••• Greater Newark's Hometown Newspaper Since 1910 ••• • ,,, • 88th Year, Issue 31 © 1998 AUQliSt ~H, 1998 Newark, Del. • 50¢ THis WEEK NEWARK DUO TOGETHER AGAINAT UD. 20 IRON Hill PARK IS AHIDDEN NEWARK POST STAFF PHOTO BY HEIDI SCHEING Sharon Meconi, first grade teacher at John R. Downes Elementary School, was among the thousands getting .ready for the rapidly approach­ TREASURE. 12 ing first day of school. Coverage starts on page four. City of Newark water is safe- By MARY E. PETZAK Protection Agency." ing,' United and Newark (water iron are done occasionally. Houck said the city realized companies) could have shut Houck ·aid city staff went into NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER the 300,000 gallons of water down their plants," Houck said. crisis mode to obtain information MAIN STREET from the fire at a "All we could and protect the cu tomers. Houck EWARK OFFICIALS dairy farm in do on Mon­ and Charles· Zu ag, assi tant to SAID thi s week, that West Grove, Pa., day was start the city manager, helped to DEVELOPMENT N despite reports of odor on Friday, Aug. testing imme- answer phones and even went out and taste problems as well a pos­ 14, would have We had 240 diately, in to house themselves to taste and sible contamination in the city arrived in •• addition to smell water flowing from the APPROVED BY water system, there never was a Newark by calls ... in five our routine taps. ''We had 240 calls, some of danger to the public. Sunday after­ test , to deter- . them duplicates, in five days,' Carol Houck, assistant city noon. On Aug. days." mine if any­ she said. "We wou ld immediately CITY administrator, said city staff first 17, it was thing danger- call one of the five crews out learned about the problem when already too late CAROL HOUCK ous wa working and they would bleed water customers began calling on to keep it out of ASSISTANT CITY ADMINISTRATOR there." the mains in the area of the calls." ·COUNCIL. 3 Monday, Aug. 17. "We started Newark's The city Houck said it took four days trying to find out what wa hap­ homes. tests · the for the affected water to get pening from DNREC and the "The minute the frremen saw water supply for bacteria ev,ery through the system. "Even then, Department of Health," Houck the water went into the creek, if Tuesday. Tests for fluoride, chlo­ it was mostly residences in areas aid. "We also tried to call the they had thought, 'hey, we've got rine, PH and turbidity are run INDEX Pennsylvania Environmental to let someone know this is com-· four times a day, while tests for See WATER, 16 ..... NEWS 1-9 POLICE BLOTTER 2 OPINION 10 NVF site to be developed by Lang LIFESTYLE 12 THE ARTS 13 sion in November," Lang said. separate buildings for residential will have a view of the stream." Plan could Lang's plan will convert or comrnerical use to avoid that Lang is still not sure what the DIVERSIONS 14 approximately five old· buildings problem." re idential component will be. with 400,000 square feet on the While discussing the plan with "We're saying apartments but CROSSWORD PUZZLE 15 before submitted industrial site into about 220,000 the city, Lang said he spent a lot considered townhouses as well. A SPORTS 20-24 square feet of commercial and of time redoing the site and great­ lot of the property is on slopes by November residential space. ly reduced the density. "We and that complicates things." . PEOPLENEWS 26 "Our proposal makes use of downscaled the density from 240 Appraisals done for this and OBITUARIES 27-28 By MARY E. PETZAK the same footprints as the exist­ units to 180 because we're not other recent developments indi­ ing buildings," Lang said. "We'll sure from a marketing standpoint cate to Lang that people present­ CLASSIFIEDS 30-36 NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER also try to reuse a couple - most that it makes · sense to have ly living in Maryland and other notably the the big stone struc­ more," he said. "Also we're try­ areas outside of Newark will Jeffrey Lang of Common­ ture. ing not to overbuild the site and move in closer if they have a lit­ wealth Managment said his com­ We're taJking to the city build­ want to save a lot of open space tle more upscale choice. "By pany ha the 20-plu acres of the ing department vis-a-vis histor;ic with as many existing trees as upscale we're not necessarily forme National Vulcanized Fibre structures