DOCUMENT RESUME ED 04E 404 UD 011 347 TITLE Multiple Activities Program: An Evaluation. INSTITUTION Omaha Public Schools, Nebr. PUB DATE Sep 70 NOTE 184p.; ESEA Title I EDRS PRICE EDRS Price MF-$0.65 HC -$6.58 DESCRIPTORS Attendance Patterns, Community Action, *Compensatory Education Programs, Federal Programs, *Inservice Programs, Instructional Materials Centers, Instructional Trips, Library Services, Parent Participation, *Program Evaluation, Psychological Services, *Reading Programs, Staff Utilization IDENTIFIERS Elementary Secondary Education Act Title I Programs *Nebraska ABSTRACT Thib is an evaluation report of the Moltiple Activities Prcgram, an ESEA Title I Program conducted. in the Omaha Public Schools frcm September 1969 to September 1970. The report is designed as an adaptation of the C.I.P.P. evaluation model (context, input, process, and product). The needs, objectives, activities, and success of each strand within the Program are described. A bank of student information was provided as a base for longitudinal and cross sectional studies of the overall project. Described are the media center, extended use of staff and facilities, reading programs, psychological services, educational trips, library services, and other featur-es of the program.(Author/DM) U.S. OEPARTMEINT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION OMAHA PUBLIC SCHOOLS St WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECES Multiple Activities Program SARILY REPRESENT OFFICAL OFFICE OF EDU CATION POSITION OR POLICY. p: ESEA TITLE I 0 September 1969 to September 1970 OMAHA PUBLIC SCHOOLS OMAHA, NEBRASKA BOARD OF EDUCATION Merle M. Musselman, M.D., President Joseph M. Hart, Jr., Vice-President Mrs. Dorothy C. Beavers Sydney L. Cate Mrs. Maurice J. Frank Robert C. Hastings Leo A. Hoffmann Damian D. LaCroix Mrs. Evelyn W. Lucas MIliam G. Murphy, Jr. Richard J. O'Brien, Jr. Charles A. Peters Owen A. Knutzen Superintendent of Schools Rene Hlavac, Director Pupil Personnel Services Robert K. Davis, Director Title l Lloyd Tex ley Evaluation Coordinator TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I SPECIFIC INFORMATION 1 PART II PROGRAM EVALUATION 13 Evaluation Activity 94 14 Media Center Activity 25 35 Extended Use of Staff 31 Facilities Activity 26 40 Debate 41 Instrumental Music 45 Operation Self Understanding 55 Pals Read 60 Primary Vocal Music 75 Supervised Study 87 Reading Programs Activity 28 90 Resource Teams 91 Reading Aide Program 109 Intermediate In-Service Reading Workshops 119 Resource Centers 125 Individualized Reading 131 Distar Reading I 135 McGraw-Hill Programmed Reading 144 Dandy Dog Early Learning Kindergarten Program 151 Psychological Services Activity 29 155 Community Aides. Activity 30 164 Educational Trips Activity 31 170 Improvement of Library Services. Activity 91 178 Personal Needs of Children .. Activity 92 183 PART III PROJECT, ACTIVITY, AND STUDENT DATA 187 3 PART I SPECIFIC INFORMATION Table of Contents Section 1: General Information 2: Nonpublic Participation 3: Community Action Programs 4: Parent Involvement 5: Inservice Training 6: Changes in Title I 7: State Department Visitation 1970 LEA EVALUATION REPORT PROJECT NUMBER DATE BEGUN DATE FINISHED 70-568 Aug. 27, 1969Aug. 21, 1970 LEGAL NAME OF AGENCY DISTRICT NUMBER Omaha Public Schools 1 TOWN COUNTY I ZIP CODE Omaha Douglas X68131 TITLEI ALLOCATION REALLOCATION AMOUNT APPROVED TF115 PROJECT $1,462,114 -- PARTICIPANTS Public Nonpublic Othel TOTAL 11,325 903 12,715 NAME AND TITLE OF CONTACT PERSON TELEPHONE Dr. gene E. Hlavac, Director PupilPersornel Services and Robert K. Davis, Project Divar!_tQr402-556-6600 NAME AND TITLE OF AUTHORIZED LEA REPRESENTATIVE TELEPHONE Owen A. Knutzen, Superintendent ofSchools402-556-6600 SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZEDLEAREPRESENTATIVE DATE a ., aeon iAlmfron TITLE I OFFICE State Department of Education Lincoln, Nebraska 68509 2 0 5 6 Project Nui ?her SECTION 1: PROGRAMS RELATED TO TITLE I Below is a list of federal, state and local programs that might/could be carried out in conjunction with or supplemental to Title I. To the right of each listed program is a place to check either a "yes," if the LEA is participating in the program, or a "no," if the LEA is not participating in the program.If the LEA isparticipating in a program not listed but that involves TitleI children, write in the title of that program in the spaces provided. FEDERAL PROGRAMS YES NO ESEA, TitleII X ESEA, TitleIII X ESEA, Title VI X ESEA, Title VII X ESEA, Title VIII X Head Start (0E0) X NDEA, Title V (Guidance) X MDTA E.S.E.A.-V Teacher Corps STATE PROGRAMS Culturally and Educationally Deprived Program under LB 448 x Special Education; excess cost reimbursement x TMH, EMH, Acoustically Handi- capped Visually Handicapped Programs Funded by ESU x Data Processing Central Reading Clinic Programs Funded by Local Board of Education Very Important Persons Program Reduction of Classroom Size 3 Security Aides X Feb. 1970 2 Noket.Vtwther SECTION 2: NONPUBLIC PARTICIPATION Is there a nonpublic school presently operating within the boundaries of your school district? X Yes No I f the answer to the above question is yes, complete this section of the evaluation booklet.I f the answer is no, proceed to Section 3. 