WHITE PLAINS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION Rosemarie Eller, President Charlie Norris, Vice President Sheryl Brady James F. Hricay Cayne Letizia Rose Lovitch Randy Stein ADMINISTRATION Dr. Joseph L. Ricca, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Ann Vaccaro­Teich, CPA, Assistant Superintendent for Business Ms. Deborah Augarten, Assistant Superintendent for Special Education and Pupil Services Dr. Debbie Hand, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction Mr. Scott Pepper, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Date Proposed Budget Issued and Filed with Michele Schoenfeld, Clerk of the Board Wednesday, April 29, 2020 Hearing on the Proposed 2020­2021 Budget to be held at 7:30 p.m. Education House Monday, May 11, 2020 Budget Vote from Noon to 9:00 p.m. Voting locations: DATE TO BE DETERMINED Battle Hill Community Room; 55 McKinley Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606 Mamaroneck Avenue School; 7 Nosband Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605 Church Street School; 295 Church Street, White Plains, NY 10603 Ridgeway School; 225 Ridgeway, White Plains, NY 10605 Highlands Middle School; 128 Grandview Avenue, White Plains, NY 10605 Rochambeau Alternative High School; 228 Fisher Avenue, White Plains, NY 10606 If you have any questions, please call (914) 422­2000 or visit DRAFThttps://es.findmypollplace.com/whiteplainscsd/ 4/8/20208:09 PM 1 Informational Meeting CONTENTS GENERAL DATA PG. # Letter from the Superintendent and Board President Budget Process and Development 2019­2020 Tax Levy Cap & Five­Year Adopted Budget General Fund Revenues and Chart General Fund Appropriations and Chart General Fund Appropriations Administrative ­ Program ­ Capital Components Debt Service and Schedule SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Changes in Grade Enrollment and Chart Staffing Position Report Statistical Data­ Enrollment ­ Building Space ­ School Budget, Tax Levy & Tax Rate Data Land Holdings Glossary of Terms Disclosure Statements­ N.Y.S. Education Department: Real Property Tax Report Card Six­Day Budget Notice Administrative Salary Disclosure Tax Exempt Impact Report School District Report Card Fiscal Accountability Report DRAFT 4/8/20208:09 PM 2 Contents BUDGET PROCESS AND DEVELOPMENT 2020-2021 Long­Range Financial Plan is updated based on current data and preliminary budget parameters and estimates are prepared. Public OCTOBER Forum is held to gain community input. Budget development schedule and directions are given to Central Office Administrators, Principals, Directors, and Coordinators. NOVEMBER Enrollment estimates are made. The School Budget Calendar is determined. Budget requests are developed by each department. Budget requests are returned to the Business Office for preliminary review. Central Administration reviews requests with each DECEMBER Administrator. Salary information, benefits, debt service, revenue estimates, etc., are compiled. Central Administration has follow­up sessions with Administration. Preliminary financial forecasts for the current year are compiled. JANUARY Updated Long­Range Plan is presented to Board of Education. Preliminary Revenues and Appropriations are compiled, meetings are held with the finance committee, and budget books are FEBRUARY prepared for the Board of Education. Instructional and Non­Instructional Budgets are presented to the Board of Education. Each March 1st, the District is required to report to the Office of the State Comptroller the Tax Levy Limit. Superintendent's MARCH Preliminary budget is presented to the Board of Education. Budget work sessions are held with the Board of Education. APRIL Budget work sessions held. Adoption of Proposed Budget by Board of Education. Property Tax Report Card is prepared and available to public 24 days prior to the Annual Vote. Adopted budget compiled and printed. Public notice published for public hearing. Budget available to public fourteen days prior to MAY vote. Public hearing to present proposed 2020­2021 budget. Voting on School Budget, other propositions, and Election of School Board Members on May 19, 2020.DRAFT 4/8/20208:09 PM 3 Budget Process FIVE - YEAR ADOPTED BUDGET & PROPERTY TAX LEVY Preliminary Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Budget Budget Budget Budget Budget 2020­21 2019­20 2018­19 2017­18 2016­17 SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET $ 233,244,050 $ 226,588,509 $ 218,593,020 $ 214,135,854 $ 208,750,000 2.94% 3.66% 2.08% 2.58% 1.43% LESS: Appropriation of Fund Balance ­ TRS (1,000,000) ­ ­ ­ ­ State & Federal Aid (28,519,477) (27,240,622) (23,954,750) (24,104,849) (22,407,240) Other Revenue (8,886,015) (10,027,684) (11,618,210) (13,055,660) (15,367,662) TAX