~···-·----~·--~~ DE.PARTMENT OF STATE FBM w~ose travel is sponsored by \Jnr .;iefUgoe B..:>ard. HULL '_-, (JDrJ) 310. 796J.J. .:-~esorva.tions/8-2844 IIRJ3 - J ~" .-. / . .. ,.. -----~· ., -·-. ~;, d WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS ,.;' CONGRES JmF MONDIAL CONGRESO JUDIO MUNDIAL 1834 BROADWAY NEW YORK, 23, N. Y. LONDON CABLES: CoNGRESs, New Yoatt 55 New Cavendish St., W 1 TELEPIIONE: CIRCLE 6 ·1900 GENEVA 37 Quai Wilson September 5, 1944 BUENOS AIRES Corrientes 1979 JERUSALEM Vaad Lenmi P. 0. B. 471 MONTREAL In answer refer 1121 St. Catherine St. W to: No. 232 MEXICO CITY Sonora 1744 Mr. I. Y, Weinstein War Refug~e Board Treasury Building Washington_25 1 D. 0. Dear Mr. Weinstei~: ' I am attaching the tr~nelation ot- an-article 11 which was written for the Moscow paper 1 Freies Deutaoh- landr by a fo.r.mer Garman mili taryu_j_udgeu now .a ~r__ priso~nttr --~-­ in Russia, The artio:te was reproduced in the 'German-American of July 15th. · I thought you mi·ght want to make uee of it~ Sincerely yours ~t.· -·-_"-<!.•. A~eon Kubowitzki 1 Head /;e~~e Department ALK:et· p j) ·-..,) . .--,-- ~~----- ., . Mt~ ~·- <l~I4J- . ---~ · · it H~bert 'llet~ , ·· · · . : · (Mf*!lber ot the tJ~oa ~t !If~ Ottlee") . li0'11; !he tol1ow1ug •rtlcle ·Wa~ WJI'lt~ ·for ~ .. lloifCICJI',~•• · "Jtelel lleutaehlandll by »r. KU\lett ·ilein1 . a llliil. t;.r; · . ~~ now a frat ..prilollel' • ~· ·ac~atlon 'b7 a lha111P · Ju4ge waa iropped over the ae~ lin••• the declal'aUon heued 'bt the Moscow CoDterence of the .Ullad Batt~~ altw.t the responaibillt;r of the W'u Crimix.la h of piU'ticNlar concern tc e. kiii!U people. .l deolamtion like th11 met sUr up our OWD people to fiDil iutfictei1\. 1\1'8Jigth for crltt.cal ael:t-4eli'bemt1ona. !tl dbCWiaion aeatandl a lllotlt 10~. eal'%16stneee a2l4 tlu! profoundeat tbol'Oil&htisee. ~e reply given 'b1 the GeimM : people to tl\ie queetlon J1187 equall7 eerve a• a 4ecieioi1 about the· ~tire ;l.'uture · fate ot the nation, ~ep).r ~oo~dj _,_~ a~t_~taa\.5.11! _todat bef_l)~ the -~-1'~4 pio~ ot~l?lo04~_ and toare which u preeentsd by the epoc!l of the faecht reign. ot 'fio.1eaat.aJ14 terror in tbe occUpied ten1tones. lt 1a be;vollll h~ str~ngth to reproduea · this picture in all lti horrifyiug detaile. We. know; tho'Uian4e u,pon thoWiandf ·ot i . h'lll&n beinp are elavgb.~red hundreds thoua&Jide are carded .otfJ . h~· habi­ j 1 ot I·' tatlolll and settlements are neeUuelt be1ug ~pe4 out ~ reduoed to ashe•• · .. , Life, Uberty, proper~ aill1 ho1.1~r are trampled under foot. !ale Wf1]...doer• do no~. ev-. tinct u. neoe~,eaq to pn ..rte a eemblance ot right. Sheer ~spots.• an4 · · ru4e ""-olcoe have been elevated to take the place of law• ·.Above .all, 1re helpleae- 17 aek outselvesa a How can maan beings perpetrate ~uch barb&roUe 4ee4et iO. 1e it al all_poeaiblet11 · • · --- ··--- '-----~~ Bothi~ in h'*Wt hietotr'happene accidentally•. Bot t.heee ·lhllllllt('lll hin.'