1. List each of the nonpublic schools in your district by name and provide the information requested. I No. Children Grades Total In TitleI Name Of School Served Enrollment Name Of Principal S.Y.I Sum. Dominican High Sch. 9-12 142 Sister Danielle 142 - Sacred Heart 1-6 153 Sister Ann 153 - St. Anthony' 1-6 173 Sister Theresa 173 - Sharon 7th Day Adv. 1-6 19 19 Boys Town 1-12 703 Harold Crawford 703 [GirlsTown 9-12 70 ISister Grace 90 - If no nonpublic students participated in the Title I project(s) being evaluated, proceed to Section 3 of the evaluation booklet. If nonpublic students did pa ticipate in Title I activities, complete items 2 through 7 of this section. 2. List each of the Title Iactivities provided by your district followed by the number of nonpublic school children participating in each activity. Number Of Nonpublic Participants (Students may be counted more than once) Title IActivity School Year Summer Media Center Extended Use of Staff and Facilities 200 est. Reading Programs Psychological Services 75 4 (See Supplemental Sheet) Feb. 1970 3 Section 2: Nonpublic Participation 2. Continued: Community Aides Field Trips Library Services Pre-School Personal Needs Evaluation 5 IM" 3. What problems were encountered in involving nonpublic school childrenin the Title programs? 1. Restrictions by state law. 4. How were the needs of the nonpublic children determined and the nonpublic participants selected? (Identify the individual(s), by position, who determined the needs and did the selecting and describe the procedures followed.) Father Flynn, Superintendent of Schools, Archdiocese Father O'Brien, Superintendent of Schools, Omaha HaroldCrawford, Superintendent of Boystown Sister Grace, Girls Town Sister Danielle, Dominican High School Sister Therese, St. Anthony School 5. What changes were made in the TitleI program last year that affected the participation of the nonpublic school children and what effect did these changes have? None 6. What changes are being considered for next year that will affect the participation of nonpublic school children in the Title I program? What would be the expected or hoped for result of these proposed changes? Non-public school children will continue to be offered the opportunity to participate equally in all programs housed in the Omaha Public Schools. 9 A ..Pet, 11:17(1 7 0 5 61i] Project Number SECTION 3: COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAMS Is there an approved Community Action Program operating within your school district? Yes No If the answer isyes, complete this page; if the answer is no, proceed to Section 4, Parent Involvement. Are any of the activities sponsored by the Community Action Agency directly coordinated with the Title Iactivities? y Yes No If yes, briefly describe these Community Action activities and their relationship to the TitleI activities. G.O.C.A. Tutoring Program - Referral of students from the Title I area to return to the Omaha Public School program. Out of School Neighborhood Youth Corps - Referral of students back to the regular school program. Concentrated Employment Program - Referral of students back to regular school program. 7 10 Feb_1c.nr1 Project Number SECTION 4: PARENT INVOLVEMENT Has there been any attempt made in the district to institute a plan to actively involve parents in planning, implementing and evaluating Title I programs and activities? (Other than informal, unplanned school visitations.) Yes No If the answer to the above question is yes, complete the page. If the answer is no, proceed to Section 5 of the evaluation booklet. Summarize the Title I effort to: 1. Keep the parents of Title I children informed about the Title Iprogram. School-Community Advisory Committee met on the fourth Thursday of each month. Eighty-six poverty area families were members and thirty-five professional staff members were involved. Talks at twelve P.T.A. meetings and meetings with Neighborhood Community Action Boards and Officials. 2. Involve the parents of TitleI children in planning the Title I program. School-Community Advisory Committee and the Community Action Agency cooperate in making recommendations for the Title I program. 3. Involve the parents of Title I children in the evaluation of the Title I program. Results of all programs will be distributed to all interested groups including the School-Community Advisory Committee, Greater Omaha Community Action and their neighborhoods, or individuals that are interested in the program. 8 Project Nur,ber SECTION 5: IN-SERVICE TRAINING Was the in-service training of school personnel incorporated into the Title Iproject(s)? X Yes No If the answer to the above question is yes, complete this section of the evaluation booklet. If the answer is no, proceed to Section 6.
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