Index Abborrtjarn Tuff Member 83-7, 89-90 Kalahari craton volcanics, and stratabound copper- Abel Erasmus volcanics 323 silver-gold mineralization 347-54 Abitibigreenstone belt 293 Kuroko-style patterns 91 absarokite 246 metamorphic 83,244-5, 454, 528 accreted collage terrain 147, 148, 162, 163 metasomatic 62, 284 accretion 9, 147, 149, 162, 216, 381,541 ocean floor 75 of Glennie Domain 151 permeability channel controlled 349, 352, 354 subduction-related 550 phyllic 330 to crust base 388 post-eruption 519 to N. American continent 468 post-magmatic 356, 357 accretionary wedge 447 Skellefte ore-bearing rocks 71 Achill Island 491 postmetamorphic 330 acid extrusive unit, Kalahari craton 347, 348 potassic 330 acmite 222 premetamorphic 330 actinolite 118, 234, 356, 426, 427, 428,490, 515 propylitic 234, 330 actinolite-hornblende 330 seafloor 290 Adlavik Intrusive Suite 204 seawater 105, 356, 380 adularia 25 secondary 62, 66, 339 African Shield 313 spilitic 528 Africa, southern syndepositional 244 major tectonic provinces and subprovinces 328 synmetamorphic 330 tectonic framework 347 synvolcanic 87, 91,244-5 agglomerate 95, 187, 204, 213,215,221,242, 329, alteration pipes 71,105 438 alumina content 277 Aillik Group 201-9, 241 Amadeus Basin 386 Aillik Group, upper, felsic volcanism 201-9 Amazonian craton 275 petrochemistry 204--8 Amer Lake Zone 167 plutonic rocks 204 Amisk Group 151,168, 185, 186 regional setting 201 volcanics 187 supracrustal rocks 201-4 Am]tsoq gneisses 18 air fall deposits 169, 244 amphibole 97,221,329, 330, 356, 398, 466, 490, 491, Albany-Fraser Province 380, 381,383, 385 515 Alberton Formation 323 alkali, zoned 222 albite 25,222, 225, 234, 244, 300, 384, 426, 427, 428, barroisitic 490 515, 528 blue 499 albitization 293 amphibolite 43, 47, 48, 104, 118, 133, 150, 203,255, algal mats 348 330, 335, 337, 339, 379, 396, 398,492, 505, 528 Alice Downs Ultrabasics 379 banded 97, 101 alkali mobility 245,260, 416, 507, 516 gabbroic 104 alkaline complexes 286 Gairloch, nature and origin of 257-8 alkaline rocks 385 LMG, tholeiitic 263 Carters Bore Rhyolite 383 amygdales 43, 349, 429,473 Fiery Creek Volcanics 383 amygdaloidal structure 438 Gold CreekVolcanics 383 anatexis 147,249 Pack Saddle Granite 383 crustal 441,527 Top Rocky Rhyolite 383 sialic crust 250 allanite 222 Andean terrain 345 Allendale Mine Area, Broken Hill 398 Andean-type orogeny 467 AlzO3/TiO 2 ratio 127, 129 andesine 244, 528 alteration 105,290, 292, 315, 351,364, 398,418,420, andesite 16, 71, 73, 138, 169, 171,188,217, 279, 285, 438,439 299, 300, 306, 327, 330, 337, 338,363,404, 419, aid to mineral exploration 413 420, 421,437,441,443, 447,466 albite-quartz-sericite-chlorite 235 Archaean 279 chemical 429 basaltic 188, 191,193, 276, 277, 292, 293, 299, 307, and copper and uranium mineralization 425-33 329, 337, 338, 437, 511 hydrothermal 24, 26, 46, 70, 72, 77, 105,234, 277, calcalkaline 453,457,467 306, 404 evolved ocean arcs 213 regional 73-5 island arc Issineru Formation 293 continental 457 553 554 Index andesite (cont.) Australian shields 375 modern 279 autobrecciation 244, 363 low silica 244, 248,277 Auvergne Group 384 orogenic 416, 457 Avalonian/Cadomian orogeny 550 TurriffSuite 457, 468 