THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE J1INUARY 1, 198 4 ANNENBERG RF.SIDEN:E TIME DAY PAIM SPRINGS, CAL~ 11:59 a .m. SUNDAY PHONE ! ):> ___""'T"___ i1. .. "' 11:59 12:01 p 'lhe President talked with Senator Barry M. Gol<Mlter (R-Arizcna) . 6:51 p '!he President teJ.etilcned Lisa Marie warner, Palm Desert, California. '!he call was not OCJ1'>leted. 6: 59 7:00 R 'Ihe President talked with Ms. Warner. 11:03 p 'lhe President gave a message to the \mite lb1se signal · bou'd operator. '!he President and the First Lady were 01Ternight guests at the Annenberg resi dence. THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE ANNENBER; RESIDENCE JANUARY 2' 19 84 PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA TIME DAY 7: 45 a.m. MaIDAY PHONE 'i .., , :il ~ a: a: t------- ..I' a: 7: 45 R 'Ihe .President received a wake up call fran the l<hite House signal board operator. 8 : 12 R The President was telephoned by Governor Ma.De w. l'hite (D-Texas) . The call was not ccmpleted. 8: 39 8 : 46 'Ihe President flew by Marine ·helioopter fran the Annenberg residence to Palm Springs Municipal Airport. · For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "A." PST EST 'Ihe President flew by Air Farce cne fran Palm Springs 8:55 3:51 Mtmicipal Airport to Andrews AFB, Maryland. For a list of passengers, see APPENDIX "B. " (Actual flying ti.Ire: 3 hours, 56 minutes.) 4:00 4:09 'Ihe President flew by Marine helicopter fran Andrews AFB to the Sooth Gro\D'lds of the White House. Far a list of passengers' see APPENDIX "A... 4:10 '!he President went to the second floor Residence. 4:20 4 :22 P? 'llle President talked with Clifford W. Henderson, President of Founder Properties, Inc., Palm DeSert, califomia. 7:00 'Ihe President had dinner. 10:15 'Ihe President retired. - Page_l _or_ l _ Pages THE WHITE HOUSE THE Dl,>.ILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN DATE ~OC.ATIO N JANUARY 3, 1983 THE WHITE I-nJSE TIME DAY WASRIOOI'CN, O.C. 5:54 a.m. 'lUESOAY PHONE J :<' 1--~~-.-~~-1 ~ ~ ... "' 5:54 R '!he President talked al a cx:nference call with: James A. Baker Ill, Oti.ef of Staff Rd>ert c. McFar_l.ane, Assistant far Natiooal Security Affairs Geoffrey T . B. Ksnp, Special Assistant and Senior Director, Near Fast and Sooth Asia Affairs, Naticnal Security CcAmcil (NSC) 6:23 6:27 p The President talked with Mr. McFarlane. 7:45 The President had breakfast. 8:20 8:23 p The President talked with Mr. McFarlane. 9:08 The President went to the Clv'al Office. 9 :08 9:30 'Ihe President met with: Mr. Baker Michae l K. Deaver, Deputy Chief of Staff 9:30 10.:06 'Ihe President met for a national security briefir¥J with: Mr. McFarlane John M. Poindexter, Deputy Assistant for National Security Affairs - Mr. Baker Mr. Deaver R The President talked al a oonferalce call with: 9:41 9:51 Rev. Jesse L. Jacksal, National President, Operatia PUSH, Olicago, Illinois; and Denocratic candidab far President 9:41 9:51 Rebert P . Paganelli, Pltt>assador of the O.s. to the Syrian Arab Republic 9:44 9:51 Ramie L. Yltlte, Staff Merrber, NSC 10 :45 R 'Ihe President was telephoned by Representative Kika de la Garza (D-Texas). The President's Deputy Assistant far Legislative Affairs, w. Dennis 'Ihanas t:ock the call. 10:50 11:00 'll'le President met with: George P . Shultz, Secretary of State Dona.ld H. Runsfeld, Personal Representative in the Middle East Mr. McFarlane Members of the press, in/out Tl1E WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE JANUARY 3, 1984 THE WHITE HOOSE TIME DAY WASHINGTCN, D. C. 10: 51 a .m. 'IUESDAY PHONE -g " . ~ .(,) ~ ~ ..• a:• 10: 51 10 : 56 'Ihe President participated in a question and answer session with me!llbers of the press on the release of Lt. Rebert O. Goodman, who was captured during a l:x:nt>ing raid against Syrian antiaircraft positic:ru; in Lebanon. He was a anied by: Secretary Shultz Alri:>assador Runsfe ld Mr. Md'arlane 11:00 'Ihe President went to the Situation Roan. 11:00 12: 47 'lhe President participated in a National Seruri ty Planning Group meeting. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "A." 12:47 'Ihe President returned to the OITal Office. 12:50? 'Ihe President had lunch. 1 :06 'Ihe President went to the Roosevelt Roan. 1 :06 2.:0l 'Ihe President participated in a meeting to .discuss the 1985 Budget of the U.S. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B. " 2 :0 1 'lhe President returned to the Oval Office. 2:04 'Ihe President went to the cabinet Roan. 2:04 3:08 'Ihe President participated in a cabinet Council on Hunan Resources and a Cabinet Council on Natural Resources and Environment meeting. