BISHOP’S CASTLE NEWS A T M I 63 2 TRINITY HOSPITAL CLUN The Trustees of Trinity Hospit l, Clun would like to he r from peo- ple in housing need over 55 ye rs of ge nd living within the re comprising the former -ordships of Clun nd .ishop/s C stle nd the 0 rishes of 1nighton nd Churchstoke who re interested in liv- ing t Trinity Hospit l. 2 one bedroom ground floor properties which re situ ted in the 4u dr ngle re v il ble. The properties h ve centr l he ting nd n l rm system. 0reference will be given to those in housing need who h ve lived in the re for t le st 5 ye rs. 5or further det ils ple se cont ct the Clerk to the Trustees, 6 net 7oodroffe t 0et n, 7ist nstow, Cr ven Arms, S97 8DG Tel. No. 01588 672303 3 News from the Community - nd Trust More affordable housing for Bishops Castle . The Trust h s greed to purch se the Methodist Church, to convert it into sever l homes for loc l people. The s le will be completed once pl nning permission for its ch nge of use h s been secured. 0 rt of the leg cy left to the Trust by the l te .ill . inbridge will be used to help fin nce the scheme. In the coming weeks the Trust will be consulting with its members, nd the community, over the type of housing to be offered. The former Stars Newsagent at 70 Church Street This building h s been empty for sever l ye rs, nd is showing incre sing signs of neglect nd dec y. .locked gutters nd rotten window fr mes re llowing r inw ter to penetr te the structure, nd the hood with its le d coping over the front door is coming w y from the f c de. The Trust h s ppro ched both the Town Council nd Councillor 6onny 1eeley, sking them to re4uest th t Shropshire Council use its powers under the Town nd Country 0l nning Act of 1990, to compel the owners to m ke rep irs to the structure. If you re concerned bout this, ple se write to the Town Council to show your support for the efforts being m de to improve m tters. £2,000 gift to the Trust The Trust h s recently received leg cy of C2,000, left to it in the 7ill of one of our former sh reholders. D7e re very gr teful for this generous gift, nd will put it tow rds the cost of the new Methodist Church proEectD, s id 6on th n .rown, Comp ny Secret ry . A “Adopting siblings gave us the BF’ CH big family we both wanted” Shropshire Council nd Telford M TI CJK 7rekin CouncilGs 6oint Adoption 5ull Council meetings t ke Service helps find f milies for p l ce usu lly on the 3rd dozens of children every year and Tuesd y of e ch monthL is currently looking for more loving homes for young children. All meetings are held in Adopting siblings can be hard work the Town Hall and com- to begin with… but as Shropshire- mence at 7.30pm. Mem- based Leil P can vouch, it can also bers of the public are most give someone the f mily life they welcome to attend. want. There is a specific point in Leila said: Q7hen we decided to each agenda that look into adoption, siblings were on members of the public our mind as both John* and I are may speak. Should you from big f milies and we wanted have an issue you would one for ourselves. I was thinking it like to bring to the might be two children – but we Council’s attention or actually got three boys. something you would like QThat was am Ning - and it has to discuss, please let the definitely proven to be the best Clerk know beforehand thing we’ve ever done.R that you would like to speak and the subject The couple had alre dy tried to matter so that we can start their own family, as Leila prepare. explains: Q7hen we first got together we discussed having our own children. John had been married previously, so I was already stepmother to his four children. 5 Q.ut fter trying couple of unsuccessful cycles of IT5 we decided we couldnGt go through this emotion lly nymore, nd st rted thinking bout doption… but we were still bit pprehensive bout pplying. QThen we saw TT document ry bout two little boys who couldnGt be pl ced together nd th t Eust reson ted with us. So, fter lot of discus- sion, we fin lly m de th t call. 7e followed th t up by ttending n inform tion event where you could t lk to others who h d been in our situ tion s well s to profession ls. Th tGs when the process st rted in e rnest. QIn terms of the process, yes it can feel inv sive t times, which you would eSpect. Our soci l worker -ucy knows more bout me th n my best friend does! QShe came to our home once week for bout siS weeks nd we built such r pport th t I liked nd trusted her tot lly nd so I could be honest bout every spect of my life even the bits th t I m y h ve been bit emb rr ssed bout. I think lot of people re concerned th t they will be Eudged – I can remember for her first visit being worried bout the biscuits I g ve her or wh t te towel to use – I neednGt h ve worried -ucy didnGt Eudge us t llR. Initi lly -eil nd John w nted to dopt two children, but h d lw ys said th t they would consider three. Q.ecause -ucy knew so much bout us she m tched us with sibling group of three nd it w s brilli nt m tch. QThey re my children – they Eust didnGt come from my body. .ut th t con- nection is there. QI often he rd friends say th t overwhelming love comes immedi tely on becoming p rents. 7ith my three it took little longer - but I didnGt push it nd I can say wholehe rtedly it is there now. They re my boys, nd I love them unreservedly.R -eil said. A m Eor concern for the couple w s how JohnGs own children would t ke to the new dditions in their lives. Q7e neednGt h ve worriedVR says -eil . QThey view them s their younger brothers; nd, s they re older, they t ke them out, fill them with sug r, eSh ust them nd le ve them b ck with us. The boys re their siblings in the same w y s they re our children.R As she eSpl ins though, it w s not ll Q.r dy bunchR from the first mo- ment. QThere were problems t first with the older boy s he w s ne rly four nd he found it ll bit bewildering. .ut when you dopt the support doesnGt stop – nd the te m were re lly helpful, then nd since.R 6 And -eil Gs dvice to nyone thinking bout doptingX QI would say to nyone thinking of doptionL YEust do it – m ke th t callG. Go into it with n open mind nd f ctor in little wiggle room in terms of wh t you re looking for. .e open with your soci l worker so they can give you the best m tch – both for you nd your new f mily. Q0eople sk how I m n ge h ving three children under five. My nswer is th t you h ve to be org nised, s you would with ny f mily of th t siNe, but not to worry bout things like ironing or housework. Once I h d the three boys I stopped ironing nything other th n school uni- forms! Q5in lly, donGt be h rd on yourselfL give yourself time when you need bre k. .ut believe me, this will be the best thing you will ever do. It cer- t inly w s for us – so much so we re currently in the process of dopt- ing our fourth – so why not m ke th t callXR Shropshire Council nd Telford M 7rekin CouncilGs Joint Adoption Ser- vice h s n eScellent tr ck record of finding loving homes for children. If you re interested in doption, why not visit our website t www.roominyourhe rtfor doption.co.uk, em il us t dop- tionZontr cagency.com or call us on 0800 783 8798. P-eil nd John re pseudonyms. Cut off d tes for the News letter If you wish ny rticle to ppe r in the Newsletter these re the cut off d tes for the inclusion in the following monthGs Newsletter. 13th M y 2019 12th July 2019 There re two very well pl nted nd colourful flower beds in the 0l ying 5ields ( n or nge nd purple themed one ne r the entr nce rch nd the l rger purple nd white bed with its own se ting re ). These re much ppreci ted by people who w lk through the p rk, but can you sp re ny time to help with keeping them tidy X Just n hour or so should be enough.
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