Avanavero Suite 285-6 Uriconian 548 YavapaiSupergroup 213,215 andradite 234 back-arc basins 23, 25, 28, 197, 216, 420, 497,527, Anglesey Terrane 550 534, 535, 537, 549 Annabel Lake area 185, 193 environment 476 anorthosite 276, 379 geochemical patterns 197 anthophyllite 104, 105, 330 immature 212, 213 apatite 87, 100, 102, 221,236, 255,285, 316, 337, modern 212 356, 402 back-arc rifting 177 aplite 150 back-arc spreading 65, 177 aqueous fluids, subduction-driven 235 bacteria, sulphate reducing 348 Arabian Shield 363 Baiede Douarnanez(Brioverian) 515 Arabian-Nubian Shield 369 Baie de la Fresnaye-Pl~dran Belt (Brioverian) 514 Archaeancratons 116 Bakkilvarri Formation 43, 47 Australia 378 Baltic Shield 39, 480, 482, 483 Archaean style terrain 3 evolution of 480 Archean-Proterozoic boundary, significance of 3-8 stratigraphy, early Proterozoic supracrustals 44 arcs Bandak Group 472, 477,478 amalgamation of 216 Bangemall Basin 386 continental 174, 369 Bangor Succession, NW Mayo 489 modern 480 Barama greenstone belt 289 continental volcanic 249 Barama-MazaruniSupergroup 275,289, 306 continental-margin 213, 215 volcanic rock analyses 295-7 developed on continental margins 249 barite 25, 31 immature 213,476 basalt 24, 46, 75, 119, 169, 171,188, 191,216, 276, migrating 467 277, 289, 290, 363, 379, 386, 476, 511 oceanic 213, 307 alkali 235, 246, 420 evolved 216 altered 352, 354 primitive 550 amygdaloidal 363 volcanic 26, 442, 467 AnnabelLake 193 calcalkaline 548 arc signature 196 developed by subduction processes 168 Archaean 275 emerging 169-70 attenuated within-plate 401 felsic 215 calcalkaline 150, 213,277, 365,442 submarine 77,212 continental arcs 174 see also island arcs modern 366, 368 Ardvarney Formation 491,492 Circum-SuperiorBelt 133-43 ArgyleLamproite, diamondiferous 385 chemistry 135 Argyll Group 491,498, 499 composition of original liquids 135-41 Argylla Formation 383,411,419, 421 geological background 133,134 geochemistry 416 petrogenesis 141-3 arkose 59, 61, 71,133, 168, 203,234, 242 tectonic interpretation 143 Armorica Formation 527 volcanic rocks 134-5 Armorica suite 535 contaminated 512 arsenopyrite 71,104, 105 continental alkali, rift-related 317 AruntaBlock 379, 380, 381,385 continental arc 279 Asen ores 25 continental margin 174,467 ash deposits 86 continental margin, high-K 235 ash-fall tuff 204 continental within-plate 358 ash-flow 204 continental, modern, origins of 141 AshburtonTrough 379, 380 destructive plate margins 479 assimilation, and spinifex basalts 143 East Amisk 188, 191,194 Attymass Volcanic Formation 492 evolved oceanic arcs 213 augite 329, 364,438 Fe-rich, ophitic 293 aulacogens 28, 250, 513 flood, continental 512 Aundrarybasite 257,258,265 flood basalt 357, 358 aureoles 149, 150, 234, 293,474 Grenville 455,457 Australian orogeny 380 Hammel Lake/Flin Flon area 193, 194, 196 Australian Proterozoic igneous rocks 377-89 high-alumina 520 Index 555 Homogar 364-9 EwenBatholith 381 Issineru Formation 293-4 Forsayth Batholith 384 Kadaweb 364-9 Hudsonian 167 komatiitic 119, 135 Kalkadoon Batholith 381 Mg-basalt 134, 135, 139, 141,143 Putareng Batholith 290 mid-ocean ridge (MORB) 12, 177, 178,401 Trans-Labrador batholith 204, 241,250 ocean floor 356, 