~·· ~e7 are merely •-ptllllll of a 4eepor... lyi~~g. 41aaa"• If we redly want to fi'H · our €JeDUn fatherlancl fNil 1te eutt'o~nge, we must track, don the 'fe1'7 iouro. ot' thh cU.aeaae and ra110ve t,t. IDle lllOrG 18l'ioWI the e1cli:llese, the,more .smple itt · . diagnoah• · ;; · · ' · , , . !ale J:'OC)tt of the eYil ate to be found-in the total mental1t1 of faec1ta. or . rather ln Ua eitentJ.al soulle~•~sa.. 'ale nationa]...tocialiet crl.minali, in ~elr · insatiable lUI\ tor_power aP4 ln their covetouane•• not to be a,ppeaeed, have .by their barbaric me\lioda driven atl4 et,lrre4 :llP the people to th1.e .. war. 'lhete_ " . -- _,i.._ .._ .~ llllaerable hlrelinp hf\ve by theit ho:l:'""" brolcen every 'fistip .of m1lf.tU7.1aw 11h1cl1 ha4 up to now ··~ humapo liml tntiqna even to tl;lh eiaentblly inlNmllltl eJi­ terprhe~ !ut \hat cliQ.u.e at breaponeible element• could find reaa,lnetN~~ente for th,_ pel'l'etrat1on of ia.l cruelUea only in aCh a people, the .broad o1ro1e• of wb.ich have bet~n alre~ poieonad by the llaa1 putrefii!.Ction. Bow and then it ple,aees Basi· Sooi~lia to ~Peak-of th~elve• ae ot the vow. ·· eelence of the Yal-8 of ~~ entire Getman pal to .· T.f:llt- the)' are i!m. Unheard Of .. -_-.- 11nthell~l but .l!l 1711th~ll8 ~Ot· of poaltive values.- ·'b!it rathe~ of unwor\hineeae~o Bae1 S001aUI»lla• take~ eve~ ~4 peffootec1 evnythbl bad t.n Geilllan htl.41 tion• · enr1tbi~ ~at ha4.1mpe.4ed cu. people on·.ite foi'WIU'4 path ... 1a.a1 Boo1.U.S.a hae taken ovllr al~ tl1e•• negative tras.ti .ana has hel~t4 them to blo.••OIIl torth i.nto · the molit e~]; ~l'Pwtll.•• · 4beolute deepgtia:n, ~pe1"1allllllt pollee terro:r. hl~.­ hande4 -'Witicef X!li;Litarl.llll and oap1talht mC)nopoly are coopersil~ in a mamer hitherto uaknou in hletpr,. Jut let no one ·~ that the lasie .haven1t;pl'oved ~ . - . ' • -a- thauelfta to- be cre.athel- tea, they have underatoo4 how to-,aM·to the aboove ooraglclllaration ot unworthiness a new unworthiness ot their on. Ita eQOnente. ha'fe at first taught the people 41erespeot tor the tua1Ulei ot ·the a~S'it, ~ . · telleot ·and reaeon which the entire civUbed world was accuatcmed up ·to now to honor •• ·tl:191 hlghoet human :taoultlee. 'Then, upon the des.ecrated altar ot'reaion the-r have elevated instead tho animalinstinots. 'l'hef have liberated the lrl­ etinote trom under the regulating control of reason and have proclaimed .them to · . ' be the onlr creative forces• :Bilt auoh a "lil1loeoJb7"• 11hen applied aa a guide to political Ute, meana nothing •l•e than the aloganJ· IIGan~q for bestialities." . l'lnally, thie re~t Nazi growth had to brl~ forth, ae ita crowning tlrUit, .. those ahaoetul horrors before which the world to~ stands aghast, full of -41 .. gust end loathing. · What ia to be done now! J1ret of all, to recosnize the committed acta of horror and violence as crimea against the o~(laead ~oplt~ll• 1!11 offen~~-a&ainst jh~-~~~~plJ_ _fUid ~-·------------"'---- as a betrayal of lrulllanit;y itself. In short, .to call tho chUd by ita l'fal name. i