5 International Nieghbor News US House of Representatives Moves Chinese President’s Visit to Switzerland to Have Stabilizing to Begin Repealing Obamacare Effect on Europe, World WASHINGTON - The Speaker Paul Ryan said GENEVA - Swiss Presi- which have already tak- U.S. House of Representa- the measure passed would dent Doris Leuthard en place or could take tives voted Friday to take launch a “thoughtful, step- said Thursday that the place in some big powers initial steps toward repeal- by-step process” toward upcoming visit of Chi- of the world, as well as ing Obamacare, following replacing Obamacare. nese President Xi Jinping lingering tensions in sev- Thursday’s Senate vote on The Republican Party will have a stabilizing ef- eral country-to-country the issue. avoided voting directly to fect on both Europe and relations. House representatives vot- repeal Obamacare, which the world in light of the Switzerland was among ed 227-198 for a resolution demands a super major- many changes and chal- the first European coun- to determine the congres- ity of 60 votes in Senate to lenges affecting the inter- tries to recognize China’s sional budget for the 2017 pass, but chose to vote on a national landscape. market economy status, fiscal year and the appro- budget adjustment resolu- “I think there are differ- the first Western coun- priate budgetary levels for tion, which only requires a ent expectations, (and) tries to establish diplo- the 2016-2018 fiscal years, simple majority. The Sen- it will be a very impor- matic relationship with allowing the Republicans ate voted 51-49 Thursday tant visit for the whole the People’s Republic of to adjust budgets for pro- in favor of the resolution. of Europe and perhaps China, said Leuthard. grams under Obamacare, a The Republican Party with some elements that She attributed the de- legislation pushed through holds 52 seats in the 100- have worldwide recog- velopment of bilateral in 2010 to expand the cov- seat Senate and 241 seats nitions,” Leuthard told relations to the trust erage of health insurance in the 435-seat House of Xinhua in an interview. and confidence between by the Barack Obama Representatives. In both “As you know we are Berne and Beijing, as administration. House ...(More on P4)...(15) in a difficult situation well as the fruits of many ... I think China can use years of discussions, this situation to show its meetings and mutual un- France to Host Meeting May Must Spell out Britain’s Position on EU world power status and derstanding. This bilat- how it can be a factor of eral relationship will be on Revival of Israel- stability,” she added. reinforced by Xi’s visit, Single Market by Mid-February:Committee She was referring to the and new space will be Palestine Peace Talks LONDON - Theresa Britain’s exit from the EU. changes of governments ...(More on P4)...(22) PARIS - A meeting will be firm the urgent need to May’s government should MPs on the cross-party held on Jan. 15 to revive the preserve this solution, set out its position on Brit- committee concluded that deadlocked peace process the viability of which is ain’s post-Brexit mem- the government should Iran, Syria Urge More and push Israeli and Pal- threatened by continued bership of the European publish its Brexit plan by estinian negotiators to re- settlement activity and single market by mid-Feb- mid-February at the latest. Coordination Ahead of sume bilateral talks, French violence,” he added. ruary, a parliamentary This, it said, should set out foreign minister Jean-Marc France launched a Middle committee said in a report its position on member- Astana Peace Talks Ayrault said Friday. East peace initiative last Saturday. ship of the single market TEHRAN - Senior Iranian ary 23. Jaberi Ansari and The United Nations (UN), June after inviting 25 for- In its first report, the Exit- and the customs union. and Syrian diplomats Miqdad said Tehran and European Union (EU), eign ministers to debate ing the European Union The report added that have stressed the impor- Damascus must help find United States, and major ways to breathe life into Committee called for tran- government ministers tance of boosting coordi- a political solution to the Arab countries will attend the stranded peace nego- sitional arrangements on should also seek an outline nation and consultations Syria crisis. the Paris conference, which tiations. trade, no return to tariffs framework on Britain’s fu- ahead of the planned The Iranian diplomat “will provide an opportu- With the upcoming meet- for British businesses, and ture trading relationship EU. The committee also be a hugely complex task intra-Syrian peace talks on Friday held separate nity to solemnly reaffirm ing on conflict in the parliamentary vote on fi- with the EU as part of the wanted the government and the outcome will af- in the