� ' Gibbs photo! THE FINAL JOURNEY: The casket bearing the remains of the Clarendon, yesterday, viewed by a large group of onlookers on either former JLP Member of Parliament and Minister of Education, the side of the street. The two pallbearers at the front are Mr. Len Kirby Hon. Edwin Allen O.J. being borne to the cemetery in Frankfield, M,.P., on the left, and Mr. Clifton Stone M.P., on the right. Simple, rural funeral for Edwin Allen Clarendon consriruency yesterday, after an Thou�.ind� ot people p.i«kcd 1hr ,m.111. unpr<.' Fonner Jamaica Labour Party (Jl P) P.irlia­ official funeral service atrcnded principally by ICIHIOll� \,1m1 Bartholotnl'\.\'s ( hurd1 '" rra11kt1cld. mentarian and Minister of Education, the the Governor-General, rhc Most Hon. Sir Cl 1rendon, ,rnd <" crtlnwc d 1ntr> rhc rock 1. Hon. Fdwin Leopold Allen 0.J., was huned florizel Glasspole, and the Prime Minister, in a simple cemetery in his old North-West the Rt. Hon. Edward Seag.�. t \ '· ,j.'.,;, I . .,,-'� .�, ., eager schoolchildren (Cont'd from Page I) etht: best possible op­ Working His Purpose hilly terrain of the portunities for educating Our", followed by the from over-running the churchyard for the cere- the children of the poor, National Anthem. cemetery; and many people had tO climb mony which lasted some coincided with the prin­ The· casket, draped two hours. ciples of the political with the Jamaican Flag, trees tO get a last look at the casket. t A huge crowd lined party of which he was a was borne from the Other mourners at­ • the narrow, winding . member, and all his life church by six members streets of the rural rown had been . lived with a of the Jamaica Consta­ tending the service in­ cluded; rhe Hon. J.A.G. ·' leading to the �hurch's determined eye on that bulary Force. Depury � unelaborate cemetery goal: ·the betterment of Prime Minister' Shearer; Smith, the Hon. Dr.Ma­ : where the "Elder States- community life through the Member of Parlie­ vis Gilmour, the ·Hon. : Alva Ross,· the Hon Ne­ · • man" of local politics the, spread of knowl- mant · for North-East ville Lewis, rhe Hon. 1 and champion of equali- edge, the Prime Minister Manches.rer, Mr. Len , ty in Education was laid said in his tribute. Kirby; Mr. Clifton Stone Bruce Golding, the Hon. Douglas Vaz, the Hon. : : to rest in a sn1all, honie· The service opened M.P., and the Hon. Dr. Peamel Charles, the '. ly grave under the du ti- with the singing of the Neville Gallimore, Min­ ful eyes . of Prime hymn, "Pleasant Are ister o( State for Foreign Hon. Edmund Bartlett, , Minister:Seaga and Dep- Thy Courts Above". Affairs, assisted in bear­ the Hon. Karl Samuda, : uty Prime Minister, the This was followed by. ing the casket up the the Hon. Enid Bennett, Rt. Hon. Hugh Shearer, the .reading of the first slopes t0 rhe bu rial site the Hqn. Mike Henry, dozens of current and Lesson, ·which was raken in the hilly countryside. the Hon. Marco Brown, · former Parliamentarians fr om Ecclesiasticus Ar the graveside, rhe the- Hon Mike Henry. and well wishers, as well Chapter 44, by the cur­ "Last Post" was sounded Mrs. Joan Webley, as hundreds of children rent Member of Parlia­ and the hymns, "Hark, Mr. Ryan Peralco, Mr. who eluded the Police m e n t f o r t h e Hark My Soul", "The Audley Woodhouse, to invade the graveside constituency, Mr. Clif­ King of Love My Shep­ Mr. Derrick Smith, Mr. to say their last farewell. ton Stone 0.D. The sec- herd Is", "How Sweet Wylie Hastings, Mr. Prime Minister Seaga ond Lesson was read by the Sound of Jesus Russell Hammond, Mr. in his eulogy to the man Dr. Keith Allen, a neph­ Sounds", and "Sun of Anthony Golding, Mr. who was his adviser on . cw; and this was fol­ My Soul", were sung as Ferdie Yap, Mr. Dudley Education up to the lowed by tributes by rhe casket was gently McKenley, Mr. Pat Ste­ time of his death, said Mr. Howard Cooke, a. lowered ·into irs concrete phens, Mr. St. C.lair Shir- that farewell was being former People's Nation­ grave. 1 e y, Dr. Sydney said with " a deep sad- al Pany Member of Par­ Th'e huge crowd "Beaumont, Miss Princess ness at his passing, but liament and Minister . of which gathered from Lawes,Mr. Earl Spencer, with treasured memories Education; and by Mr. early afternoon was un­ Mr. Christopher Rose, of a life rliat was lived F.G. Latty, current Prin­ deterred by a brief af­ Mr. Astil Sangter, Mem­ to the fullest in the serv- cipal of ·the Frankfield ternoon shower which bers of Parliament. ice of the people of this Comprehensive School, threatened ro dampen country and with one of the products of the ceremony. The Captain Glen Web­ unswerving dedication Mr. Allen' s educational streets were packed right ley, Senator Arthur Zia­ to the upliftment of the policies. and on several occasions die, Senator Keith poor". The sermon was the rhe procession had Worrell, Senator Errol tO stop to allow the Babsy Mr. Se�ga said that given by the Lord Bish­ Miller, Senator Mr. Allen s name ·had op of Jamai,a, the Rt. uniformed groups, in­ Grange, M.rs. Ossie Har­ been etched ··,dehbly Rev. Neville DeSouza. cluding the Police, Girls ding, the Rev. C. Evans into the record as the The Rev. Marjorie Le­ Guides and Girls Scouts, Bailey and Mr. Seragh "Farh.er of Jamaica's wis and the Rev. C.A. ro re-assemble for the Lakasingh. modern post- olonial procession tO the ceme­ The service was con­ �, Jenn.ings said the Pray­ educ. anon system · ers, and the service con- tery. ducted by the Venerable S. H is determination cluded with the singing A small number of Archdeacon Walter and courage to procur� of the hymn, "God Is policemen prevented O'Meally: .
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