapter, Amertoan In- Police Chief Walter Wltte Be Picked Up as part of the nation-wide ob lision At Sea Pott Commander reported the theft was dlscov Deal To Brielle Council Adopts Adjust- servanoe sponsored by the ered by Sergeant John Downs Commltteeman Walter Lu National Association of Real Belmar has settled to I LAKE HH3OHTB- and Patrolman James Mo- OAKHUR8T — Appointment ment Board's OK On kowlta, chairman of the Wai Estate Boards. 18.000 claims against two bba Newly elected officers of Spr- Cann while they were making of Major Oeorge P. Bett Garden Type ,i Township road committee, to owners for damages causei ing Lake Heights Post No. a routine check of the rest- USA, (ret.) a* district scout day reported the departmen Mayor Peter Maclearle has to the beachfront by oil afte: 1716. Veterans of Foreign aurant about 6:30 A. M. The executive tor the area from Issued a proclamation deslg SPRING LAKH HEIOHTS-. ha» been overwhelmed with a collision of the vessels in Wars of the United States, chief said the break into the Deal to Brielle has been an Final action, barring any the additional service It has natlng the May 30-26 period 195*. The settlement was ap- were Installed by Paat Com- restaurant was through a rear nounoed by Monmouth County as Realtor Week and urging legal proceeding*, to permit, bad to provide (or pickup of proved by the Borough Com mander David S. Lawrle ol window. The money was tak Council, Boy Scouts of Amer erection of garden apart- refuse and trash during the all dtlsens to Join hi the ob mission In a special meeting Post No 4*1, Newark at a din en from a cash box In an of servanoe. In the proclamation ments waa taken by Mayo* cleanup period. Tuesday night. ner meeting Saturday night at flee In the basement, which Joseph E. Robertson and UN Mayor Maclearle paid tribute A few days after the colll.iioi Larry's Colonial Restaurant. had been ransacked. to the realtors for their ac Borough Council Monday Mr. Lukowtti said he hai near Ambrose Lightship of Manasquan. Past Monmouth night. The council, on a M been advised by Mrs. Irma K Uve Interest In civic and bus the tankers, one owned by County Commander Wilbur lneas affairs. vote, adopted a recommenda- Stanley, township clerk, tha Texaco, Inc., and the othei Ekkman of Neptune assisted tion of Ihi- Board of AdJus*- township trucks bad picked the Seven Skies, operated by In the Installation. Junior Vice LITTLE LEAGUE ment that a building permit up 86 loads of cleanup trash Mrs. Lllyan B. Connelly, County Commander Charles president of Connelly-Bergen, Rederelt, June 36. 1M». the be Issued for the apartment the first week and 84 loadi beaches along the North Jer Norman ar., brought greet- project In Allaire road. last week. The cleanup cam Inc., of Belmar la treasurer sey Coast were covered with ings of Monmouth County OPENING SEASON paign Is being continued thr of the Monmouth County Two members of the council heavy oil. Crews had to be Council, VPW. did not vote. Councilman. ough June 4. with collections Board of Realtors and Wil- put to work to cleanup am toeing made at the curb eachliam C. Longatreet of Spring Cornelius V. Kelly of 803 Robert McKmght abstained bury the mess. Bathers deser Parade Saturday Before and Councilman p. Jameer Monday of articles placed ou Lake Is president. ted the beaches. Ocean road, state legislative Sunday night. ,officer, was Installed as post First Games At Reid Masella Jr.. disqualified him- Other Belmar members are The municipalities along the self. Russell H. Astley, Mrs. Cyn- commander, Vincent J. Kel In Wall Township .Mr.Lukowltasald the truck coast started civil actions RICHARD K. SHERMAN , say as senior vice commander The council's action follow-' may have missed some places thia M. Peder, and John N. against the owners of the ves and Felix O. Porlensa as Jun- ed another hearing on the pro-' because of the large quanlt Oarrabrandt. : sets. Besides Belmar, suits stltute of Banking, at its 38th ior vice commander. Others Belmar-Wall Little League posed apartment