LEVY, as prescribed by law $ 194,838,558 $ 189,320,203 $ 183,020,060 $ 176,975,345 $ 170,975,098 TAX LEVY PERCENTAGE INCREASE 2.91% 3.44% 3.42% 3.51% 0.24% 5 YEAR AVERAGE 2.70% 2020­21 Proposed Budget $ 233,244,050 2020­21 Tax Levy Limit (Threshold) $ 190,925,452 LESS: Plus 2020­21 Allowable Exclusions: Appropriation of Fund Balance ­ TRS (1,000,000) Net, Capital Tax Levy 3,913,106 State & Federal Aid (28,519,477) Pension Exclusions ­ Other Revenue (8,886,015) 3,913,106 2020­21 Allowable Tax Levy Prescribed by Chapter 97 $ 194,838,558 2020­21 "Maximum Allowable Levy" $ 194,838,558 of the Laws of 2011 For 2020­21, White Plains City School District's Proposed Tax Levy before exclusions is equal to 2020­21 "Tax Levy Limit" allowed by Law, therefore aDRAFT simple majority, 50% + 1 of the voters is required for approval 4/8/20208:09 PM 4 Tax Levy Cap Five Year Adopted 2020­21 GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2020­21 Proposed % Budget REVENUES Real Property Taxes 194,838,558 83.53% State Aid 28,469,477 12.21% Other Tax Items 5,348,007 2.29% Transfers Debt Service 1,200,000 0.51% Charges for Services 1,160,000 0.50% Appropriated Fund Balance 1,000,000 0.43% Other Revenue 677,000 0.29% Use of Money & Property 501,008 0.21% Federal Aid 50,000 0.02% Total Revenues 233,244,050 100.00% Real Property Taxes State Aid Transfers Debt Service Federal Aid Other Tax Items Use of Money & Property Charges for Services DRAFTOther Revenue Appropriated Fund Balance 4/8/20208:09 PM 5 Summary Revenues WHITE PLAINS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL FUND - REVENUES 2020­21 Proposed 2019 ­ 20 Adopted Dollar Change 2018 ­ 19 Actual Budget Budget Account Description A 1040 Appropriated Fund Balance $ 1,000,000 $ ­ $ 1,000,000 $ ­ A 1001 Real Property Taxes 194,838,558 175,534,952 19,303,606 166,532,349 A 1085 S.T.A.R. Revenue ­ 13,785,251 (13,785,251) 16,326,667 Real Property Taxes 194,838,558 189,320,203 5,518,355 182,859,016 A 1081 P.I.L.O.T. 3,248,007 4,104,684 (856,677) 5,779,622 A 1090 Interest/Penalties on Real Property Taxes 100,000 100,000 ­ 233,880 A 1111 Tax on Consumer Utility Bill 2,000,000 2,000,000 ­ 2,997,338 Other than Real Property Taxes 5,348,007 6,204,684 (856,677) 9,010,840 A 1310 ­ 1320 Day School Tuition ­ ­ ­ 60,337 A 1410 /1489 Other Fees and Charges ­ ­ ­ 4,964 A 2230 /2231 Foster Tuition/STAR 300,000 350,000 (50,000) 536,332 A 2280 ­ 2282 Health Services Other Districts 800,000 800,000 ­ 1,478,415 A 2389 Other Miscellaneous Revenues 60,000 60,000 ­ 60,000 Charges for Services 1,160,000 1,210,000 (50,000) 2,140,048 A 2401.1 Interest on Investments 300,000 200,000 100,000 2,776,865 A 2410/11 Real Property Rental ­ Individual 201,008 200,000 1,008 129,895 Use of Money & Property 501,008 400,000 101,008 2,906,760 A 2665 Sale of Equipment ­ ­ ­ 3,667 A 2680 Insurance Recoveries ­ ­ ­ 137,633 A 2690 Other Compensation for Loss ­ ­ ­ 1,263 Sale of Property and CompensationDRAFT for Loss ­ ­ ­ 142,563 4/8/20208:09 PM 6 Revenue Detail WHITE PLAINS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL FUND - REVENUES 2020­21 Proposed 2019 ­ 20 Adopted Dollar Change 2018 ­ 19 Actual Budget Budget Account Description A 2701/2703 Refund ­ BOCES Services/Other 410,000 410,000 ­ 1,443,011 A 2705 Gifts and Donations 47,000 53,000 (6,000) 58,458 A 2770.1 Other Unclassified Revenues 200,000 200,000 ­ 362,363 Miscellaneous 657,000 663,000 (6,000) 1,863,832 A 2801 Interfund Revenue 20,000 50,000 (30,000) 45,298 A 3060 Records Mangement ­ ­ ­ 52,822 A 3101 Basic Formula 23,750,516 18,466,512 5,284,004 13,024,503 A 3101.7 Public Excess Cost Aid 4,118,961 4,003,780 115,181 3,959,657 A 3102 Lottery Aid ­ ­ ­ 3,122,096 A 3103 BOCES Aid ­ 3,370,620 (3,370,620) 3,635,177 A 3104 Chapter 47 ­ ­ ­ 54,272 A 3104.3 Chapter 683 Homeless 600,000 600,000 ­ 745,981 A 3260 Textbook Aid ­ 485,074 (485,074) 485,805 A 3262 Computer Software Aid ­ 205,498 (205,498) 195,315 A 3263 Library Aid ­ 59,138 (59,138) 59,343 A 3289 Other State Aid ­­­162,750 State Aid 28,469,477 27,190,622 1,278,855 25,497,721 A 3290 Federal Aid ­ Medicaid 50,000 50,000 ­ 158,472 A 5050 Transfer In ­ Debt Service 1,200,000 1,500,000 (300,000) 700,000 Total Revenues DRAFT$ 233,244,050 $ 226,588,509 $ 6,655,541 $ 225,324,550 4/8/20208:09 PM 7 Revenue Detail WHITE PLAINS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT GENERAL FUND - REVENUES EXPLANATORY NOTES Appropriated Fund Balance ­ Teachers' Retirement System: Represents the appropriation of the reserve in order to offset an increase in the pension contribution rate for 2020­21. Real Property Taxes ­ Maximum Allowable Tax Levy: Represents the allowable tax levy as prescribed by Chapter 97 of the Laws of 2011.
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