like at the Farm and possible and additional landscap­ talking more rent, just some more ite on Paper Mill Road under Home site." ing." aesthetically pleasing elements," agreement for development. Lang said mixed use of old Some of the site is in the he said. "People from places like "We've already taken the plan timber frame buildings like these floodplain and Lang said he plans MBNA will choose a nice, new through the city for technical can cause more code pMblela to make the White Clay Creek a apartment community close to comments and expect to 'o "For that reason, we'll deJ\gnate feature. '"f$ye,ry residenti... ~' 7 ~ ' before the cit)' plannmg ~nne- ·.· ~,_Vf. 1 • PAGE 2 • FWARK Pos1 • ALGLSf 28, 1998 Visit us on the World Wide Web N1 \\r\1{1, PU\1 •:• IN THE NEWS Arash of car break-ins hit Newalt Arrests made in Police aid it app ared thieves r m ved a car ph ne valued at $50 cards and a camera were removed targeted unlocked vehicles in . om from an unsecured vehicle in West from an unlocked vehicle on Devon of th flood of ar break-ins this Branch. Drive. car break-ins week. Sometime between 11 p.m. on Between midnight and 2 a.m. on Between noon on Aug. 13 and 1 Aug. 16 and I :40 p.m. on Aug. 17, a Aug. 21 cellphones were removed Foltowing a serie of bur­ and are in the process of trying p.m. on Aug. 15 a cellphone valued cellphone was taken from Lhe glove­ from two vehicle parked at the glaries and thefts from veh i­ to get identification," said at $100 was removed from an b x of a vehicle parked on Devon same location on Blue Jay Drive. cles in neighborhoods through­ Officer Mark Farrell. unlocked vehicle on Fi ·ke Lane. Drive. Between 10:30 p.m. on Aug. Between midnight and 6 a.m. on . out the city, Newark Police Police aL o recovered over Sometime between 9 p.m. on 16 and 7:30 a.m. on Aug. 17, a cell­ Aug. 21 suspect entered four vehi­ arrested two adults on Aug. 24 80 piece of tolen electronic Aug. 15 and 2 p.m. on Aug. 16 a phone valued at $100 wa taken cles parked on Arbour Drive and in connection with many of equipment, cellular phones, cellphone and power cord valued at from a vehicle parked on Vas ar removed two ce ll phone., and a the incidents. cameras, watches and jewelry. $240 was removed from a vehicl Drive. vinyl ca e. Police charged Damon The public can view the recov­ parked in the driveway of a resi­ Two cellphones va lued at $200 Between 12:30 and 10 a.m. on Anthony Anderson, 18, of Var­ ered property on Monday, dence on Ri si ng Road. each were taken from an unlocked Aug. 23 a cellphone was taken lano in Christiana and Owen Aug. 31 between 4 and 7 p.m. On West Mill Station, sometime vehicle on South College Avenue from an unlocked vehicle at a home EJlis Russell, 18, of Abbots­ at Newark Police headquarters between p.m. on Aug. 16 and 9:30 sometime between Aug. 12 at 7 p.m. on Indian Road . ford with three count of bur­ in an attempt to identify the p.m. on Aug. 17 , three incidents and Aug. 19 at 10 a.m. A cellphone Police recommend always lock­ glary, 10 counts of theft and owner. Individuals will be occurred: a ccllphone was taken wa · removed from an unlocked ing vehicles and garage door. Roll seven counts o conspiracy. required to provide proof of from the glovebox of an unlo ked vehicle in hri st ina Mill sometime windows up tight. Don 'tleave valu­ Charges are pending again. t ownership. vehi lc; suspects ntered an open b tween Aug. I 9 at 5 p.m. and Aug. able in vehicles and don't hide two juvenile and additional Anyone with information garage and removed a ·tereo CD 20at8 a.m. pare keys - th ey can be found. Trim charge could come against all about the incidents, or with player, mountain bike briefcase, Sometime between 6 p.m. on shrubbery and install lights for out­ four suspects. questions about the public Texas Instrument · calculator and Aug. 20 and II a.m. on Aug. 21 a side areas. Use deadbolts on all out­ "We recovered items viewing, please caJI Detective green rain jacket; and a garage door radar detector valued at $150 was ·ide entrances. reported taken from many of Andrew Markowitz at 366- opener valued at $500 wa. removed removed from an unlocked vehicle Look after your nei ghbors homes the recent vehicle break-ins 7110, ext. 135. from anoth r open garage. on Arbour Drive. Sometime where they are away and ask them Between :30 p.m.
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