But here, optnions Will begin to'd1ffer. · J'or I can alre~ heal' those supine ones, those who are· always .carefully balancing, those who are neither fish nor fow.l, who like to :Plar in so-called diplomacy and to Pllt, up a front of dignified bearing. Bit;Oted and hypocritical-.; . they at once raise a 'hue 8.n4 orya _ IIJ'ie, one llUStntt throw filth into oneta O'lin neatln. · But who was 1 t that has soiled the nest? No one else than the•e veey sCO\U14re~e of war criminals. It ll~their filth wh1ah-oan-np-1onger be cove rod­ -T up and it no longer to be concealEid;. it it their filth that the Geman people le forced now to oleaa up. Why h8Ven' t those over--cnart hllon come out with.. their prettr solution at the rll!)lt tl•• an4 squarely in the ve'q fMJ! ot tl1• .. blackguaxda7 ~is would have spared the Geman people tl'Oa doing the·· lhty ·• work ot ole&ning upl ·· · · .. ' • · - ·· · ~e war orimlnala will not evade their .1uet :r;uniallment. lllven now thlt.h. being assured to them 1D the Moscow Declaration, clearly and emphatlcallf. In ·the future the German people will be aecure against theee· elementlo 'lbh ia ln..:. : I deed ot greli't importan~. :Bilt it -will be of much more decisive importance. even more important than the Pllnilhment of tho war criminals th0111selvas, when the Cle:nnan people wil-l also inwardly begin to tee·l &t one w1 th the call and BIX!ImCU sounded in the Moscow Declaration. Garman people I the problEI!l •f ·the war C1'11lllnals has bee- e. question ot destinr• _ lt i' either ... c,... :!Dither ;you t17110 Justify the.l\'l•!!rable.aota. of-these ----~-- war criminals: then fOil identity i(Oilrtielt wtth·-them and you are condemning ;your , own aelvea. ·Or 1Qil apeak up cou.~ously and 1W pronou.nce the wor4 "Guiltyl I over these ellerlllea the ot fatherland, .Md b;y a liberating act ;r0\1 draw a line 1 ot separation betweaJlfoureelvae N!.d tho'ee blaclcgl1arda& than fOU can bravely and f ............ the ....... Of "'.. "'' ' . c •. : r: i ·""··-~- .:~~ ... j-J~~ L • -a .. Geman people·J fake ad.vantage_ .of your time before ;it. bacam'• too .J,~te. be- fore foreign m111t!U7 powers will hnve to so lye by. fo:roe wha' 11 j,aeentlall1 . your own national problem and duty. .As yet ~e wol'ld·la indietment ls directed not against you, bu.t solely. ft8ainat those l$reeq. ·crlminale who have thrown Gel\oi ~mA'IlT into this ·war, and against the l!lonatrQUil crimea, the bloo4.-th1raty hate a.n4. tmmDnae aufforlnga perpetrated by them over the pcpu1at1ona of the 9aoup1e4 ten1tor1es. .M yet 1t 1B tSrle to prove by a; determined action that you, the . Garman people, have been deceived by the war criminals, that 1011 reall.r want to have nothing in cCXDI!lOn with thea, and that you fOIU'Belvea. even more than the other oppreased people of :Zurope, ha?e becoae v1ct1ma of those al"1m1nela. Officers and eoldiersl there mw~t be for JOU no longer a111 dall;ylng or wavering.
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