Problemy Kolejnictwa – Zeszyt 176 (wrzesień 2017) 7 Technical and Technological Means to Ensure the Development of Interoperable Transportation Between Ukraine and the EU Rostyslav DOMIN1 Summary Th e article discusses realistic development trends for eff ective international railway transportation between Ukraine and the EU countries based on the introduction of results of scientifi c and technical research on technical support for freight transportation in accordance with the transshipment-free technologies. In particular, there is a brief description of experi- ence with European Automatic Gauge Changeover Systems (AGCS). Th is article presents information on scientifi c and technical projects for ensuring intermodal transportation based on technologies that involve the use of AGCS-technology. Th e prospects of development and practical application of similar systems with a view to accession of Ukraine to the rail- way transportation network of the European Union are discussed. Keywords: combined transport, rolling stock, gauge change 1. Introduction through the breaks-of-gauge of 1435 and 1520 mm tracks are particularly important because of the devel- One of the fundamental technical and techno- opment of international combined transportation [8]. logical problems of ensuring the eff ective intermodal Th e prospects of wide implementation of AGCS transportation between Europe and Asia, including is associated with the development of international the New Silk Road, is the diff erence between the track transport corridors. Th e following directions should gauge at the junction of the Trans-European Trans- be considered as the fi rst priority: the Baltic Sea – port Network (TEN-T) and railways of neighboring Black Sea (part of the project „Baltic-Black Sea axis”); partner countries. Th e urgent need for deepening Ukraine – Poland – Germany; Ukraine – Hungary – economic and social relations between the EU and Slovenia – Italy; Ukraine – Slovakia – Austria / the Ukraine determines the priority of eff ective interna- Czech Republic. On the part of Ukraine, the last two tional rail traffi c. A key technical issue that remains corridors are the natural extension of corridors of the open is if Ukraine will use an automatic change trans-European Transport Network TEN-T, namely of gauge, taking off the real limit to interoperability, the Rhine-Danube Corridor and the Mediterranean or continue to use the current schemes of reloading Corridor. cargoes on the border with the EU. Obviously, the Th e positive experience in using the SUW2000 transportation market, both present and forecast- system of automatic track gauge changeover for pas- ed, should be taken into account to choose the best senger transportations between Poland and Ukraine AGCS technological solution for railway transporta- was obtained due to a long and fruitful cooperation tion of goods between Ukraine and the EU. of Ukrainian and Polish experts. Th e example of eff ective implementation In recent years, systems of automatic track gauge of AGCS-technology is the project of passenger changeover increasingly attracts researchers’ atten- railway transportation service on the route Baku – tion in the fi eld of transport communication between Tbilisi – Istanbul with the use of DBAG Rafi l type V the countries whose railways diff er in structures and system of automatic track gauge changeover. Howev- design of tracks. Numerous works like the following er, the prospects for further development of freight [1, 12, 15] are dedicated to the presentation of such transportation based on the existing AGCS systems systems. Th e problems of the rolling stock transition remain uncertain. 1 Ph.D.; Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University; e-mail: [email protected]. 8 Domin R. 2. Technologies for the rolling stock fortable due to the need to carry out these produc- transition through the breaks-of-gauge tion operations. Some of these operations, such as lift ing and lowering of cars with passengers on jacks, of 1520/1435 mm tracks are potentially dangerous. Works with cars on pro- duction areas of PCR are carried out in conditions International railway transportation services be- of high noise impact on passengers. Th e duration tween Ukraine and EU countries are related to the of operations on cars rearrangement leads to viola- need to perform transitions from 1520 mm tracks to tions of sanitary and hygienic conditions, and it is 1435 mm tracks and vice versa. Transition points for not compatible with comfort requirements. It is ob- Ukrainian and EU countries railways located mainly vious that the use of technology of cars rearrange- at the Lviv railway (See Table 1). ment with bogies exchange does not meet modern requirements for passenger transportation and does Table 1 not