project, at-! ies which had to be collected were started by Asbury Park annual dinner May 8 at Val Installed are; James J. Com- will open Its 1M3 season Sat- though public hearings had' He urged that residents be Bradley Beach, Long Branch Ernie's Sea Girt Inn. mons, Judge advocate; Bam urday with more than 300 previously been held by thai. patient, adding everything Deal and the Loch Arbor Mr. Sherman Joined the Bel- uel Cottrell, chaplain; Earl E. boys enrolled In the baseball council on the toning change put out will be picked up be- Beach Club. Nathan Baker o mar Wall Bank staff in >*•», Clark, surgeon and Joseph J program. for the area In which tta fore the end of the cleanup Hoboken represented Belmar He has taken courses of the Miller, patriotic Instructor garden apartmente will too and some of the other munlci American Institute of Sink- The opening day festivities period. Kr. Kelly will also serve as will include a parade and a MAJOR GEORGE P. BETT built and on the plan* aaoT New Department paliUes. ing. post service officer and legls variance requeat before the In former years the clean couple of abbreviated double- Belmar's suit was for Uu Mr. Sherman, son of. Mr. lative officer. Mr. Kelsey will headers at the Little League lea. He will take up hie duties Board of Adjustment. up period usually ran for one recovery of $58,448. Include! and Mrs. Letter B. Sherman serve as public relations of about July -. The garden apartment area to two weeks. Several weeks Field near the Marconi road Whalen Calls For En- In that was f3,«M for out-of of S10 10th avenue, pelmar, llcer. Trustees Installed are; gate of Evans Signal Labor' MaJ. Bett formerly was sta- (Continued from Pag* 4) ago, however, Mr. Lukowits pocket expenses to cover the is serving as mastof Immediate Past Commander tioned at Fort Monmouth and suggested that starting with atory in Wall Township. On gineering Division cost of the beachfront'dei Ocean Lodge 89. P. * Alvin Allen, for three years; hand to throw out the first made bis home In Shrews April 10. the cleanup time be up, 85,750 estimated a* the M,, Belmar. He la a i Past Quartermaster Woodrow bury. He la now stationed In Blalock Family extended for five to six weeks In Wall Township balls will be Mayor Peter Ma- loss of revenue from bathing daughters Linda and Katn- clearle of Belmar, Mayor Le- Heidelberg, Germany. to give householders more facilities and S50.000 for loss ryn, live at 1401 Wart < Elmer, for years, and Presented Fund Patrick M. Whalen, roy P. Walling of south Bel- time to clean op the debris of good will. Bayshore Court, Wall ' Prank Martlnangelo, for one MaJ. Bett, while stationed A fund of SlU voluntarily and other materials accum cratlc candidate for the ship. year. Mr. Allen waa elected mar and Mayor Richard J. at Port Monmouth, served aa Township Committee in Hlnck of Wall Township. subscribed by friend* and ulated ever the Winter and ((quartermaster and was ap sooutmaitor of Troop SO. spon- others following the death of' from the March 6-1 storm November election, I pointed post adjutant. sored by the Preabytarlao night attacked 'the The parade will organise at 7-year-old Linda Blalook In a The trucks have been loaded * PROCLAMATION Men's Club of Shrewsbury. He railroad grade oroesmg aooK with trash, brush, tree limbs tee's action in moving to Funeral Service WHEREAS, the Mr. Kelly also announced F street and sixth avenue In later was Explorer advisor ate a new Department of appointment of Mr. For- Belmar and get under way at dant waa presented to the lit- and other materials. MOUTH OOteMtT . it cabinet advisor In tle girl's family Monday. Tha He Works. He spoke bi OP REALTORS la i as 1M3 Buddy Poppy 13 Noon. The Wall High School the Red Bank area. Soout the Wall Democratic Club in The port also has Band win lead the marchers, fund waa donated by panona For Oscar I. Lake Ing Realtor W« Troop SS. under hi* leader- who pitched in on learning of HEIGHTS PUPILS Mechanics Hall, Glendola.
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