416, 497 Vioolsdrif batholith 327,329 ocean island 457 Wathaman Batholith 148, 149, 154-5, 168, 183, ocean ridge 356, 357 237 oceanic 418 emplacement 185 ophitic, Fe-rich 299, 300 Williams Batholith 384 picritic 46, 97, 134 Beda Volcanics 386 pillow 118, 134, 185, 187, 215, 550 Belcher Formation 143 plagioclase-phyric 119 Belcher Islands 133 plateau 241 Belomorian arc magmatism 54, 55 rift 457 Belomoride Belt, petrogenic evolution model 55 spinifex 135, 141 Belt-Purcell Supergroup 27 derivation of 142-3 Bergslagen Province 81 subaerial 118 Bergslagen Supergroup 81, 89-90, 91 subalkaline 260 Bergslagen, C. Sweden, Broken Hill-type and subduction tectonic environments 365 mineralization 81-92 tholeiitic 118, 150, 260, 277, 356, 361,443, 455, Besshi-type deposits (Kieslager-type) 356 457 Besshi-type ores 24, 28 arc-type 197 bimodal igneous activity 71,187, 382, 383, 406, 476 within-plate 401 biomodal meta-igneous rocks 401 transitional 138, 143 bimodal silica distribution, igneous rocks 414 Tudor Suite 463, 466, 467 bimodal silicic-mafic volcanism 468 TurriffSuite 463,466,467 bimodal suites, silicic-mafic volcanics 468 Uriconian 548 bimodal volcanism 248, 285,396 volcanic arc 174, 177, 178,401 basalt/rhyolite 197 within-plate 46, 50, 177, 178, 548 SW N. America 216-17 and Y-depletion 177 Binic Formation 527 see also metabasalt Binneringie Dyke 379 basalt alteration, metal source for sediment-hosted biotite 82, 87, 89, 99, 104, 221,225,244, 255,329, copper deposits 347-54 330, 356, 398,426, 427, 428, 474, 491,515, 528 basalt genesis 457 Biscay Formation 379 base metal leaching 352 Bitter Springs Formation 386 base metals 233 Bjornvatn Group 45 basement black smoker deposits 24 Arabian-Nubian shield 363 blastomylonites 148, 149, 150 Archaean 60, 147, 148, 162 Blueberry Lake Group 250 continental 167 blueschist facies 489 gneissose 45, 46, 50 boninite 10, 16, 18, 150, 531 C. England 541 from depleted harzburgite mantle 18 crystalline, Massif Armoricain 503 modern 19 gneissose 256 bornite 104, 235, 250 granitic 475-6 bostonite 222 mature, continental crust 437 major and trace element abundances 231 igneous and metamorphic complexes 347 bostonite chemistry 233 orthogneiss 525-6 Bothnian 82 Pentevrian 514, 520 Bothnian Basin 82 calcalkaline 511 Bottletree Formation 383 gneiss 503, 514 geochemistry 416 pre-Damaran 356 boulangerite 105 Precambrian, C. England 541,551 Bow River Granite 381 synorogenic granitoids 383 Bradgate Tuff Formation 542 basement complex, Prekarelidic, Archaean 59 brannerite 431 basement relationships, Telemark supracrustals 475 breccia 27, 62, 87, 97, 104, 203,215, 221,242, 329, basic complexes, mineral source 284 505, 515, 528 basin compaction 351 basaltic 203 basin dewatering 351 felsic 204 basin evolution, stretching model 377 flow 97, 118, 119 basin occlusion 527, 537 flow-top 293, 349 batholiths 237, 363 hyaloclastic 211 556 Index breccia (cont.) Cas'kejas greenstone belt 43 hyaloclastite 169 Cas'kejas Group 41,46 pillow 187, 514 Castlereagh Porphyry 381 rhyolitic 169 Cauarane Group 276 slump-breccia 542 Ce anomalies 479, 480 tuff 213 Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province,
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