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "C. " 3:08 'Ihe President returneCl to the Oval Office. 3:10 4 : 00 The President met to discuss the 1985 Btrlget of the U. S . with: Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr. (R-Tennessee) Senator Ibbert Dole (R-Kansas) Senator Pete v. Danenici (R-New Maxioo) David A. Stockman, Director of the Office of Manage· ment and Budget (CMB) Mr. Baker Richard G. Dannan, Assistant and Deputy tO the Chief of Staff M.B. Oglesby, Jr. , Assistant for Legislative Affair. THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE JANUARY 3, 1984 'lliE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTCN, D. C. TIME DAY 4 :06 p .m. 'IUESDAY 4 :06 4: 32 'lhe .President met with: Mr . Baker Mr . McFarlane 4:32 4:48 'lhe President participated in a meeting to discuss the first draft of the State of the Union si;eech with: Mr . Baker Mr. Deaver Mr . Darma:n Craig L. Fuller, Assistant for cabinet Affairs David R. Gergen, Assistant for Camrunications James E. Jenkins, Deputy Counsellor Michael A. Mc:Manus, Deputy Assistant and Deputy to the Deputy Otief of Staff Bentley T. Elliott, Deputy Assistant and Director, Presidential Speechwriting Office 4:53 'lhe President went to the doctor• s · office. 4:57 'lhe President returned to the seocnd floor Fesidence . 4:59 p 'lhe President telephoned Heward P. Allen, President, Southern California F.dison, Rosemead, California. 'lhe call was not canpleted. 5:01 5 :02 R 'Ihe President talked with Mr. Allen. 7:50 'lhe President and the First Lady had dinner. 10:10 'Ihe President retired. - Page_3_ot_3_i'agos THE WHITE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RON ALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE 'lllE WHITE HOOSE J1\NUARY 4 ' 19 84 WASHINGI'CN , D. C. TIME DAY 7 :45 a.m. WEDNESDAY PHONE ~ :0 1 - e <> ~ :. t------- I I Q. a: 7 : 45 'lhe President aad the First Lady had breakfast. 9 : io 'lhe President went to the Oval Office. 9 : 10 9 : 38 'Ihe President met with: Janes :A• . Baker III, Chief of Staff Ed.vin Meese III, Counsellor Michael K. Deaver, Deputy Chief of Staff 9 : 38 9:57 'Ihe President met for a ·national security briefin;J with: George H. Bush, Vice President Bcbert C. McFarlane, Assistant for Naticnal · Security Affairs Jchn M. Poindexter, Deputy Assistant ·for Nati.cnal Se=ity Affairs Jack F . Matlock, Jr. , Special Assistant and Senior Director, E\ll:cpean and $0viet Affairs, Naticnal Security Council (NSC) Gilbert D. Rye, Director of Space Program;, NSC Mr. Baker Mr. Meese Mr. Deaver 10 : 30? 10:50 'lhe ·President met with Rev. Jesse L. Jacksoo, National President of Operation PUSH, Chicago, Illinois; and Democratic candidate for President. 'lhe purpose of the meeting was to discuss the Rev. Mr. Jacksoo' s trip to Damascus, Syria and his sucoessful efforts in having Lt. Pi:::bert 0 . Goodman, Jr. released fran the Syrian GovernJnent. Lt. Goodman was captured on !:e<:Btber 4, 1983, during a barbing raid against Syrian antiaircraft positions in Lebanon. For a list of attendees, see APPrnDIX "A. " 10: 50? 10 : 57 'lhe President and the Rev. Mr . Jackson were joined by Lt. Goodman and rrerrbers of his family. 10 : 57 'lhe Presidential party went to the Rose Garden. 10: 57 11:08 'lhe President participated in a question and an~r session with marbers of the press cn his meeting with Lt. Goodman and the Rev. Mr . Jacksoo. 1-BTibers of the press 11:08 'Ihe President returned to the Oval Office. THE WHtTE HOUSE THE DAILY DIARY OF PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN LOCATION DATE JmJARY 4, 1983 THE 1'1HITE HCU5E WASHINGTCN, D.C. TIME DAY 11: 10 a.m. WEOOESDl , 11:10 'Ihe President went to the Cabinet Roan. 11: 10 12 :20 'lhe President participated in a meeting to discuss the 1985 BOO.get of the U.S. For a .list of attendees, see APPENDIX "B." 12:20 'lhe President returned to the Oval Office. 12: 30? 'Ihe President had lunch. 1:04 'Ihe President returned to the Cabinet Roan. 1:04 1 : 43 'Ihe President participated in a meeting to discuss the proposed 1985 bud;Jet for the Department of E'.ducaticn with Repli>l ican Menbe= of Calgress on the Education Policy Task Force of the Replblican Research camli.ttee. For a list of attendees, see APPENDIX "C." 1:43 'lhe President returned to the Oval Office. 1: 45? 2_:10? 'lhe President met with Secretary of State George P. Shultz. 2 : 14 'lhe President went to the barber shop. 'lhe President had a haircut. 2 : 48 'Ihe President returned to the Oval Pffice.
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