Kazakh capital of meetings in Moscow with the international commu- Middle East, the French nal Brexit deal. Article 50 negotiations, in- to commit to parliament fect us all. The govern- Astana. the Russian deputy for- nity’s commitment to the minister hoped to lay the The report has been pub- cluding appropriate tran- having a vote on the final ment needs to publish Iranian Deputy Foreign eign minister and special two-state solution...the groundwork for future lished as May is expected sitional arrangements, if it deal with Brussels. its Brexit plan by mid- Minister for Arab and presidential envoy for the only way to guarantee last- peace talks involving Is- to give a major speech is not possible to reach a fi- Labour MP Hilary Benn, February at the latest, African Affairs Hossein Middle East and North ing peace,” Ayrault said. rael and Palestine. About next Tuesday to outline nal agreement by the time who chairs the commit- including its position on Jaberi Ansari held a tele- Africa, Mikhail Bogda- “Participants will reaf- 70 ...(More on P4)...(16) her plan for negotiating when Britain leaves the tee, said: “This is going to ...(More on P4)...(17) phone conversation with nov, and Turkish Deputy Syrian Deputy Foreign Foreign Minister Ahmet Minister Faisal al-Miqdad Unal Cevikoz. The sides Britain’s Jobless Rate Trump Says he May Scrap Russia Sanctions on Saturday. discussed various aspects The two diplomats ex- of the forthcoming peace WASHINGTON - Presi- fighting violent extremists, to Rise in 2017, 2018 changed views about the talks in Astana. dent-elect Donald Trump Trump suggested he may latest developments prior The negotiations, which Because of Brexit: Report has hinted that he may lift scrap the punitive meas- to the Astana negotia- exclude the Daesh and LONDON - Britain’s rate Social Outlook” report a sanctions on Russia and ures altogether. tions between representa- Jabhat Fateh al-Sham of unemployment is fore- rise in Britain’s jobless rate won’t stand by the “One He also said he was pre- tives from the Damascus Takfiri terrorist groups, cast to rise over both 2017 from an annual rate of 4.8 China” policy unless Bei- pared to meet with Rus- government and foreign- will be mediated by Rus- and 2018 as a consequence percent in 2016 to 5 per- jing improves its currency sian President Vladimir sponsored opposition sia, Turkey, and Iran. of the country’s decision cent in 2017 and 5.3 per- and trade practices. Putin after taking office groups in Astana on Janu- (Presstv) to leave the European cent in 2018. The outcome Trump told The Wall January 20. Union (EU), according of Britain’s vote to leave Street Journal in an inter- Trump, who sees an op- to an Independent Labor the EU is likely to under- view published Friday portunity to cooperate Gen. Sharif to Speak on Organization(ILO) report mine investors’ and finan- that he would keep intact with Moscow in fighting published on Friday. cial markets’ confidence in “at least for a period of jihadist groups like Islamic Terrorism at Davos Meeting Within the area of north- the medium term, both in time” sanctions President State, has expressed admi- ing US practice of not from Taiwan’s President ISLAMABAD - Former of America, award-win- ern, southern, and western Britain and elsewhere in Barack Obama’s adminis- ration for Putin, and only recognizing Taiwan dip- Tsai Ing-Wen after he won Pakistani army chief re- ning documentary maker Europe, Britain was the Europe, the report noted. tration imposed on Russia reluctantly accepted US in- lomatically, Trump said: the election, upending dec- tired General Raheel Sha- Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, nation which is projected Stefan Kuhn, an econo- last month over Moscow’s telligence’s conclusion that “Everything is under ne- ades of diplomatic prec- rif, who enjoys an impres- Helle Thorning-Schmidt, to suffer the highest rise in mist with the ILO, told alleged cyberattacks to in- Russian hackers acting on gotiation, including One edent in which the White sive record of successfully Frans van Houten and its unemployment rate in Xinhua on Friday after- fluence the US election. Putin’s authority inter- China.” Trump has already House has foregone direct leading a war against ter- Meg Whitman. 2017. The ILO forecast in noon: “Unemployment is But, if Russia helps the fered in the US elections. irked China by accepting a communication with the rorism, has been invited This is the first time that a its “World Employment ...(More on P4)...(18) US on key goals such as Turning to the longstand- congratulatory phone call island’s leader. (AFP) to the annual meeting former army chief of Pa- of the World Economic kistan has been invited to Five Migrants Die Iran, Russia, Forum (WEF) in Davos, speak at the WEF.
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