contribute to the attractiveness of international Transition points at the breaks-of-gauge travel by the railway transport. of 1520/1435 mm tracks Th ere is an occasional use of points of freight cars Transitional points Bordering states rearrangement. Th is is largely a result of restricted ad- mission of 1520 mm track cars to the railways with Yagodyn – Dorohusk Poland 1435 mm track due to non-compliance with require- Mostiska 2 – Medyka Poland ments for dimensions and low dynamic characteris- tics that signifi cantly reduce permitted speed. Chop – Chiyerna nad Tisou Slovakia Today’s transportation in „East-West” directions Uzhhorod – Matovtse Slovakia is performed mainly using transshipment technology. Th is can be transfusion (pumping) of liquid cargo (liq- Batiovo – Epereshke Hungary uefi ed gas, oil products, chemicals, etc.), transloading Chop – Záhony Hungary from one car into another, car unloading at designat- ed areas (storage units, boxes, bins, containers, etc.). Vadul Siret – Dorneşti Romania Transshipment technologies require signifi cant time Djakovo – Halmeu Romania and labor expenditures and energy resources. Th ere are problems with the preservation of cargoes and the rolling stock. Furthermore, at the transshipment 2.1. Transportation with the use of bogie of hazardous cargo there is a potential threat of tech- exchange and transshipment nological disasters. Th e analysis of technical condition of freight rolling Until now, traditional technologies based on the stock involved in the international transportation with change of running gears are used to provide direct transshipment shows that in recent years there is suffi - and transshipment-free railway transportation ser- ciently high level of cars’ damages caused during trans- vice between 1520 mm and 1435 mm tracks. Th ere shipment. Th ere are mass damages of 1520 mm track are appropriate technical facilities at the points cars at the foreign transshipment points. Losses of rail- of cars rearrangement (PCR) which are located at way companies associated with the restoration of dam- border stations. Except for PCR with enclosed space aged cars are not covered by penalty payments of parties at Yagodyn station, all other points perform works guilty of the damage caused. outdoors, which creates inconveniences in case Traditional technology of transportation with the of unfavorable weather conditions. Production pro- transshipment based on outdated technical solutions cedures connected with cars rearrangement include and limited to temporary commercial considerations shunting operations on placement of cars to the bays meets views of carriers but, in essence, it constrains and rolling stock forming aft er bogies exchange, lift - the development of scientifi c and technological prog- ing and lowering of cars on jacks, withdrawal of one ress in international railway transportation with dif- type of bogies and supply of another type of bo- ferent standards of track. Th e continued widespread gies. Th is operation includes low usage of automa- use of transshipment technologies is the direction tion and mechanical equipment in works related to associated with the loss of cargo, damage to roll- traffi c safety and hoisting. Technical and economic ing stock, and in the case of hazardous cargo it also weaknesses of the system of cars rearrangement in- causes environmental problems and operational clude the need for availability of spare bogies pool safety threat. Th erefore, the development and imple- corresponding to the number of cars crossing the mentation of advanced technologies based on the use border. In the context of passenger transportations, of technics for transshipment-free transportation is cars rearrangement makes passengers feel uncom- of vital importance. Technical and Technological Means to Ensure the Development of Interoperable Transportation Between Ukraine... 9 2.2. Transshipment-free transportation tion water is delivered to the friction wheelsets. At low temperatures it is necessary to heat the water. Previous studies of technical and technological pro- At the same time, delivery of heated water is accom- vision of international railway transportation services panied by icing of running gears. showed that there is no alternative for technologies Technical solutions, which are implemented based on automated systems for the rolling stock tran- in TALGO system and have been long-tested at pas- sition through the breaks-of-gauge of 1520/1435 mm senger rolling stocks with 180–350 km/h speed, are tracks for passenger transportation [7]. Th e technol- used in the designs of variable gauge wheelsets for ogy of international passenger transportations associ- freight cars. However, the fi rst version of the bogie ated with
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